Promises Were Meant To Be Bro...

By TriciaMahone

399K 7.4K 887

He promised to never hurt me. But to him, it was just another promise meant to be broken. SEQUEL TO TAYLOR I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part 1)
Chapter 30 (Part 2)
Chapter 31
Final Chapter

Chapter 23

9.5K 230 37
By TriciaMahone

Chapter inspired by Austin's new song 'Loving You Is Easy'


"We were lost in the middle, like bottles in the ocean. But we found one another, like the answer to a question." My voice started cracking but I kept singing

"Like words to a love song, like a river to the red sea. Finding you was so hard but lo-- stop the music! I can't do this" The music stopped playing as I took off the headphones

My manager pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at me

"Austin, this is the third time you stopped. What's wrong now?"

"I don't want to do this right now. I need to go"

I got my phone, about to leave until my mom stopped me

"Austin, don't be rude. Go back in the booth and finish recording the song. That's what we came here to do"

"But mom-"

"It's alright Michele. Just let him go and have the rest of the day off. But you," Rocco, my manager glared at me

"you have to be here early tomorrow morning to record the rest of your songs. You only have this song you wrote and three more until your album is finished."

I nodded promisingly and walked out the door along with my mom

When we got into my car, she gave me a look.

Uh oh..


It came out more annoyed than I thought

"When we get home, we're talking about this"

Rolling my eyes, I started the ignition and drove home with silence surrounding us

My room is the only place I wanted to be in right now. I made my way, hoping my mom forgets about our little talk. but then I heard my name being called


I let out a loud groan and walked back towards the living room

"Take a seat. We have some talking to do"

"What do we need to talk about?"

"Your attitude."

I stayed silent and took a seat across her. Looking at nothing but the floor

"What was that all about?" she scolded

I sighed silently


"Don't you 'mom' me, Austin Carter Mahone. You've been acting this way for months and I don't tolerate this kind of attitude you've been giving everyone."

"It's complicated. I don't want to talk about this right now ok"

"If it's about Ariana, you can visit her next week but-"

"It's not about her!"

My voice let out a little louder that I thought. Everything became quiet for a few seconds

"Is it Becky?" my mom asked in a gentle tone

Everything was silent. My fingers ran through my hair while my eyes had a stinging sensation

"I miss her.." my voice just a little above a whisper

I heard her get up. A seat next to me sank, signaling me my mom's there

"I miss her so much.." I said again

My mom wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. I let the tears I've been holding in for months drop on her shoulder. It's been a while since my mom and I had a heart-to-heart conversation

"You could've just told me. I would've understand"

"I know. And I'm sorry. For not telling you and the way I've been acting"

She pulled back

"But I thought you're dating Ariana?"

"I am but...." I trailed off with nothing to say

I like Ari, don't get me wrong. But she'll never make me feel the way Becky did. Honestly, I feel like this relationship is going nowhere.

She looked at me, expecting to continue

"Things aren't working. I'm in Maimi, she's back in Texas, we can't work"

"None of this is my business but you shouldn't be leading her on if you don't feel that way with her"

I wanted to object to her but I decided to keep my mouth shut. Wanting nothing more but to end this talking session

But she's right. I shouldn't be treating her this way after all she's done for me.

"You're right. I'll call her now"

"Becky or Ariana?"

I bit my lip

"..I don't know"

I got up

"Austin, you'll always be my baby boy no matter how old you get. I'll always be here for you through anything. You know that right?"

A small smile crept on my face as I pulled her into a hug

"I know, mom. Thanks."

Quickly kissed her cheek and went towards my room

Going through my contacts, her name popped up

Should I call her? Maybe she's over me. Maybe she wants nothing to do with me. But it wouldn't hurt to try, right?

All these thoughts kept filling my mind.

What about Ari? What do I do? Maybe it's better if I break it off. But I don't want to hurt her.

I finally made up my mind. Maybe texting her will give me some relief.


was all I sent, hoping she'll at least reply back

Minutes passed by and I still didn't get a reply.

Sighing, I understood. She wants nothing to do with me. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up.

Now, I need to call Ari

Going more through my contacts, her name glowed

I pressed the call button and waited

After two rings, she picked up


"Hey Ari, we need to talk..."


"What's your laptop?" Rita asked getting up

I let out a chuckle at her excitement

"Next to my bed. Just calm down, stop getting too excited"

She took it and sat next to me getting comfortable. That grin in her face wouldn't go away

"How can I not?! I've been watching his youtube videos since forever! You didn't tell me your best friend is Alex Constancio!"

"Oops? How was I suppose to know you're in love with him?"

"Point taken. Just log in and call him already!"

"Ok ok geez calm down"

I logged in and called him

"Do I look ok?" she asked

My eyes rolled

"You look perfectly fine. Now y-"

"Hey Becky!" someone called out

I looked at my screen and started smiling

"Alex! How are you buddy?"

He looked at me weirdly until he pointed at Rita

Her expression was priceless

"Ignore her. She's just really in love with you. She watches your youtube videos" I told

"Oh, well I guess she's a fan. Hey!" he greeted her

"Oh my gosh!!"

A/N: Loving You Is Easy was an official song in Austin's Japan EP way before Union J released their version so please don't be confused.

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