Undisclosed Desires

By shaxlepanda

512K 14.8K 1.5K

[BoyxBoy] ... BOOK ONE OF DESIRE TRILOGY Drake is a lonely guy who likes to spend his time in his room with h... More

Undisclosed Desires Chap.1 ~Prologue~
Undisclosed Desires Chap.2
Undisclosed Desires Chap.3
Undisclosed Desires Chap.4
Undisclosed Desires Chap.5
Undisclosed Desires Chap.6
Undisclosed Desires Chap.7
Undisclosed Desires Chap.8
Undisclosed Desires Chap.9
Undisclosed Desires Chap.10
Undisclosed Desires Chap.11
Undisclosed Desires Chap.13
Undisclosed Desires Chap.14
Undisclosed Desires Chap.15
Undisclosed Desires Chap.16
Undisclosed Desires Chap.17
Undisclosed Desires Chap.18
Undisclosed Desires Chap.19
Undisclosed Desires Chap.20 ~Epilogue~

Undisclosed Desires Chap.12

23.5K 714 61
By shaxlepanda

Sorry for the very very very late upload. Life happens and then writer's block strikes. Awful stuff, let me tell you. Well here is a new chapter and im currently working on two others, so the uploads wont take so long this time. Again i'm very sorry, and thank you for reading my story :)


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Chapter 12.

Drop the ball, watch it fall far below

Suck you in, hold your breath

The undertow creeps in slow

Everyone owns a gun deep inside

It's just a matter of how much you let it slide’

Drake held the microphone with a smile on his lips. He placed a hand on Kevin’s shoulder as they started the song. Ash followed suit with a matching smile on her lips. She had been the one to bring the song to the table.

Adrian had his eyes closed as his fingers caressed the cords of his guitar. His hair covered his face slightly as he looked down focus on the song. This was one of his favorite songs after all. Dustin chuckled as he saw the concentration on Adrian’s posture.

‘Help me help you they wont be there

Help me help you they won't see’

Everyone was having a good time practicing this particular song. Even though it was a slow and nostalgic tune, Drake and Kevin had put some rock rhythm into it by starting it off. Kevin, Ash, and Dustin stopped playing for the chorus part was only meant for the guitar.

Drake felt a pair of eyes branding him in the most loving way. He turned to look into a pair of ocean blue eyes and smiled as he placed his emotions into the chorus of the song.

‘It hurts when you need me

And I can't break your fall

It hurts when you can't see

And it hurts’

Kevin started playing again and this time Dustin played along. Ash waited a minute or two to bring the sound of the base into the melody. Adrian hadn’t stopped playing. Then Adrian stopped as he looked up and smiled, Ash and Dustin stopped playing too. Again, it was only Kevin playing while Drake sang.

‘Drop the switch, scratch the itch, watch it grow

Inch by inch, the cutting board, watch it swing to and fro

Everyone carries one deep inside

It's just a matter of how much you let it slide

Wash it off, take the loss, let it go

Take it in, drink it up, we can just take it slow

Everyone carries one deep inside

It's just a matter of how much you let it slide’

Damien sat on the couch facing the band. The smile on his lips hadn’t left since the moment he heard Drake began singing. He felt his chest expand as he saw his boyfriend having a good time with their friends. There was no trace of shyness in Drake.

“Someone is happy,” Adrian chuckled as he looked at Damien and then at Drake smiling before he started singing again.

‘Hope you never hurt

Hope you never cry

Hope you never lose your way tonight

Hope you never crumble

Hope you never fall

Hope you never throw away the

Drop the ball, watch it fall far below

Suck you in, hold your breath, watch it swing

It hurts when you need me

And I can't break your fall

It hurts when you can't see

And it hurts’

Kevin and Drake, along with Ash, finished the song. For the last sentences of the song, Drake was left alone. No background sound but his voice. The emotions put on the last words of the song made Damien’s heart contrast against his chest. Adrian was clapping as they finished and Dustin whistled. Drake laughed along with Kevin, wrapping an arm around the boy’s shoulders.

“That’s a wrap boys’,” Adrian called out as he placed his guitar on its stand and walked over to sit next to Damien.

“So what did you think? He’s amazing, huh?” Damien nodded as Adrian nudged him in the ribs.

“I think we’re going to impress Rob with that song,” Ash said as she sat on one of the bean bags. Kevin shot her a glare. Damien couldn’t know about Rob Caballo, since they were going to meet him at Damien’s birthday party his mother was throwing him.

“Who’s Rob?” Damien asked looking at Adrian while his hand caressed Drake’s. Drake had taken a seat on the floor in front of Damien and had placed his hand on Damien’s knee.

“Um, this one guy that heard about us. We are going to meet with him in two weeks. That’s why we’re practicing so much,” Adrian explained as he kicked the bean bag Ash was sitting on.

Kevin stretched and cracked his back, “Well I’m beat. I think we should really call it a day. We’ve been practicing for three hours, dude.”

Dustin walked back to the group and handed them a bottle of water each, “Yea, Adrian. If we don’t rest, then we’re going to collapse.”

Adrian tilted his head to the side; glancing at Drake, who was staring up at Damien. Love struck, he thought as he sighed with a smile. “Alright, but if I say we practice tomorrow then we’re going to practice!” The guys nodded and each said their good bye. In a matter of minutes there was only Adrian, Damien, and Drake left in the garage where the band practiced.

“Alright, guys. I’m going to chill before heading to bed. No rough housing in my sanctuary!” Adrian walked out of the garage, but before he left he glared at both Damien and Drake; he meant it when he said no rough housing.

Damien chuckled and pulled Drake up from the floor and down on his lap, “You want to leave already?”

Drake bit his lip, “Sure.” Even though Drake didn’t feel shy around Damien anymore, he still felt nervous. The emotions Damien made him feel weren’t exactly Drake’s forte.

Damien kissed the top of Drake’s head, making the young boy blush, and walked inside the house to let Adrian know that they were heading home.

“Adrian said to text him tomorrow,” Damien called back as he grabbed his jacket and Drake’s hand.

“Can I drive?” Drake asked, biting his lower lip.

Damien chuckled as they reached the Mustang and tossed the keys to Drake.

Drake smiled as he slid behind the wheel of the Mustang and adjusted the seat to accommodate his slightly shorter frame while Damien settled himself in the passenger seat. “Is it dumb of me to say I wished you had brought the Jag?”

Damien drove a 66’ Mustang while his mother had a 10’ Jaguar. Drake had admired it from the moment he had laid eyes on it, and had wondered if Damien ever drove it. To this Damien had answered yes, but that he preferred the Mustang.

"Not-” Damien’s reply was cut off as Drake leaned over and covered his mouth with his own. Restrained by the seatbelt he'd just fastened, Damien was helpless to do more than bring his hands up and hold on to Drake’s shoulders as the younger man stole his breath and pushed his pulse into a thunderous roar.

Drake broke away gently, his green eyes wide and shining in the filtered light of the drive-way. Damien sighed, wanting nothing more than to rip off his seatbelt and tumble the boy back into the rear seat and drive them both to a finish. He took a deep breath and willed his thoughts away.

"I've wanted to do that all night," Drake admitted softly. With a quicksilver flash of a smile he settled himself back behind the wheel and reached for his seatbelt and the radio simultaneously. "Any station you want?"

Helplessly, Damien lifted his hands, utterly confused and shocked by Drake’s sudden action; and still aching with need, “Whatever you want, Drew."

Drake smiled the entire way to the house. He could see from the corner of his eye how Damien squirmed in his seat, readjusting certain things. He couldn’t help but blush at the thought that he was the one causing Damien’s evident excitement.

When Drake parked the Mustang in Damien’s drive-way and unbuckled his seatbelt, he felt a pair of strong arms pull him across the console and to the passenger’s seat. He was very light after all.

Drake squeaked seconds before Damien’s lips came down on his roughly. He held stiff until Damien’s tongue swept the interior of his mouth since it had taken him by surprise, but then he melted into the kiss. Damien separated first placing his forehead on Drake’s; both boys were breathing rather heavy.

Damien stared into Drake’s bright green eyes and felt a rush of emotions. He knew in his heart that this was what he wanted for himself. He wanted Drake, and not just sexually, he wanted to protect him, to discover everything about him; and Damien wanted to share himself with Drake. Damien wondered if Drake could see what he was thinking because he was sure it was written all over his face.

Drake continued to look into Damien’s ocean blue eyes as Damien leaned in, closing the distance between them inch by inch. Damien was carefully gauging Drake’s reaction. He wasn’t quite sure if this was what Drake wanted, but as Drake’s eyes began to slowly close, Damien closed the last few inches between their lips.

Damien wanted the kiss to be soft and sweet, it certainly started that way. He pressed his lips softly to Drake’s and was rewarded with a soft sigh. Damien continued to gently tease Drake’s bottom lip between his own. He moved to Drake’s jaw and nibbled it slowly.

Drake wrapped his arms around Damien’s neck. His body was reacting on so many levels he didn’t quite understand but ached to feel. He gasped when Damien kissed his way down his neck and bit his flushed flesh. A sudden thought made Drake groan in pleasure and blush embarrassed.

“What is it, baby?” Damien mumbled against Drake’s neck; licking at the sting from the bite he had given him. He could feel Drake’s heart beat under his lips.

Drake couldn't tell Damien what he was thinking about; he just couldn't, so instead he said, "I'm hungry." In his mind, Drake knew he was hungry but food wasn’t exactly what he was thinking about.

A chuckle escaped Damien’s lips and he bit down on Drake’s neck one last time before opening the door for them to get out. “Come on, I’ll cook you something.”

“I didn’t know you could cook,” Drake straightened his shirt and rearranged a certain part of his anatomy while Damien was facing forward.

“I had to learn to cook for myself. My father was hardly home and so was my mom, so I had to learn to do things on my own.” Damien smiled at Drake and grabbed the boy’s hand. He tugged at it and pulled Drake into his house. Drake realized with that small comment how lonely Damien really was. He squeezed the boy’s hand in return.

Drake sat on the counter as Damien moved around the kitchen getting the ingredients for the meal he was about to make. The way Damien seemed happy to be in the kitchen made Drake smile. He took a minute to admire Damien; sure that he wasn’t paying attention. He loved how Damien’s eyebrows furred in concentration as he cut the chicken intro perfect strips. The way Damien’s back was so broad and strong made Drake feel protected and safe. The muscles under Damien’s shirt were a distraction of their own, but what Drake loved the most was the small glint in Damien’s eyes. Also, how the smile Damien had on his lips never seemed to vanish but only grow into a very sexy grin.

Drake blushed at the thought but couldn’t deny that Damien was one sexy guy, and he wondered how come Damien was interested in him when Drake was sure he could have anyone he wanted; guy or girl.

“If you continue looking at me like that, I’m going to make a mistake and burn myself.” Damien said with a smirk on his lips as he poured some sauce on the pasta he had on the stove.

Drake looked away, flushing. “I… I wasn’t looking.”

“It’s ok; you can look as much as you want.” Damien winked at the blushing boy.

Drake cleared his throat and stared away from Damien, biting his lower lip. “N-need any help?”

Damien chuckled and smiled, “Get the garlic bread, will you?”

Thirty minutes later there were two steaming plates of Chicken Alfredo with garlic bread on the table. The smell of the chicken and the sauce made Drake’s stomach grumble. It smelled really good.

“Dig in,” Damien said nervously as he sat in front of Drake. Aside from Adrian and Steve, Drake would be the first person to taste his food. He looked at Drake take the first bite and bit the inside of his cheek.


Drake banged on the table lightly and chuckled, “It’s really good, orgasmic even.”

Damien laughed out loud at the ‘orgasmic’ comment. He hadn’t expected Drake to say such thing, and it only had made certain thoughts run wild on his mind. He felt a stir below the waist and swallowed.

“I’m glad you liked it,” He smiled and began eating.

“How can I not? I mean it’s really good, beyond what I expected.” Drake took a sip of his soda and smiled at the boy across from him. “You should think about a culinary school after high school.”

Damien nodded, “I have been thinking about it.” He had asked his mother if it would be alright to study culinary skills rather than becoming a lawyer. She hadn’t answered him, yet.

Silence fell among them as they finished their meal. They smiled at each other here and there but didn’t say a word. Couple of times both guys squirmed in their seat, the tension between them was noticeable even to a stranger walking by.

"That was amazing." Drake said after he and Damien had finished his dinner.

"I’m happy to hear that." Damien said with a chuckle.

Drake sighed happily, "Thank you for an amazing date, Damien,” and he stood up.

"Where are you going?" Damien asked; a little panic in his voice.

"Home?" Drake mumbled a little confused. Wasn’t the date over? He thought as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.

"Well, I thought you could stay a while longer, just to watch a movie or something." Damien scratched the back of his head, looking embarrassed.

Drake bit his lip and nodded, “Alright.” His heart had quickened slightly at the mention of ‘something’.

Damien smiled and cleaned the table, “You can go to my room and look at the movies I have.”

“Your room?” Drake felt like an idiot for asking.

“Well, we can bring my Xbox down to the living room, if it makes you feel better.” Damien wanted to take things slow so he left the decision to Drake.

“No, it’s alright. I’m an idiot, sorry.” Damien walked over to Drake and placed a kiss on his forehead.

“You’re not an idiot. I’ll bring some popcorn.” Drake nodded and climbed the stairs to Damien’s room.

Damien walked inside Damien’s eyes and bit his lip. It was an old habit of his every time he was nervous about something.

The room was similar to his, but instead of glow-in-the-dark stars covering the walls, Damien had posters of his favorite bands and cars. Near the wall by his bed was a bookshelf filled with any kinds of books.

“So he likes to read,” Drake mumbled as he ran his fingertips against the books.

There was a desk with a laptop on top by the far corner of the room. A CD shelf rested above the desk along with picture frames of Damien when he was small. Drake smiled as he traced the face of an 8 year old Damien smiling while missing his two front teeth. Cute, Drake thought and continued looking around the room.

Damien’s bed was slightly bigger that Drake’s but seemed very comfortable. There was a T.V. on the floor a few feet away from the bed. An Xbox was attached to it and games littered the floor around the game console. Drake smiled, everything seemed so organized at first.

The smile vanished as a thought registered in his head, he didn’t know much about Damien. He knew Damien’s life as of the present but didn’t know anything about his childhood or the early years before he moved to the neighborhood. Drake pouted slightly. He wanted to know more about Damien, but didn’t know how to ask him.

“So what movie are we watching?” Damien came in with a bowl of popcorn and two sodas.

Drake turned to look at Damien. He tried to hide the pout on his lips, but the sight of Damien just made the thought more profound. He didn’t know him at all.

“What’s wrong? You don’t want to watch a movie?” Damien placed the snacks on his desk and walked over to Drake. He cradled the young boy’s face in his hands and caressed Drake’s cheeks with his thumbs.

“It’s not that,” Drake bit his lip.

“Then what’s wrong, baby?”

Drake smiled at the word ‘baby’. “You’ve done it twice.”

Damien looked a little confused, “Done what twice?”

“Called me ‘baby’,” Drake smiled and leaned into Damien’s hand on his cheeks.

“You don’t like it?”

Drake shook his head, smiling, “I love it.”

With a smile, Damien put his arms around Drake’s waist and pulled him closer, as Drake slid his hands around his neck. Damien opened his mouth slightly to suck at Drake’s bottom lip, and felt him open his mouth in response. He pulled Drake closer, pressing their bodies together intimately. Drake answered this by pushing his tongue into his boyfriend’s waiting mouth. They explored each other's mouths with their tongues, and kissed passionately for as long as they could before Drake pulled back. It took them a few seconds to breath normally.

“So… what movie are we watching?” Drake asked in a daze tone. He wanted to taste Damien’s lips one more time.

As if reading Drake’s mind, Damien leaned close and licked at Drake’s bottom lip, “Which ever movie you prefer.” Damien lean up towards Drake’s face, slowly moving his tongue along his jaw and began nibbling on his neck. Drake groaned and moved his hands down Damien’s back to rest them on the boy’s lower back. Moving back to Drake’s mouth, Damien reached further around Drake’s head with his arms and kissed him deeply.

“Damien! Are you home?” They heard someone call from downstairs. Both boys groaned. Damien rested his forehead on Drake’s and chuckled.

“Big turn off, huh?” The small grin on his lips and the small blush on his cheeks meant that he too had felt the effects of the kiss. Drake blushed and nodded slowly.

“Be back in a minute,” Damien pecked Drake’s lips and walked over to the door. He stopped midway and turned towards Drake, “On second thought,” he grabbed Drake’s hand and pulled him down the stairs with him.

“Hey mom, what you doing here, I thought you had a flight tonight.” Damien tried to keep the annoyance out of his voice, but it was useless.

“Are you telling me to leave my own house, young man?” Camille turned to look at her son and smirked when she saw the boy standing behind Damien.

“Hello there, you must be Drake. Damien has told me so much about you.” She extended her hand and Drake shook it.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Sorin,” Drake said with a light blush on his cheeks.

“Please, call me Camille, makes me feel less old.” She smiled at her son and nodded as if in approval.

Damien shook his head with a small smile on his lips. His mother accepted him just the way he was and he didn’t even have to say a word.

“Well I’m off boys’. I just came to get my suitcase. Call you in a few days, Damien. Behave, ok?” He kissed the top of Damien’s head and ruffled Drake’s hair. She closed the door behind her with a giggle.

“That was easier than I thought,” Damien exhaled unaware he had been holding his breath.

“You thought she was going freak?” Drake punched Damien lightly on the arm as he chuckled.

Damien laughed and pulled Drake up the stairs and to his room. For a second, Drake thought that they would resume what Camille had interrupted, but he was wrong. Damien plopped down on his bed, pulling Drake down with him and turned on his Xbox.

“I been wanting to see V for Vendetta since the longest, you alright with that?” Damien signed out of Xbox live and placed the movie. Drake nodded and leaned back in the bed, his back against the headboard. He looked out the window and saw that he could sort of see the glow-in-the-dark stars on his walls. He wondered if Damien looked out his window at night and looked into his room, just like he had done so at times.

Damien lay back on the bed, resting his head on Drake’s lap. “Adrian told me it was a really good movie.” He nuzzled Drake’s thigh before getting comfortable. He placed a kiss on Drake’s thigh.

Drake’s heart quickened to have Damien so close. He had wanted to continue what they were doing a few minutes ago, but didn’t know if Damien would want to. He hadn’t given the slightest hint that he wanted to continue. With a sigh, Drake turned his attention on the movie.

Damien was trying to have some control over his emotions. He wanted to take things slow, but having Drake in his bed was giving him ideas. Again, he felt a stir below his waist and he moved a bit to adjust. He was supposed to be watching the movie, but his mind was far from paying attention to a guy wearing a mask. He was imagining different scenarios in which all ended with Drake writhing in his arms. Damien had to hold back a groan.

An hour into the movie, Drake was unconsciously playing with Damien’s hair. It was so soft and slightly wavy. He ran his fingers through the boy’s hair more firmly; making Damien shiver once or twice. He liked the effect he had on Damien, so he tried it again. This time, Drake caressed Damien’s head and the back of his neck. He caressed him very lightly; barely touching. He heard Damien groan silently and smirked.

Finally, Damien did something. He grasped Drake’s hand and intertwined their fingers. He turned on his side, away from the movie, and placed a kiss on Drake’s hand; his eyes never leaving Drake’s. Something had been going around and around in his head, and was this seemed like the perfect time to tell Drake about it.

“Drake… there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Drake squeezed Damien’s hand and nodded. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions so he willed his mind blank.

Damien sat up and straddled Drake’s legs. They were sitting hip to hip, “Well… I was thinking about how I was before we got together. In my school I’m what people consider ‘popular’, and because of that I never accepted my true feelings. I always thought that people wouldn’t understand, but now that I’m with you I have the courage to do so.” Damien smiled and raised their entwined hands and kissed Drake’s hand.

“I came out to my parents because I wanted to start a secret-free relationship with you. I guess what I want to say is thank you.” Damien smiled; his hair was covering some of his face and his blush too.

Drake remained quiet. He reached to caress Damien’s cheek with his other hand and leaned in. “You’re welcome.” He kissed him. Drake placed his lips softly on Damien’s. The boy smiled as he received one of the kindest sweetest kiss he had ever gotten.

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