I Wear Boys Underwear

By patriciaannzee

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Austin loves football, there really is no going around that fact. So when her Powder-puff team is disbanded d... More

I Wear Boys Underwear Synopsis and Warning
Chapter One: That is my Name
Chapter Two: Shut the Frap Up and Let Me the Frick Go
Chapter Three: How the Journey to the End of my Life Began
Chapter Four: Thanks for Nothing, Kiss My... Butt
Chapter Five: She's a Lady... Err, Dude
Chapter Six: Boys, Boys, and More Boys
Chapter Seven: Sugar We're Going Down and I am Taking You With Me
Chapter Eight: A Problematique Situation
Chapter Nine: I Don't Wanna Dance! I Don't Wanna Dance!
Chapter Ten: Me Vs. Everyone
Chapter Twelve: I've Got the Gut's to Say Anything, But I Won't
Chapter Thirteen: Can't Turn Back Now, I'm Haunted
Chapter Fourteen: Yo' Mamma! HP Style
Chapter Fifteen: Let The Games Begin
Chapter Sixteen: Here I go again, Reacting Without a Plan
Chapter Seventeen: Weep Little Lion Man, Weep
Chapter Eighteen: You've Made a Fool of Everyone
Chapter Nineteen: I Just Want You to Know Who I am
Chapter Twenty: After All, You're My Wonderwall
Epilogue: With You Right Here, I'm A Rocketeer
I Wear Boys Underwear Deleted Scenes...

Chapter Eleven: Tonight, Tonight We're ALL Royally Screwed!

12.5K 285 11
By patriciaannzee

Chapter Eleven: Tonight, Tonight we’re All Royally Screwed



“It's been a really, really messed up week
Seven days of torture, seven days of bitter
And my girlfriend went and cheated on me
She's a California dime but it's time for me to quit her
La la la, whatever, la la la, it doesn't matter, la la la, oh well, la la la”


-Tonight, Tonight, Hot Chelle Rae


If I thought Spencer was an annoyance, then this was a predicament. And not a small one either. I mean no one at Mac was suppose to know who I was and I sure wasn’t suppose to know who they were and if they let it slip that I had a ‘brother’ than I am sure that Spencer would hear seeing as he was pretty much right behind us, I think. I mean I punched him pretty hard, I doubt he will be leaving that floor for a while. Blaine stared into my eyes as if he was trying to solve a complicated math problem. Then his eyes bulged in recognition and he said the one thing I really didn’t need him to say at this moment.

“Skye?” and that was my cue to leave.

Being the ever so great running back that I am I maneuvered around the dumbfound boy in front of me and made my way to the deck that wasn’t lit in hopes that no one would follow me or find me here. Was it bad that I was kind of hoping that he followed? It is isn’t it?

I walked on the creaky dock, slipped off my shoes and socks and let my feet hang off the edge as I contemplated my strange life and how screwed I am.

Spencer was still a douche like always and then there was the newly found cheating that I had the pleasure to find out. How did I not notice this when we were dating? I really have no clue. I guess I was so fascinated with the fact that someone out there actually wanted to be with frizzy haired tomboy Austin, that I didn’t let the little things about him bother me as much as it should have.

Now that I think about it, he did flirt with a lot of girls. My friends even told me, but of course I denied it because he would tell me otherwise. Man was I stupid letting a boy who obviously didn’t deserve me control my feelings like that. What I didn’t get was why he was still trying to convince me to get back with him after he cheated on me. I mean even Reagan said that he told her numerous times that he wanted her and not me. Obviously I was in the way of his real desires so shouldn’t he be, I don’t know, ignoring me for breaking up with me? It made absolutely no sense what-so-ever.

And then this whole thing with Blaine was just uber confusing. Before he gave me all the signs that he was interested, problem was that I was dressed as a boy all those times. At first I thought he might have been a closeted gay. Which is not bad, I have always wanted a gay friend. I know it sounds bad, but come on what girl does not want to go shopping with a guy with better fashion sense than her? Anyway like I mentioned beforehand my gaydar is freaking state of the art. So no, he wasn’t gay. Or if he was then he was really good at hiding it.

He surprised me when I found out that he had an obsession with Reagan. I have to admit I never really understood what he saw in her. Don’t get me wrong, she is nice and pretty, but she just doesn’t scream his type. Then again football player and cheerleader is such an overly clichéd couple that I guess it really doesn’t matter what I think personally. I just couldn’t see them together.

Speaking of Reagan, I am still a little freaked out by her and pissed for that matter. Ever since I told her about my relationship that just ended she has been trying to get even closer to me when all I wanted to do was run her up a pole. It’s a tad bit unnerving. And I feel real bad for Blaine because he seems to like her so much, I just wouldn’t have the heart to tell him that she is harboring feelings for me. Although I can’t wait to bust Reagan’s bubble when I tell her I was a chick the entire time, and not only a chick, but the girl she helped Spencer cheat on. I don’t know why but I just feel like her reaction will be hi-freaking-larious.

And know that I think about it, what’s with her friend Piper? The way she looked at me earlier was even scarier then Reagan’s consistent advances. I have a feeling that she is only interested because Reagan is and I am pretty sure I am the only ‘boy’ she hasn’t flirted or slept with. I am definitely going to have to watch her carefully if I want my secret to stay intact.

Before I could take my thoughts further I was interrupted by the creaking of the wooden dock and then the sound of someone sitting next to me. I tensed, scared of who might have decided to sit next to me. It could have been Eli, maybe Jared. Or with my luck it would be Spencer trying to still convince me that we were soul mates and he needed me back. Bull shit.

I turned my head to see Blaine trying to skip rocks and failing miserably.

“You know you’re doing it wrong, right?” I asked with a look of incredibility on my face.

He didn’t look at me just kept staring at the lake in front of us as he continued to throw the rocks that sunk to the bottom of the lake instead of skipping above the water.

“I never learned how to skip them.” He stated grabbing another handful of rocks.

“Then why are you even trying? You know you just look stupid doing it.”

“Wow, way to make me feel like a failure,” he laughed I couldn’t help but smile too.

He finally took his eyes off of the lake to look at me.

“You know, you look too much like your brother for your own good,” I let out the air I didn’t know that I was holding. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. I knew he wouldn’t think we were the same people. It was too ludicrous of an assumption and Blaine was smarter than that.

“When I first saw you I had this weird thought that you two were the same people, you know?” Or maybe he wasn’t as smart as I pinned him for. I chuckled nervously.

“Really? Weird.”

“I mean I know he said you two were twins and all, but I just didn’t expect you two to look identical. I mean I am already buzzed, but that just blew my mind!” he laughed making movements with his hands that I assume was suppose to be an explosion.

 “Let me guess he called me younger?” I asked recalling the first time I told them about my sister; I had said that she was younger.

“Yeah actually he did. What is he older by like two minutes?” he laughed.

“No, actually he is younger by a minute.” I stated like it was a known fact, when it wasn’t even true. I feel like my whole life is a lie… well my fake life anyway.

“I am being completely rude aren’t I?” he asked.

I looked at him confused as I tilted my head. He stuck his hand out for me to shake without hesitation I grabbed it. While he grabbed my hand I couldn’t help but feel a warm tingling sensation go from his hand down to the rest of my body. Who knew one touch could do something like that? Not even Spencer’s intimate caresses made me feel all hot and bothered like Blaines did. Oh, this was definitely bad.

“My name is Blaine Morgan; I am your ‘older’ brother’s cabin mate.” He said as he smiled at me.

“My name is… Austin?” I didn’t mean to say it like a question, but it just came out that way. And his brown eyes hypnotizing me didn’t help at all.

“Did you forget your name there for a second? Were you speechless because of my presence? Its okay happens to most girls.” He said as he smirked at me.

Okay, this was weird. He is acting like his cocky self with me. Whenever he is with Reagan he freezes up and turns multiple shades of red. And then when it matters the most he runs off with his tail between his legs leaving me to chase after him and try to cheer him up. He chooses now of all times to act like himself in front of- well as far as he knows- a complete stranger? He really is something else and for some reason I don’t mind it at all.

“Ha-ha, No. I was just thinking if I should give a complete stranger my name, I mean for all I know you could be an axe-murdered. Or worse! You could be the captain of the Mac team.” I laughed.

He looked a bit hurt at my comment, but quickly hid it with a small smile that seemed to make his hazel eyes grow brighter against the moon light, “You and Skye are so alike it is crazy. You guys have the same sense of twisted humor.”

He was looking into my eyes intently the entire time that we were talking, like he was trying to figure me out. It was the way that Spence used to look at me, but I didn’t get these chills like I do with Blaine. And you know what’s so great? I am Austin so I can let my girl mind take over and go all gaga eyed on him. Granted just because I can and I most definitely will, do not prove Nik’s earlier theories about me liking him. I am positive that I don’t. Absolutely positive. There will never be a Blaine and Austin. Him and Me. Me and him. It wasn’t written in our fate books, so why even bother?

“Is that a good thing?” I asked as I, not intentionally, leaned into him a bit as my earlier resolve was slipping away.

“I am trying to figure that one out myself…” he mumbled as his face got closer. So close that I could faintly feel his hot breath on my face near my anxious lips. Is it bad if I say that I actually kind of like this? It is isn’t it? Yet, I can’t seem to move away.

Before I knew our mouths were merely inches apart, he looked deeply into my eyes and I looked into his trying to decipher what all this meant, but it was hard to think. His eyes were so soft a brown that it made my breathing hitch and a blush grow on my cheeks. I was so caught up in his eyes that I didn’t hear what he asked me.

“What?” I whispered.

“Can I kiss you?” he asked again.

If I said I wasn’t shocked when he asked that then I would have been lying. If I said I internally smacked myself when all I could do was nod my head allowing him to kiss me, I wouldn’t  be lying. I was murdering myself for getting caught up in the moment. But hey he was an attractive and decent guy talking to me like he has known me forever (not a complete lie, he has known me for over a week or two now) and then he so chivalrously asks me (yeah asks me, not demand) if he could kiss me. I mean that is just adorable. What guy now a day’s actually asks the girl they are about to kiss if he can? I know with Spencer he would just demand to be kissed, not literally, but his mouth sure was demanding. I am surprised I was still a virgin with a boyfriend like him, I doubt Reagan is a virgin though, I mean if Spencer wasn’t getting any from me than I am sure he was getting it somewhere else. Oh god mental images, mental images.

Austin, Stop thinking of your ex while the sex god incarnated is about to kiss you. After what seemed like hours his lips captured mine in a tender and soft peck. He pulled back to look at my eyes once again and then came back for another. That’s when I threw caution into the wind and resolve of earlier- you do not like him, this shouldn’t be happening, you don’t want this to happen, what about the plan? - came crashing down like Niagara Falls.

I wound my arms around his thick neck playing with the slightly gelled hair on the back of his head. He brought his huge, calloused hands around my tiny waist pulling me closer to him. He playfully nipped my bottom lip asking for entrance that I, without hesitation, gave to him. His tongue met mine in a battle for dominance. I felt him smile as it was clear that he won that battle. But what he didn’t know was that next time I wouldn’t be so easy on him. Oh god, I am already thinking about doing this again, what is this boy doing to me?

Getting so into the kiss, it took me a minute to realize that Blaine wasn’t kissing me anymore. No, instead he was falling into the lake. I looked back to where he should have been still kissing me then up to see a very pissed off looking Spencer. My eyes clouded with anger, I stood up and started to scream my head, and everyone else’s, off.

“SPENCER CHAD REED! You little piece of crap! Who in god’s name do you think you are?” He turned his attention to me, anger spiraling in the depths of his blue eyes. Eyes that used to make me swoon, now just disgusted me.

“I am your boyfriend! Why were you kissing some other guy? More importantly why were you kissing Mac’s football captain?!” he yelled, trying to make sense of my actions.

I looked at him confused; he seriously couldn’t take a hint could he? God he had such a thick head.

“We are not dating! We have been through for weeks now! Why can’t you get it through your thick head that we are DONE! D-O-N-E, DONE! You cheated on me and lied what makes you think that I want you back! Did I not punch you hard enough last time? Huh?” I screamed completely enraged.

I was taken out of my anger when I heard laughing coming from the lake, “She punched you? Austin that is such a turn on, you have no idea.” He said as he brushed his wet hair out of his face. For some reason just hearing him say that I smiled and laughed a little, I really loved this sweetly cocky side of him.

“Hey stop talking to my girl,” Spencer yelled threateningly at Blaine.

“Last I heard she was available, she ain't yours anymore and you need to get that through your head because you are just making a fool out of yourself Reed.” Blaine said completely dismissing the blatant threat Spencer gave.

Ignoring Blaine as he fumed in the lake, Spencer turned back to me, “Who told you I cheated on you? Whoever did lied to you I swear I never touched another girl while we were dating!”

“Does the name Reagan Smith ring any bells?” I said through clenched teeth.

He looked taken back as he stepped back from me. His eyes were as wide as saucers and his body tensed, “H-how did… I have no idea what you are talking about baby!”

“That’s it,” I said. I extended my arms, pushing against Spencer’s firm chest and watched as he flailed his arms, trying to regain his balance and fell into the water. I went to the edge grabbing onto Blaines soaking arm and helped him get out. “Spencer let me say this nice and slow so that your five year old brain can comprehend. WE. ARE. OVER.” I said like I was talking to a baby, “Now if I have to warn you to leave me alone again I will do more than just give you a shiner, got it?” I said in a sickly sweet yet completely menacing tone.

I grabbed Blaine’s hand and led him to the house in hopes of getting him dry and putting a decent amount of space between myself and the terrible ex-boyfriend I left wading in the lake.

“Listen I am so sorry about him,” I said as I grabbed a towel from the restroom we were in and tried to dry his clothes the best that I could. But of course I couldn’t do much due to the fact that my hands were shaking uncontrollably.

He grabbed my hand to stop me and looked at me as if he was trying to decipher a complicated problem again. Was I that hard to read or was he coming closer to finding out the truth?

“It’s no problem, he didn’t hurt you did he?” he asked as his eyes were still boring into mine. I knew he didn’t mean physical harm, but more of an emotional one. I shook my head, and then shrugged.

“Well, his yelling might have damaged my hearing, you?”

He looked at me incredulously, “Oh I am fine just a little wet.”

I feigned worried while placing my hand on my heart, “Oh, poor baby.”

We laughed for a bit then the atmosphere became thick with natural heat. He was still boring his eyes into mine as his smile turned into a thin, serious line and for some reason it didn’t unnerve me, I actually liked it. I hadn’t realized it but we were beginning to lean into each other again. Our lips brushed against each other, ready to continue our make out session that was rudely interrupted, when someone barged into the restroom making both Blaine and I jump apart from each other.

“Dude we got to go! The freshmen texted Jake that the coaches are doing rounds on camp, if we aren’t there in the next 10 minutes we are so screwed!” Jared yelled from the open door. “Why are you wet? Oh were you two getting it on in the Shower?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, “Wait why isn’t she wet too?”

“Dude seriously? Now is not the time!”

Blaine turned to me with a panicked look on his face pleading with his eyes for me to understand. I nodded my head while smiling and waved him off. He took off before Eli stopped him.

“Man where is Skye? We can’t just leave him here to get in trouble!” He reasoned.

“I will look for him you two go, cover for us.” He said and looked back at me, “Can you help look for your brother?” oh shitake mushrooms, lie Austin lie!

“I can’t I have to go too actually, but I will call him and let him know you are looking for him.” I said as I pulled my phone out and dialed Drew’s number. She picked up after the second ring.

“You leaving already?” she asked.

“Yeah and Blaine is looking for you,” she started to ask me questions but I ignored her, “Okay I will tell him, and I am leaving so, you know.”

“Blaine is with you isn’t he?” she asked.

“I love you too, see you soon okay? I am leaving right now.” I said trying to avoid the question.

“Dude you need to give me the details or else-” I hung up on her before she could finish her threat.

“He is on his way over here; he said to wait five minutes, now I have to go.” I said as I began to run out of the room. Before I could successfully make it out I felt a hand grab my wrist and spin me around.

“Will I see you again?” he asked looking like a lost puppy.

Instead of saying ‘yes’ or nodding my head, I hastily pushed my lips against his soft ones, he tried to grab the small of my back to force the kiss deeper, but I had already pulled away and ran down the hallway shouting, “That’s a yes.” Too bad he didn’t know that he would be seeing me in less than 4 minutes and I would be sleeping in the same room as him later tonight. God my life is so screwed up.

After trying to sprint through the crowd of kids that were hurrying to their cars I found the tree where I had changed last time. Coming closer, I saw both Drew and Nikki waiting there for me with my clothes and wig.

“I have to hurry, something about the coaches and hell if they find out we are here this late,” I said as I grabbed the tote bag from Drew and started to strip and put on my boy clothes.

“You know you are going to have to tell us what happened tonight right? Everything that happened,” Drew said with a knowing smile.

“Wait what happened?” asked Nik frantically. She always hated being out of the loop.

As I was pulling my wig on and fixing it I gave a simple, “I will face time you tonight, or tomorrow night. Whenever I can, okay?”

“Fine,” They sighed defeated at the same time.

“Okay, it was great seeing you guys, but I need to go before someone tries to castrate me and then realizes I am not a boy.” I started to run down to the house seeing that Blaine was right where I left him. Suddenly I became nervous and started to mess with my hair and smooth my clothes out.


Austin stop! Nothing has changed! You are a boy not a girl right now, stop acting like one! I made my way towards him only to be stopped by Piper.

“Hey Skye.” She purred. Oh crap on a stick.

“Piper I need to go, okay?” I tried to move around her, but she just stepped in my way and stopped me from escaping.

“You know, Reagan is pretty and innocent, but I know that you would like a girl that is let’s just say more experienced,” she said while her fingers ran down my chest and stomach trying to act sexy, but I couldn’t help but start laughing. She looked at me like I was crazy.

“Piper, you seem like a nice girl…” I stopped and tried to think about what I would say, and then I thought I might as well be honest with her she will have the honor to know that I haven’t lied to her. Okay technically I have. “Scratch that you kind of seem like a backstabbing bitch that needs to learn some self respect before all her whoring around gives her a bun in the oven. That’s a metaphor for getting pregnant in case all that bleach in your hair damaged what is rumored to be in your head. Anyway that’s not the point; I have to leave so you need to get your slutty hands off of me.”

Before I could make my escape, her hand came across my cheek, “You will regret that.” and she stormed off.

“Doubt it!” I yelled after her retreating form while rubbing my burning cheek. Man that chick could slap, I will definitely be feeling this in the morning.

Someone put their hand on my shoulder and gave me pained look.

“Dude what did you tell her?” Blaine asked.

“The truth,” I stated simply as I shrugged my shoulders.

“Okay, well we really need to go; coaches found out about the party and are doing rounds. Let’s go!” He said as he grabbed my hand, which felt amazing around mine, and started running for the door, while warning any other players who haven’t already left.

“Wait how are we getting back? Eli and Jared took the car,” I slapped my hand over my mouth and quickly took it away before Blaine noticed my slip up.

“How did you know that?” he asked looking at me suspiciously.

I gave him a calm and collected look, even though I was most certainly panicking inside. I raise an eyebrow and said, “W-well you didn’t seem too concerned about finding them, so I just assumed that they left with the car already.”

Oh yeah! Austin-30, The Universe-0!

“Yeah well they carpooled and left us the car, let’s go,” With that we climbed into the car and drove back to camp.

But all that seemed to run through my head on the way back was how amazing that kiss had been and how screwed up my life was starting to turn out to be. Especially now that I think I may be falling for the guy who claims that I am his best friend, my captain, the captain of the football team I am impersonating a boy to be on. OH MY LANTA!

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