
By unwingedangel_

379 8 6

When Skyler becomes 17, her dream comes true. She gets a horse called Miracle. Miracle becomes a miracle in h... More

Chapter two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.

Chapter one.

51 2 2
By unwingedangel_

Chapter one.

***Skylers POV***

It was 7 am, and I was already awake. Wide awake. I was already awake for two hours, to be exact. I was always early awake, but this time it was really early. Well, it was logic, I mean. It's my birthday. Finally I'll be 17. I tied my long blonde hair in a ponytail and grabbed my phone. Great. A lot of messages. Even my sister decided it was necessary to spam me.

I laughed when I opened Niall's messages. 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRAZY MOFO!' I read. Quickly I replayed an easy 'thank you', because there were like a lot of friends more to go. I just knew a lot of people.

I opened my Facebook and wrote a status update. A few minutes later, the happy-birthday messages and likes came. Wow, there were a lot. I smiled. Twitter was next. I was more obsessed with twitter, because it was easier to write stuff. You wouldn't get judged if you tweet weird things, or just a lot. My mentions weren't really dead, more the opposite. I smiled, reading mentions from some people could just cheer up my whole day.

I just talked a with Alexandra, like we always did. She'd prefer saying Alex, like I'd preferred that people called me Sky, instead of Skyler.

When it was around 8 am, I heard some rumblings in the house. I supposed it was my dad who woke up.

I was happy, because normally I was at 8 already at the stables, helping Harry with the horses. Whatever, he knew it was my birthday. Otherwise, he would see it anyway. He was like 24/7 online at Facebook, only when he was with the horses he was offline.

I heard my parents mumble. It wouldn't take long before they would come to my room. Quick I dropped my phone down and grabbed a book. The door opened softly, but when my mum saw I was awake, she came in very loud.

First, my dad came in. My dad's a big man, and a little fat, let's be honest. He's got that tummy you know, like a lot of dads. After him came my mum. She was more like my posture. Small and little. And she was still so pretty. After that, I spotted a blue pyjama. Well, that was my brother Joshua, he'd preferred Josh. His hair was messy and stood up in peaks.

I giggled, he looked funny. He mumbled a "shut up!"

After him came Vera, the best sissy in the world.

I smiled, when they all stood at my bed, ready to sing. I already mentally prepared myself a week for this moment. It was always so embarrassment. My dad sang false, like always. My brother, I don't know. He just sings weird. And my mum and my sister sang like two angels. Two angels in pyjamas.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Sky-ler. Happy birthday to you!"

Sang my family. I smiled, although it was awkward. But I still loved it when they sang, just for me. It made me feel special.

"Happy birthday sissy!" said Vera and she gave me a big hug. She softly rubbed my back, while she whispered: "You're already so old, gosh. Time flies." I smiled.

Josh just walked to me, trying to fix his hair. "Happy birthday little."He said, while he just gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm not little!" I defend myself, but he just laughed. "You are. You're 1.65 meters, you can call that little." I rolled my eyes.

"Happy birthday princess"' Spoke my dad while he almost killed me with his hug. I tried to gentle push him away.

"Dad, your hugs are still killing me." I tried to say serious, but I just burst into a laughter. It made me remind to the time when I was little. My dad used to hug me always really tight. But I liked it. It were just his special hugs.

My mum walked to me, and gave me a kiss, wishing me a happy birthday a thousand times. I smiled, and hugged her.

"Come in a bit downstairs, we will make breakfast!"said my mum. I nodded and my family left my room.

I went out bed, and put on my sweatpants and a hoodie. I quickly looked into the mirror. I looked pretty good today. I wished myself a happy birthday, something what was an weird habit from me. I shaked my head as I read a text from Celine. 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST EQUESTRIAN IN THE WORLD!' I replayed while I walked downstairs.

When I opened the room my eyes popped out. Over the whole living room were pink heart-shaped garlands. And I guess there were like fifty pink balloons.

I walked to the kitchen. The table was set, with pink covers. There were even pink roses.

"What do you think?" asked my mum while she put some warm breads on the table. "It's so lovely." I said, still impressed. Vera and my mum smiled. It was obvious that they made it.

"Go sit at the table, little!' said Josh. I obeyed for once. My dad made me some bread. I rolled my eyes.

"Can I please do something self?" I asked but my dad said straight no. 'It's your birthday, today you'll be a real princess!'. I giggled.

After my dad and my brother crammed me with a lot of food I was drinking just some tea.

Vera walked out the kitchen, mumbling "be right back" When she came back, she help up a present box, pink again, with a blue bow. It looked gorgeous.

"Happy birthday, again!" she said happy when she handed me the present. When I opened it, I smiled. It was a halter, pink with blue and some silver details. "Wow." I whispered. "It's gorgeous"' Vera smiled. "Glad you like it"' I nodded. "It's perfect."

Josh also took a present. "It's a little box, but I hope you like it"' He handled it to me. I opened it. It was a little, thin necklace. Silver I guess. With a tiny horse, from, wait - were that diamonds?

"It's so beautiful, but it's way too expensive." I said. Josh laughed. "Oh, c'mon, Sky. Just wear it a lot of times please?" I nodded. "I promise."

I walked to him. "Thank you so much."

He smiled. "No problem, I'm glad you like it."

Then my dad stood up. "Well, ready for the present from your parents?" I smiled. "Yes!?"

My dad started laughing. "Then you have to put on some cloths first"

' I looked confused, but okay.

I ran upstairs turning on the shower. I quick undressed and stepped into the douche. I washed my hair, my body and stood under it. Just to enjoy the water streaming over my face. When my hair was soaked I took my towel. It was became warm, because it was on the heater for like 10 minutes.

When I dressed up and put my make up on Josh walked into my room. "What do you want?" I asked. "Well, let me put this on."

He said. In his hand he held the necklace. I nodded and held my wet hair up. '

When he was done, he took a step back. "Little, you look stunning." And he cuddled. I blushed. "Thanks."' I said, a little confused.

"Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded walking downstairs. My mum, Vera and dad already were ready to go. My mum threw my hoodie to me and I catched it. "Thanks!"

* * *

We sat in the car, ready to go. I was still wondering where we would go to but my dad wouldn't say a word.

My mum looked a little anxious when Josh hopped into the driver's side. "It's okay!" said Vera, to calm her.

My brother putted on the radio. Mm, the Script, not bad. I didn't listen a lot to music, but Josh always did. And Vera worked in the music shop, so there was no escaping. I've played piano when I was younger, but I was more interested in horses.

Just like Josh. Everybody knew him. He was the instructor at Harry's ranch and all the girls thought he was cool. Okay, he was flirty, but over protective. When it came to me, he'd beat the shit out of every boy. Whatever, I found it cute. Who didn't wanted a brother who protected you when you needed protection?

After about an hour in the car, we were arrived. I looked at the name sign. It was a horse breeding.

My dad walked to me. "Happy birthday honey"

' I didn't understood. Was I getting a horse? Was this a joke?

"You'll get a horse from your mom and me." My dad said. My eyes popped out I think. "Are you joking?" I asked.

My mum and dad burst into laugh. "No! It's real!"

I looked up, with tears in my eyes.

Getting a horse, was my biggest dream. I've never asked something else when I was little. For Christmas, for my birthday. When I was allowed to choose a little toy, I used to say: 'No, I want to save money for a horse.' And now? My dream would come true. I'd get a horse.

"Do you like it?" asked my mum.

"Yes." I whimpered, while a tear fell from my eyes.

"Sweetheart, don't cry!" said my mum. I laughed.\

"No worries, this are happy tears."

After I walked five minutes over the terrain, a person walked to me.

"Already found something?"I startled. "I was just looking around." I stuttered.

"What kind of a horse would you like?" he asked.

"I don't know."I said, while I while I examined him.

He had sparkling brown eyes, and was wearing a beany. There were a few stray tufts of hair coming from under his beanie. He was around 20, I guessed and was tall.

"I'm Jacob, just in case if you need me."

"I'm Skyler, just call me Sky."I introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you!"He winked and walked away.

Okay, that was weird. He was disappeared, as soon as he came. Astonished I looked around. Josh already stood at a horse.

"Hey, Little, what do you think about this one?" asked Josh. I looked up.

It was a chestnut coloured horse, with a white blaze and white socks. Too cute. And gorgeous.

"Stunning.'"I whispered.

If you could fall in love with horses, was this love at first sight.

Enchanted by his pure breathing chest I walked to him. Softly I pat him, as I look in his eyes. His eyes were brown, pure, clean. His pelt shattered almost in the sunlight. It was enchanting. Overwhelmed by his pureness I gentle pet him. He was so clean, so pure, so gorgeous. So perfect.

When I heard footsteps I looked up.

"You like him, don't you?" asked Jacob.

How the hell did he get here?

For how long did I watched just that horse?

I nodded. "He's stunning. And he looks so.. so pure."

Jacob laughed. "It's a mischievous horse, but sweet."

He looked at Josh and Vera, who were discussing about his age.

"He's six." I thought. "Yeah, that's right! You're good!" said Jacob.

Oops. I said it at loud. I blushed.  

"Thanks." Jacob walked a little closer. Okay, he was flirty.

"How do you know he's six?" he asked. I pulled up my shoulders, doing a step back. Okay, that was useless. He just took a step closer. I put up my hand.

"I don't know, I've always studied horses."

He laughed. "I guess you're a good equestrian."

I blushed. "I'm riding for ten years now." Jacobs eyes pulled out.

"How old are you now?" he asked. He looked impressed.


"Want to ride him?"

I nodded.

* * *

After I ride on the horse I was sure. This was the horse I wanted. When I galloped with him, I felt my hair in the wind, and I became one with him. Okay, he might bucked once, but whatever. I liked it. I liked the horse. I felt it in my heart. My heart, it belonged to this miracle.

"Are you sure?" my dad asked. I nodded.

"I'm sure. I feel it in my heart."

I went my head to Jacob. "What's his name by the way?" "Miracle"

Miracle. Miracle would became a miracle in my life. I was in love with that name. His name was perfect for him. He was perfect. Miracle was the perfect horse. For me he was, though.

My dad looked at my mum, who nodded. Did this mean, that, I would get the horse? That I would get Miracle?

I looked at Josh and Vera. Vera was busy checking the health of Miracle, and Josh just looked.

My mum looked at Vera and she nodded. "His health is prefect!"

I couldn't help, but I just smiled. I knew what this probably could mean.

I was concentrated at my dad's face. Would he say yes? I knew he was thinking. Spinning his mind. And my mind was just blowing. The only thing I wanted now, was getting Miracle.

I know it sounds spoiled. But my parents are just rich. And they want me happy.

I looked up, with a kind of puppy-eye look. "Please dad?" I asked.

My dad nodded and shacked Jacob's hand.

"We have a deal." he said.

Now the tears were running over my cheeks. I'd get a horse. Just for me. I could ride whenever I wanted. Do with him, what I wanted. My dream just came true. I could hardly believe it. But it was true. I'd get a horse.


A/N: Hi! :] First of all, thankyou so so so much for reading, it means a lot to me!

Second: I'd really appreciate if you vote and comment!.

So, ehm. To get some votes and comments, I decided to do votr-limits.

When there are two votes, and 1 comment I'll put on the next chapter, when I've finished it, duhuh. ;p

xx Maaike.

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