Falling For Mr.Bad Boy (On Ho...

By Enticing_Romantic

26.8K 1.4K 325

"Are you scared of being with me, alone? Are you scared that your 'I'm so not attracted to you and just hate... More

Other Books
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Two

460 37 5
By Enticing_Romantic

Chapter Twenty-Two - I Told You They Were Dating!



"Will you be my girlfriend, Gail?" Zach asked as he sat on his knee. Happy tears fell from my eyes looking at him. I fell on my knees in front of him and looked in his eyes. Without thinking for another second, I pulled his collar and smashed my lips to his.

The fireworks in the sky were something, but the fireworks that were going inside my body were on another level.

He was half shocked, but he melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me onto his lap. I almost crawled over staying onto him, getting into a comfortable position.

He kissed with so much passion, it was hard to miss. He bit my lower lip and I let out a soft moan opening my mouth and he took that opportunity to enter his tongue into my mouth. Another moan escaped my throat.

We finally pulled out in a desperate need of air. Our foreheads lay against each other as we looked at each other. My face forming a blush after such a make-out session.

"You didn't give me an answer." He muttered looking at me and I just laughed at him. Sometimes he was just innocent and cute.

"I wouldn't have kissed you if my answer wasn't 'yes'," I said and closed my eyes blushing.

"Why couldn't just say 'yes'?" Zach muttered in a teasing tone.

"Yes!" I yelled and shared yet another passionate kiss, but initiated by Zach.

"Look at the sky," Zach muttered, a little out of breath.

I turned to look at the sky and say about 'Thank you' flashing in the sky with the fireworks and I look at Zach.

"Thank you for coming in my life, bearing my arrogance, and still being with me. And most importantly, thank you for accepting to be mine. Another big sorry for all the wrongs I did." He said and tears flew down my eyes.

"Gail, why are you crying?" Zach panicked and I just hugged him.

"You're making me feel so special like this world doesn't exist anymore," I muttered into his shoulder. He just chuckled.

"Well, that's what I want to do." He said and I hugged him tightly. He slept down and pulled me with him. We both looking at the sky filled with fireworks.

"You knew that I'd accept?" I asked referring to the special firework in the sky.

"I knew it, already because I was sincere with my feelings and words, also I'm so handsome." I laughed and shook my head.

"What if I would've denied?" I challenged him, not like it was any use and I already accepted, but still.

"Well, I'd still say 'Thank you' for coming into my life and maybe try to win your heart a get a 'yes' from you." He said and I sighed.

"I should've made you work harder," I muttered faking regret.

"You already have." He muttered and I turned time back to remember all the events between us and realized it was working hard. I blushed and snuggled closer to him as we both enjoyed the fireworks.


Zach and I sat in the car. I was fully tired and I couldn't think how Zach was able to drive after such a long day.

"Zach, how are you even driving? Aren't you tired?" I asked him letting out a yawn.

"Stamina, baby, stamina. I don't get tired soon. You gotta have to keep up your energy." He said and winked at me. It took me a whole minute for my sleepy brain to understand what he meant. My cheeks grew red.

"Zach! Shut up!" I said and looked out of the window, still smiling.

"You didn't deny it." He pointed out and put my face in my hands, hiding from his gaze.

"Zach, I'll get down the car if you don't stop that," I warned him and he just chuckled and a peaceful silence set in the car. I let my head lay on the window, falling into a slumber.


"Hey, baby, we're home." I heard a faint voice and I looked out to find the mansion. I looked at Zach who was at my door, which was open, giving me his hand. I take it and get up but immediately fell on him.

The door was closed behind me but I sleep on Zach's chest and he wrapped an arm around me as we walked.

"You want me to carry you?" He asked me and I was very convinced about saying yes, but he was tired, too.

"No, it's okay. We can just walk slow and you can let me sleep on you." I muttered as I held him and he chuckled. He stopped and I was off the ground. A small gasp escaped my lips.

"Zach!" I tried to exclaim but it came out as a whisper. My head fell on his chest and I felt him chuckle.

"Zach!" I heard a loud voice and he stopped. My heart raced but I was very tired to even move. And Zach's body made me feel comfortable.

"Why are you carrying her?" I recognized Dad's voice.

"Dan, she fell asleep in the car. I didn't want to disturb her sleep. Can I go, I'm tired, too." He said and walked. I guessed Dad didn't say anything to him. I sighed.

"You're so getting me into trouble all the time," Zach muttered and I could hardly understand what he meant.

I found myself on my bed. My shoes were off my legs. Zach put a cover on my body and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight, love." He said and I finally let myself lose completely into sleep, without wasting another second.


"How was your day, yesterday?" Mom asked me and I immediately blushed. Zach coughed and I looked up at him and my blush deepened.

"It was good. We went to Disney Land. It was amazing." I finally said once I recovered my blush back to a smile.

"That's good," Dad muttered eyeing Zach.

"You guys have work today?" Zach asked for everybody.

"No, we have an off," William answered and Zach nodded.

"I thought we could play golf on the ground. What say, Dan?" He asked and Dad's face formed a huge smile.

"It's been long that we played. Let's get settled on the ground for a family picnic. It would be fun." Dad said and everybody at breakfast table hummed excitedly for the picnic.


We all were sprawled over the grass on the blanket, after having a field day playing golf. Zach was good at it. Dad, William, Uncle Andre, and Zach were the four players. Uncle Andre won the game with the highest points.

Zach sat beside me trying to look subtle but it didn't go unnoticed by Mom and Gloria. I swear those two were always giggling like teens. Little Alain came rushing to Zach and sat on his lap. I had an urge to pout but I didn't.

"Zach, feed her some grapes." Aunt Sophia said to Zach and he complied. He fed her the grapes slowly while looking at me. I could've strangled him for those looks, but I just quietly enjoyed my sandwich.

"Is that a swan in the lake?" Zach asked and everybody, including me, looked at the small pond to see the bird. Zach immediately held my chin and made me look at him and landed a quick peck on my lips before everyone turned.

"No, that's a duck." Said Dad still inspecting but turning back. Zach hummed and everybody resumed what they were doing, but I was frozen.

"Gail, have the sandwich," Mom muttered with a visible teasing look on her face. My face was immediately covered by blush and I shut my eyes. I heard small giggles and found Alain giggling softly with her hands pressed on her mouth.

"Baiser?" ("Kiss?") She muttered and my eyes widened. Kids shouldn't be thought such words. Everyone looked at her wanting to know why she suddenly muttered that word.

"Bien sûr, ma chérie, tout pour toi." ("Of course, sweetheart, anything for you.") Zach immediately covered up and pecked Alain's cheeks and poured kisses on her and she giggled in delight. Lucky kid.

"Well, we should get in and prepare for some late-night barbeque, what say?" Gloria said and everyone hummed liking the sound of it.

"I'll get the cooks to be prepared. Everyone rest for now." Sophia said and we all nodded. Slowly everyone got up and ready to leave.

"Zach and Abby, I suggest you guys do the cleaning." Mom said and I almost coughed. Zach beside me just smiled and nodded at her.

"Sure, why not. You guys prep for the night, we'll be back in the meantime." Zach said to everybody and they slowly left.

Once everyone was gone and we were left alone, Zach held out his hand to me. I gave him a confused look, but he showed his stretched hand to me and I sighed but took it. He pulled me up and close to him. His hand on my waist.

"What?" I asked him as he just started moving slowly.

"We're dancing." He said the obvious and swayed me gently in a rhythm without having any music. I didn't comment about the music since it was rather very peaceful to be with him alone, at least for a while.

"You like it?" He asked as he spun me around in the air and set me down gently. My both hands wrapped around his shoulder as I nodded with a big smile on my lips.

At that moment, I realized dancing didn't need a song, it needed emotions and passion.

He slowly leaned in and I did the same. Our lips met in slow sync making me feel mesmerized by the whole action. He pulled me closer by my waist. Kissing felt like a complete bliss, so enticing still so foreign.

We both heard giggles and pulled away to look at the traitors. It was Mom and Gloria.

"I told you they were dating!" Yelled Gloria and I shut my eyes not knowing what else to do.

"We'll finally be more than good friends!" Mom squealed. I opened my eyes and saw them both walking away looking content by the revelation.

"Can the night be any more embarrassing?" I asked and he laughed. He just pulled me close and hugged me, as we both enjoyed the peaceful calm.


With love, Nia.

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