The Last Dance (Nathan/Jay fa...

HannnahTW द्वारा

7K 184 70

*completed* Saffron Baker's life is transformed into a blur of excitement, showbiz and heartache once she's g... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (FINAL CHAPTER)

Chapter 11

228 13 5
HannnahTW द्वारा

**Nathan's POV**

Jay stared at me in shock, his hand still resting on my shoulder, frozen in place.

"Wh-what?" He stammered, turning paler by the second,

"Saffron's been hit by a car," I managed to croak out again, feeling numb.

"Oh my god." Jay whispered, "is she... is she d-" I stopped Jay before he could finish, I didn't want to hear those words, even though I knew she was alive right now, I didn't want to hear the words: 'Saffron is dead'.

"No, no. But she's in hospital."

"Oh." Jenny said, looking deflated.

"I'm going to see her." I delcared, "Tanya asked me to go." I said, rising up from my hunched position on the sofa,

"Me too." Jay said and I watched from the corner of my eye as he too got up.

"I don't think so." I said,

"Why?" Jay questioned,

"Don't you think you've hurt her enough already?" I snapped at him,

"I'm coming whether you like it or not. I need to see if she's ok."

"Fine." I sighed, "come on we've got to get going. Are you coming?" I asked, shooting a look over to Jenny. I don't know what I ever saw in her. All I see now is a jealous, lying, cheating young girl.

"Ok." She replied quietly, I could tell she knew I was angry with her.

We got into my car, I sat in the driver's seat whilst Jay sat in the back with Jenny. How awkward, I thought to myself whilst gritting my teeth.

I tried my best to drive steadily, but it was hard. My hands kept shaking and my breath was jagged and my mind was being interrupted over and over again as horrible thoughs began to enter it.

"Nathan, are you sure you don't want me to drive, you seem uh, unfocused." I heard Jay ask me from the back.

"No. Its fine." I said flatly.


"You know," I said, trying to lighten my voice, " you guys should just go out. I won't mind. I guess, if its ok with you, I could ask Saff out? I don't know, Jenny I did like you, but, ugh I don't know how to explain it," I sighed in frustration, "when I'm around Saffron, I feel something different, something special and magical. But I knew Jay liked her so I didn't say anything, which is why I was glad I met you Jenny, because you distracted me for a while. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I used you. You and Jay should be happy together. You both deserve that. Anyway, you do look cute together. The fans haven't been told about our relationships yet, so I guess we could just pretend that none of this happened maybe? I really am sorry for all this trouble I've caused though." I concluded as I pulled into a parking space outside the hospital and stepped out the car, walking briskly towards the swinging glass doors.

I heard footsteps behind as Jay caught up with me,

"Nathan," he said, and I turned around to face me, "thanks for that." He said shooting me a smile that I hadn't seen for a while.

"No problem," I said, returning the smile.

"Its good to have my mate back again," he said, pulling me into a hug,

"Its good to have you back too." I replied as he let go of me, and then, "I wonder what the fans are going to say about Jaythan after all of this comes out?"

"Haha," Jay laughed, "I don't know." As Jenny approached us, he said to me quickly, "Now you go in there and ask that beautiful and talented girl out. You deserve her."

"Thanks," I said with a smile, suddenly feeling, despite the situation, immensely happy. I spotted Tanya waiting anxiously for us through the window, the smile vanished from my lips and we all rushed inside to meet her.

"Thanks for coming guys," she said to us, shooting a strange glance towards Jay and Jenny. I briefly explained to her what had happened and she replied with a knowing nod. We reached Saffron's bed, and I swear I could hear my heart shatter as I saw her lying there, bruised and broken and hurting.

"The doctors have reassured that the damage isn't permanent, she's just in a little bit of shock and they've had to keep her in for a few hours to treat her injuries. But they say she'll be ready to leave later, probably tomorrow morning once they've given her a final checkover."

It was a good thing she wasn't injured greatly, but it was still so sad to see here lying with bruises and cuts down her face, neck, arms, and body. I walked slowly over to Saffron, but she was asleep. I gently took her pale hand in mine. Her hair was spread out across her pillow in a mass of brown/blonde waves, like a halo. I sighed, and watched as her brown eyes opened ever so slowly.

**Saffron's POV** I opened my eyes slowly as I felt someone grasp my hand, and gasped in shock as I saw it was Nathan kneeling by my side. I glanced quickly around the room, I saw Jay there - and Jenny, and they were holding each other in an embrace! I then looked over to Tanya, who smiled a massive smile at me, winked and put her thumbs up. Confused, I looked at Nathan again, he stood up, whispered, "I'm sorry," and then leant forward and kissed me. I was suprised at first, but then I metled under his touch, suddenly I didn't hurt anymore, I felt fireworks in my stomach and my heart felt as if it wanted to leap out of my chest with happiness. Nathan deepened the kiss, his lips were so moist and gentle, his hand caressed my hair and I felt like there was a surge of electricity in the room, crackling through the air and connecting me and Nathan together. I'd never felt like this before. As we pulled away from each other, eyelashes fluttering against each other's skin, I heard Tanya wolf whistle in the background and we all laughed. "I'll explain everything later," Nathan said quietly, as a nurse came in to assess me. I nodded as he and the others left the room. Although, I'm pretty sure I understand everything already. Settling back down with a pleased smile on my face, I sighed, with happiness. Maybe everything would turn out ok in the end. Maybe.

~ please comment, vote, fan ~

A/N: apologies again for the late update! This fanfic has nearly finished though! Only a few chapters left! Are you sad? :P

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