Long Time ( Deidara Love Stor...

De TakedaXxXKaori

39.6K 880 175

When a childhood friend of Deidara's move to Konoha High, what happen to their friendship after they've chang... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 : Deidara POV
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Deidara POV
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 : Deidara POV
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Deidara's POV
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

1.8K 51 9
De TakedaXxXKaori


To be honest, I didn't have the mood for the dinner. Not that I don't like Grandma Aya and Grandpa Hiro, it's just that I dislike being in the same room with Deidara. It makes me feel sick and disgusted. I mean, how can a guy kiss you then suddenly run off to the girl you hate? I had him and ran away from him because I was too blinded by my own feelings. Stupid, I know. Wait, why am I thinking about this?!

Somehow, Hidan found out about the dinner. Maybe through Deidara? Tch, that big mouth.


After dinner was finished, I went into my room to finish up my last homework. The past few days have been rather disturbing. Ino and Deidara have been making out around the school whenever I was in that particular venue at the same time as them. It was rather disgusting more than disturbing.

I was on my laptop, when Hidan started to chat with me.

( JashinWorshipper= Hidan / KasumiOfTheMist= Kasumi )

JashinWorshipper: So, I bet you're gonna have a fucking great time this Saturday night with Deidara in your territory ;)

KasumiOfTheMist: Shut up. As if I want to! It's just to show my uncle some face! Besides, that guy's grandparents took care of me when I was younger. If I don't show up, they'll probably think I grew up into some arrogant bitch.

JashinWorshipper: Yeah, yeah. Anyways, what're you gonna do about that Ino and him?

KasumiOfTheMist: Whoa o.o that's the first time you didnt cuss in a sentence.

JashinWorshipper: Just answer the fucking question!! D:<

KasumiOfTheMist: I... i'm not sure.

JashinWorshipper: Hmmm... I got a plan... will tell ya tomorrow ~ bye!

- JashinWorshipper logged out -



As I rode on my motorcycle into school, I noticed Hidan and his motorcycle parked next to my usual parking space. I was rather confused. He usually doesn't wait for me... so, what's going on? Maybe, it had to do with the plan he was talking about yesterday?

In the swarm of students, I loudly rev my engine to get the students attention because they were not making space for me. As I loudly rev my engine, the students quickly move aside to make way. As I parked my motorcycle next to Hidan, he greeted me with a 'good morning'. I greeted him back. I got off my motorcycle and took off my helmet. Hidan was just leaning against his motorcycle, facing my direction, but his gaze is not on me.

I was about to ask him why he was just standing there when he suddenly grabbed me and kissed me full on the lips. His hands grabbed me tightly by my forearm, as if he doesn't want to let go. His kiss was rough and I was full of shock. My eyes were wide open while his eyes were shut. I tried to squirm myself free, but the way his hands tightly gripped me, it's as though he trying to tell me to act naturally. He shoved his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues melded together. As we broke the kiss, our lips were still connected by a strand of saliva. I quickly wiped it off.

"What the heck was that for?!" I smacked his chest several times, yet he still had a smirk on his face.

His eyes were looking at a certain corner. I followed his gaze, and saw Deidara glaring at Hidan. It was as though steam was coming out of Deidara's ears, his face was red with anger while Hidan chuckled and pulled me closer by the waist. His mouth was moving while his knuckles turned white. He was about to stomp over here when out of nowhere, Ino appeared and stole him away. I released myself from Hidan's arms. I took my school bag and slung it on my right shoulder. 

"Come on, Hidan. The bell's gonna ring in about five minutes." I say as I pulled him by his wrist.

As we entered Homeroom class, we made it on time, but the teacher wasn't in yet. Hidan and I took our seats at the back of the class. Ino and Deidara were already in their seats. As we passed by them, Deidara threw a death glare at Hidan while Hidan smirked at him. A few minutes later, Iruka sensei came into class, panting.

"Sorry I was late, class." Iruka sensei tried to say as he panted.

The class was really noisy, and did not realise there was a teacher standing in front of the classroom... well, except me, and maybe Hidan. I turned to my right and saw Hidan sleeping. I could hear his snores and his drool sliding down his arm and making a pool on the table. 

"Anyways, the information of the Senior Prom, which will be held at the end of the year, has already been out! The information has been posted onto the notice board outside the general office." Iruka sensei announces as a few choruses of 'yes!' were heard, mostly from girls.

Prom is something I don't look forward to every year.

"Every Senior students is required to attend!" Iruka sensei adds.

And, now, I'm supposed to be a part of it. A few groans were heard in the classroom. 

"Come on, guys! How can you all not like Prom?" Iruka sensei exclaimed, trying to diffuse the tension.

Exactly, how can you dislike prom? Well, for instance, there's dancing, horny teenagers that think they're finally legal but they have to wait a year and well... I have to wear a dress!! That's the main reason why I hate prom. Plus, it'll be kinda embarrassing if you go alone, right? But, I should go for the Senior Prom, I guess. I have Hidan.

Maybe, he'll pretend to be my date?

"What's all this fucking commotion about prom?" Hidan muttered to himself.

"Iruka sensei says that it's compulsory to go." I say, loud enough for Hidan to hear.

"What kind of fucking nonsense is that?" Hidan groaned.

I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe, some bitch in school purposely made it compulsory so that she can laugh her fucking head off with her clique at someone who came alone or something. 

The bell rang, signalling the end of first period. Hidan and I would go to the second period together as our classes were nearby. When most of the students and Iruka sensei were gone, I gathered my things and stood up from my seat, Ino stopped in front of my desk, her arms were akimbo. She had a smirk on her face.

"So... Kasumi," she started.

"I don't remember being on first name basis with you." I snarled.

"Who are you going to the prom with?" she ignored my last statement.

She inspected her nails as she waited for my response. Hidan was sitting on his desk, that's right next to mine, glaring at Deidara, who was a standing at his desk, which was a few tables in front of us. They were having a glaring competition.

"Why, with Hidan, of course!" I retorted.

I knew she was expecting me to say, "With no one.".

"Oh, you're with Hidan now?" she tilted her head to the side, trying to act as though she doesn't know anything.

Well, it's obviously fake, actually. I meant, me going with Hidan to the prom. It actually slipped out of my mouth since Hidan has been the only person I've been conversing with this past few months.

"Oh, I remembered!" Ino placed her hands together as though she finally got an idea.

"You and Hidan were making out shamelessly at the car park this morning." Ino says, with a hint of venom in her tone.

I saw Deidara flinch slightly while Hidan smirked at Deidara.

"Our love life is totally none of your concern, bitch." Hidan exclaims as he pulled me closer to him and into his chest. I thought I almost heard Deidara growl.

"Excuse me?! What did you just say?!" Ino's face was red with anger.

"Stop snooping around, whore. You don't see me and Kasu over here trying to snoop around your fucking love life!" Hidan exclaims angrily.

"Or should I say, 'sex life'?" Hidan smirked.

"Watch your-" Ino was interrupted by Hidan shouting, "My what?!"

"God damn it, Deidara! Watch your fucking bitch, will ya?!" Hidan snarled.

"She shouldn't be fucking around with other people's life." Hidan added.

Deidara watch Hidan intensely with hatred. 

"Whatever, un." Deidara rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Ino. We have places to be, hm." Deidara says as he glances at me.

The two of them turned around and headed for the door. 

"That fucking whore..." I muttered.

"Well, well, well.. I think you'll be having such a great time this Saturday when he's over at your house." Hidan winked at me as he pulled me by the waist out of the class.

We walked in the crowded hallway, with his arms around my waist and students glancing at us.

"Get your hands off my waist, fucktard." I warned as I tried to squirm my way out of his arms.

"Everyone's gonna think we're together." I added.

Hidan chuckled, "Aren't we going out already? I mean, almost everyone in school caught us together."

"Plus, we already told that whore we're going out." he added.

"Ya' planned this, didn't you?" I pouted.

"Oh yes, I did..." he licked the shell of my ear.

I jumped a bit.

"I know we're pretending to be 'dating' and all, but must we really do that kinda stuff?" I did air quotations with my fingers.

"Mmhmm..." he nuzzled his face into my neck.

"What if a teacher spots us?" I whined.

"Fuck that teacher and he or she shall go to hell and join Jashin-sama." he chuckles.

Hidan and his make believe God. Sometimes, he'll make really long speeches of his 'Jashin-sama'. Soon, I realised we were aimlessly walking straight in the hallway. We probably missed our stop.

"Hey, I think we walked too far..." I say.

"We're skipping." he says with a straight face.

"We're what?!" I exclaimed.

The hallway was getting less and less crowded. Second period might be starting soon.

"We can't skip." I say, trying to change his mind.

Even if I don't attend classes, no one would care, except I have to explain a lot to my uncle. I've done it a thousand times. But, it's graduating year.

"We're going to the rooftop, don't worry." Hidan says.


"We'll be down once second period ends." he added.

"Fine..." I pouted.

"Hah! Since when has Kasumi been such a fucking good-two-shoes?!" he grinned.

I punched him lightly as we quickly ran all the way to the rooftop. We stayed there until second period was over.

Now, all I have to do is wait for Saturday night to be over and I can enjoy whatever Life attacks me with. As I thought through whatever happened earlier today, I think that Hidan is doing all this to create drama. Or maybe even worse? Well, I can't think of anything worse. But, like he said, it might be an entertaining Saturday night, maybe for him. But, even so, I'm not looking forward to Saturday.

But, why did I feel jealous when I saw Deidara walking out of the classroom with Ino? Didn't I pledge to hate him all my life? Why... am I feeling angry and jealous? I'm really not looking forward to Saturday. That's been chanting in my head ever since I found out Deidara and his grandparents are coming over. I just want it over.

Saturday is gonna be Hell. I'm not looking forward to it. I hope Hidan's made up God comes and destroy this Earth on Saturday. 

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