The Free Girl

By C_Cruz_A

6.5K 227 8

Bella has lived her whole life in NeverLand. But not once has she touched actual land. As daughter of Captain... More

Chapter 1: The Boy Who Could Fly
Chapter 2: Music To My Ears
Chapter 3: The Boy Behind the Demon
Chapter 4: For the Love of Her
Chapter 5: Dream Shade
Chapter 6: Darling
Chapter 7: What Hides in The Dark
Chapter 9: When The Free Became Trapped
Chapter 10: The Heart of the Lost Girl

Chapter 8: Freedom

439 22 0
By C_Cruz_A

My heart dropped, the last thing i needed was for Felix to come and ruin my happiness. Anyhow he pulled me to the side, he said we had to talk before Pan returned.
"How did you find me?" i asked.
"Your weren't hiding plus there's nobody else on the island who would ever talk to you other than little TinkerBell."
"Wow how suttle," i replied, "So what is it then? Why did you have to bother come looking for me? Doesn't Ms.Darling need all your time?"
He stared at me seriously now, "Pan will be returning soon, and when he sees your gone, know he will come looking."
"Honestly, after seeing Wendy in his tent, not sure theres much he can say to make me go back," i turned to look at Tink and the rest of the fairies who were still watching, "I really like it here, but like i told myself when i left yesterday, i would only leave until i could clear my mind."
"Its been a day," he stated, "Isn't that enough time?"
"Felix," i let out a huge sigh and note of hesitation, "Why is Wendy here?"
He shook his head, "I don't know, Pan ordered Hook to bring her. That was there deal before Pan fell in lo-" I cut him off, "Dont say it, I dont want to hear about something that could have never been real."
He grabbed my hand, "If i know anything about Pan," he said looking me in the eyes, "Is that he does Love you."
I stood up,"No," i said, " There can't be love without trust, plus he dwells to much on power."
"Could be," he said, "But if he does, it'll be his destruction."
For a while we looked at each other speechless, until finally he stood, "I can't go back without you," he said, "Pan-"
"Pan! Pan, Pan, Wow," i said in frustration, "Who cares at this point, look Felix i know you have an enormous amount of loyalty towards Pan, but please let me have this. Back at camp i felt just as trapped as i did on the Jolly Rodger. Please," i said walking towards him and looking him in the eyes, "Let me be free."
He sighed, and then nodded, "Alright, but Pan won't be happy. But since you are Pan's lady still my loyalty towards you is just a strong as my loyalty to him."
I smiled and gave Felix a giant hug, "Thanks soo much." He shockingly hugged me back, I couldn't help but feel like Felix was like an older brother to me. He was always there for me, granting me his loyalty.
As he walked away Tink, walked up to me, "You know it won't be long before Pan, comes looking right?"
"I know, but if Pan really does love me than he won't force me back, and if he tries-"
"Then we'll be ready," Terrance said as he walked up to us.
I smiled, then looked back at Felix in the distance, "I just hope we won't have to be."
I felt bad for leaving without saying Goodbye to Bella, but then again i had too. If i had said goodbye, then she would have questioned where i was going, which is something i couldn't have had happen. It didn't matter now anyways, i was on my way to her, and that's all that mattered, of course there was the matter of Wendy. "Ehh I'll deal with her later," i thought. I would just have to take another romantic stroll with Bella, by time we get back they would have already moved Wendy to the hideout like they did the first time. Win, Win situation. Yet Things always manage to take an unexpected turn , a turn we shouldn't have taken.
I came upon an annoying Wendy Darling complaining about a girl to the lost boys, it was Bella she was talking about. She was insulting her, which twisted my insides so much. I would have her locked in her cage if i wasn't so curious as to why she was even outside my tent. And if she was, where was Bella to question? I ran to Bella's tent, she wasn't there. No one had noticed me until i heard a voice point the obvious out, "Your not going to find her," i turned to see Johnson standing there with a dumb look on his face, he continued, "She left in the middle of the night, right after she walked in on Wendy sleeping in your tent."
"Where is she?" i demanded, as i grabbed him and shoved him up against a tree, "Go ahead do it, kill me, and watch how you won't see her again. It was pretty funny though, watching her argue with Felix about you. They're very close you know should watch out a bit more."
I put him down completely ignoring what he said, "What do you want?" i asked.
"I want a passage off of this island."
I didn't second guess it and granted him full permission to leave, before he left though he answered me, he pointed behind me, "Theres your answer." I turned to look at Felix. He seemed shocked to see me, which flooded me with even more anger.
"Pan," he said slowly, "what's going on?"
I chuckled, "Funny you should ask, Felix, my most loyal subject," i said as i circled around him, "I return to find the dumb girl out and about insulting my Bella. Better yet i cant find my Bella. Have you seen her Felix?" I got in his face now, "Where is she?"
"She doesnt want to return," he stated.
I laughed, "Why would she ever listen to you? Your nothing, obviously she wouldn't listen to you even if her life depended on it."
"That's not what she said," he replied. I couldn't help but notice a change in his voice, and then i realized what had really happened, "You love her?" i said questioning him.
"So long as she is your lady, my thoughts will never fall upon her in that way."
I laughed, "That's right, my lady," i clarified, "And at the moment, You know where my lady is, tell me where before, i make you tell me."
"She's with the fairies," he said, "And she does not wish to be bothered, especially not by you."
I was about to fly towards the part of the island where the fairies were loctated, when he continued, "You will loose her."
"No i wont," i said turning back and looking him in the eye.
"Force her back and you will."
"I can't let that happen, one way or another she will be by my side once more, and she will be happy."
My heart jumped at his next words, because part of me knew it was true, i declared her free, bringing her back by force would be trapping her all over again, i turned to him eyes widened and listened closely, "Take her Freedom and she won't be."

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