Chapter 9: When The Free Became Trapped

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I didn't wake up because i wanted to this morning. I woke up because my nerves made me. I pased back and fourth in my tree house, thinking what would happen when Pan came. "I need to keep positive," i told myself ".... Positive," i said as i let out a huge sigh and sat down on my bed. I took a peak out my little wooden window, the sun was rising. I jumped down to touch the floor and sat at a near by boulder and watched it rise, "You know normally people watch the sunset?" I turned around to see Terrance.
I smiled, "You know friends don't normally visit other friends this early in the morning," i teased.
He laughed, as he sat by me, "Point Taken," he said.
From the corner of my eye i could tell he was staring at me for bit, which kind of brought butterflies back to my stomach, which was bad on my part, i was technically still Pan's girl. And by being so i have to be loyal to him, heart and all.
Of course before i could say anything, we got startled by the sudden rustling in the woods, we stood up now and looked in the direction of the noise.
"You know when i left you at camp, i pretty much intended for you to stay there," Pan said from behind us. He was leaning against a tree, with a dead serious look on his face.
"Stay?" i repeated, "What am i your dog now?"
"No, but your my lady, and as such you will do what i say."
"You declared me free, you have no right to tell me what to do," I was about to go up to him and look him in the eye when, Terrance pulled on my hand, signaling me too keep my distance.
Pan chuckled, " Of courses another man falls for my maiden," he got in Terrances face, "I will repeat this to you as i did Felix, She's my lady."
My heart dropped, as Pan basically flicked Terrance sending him flying and into a boulder knocking him out, not letting him say a word to object him, "No Pan! Stop leave him alone! He has nothing to do with this," Then it came to me as i rushed to Terrance's side "Felix? Pan what happened to Felix?" Tears were running down my face now. Pan came closer and i stood covering Terrance's body so he could do no more to him.
"Don't you worry about him, love, we just made sure his loyalties were to me, only me."
I cried as i dropped to the floor, by his feet, "What do you want?" I managed to ask.
"I came only to bring you back to where you truly belong, by my side with the lost bo-"
"With Wendy," i said looking up at him now.
"Wendy is none of your business," he stated.
"Because its completely normal to see a girl sleeping in your boyfriend's tent," i said sarcastically.
"As i said before I came here only to get you, not give you any explanations."
I chuckled i turned to look at Terrance he was still breathing which was good, "Thats not the only thing you did, when you came here."
Pan seemed irritated now, and when i stood, he covered me with something...... it was pixie dust. Everything went black. When i woke up again i was back at camp, in my tent, on my bed, except for one major difference. The cage built around my tent, the cage meant to keep an animal in, the cage Pan trapped me in. I cried for a while, and soon those tears brought me to sleep. As i slept I felt myself fall slowly off the side of the earth, as i began to dissolve away something began tugging on me, keeping me just between life and death. I didn't want to open my eyes, if i did, who would be there, someone to comfort me or someone to mock me. I opened them a bit when i noticed i had two rocks on my bed. I sat up and outside my tent was Felix.
"Felix," i said getting up and rushing towards the wooden bars.
He got on his knees, "Im so sorry," he said in a pitiful tone.I noticed he had extra scratches on his face and hands now. I grabbed his hand and stared at the scartches,i shed a tear, "Im so sorry." I told him now.
He shook his head, " I have no regrets about defending you in this conflict, i only feel sorry now that your stuck...... Trapped when i know its the thing you least wanted."
He gave me food and after a few more words he was off, at this point no one could help me or talk to me. Felix said that if he was caught speaking to me he would receive another plundering from some of the other lost boys. I felt terrible, he didnt deserve it, nobody did.
A while later i could hear Wendy's annoying laugh. I could swear she was mocking me, i turned to see her and Pan sitting together. She was having the time of her life, while Pan sat and stared at me in all seriousness. He looked like he felt bad, but at this point I wasn't so sure i cared.
My mind spun the whole day. I felt terrible, Bella didn't deserve what she got, but i couldn't help it. I needed her here by my side, trapped or not. The bonfire tonight didn't feel the same without her, Wendy wasn't helping either she wouldn't stop talking. Im seriously glad Felix came over to talk to me.
"My lord," he said hesitantly, "i know you told me not to speak to her or look at her, but She doesnt look so good."
I probably should have been mad at Felix for disobeying me, but playing my pipes wasn't even making me feel better, "She doesn't?" i asked.
He shook his head. I sighed and looked down at my pipes.
I walked up to her tent and it looked like she was driving herself mad, she pretended to sleep at first, but when i became out of her view she would roll up and cry. I wanted to go up to her and hug her, apologize for what i did, for not being honest to her, for trapping her again. But i couldn't for some reason, something was holding me back. It was late now and she finally fell asleep, but she was tossing and turning again like when she first arrived. I grabbed my pipes and pulled up a chair against her bed. I began to play, but they didn't help. The music died out of her ears, the once beautiful music that turned her nightmares into paradise died and became simply nightmares again.
I reached over to grab her hand, but she pulled away from me, like if she knew i was here, "Do you really believe i could ever hurt you, my love," i whispered to her. I felt something come over me,as i watched her, something was running down my face. Something that hadn't been seen on my face in a long time..... a tear.

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