Chapter 6: Darling

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That day, Peter and i didn't head back to camp he didn't want to. Instead i felt like we were reliving the first time we ever hung out.
"Ok so this time, i bet you, yourself can't fly through that hole in the tree," he laughed and raised both his eyebrows.
"And what will i get this time?" He said stepping closer to me, I put my finger on his lips, "That comes until after you prove me wrong," i teased. He laughed and flew through the hole, like nothing, dragging with him water from the lake getting me wet, "Peter Pan Never Fails," he shouted as he flew in circles around me, i laughed as he landed. "I believe a kiss is an order", i could have sworn each kiss got ten times better. We continued to walk and hold hands, and eventually, we took a break and layed down in a bunch of grass. It was so beautiful, we sat as we watched the dandelions depart from them rest of their crew. I turned to look at Pan, who was holding me from behind as we lay on the floor, "What are you thinking about?" i asked as i turned to face him.
"You." he replied
"What about me?" i asked.
"Its Nothing," he replied, i laughed.
"Is it good or bad?"
He chuckled, "You dont wanna know."
I laughed and smacked him, making him laugh.
"You asked for it," he teased.
I smiled at him, time went by so quickly, i hadn't even noticed it was nightfall.
I gazed up at the stars, "They're so beautiful."
"Yeah, i know you are," he said staring at me with a small smile. He was holding me close again now, i looked him in the eyes and didn't want to look away. And time stopped for the longest time ever.
In the morning, i woke with him by my side. We were still on the field filled with flowers. I woke him up with a kiss good morning, he opened one eye only. I laughed, and gave him another kiss, only then did he open both eyes.
"C'mon we need to get back to camp, freshen up and eat."
"Do i get another one if i cant get up?" he teased.
I laughed, "No, not till i get food in my system."
He stood up and we walked back holding hands. When we reached the camp i was able to notice, another cage, being set up, "Are you expecting someone?" i asked.
He ignored the question and we kept walking.
As we ate Pan reminded me that he would be going away again, once more didn't tell me why, but that he would before sun set. I had no choice but to go along with it. My mind was still curious as to the spare cage the boys were building.
After lunch i went to search for Pan, but i couldn't find him anywhere, the only thought i had was that he left without saying goodbye, which kinda hurt.
I walked up to his tent but just as i was about to enter Felix got in my way, "Felix? Whats going on?" i asked.
"Nothing, its just no one is allowed in Pan's tent while hes gone," he sounded uneasy. There was more to this and nobody wanted to tell me what.
"Oookay." I replied as i began to walk away. Days passed and still no sign of Pan, but i noticed lost boys would occasionally pass by Peter's tent with food, and walk out without it. I couldn't resist anymore, i had to go see what was happening.
I waited for the boys to get distracted which was usually when sparring happened. Lucky for me Devin picked a fight with some new kid. I stepped into his tent and my heart dropped. I saw a girl about maybe two years younger than me, with brown curly hair, and only a robe sleeping in his bed.
"Who are you?" i asked startling her awake.
She studied me, "Im Pan's lady friend, Wendy Darling," she replied with confidence.
"Lady friend?" i repeated, as she nodded.
"Well guess what Darling, Im Pan's-" just then Felix ran in and interrupted me, "Pan's lady friend as well," he said as he began pushing me outside the tent.
"Excuse me?" i said. "Felix whats going on?" i said in a hard pissed off manor.
"Nothing that should concern you, I told you not to go in the tent," he said.
"Well when you tell the girlfriend of the guy whom she loves not to go in his tent, what was i supposed to do?" i yelled back. Everyone was staring now, and just then Miss little Wendy Darling walked out of the tent, "Don't you guys have cages for people like her?" she said pointing at me.
"Bite me," i told her.
"Excuse yourself, because you have no say in this," she shouted at me.
"I have more say in this than you do, so get back into Pan's tent and stay their like a good little girl," i demanded, Im must have sounded pretty harsh because as soon as i said it she backed away and stayed in the tent for the rest of the the night. I sighed, i was so confused and frustrated things were finally turning out good and just like that it disappeared. Nothing could get me to sleep that night, nothing i stayed up wondering and looking at the bean my father had given me. I knew what to think and where to go once i planted the magic bean, but its how i would feel after i was gone that scared me.
I needed to get away, but not permanently, just temporarily, to think things through. I snuck out during the middest of the night. Determined to go somewhere, not sure where, but i just had to be alone for a while at least before Pan returned and so i wouldn't be as frustrated as i was now. I looked back at the camp before i continued and whispered to myself, " Wendy Darling, I hope your just a bump in our road."

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