Levi's Wings of Freedom (Levi...

By Exellda

150K 7.8K 6.3K

Summary: Levi lived his whole life in a cage. His shackles followed him wherever he went which wasn't far at... More

Levi's Wings of Freedom
Levi is Auctioned
Levi's New Home
Levi Cleans
Levi's First Taste of Freedom
Levi Goes Out
Levi's First Flight
Levi Gets Sick
Levi's Choice
Levi Decides
Levi's Interveiws
Levi Works
Levi's First Love
Levi Models
Levi's Jealousy
Levi Tells
Levi's First Celebration Party
Levi Needs Help!
Levi's Only Hope
Levi For Christmas
Levi's Alone
Levi's Return Home

Levi Awakens

3.7K 175 240
By Exellda

Okay, so I started writing this when I was mad.
I am sorry.
Also, from now on, I will not being saying TRIGGER WARNING anymore.
You are big kids/ teens/ adults. Read at your own risk. I mean dang, this is rated R.

I am so sorry. lol I can already feel the hate.

Please enjoy~ <3

Oh and this hasn't been beta'd, sorry again for any mistakes. You've been waiting too long, so I have to update. (So many sorry's)

Levi Awakens

Dreaming. Levi was dreaming. Sleep was a beautiful thing and it seemed that Levi slept the best next to Eren. He found himself sleeping soundly curled next to Eren...

Or so he thought...

Levi awoke with his wings strapped down tightly and outstretched, only something was askew. Both his wings were black? Eren was nowhere in sight. Actually, as Levi blinked, he realized that he wasn't even in the same bedroom they were sharing. He wasn't even in the same bedroom he fell asleep in. Levi was cold, miserable, hungry– and now incredibly scared. A small white room, like a hospital, a messed up hospital. He was no longer in the comfort of Eren's home but... to something that resembled a medical bed.

No, more like torture bed.

From where he was laying Levi could see that his ankles, wrists, and even his torso was strapped down. Ironically, there was only one thought that came to his mind right at that moment:

Well this isn't good... How the hell did I get here?

On the bright side, well, no wait, there wasn't a bright side to this at all. Levi wanted to know what the hell was going on and why the fuck wasn't he in bed with Eren right now. Damn, what do I have to do to get some attention around here? Levi thought, because after all, he couldn't get answers while just lying there. Although Levi felt like he should be panicking, something told him that now wasn't the time. It was instinct and Levi now knew well than to against his instincts.

Yet at the same time, Levi really hoped this was a dream... However, he couldn't necessarily pinch himself to figure it out. So he just laid there, quietly, because there was no use for screaming and struggling when it was clearly obvious that he couldn't get anywhere. Why waste the effort? Surely his mind was playing tricks on him... Right? Right? Why was he here? No. Levi shook his head. This was obviously a nightmare. He sighed, yeah... that's what this was...

Beep. The sound made Levi flinch. Beep. He blinked again. What was that? Levi wondered. Beep. Angling his head, Levi's eyes moved around the room, trying to find the source of the noise and– Beep. There it was. How could he not notice a monitor next to the bed? That was strange, he hadn't heard it all this time... But then again, since when was there all kinds of sounds? It was like his hearing just now decided to work. What is going on? Now that he could hear, he noticed that there were actually people nearby, perhaps in the next room over? They were talking, saying things he could hardly hear or interpret.

Then the only door to the room suddenly flung open, startling Levi to the point that the heart monitor he was hooked up to actually spiked. First one doctor came in, then another, and another and finally a nurse. All of them were covered head to toe, gloves, the long white coats, facial masks, and scrubs– the whole ordeal. "Ah, patient so 5384 finally awakened from his slumber." Said doctor number one, none of the people in the room had name tags. What the hell? 5384?

"I wonder, did you dream while you were in a coma?" Asked the second doctor.

"A better question would be if he can actually hear us." Said the third doctor. He walked to the bedside, gazing down at Levi. He hummed to himself, "Can you hear us patient 5384?" Again with the 5384? I suppose that's supposed to be me, isn't it? Levi merely nodded to the question. Yeah, he could definitely hear them. The number seemed to ring a bell somewhere in the back of Levi's mind. Why did it sound familiar? Who were these people and why was he here? "Good." Said doctor number three. "I suppose it's good that you didn't die. We might have lost major funding."

Meanwhile, while Levi was distracted with the third doctor, the first and second doctor were calibrating the medical instruments around him. They worked quietly and seemingly in synchronization with each other... Then there was the nurse who was still standing in the same spot, next to the door. Judging by her posture, she looked stiff. Why? Levi didn't know. Hell, he didn't know what was going on... "How soon do you think he will be ready?" Asked the third doctor.

"Eh, maybe an hour, perhaps sooner. At this rate he should be well enough to go again." Said the second doctor.

There was a gasp from the nurse as she finally decided to speak up. "Don't you think that will be too soon? I mean, he just woke up. He should get some food and proper water at least. Give him some time to recuperate." Her voice stuck out to Levi... Like he had heard it before. It seemed she was trying to help him or perhaps even delay what was going to happen... Which Levi had no idea what the hell was going on or what was going to happen for that matter. All he knew was that his gut twisted to the point he wanted to vomit. Seeing the doctors, hearing them talk about him like a test subject... This was plain cruel. It wasn't right.

Why were they doing this and what were they going to do..? That's the only two questions that echoed in Levi's head at that moment. Not knowing was making him feel uneasy, however ignorant bliss, he sensed, was the way to go. Some part of him knew it would be bad if he asked. That same part of him knew what he would hear would not make him feel any better about the situation he was in. Thus, asking what was to come was out of the question. He would just have to wait and see...

While Levi had been deep in his thoughts the doctors had been negotiating. Luckily, it seemed that the nurse had won the argument. He mentally thanked the nurse for delaying the doom that he knew was to come. Soon enough, the other doctors left, leaving Levi alone with the nurse. Friend or foe, Levi had a feeling he would be figuring that out fairly soon. There was a sigh that escaped the nurse as she turned on her heel and walked slowly towards Levi. "How are you feeling, Levi?" She asked softly and when Levi only responded by furrowing his brows, she pulled off her mask. "Come now Levi, surely you remember me?" The lady asked as Levi finally could see all of her face. She was... Levi blinked. Very familiar... Her face was soft with a smile on it. The lady's eyes had a particular twinkle in them that rang a bell in the back of Levi's mind. "It's me, Carla."

Carla... Levi blinked and furrowed his brows as he tried to remember why that name was so important... Wait! Carla! His mind seemed to finally catch on to what was happening. Yes, he remembered her. She was Eren's mother. "C...Carla..?" Levi asked, unsure of himself. "It's been a while..." He found himself saying. Though he had no idea when he last saw her. "How long have I been out this time?" This time? What the hell was he saying? His mouth seemed to know what it was talking about, so did his brain. Yet here was Levi, desperately attempting to piece this all together.

A small frown briefly settled onto Carla's face from Levi's question. "Too long, Levi. I am sorry I couldn't help you... But if everything is supposed to work out, then I needed more time. This time around I am ready to carry out the plan we talked about. So don't you worry, Levi, I have made it my personal duty to make sure you live– Not only that, you will be freed, I promise you." Carla said, giving her word, a tender promise for Levi. She knew it was wrong for him to be where he was at. Freedom was the only thing worthy enough for Levi at this point. He didn't deserve to be locked up as he was, nor tortured like he was about to be...

Baffled was what Levi was, truly baffled. Carla really did keep her word. She would help him... She would save him. "Thank you Carla..." He said and really meant it too. Once he was out, the first thing he would do is find Eren. Yes, that's what he would do, that's who he wanted to see the most. After being separated for so long, their reunion would make him very happy. "When are you going to put the plan into effect?" He asked slowly, not even remembering what the plan was because his mind felt groggy and slow.

At this point of time, Levi was beginning to think that this wasn't a dream... Much to his dismay. This all felt very real to him. In fact, he was sure he was physically there. This caused a knot to bundle itself inside of Levi's stomach. It made him uncomfortable to thing that... All his memories... Were fake. All those touches, kisses, hugs, everything about Eren... It was all fake. None of it had happened. It only happened in his head. Knowing that he never went through all of that with Eren... Just made Levi want to break down... There was no way that was all fake, was there..?

There was a sigh that escaped Carla as she looked down at Levi. "Well, I was hoping to do it as soon as possible... Once you are well enough and strong enough. Levi, I am telling you this now so please listen to me." She said as she extended her hand and gently brushed some of Levi's hair out of his face. A weak smile could be seen on her face as she tried to be positive about the situation. "You have to fight for your life one more time. There is nothing I can do to prevent what the others are planning. They will experiment on you. I'm afraid that they will–"

"N-no, don't tell me what they are going to do, Carla. I will get more nervous than I already am. I may not look like it, but when shitty scientist keep poking me with needles, breaking my bones and sometimes cutting me open, I've learned the hard way– Trust me, I know." Levi said as he stared up at Carla. She was such a motherly woman. Going out of her way to take care of him, look out for him, and be there when he needed it...

As expected, Carla hummed and nodded with a sad look in her eyes. It hurt her to see Levi like this... And he would be in worse condition later... "Alright Levi, just remember... That if we fail, you won't be the only one who suffers. Isabel, Farlan and Mikasa are in this too, their lives are at stake as well. So you should be–"

"They're alive!?"

Carla flinched from Levi's outburst, a look of confusion was evident on her face. "Well of course they are. They have been hoping you would wake up, they miss you, don't you know?" She said, her voice was soft and gentle. "Why? Did you have a nightmare that they died or something? Because I assure you that they are all still alive and well." A smile made itself known on Carla's face. She was happy to see the relief on Levi's face. "No worries, Levi. I am sure everything will work out. You will be free and so will they. I promise you... But first..." The radiant smile quickly shifted of her face and was replaced by a small frown, "But you have to survive a little longer, okay. Don't resist them if you can, just get through it and recover. We can get through this, Levi. I believe in you... Now... Let's get some food in you, shall we?"

With that being said, Carla pulled her mask back on and straightened herself out before giving Levi a small wave. She would be back, Levi knew she would. He believed that Carla wouldn't abandon him. He watched as she left the room leaving Levi to his own devices. It made Levi so unbearably happy... His friends were alive... They were alive! But... But what about Eren? Where was he in all of this? Did he dream it all? Surely not..? Hopefully not... He loved Eren... With all of his heart. And he hadn't gotten the chance to tell him that in person yet... Not to mention they were going to celebrate Christmas together...

Right then the winged man felt mixed feelings. While he was very happy that his friends were alive, he was sad that... His love life had all been a lie. However, Levi refused to accept that. No, he wouldn't give up on Eren. There was no way he would give up what they had, he wouldn't give up the emotions he had for Eren, no, he wouldn't give up... He would keep fighting... For Eren, for Isabel, Farlan, Mikasa, Carla... and Hanji if she was around... He would fight for himself. He wouldn't give up, couldn't give up, no way would he give up until everyone was free, not until he was reunited with Eren once more... In his arms... Until he knew that he would forever be safe and happy.

Waiting patiently for Carla's return wasn't so bad. Even though he was nervous about the experiments the evil scientists were planning to perform on him, he would be strong for Carla and survive. He believed the plan would work... And if it did, maybe he could have the best outcome... Living, alive with all of his friends along with Eren... Even Hanji, she would be nice to have around, even though she was annoying. Perhaps when Carla got back he should ask to be refreshed about the details of the plan... What was it exactly and how would it be carried out? What did he have to do again? And so on.

To think that only five minutes had passed before Carla came back. Five minutes felt like an hour of anticipation, anxiety and boredom. Sadly, the moment Carla walked in, was also the moment Levi had to hold his breath as he watched her being followed by another doctor who was wearing glasses. Well shit, now he couldn't ask. Carla, a little help here? Levi thought while feeling worried. What was going on? Surely this other doctor wasn't going stick around. This was going to fuck everything up, that what Levi's instincts told him... His instincts were never wrong.

"5384, how are you coming along?" The doctor suddenly asked. Fuck, his voice sounded familiar, that wasn't a good thing. "Do you remember me..? It's okay to speak, if you can..." There was something in the man's tone, one that made Levi feel threatened. He couldn't imagine why he felt that way... But this man made him feel all sorts of uneasiness. A quick glance at Carla, Levi saw her shake her head. Was she trying to tell him something? Perhaps. Knowing her, it was a warning, but what for? So Levi shook his head, no, he did not know the doctor. "Hmn..." The doctor hummed as he pulled off his mask. "Do you remember me now?"

At that moment, Levi wished he could have stopped his eyes from widening. Crap, he couldn't ever forget that man's face. No. He wanted to forget. Levi wanted the man to get away from him. Mentally cursing the situation, it was evident the doctor was trying to provoke Levi. The man wanted him to remember, and Levi's instincts screamed at him, warning him. It didn't take much for Levi to realize why. "...Grisha..?"

A smug smirk found its way onto the doctor's face. "I knew that was too easy." Grisha tutted, "I wonder how many times we'll have to go through this before you forget? Tell me, patient 5384... How much can you handle before your memory begins to fade? You must forget. And for some reason, that's all you seem to forget, my orders... If you would just forget the past, we could stop and you could be sold... But no, you must make this difficult... No food for him, let's get to work right away. I have more test to run anyway..." Grisha hissed, clearly displeased that Levi could still remember...

However, poor Levi had no clue what he was supposed to be forgetting about his past? Hell, he didn't remember hardly any of it. Plus, he was struggling to remember if the relationship he had with Eren was real or not. He had so much to straighten out and not enough time. Now, stacked on top of all of that, he was scared as to what Grisha's plans were. The man was evil and that was a fact.

Luckily Carla was on his side, "But Grisha, Levi needs a break. Food and water... You don't want him to die, do you? Don't you have any decency..?"

"It is business, you know my hands are tied. You and I both know he won't die any time soon... Plus, after this, his healing factor should double its potential. Capable of withstanding multiple broken bones, fractures, disease... And I bet Levi will look forward to that." Grisha said, opening the only door to the room. All he did was motion his hand and two more doctors came in. So it would seem that Grisha had planned for this, and they would be doing... whatever they were going to do, now.

"B-but Grisha." Carla said sternly, "We could just let him go. We don't have to-"

"I am sorry, Carla... But my hands are tied." Grisha said as he was ushering his wife out of the room. His head glanced back at the other men in the room, "Do your job; get to work!" He commanded. And like that, both of them were gone. Levi's heart sank. Without Carla here, he wouldn't be saved... These people wouldn't go easy on him either... And what was that about Grisha's 'hands being tied'? Was there someone else pulling the strings the whole time? Now that was something Levi never would have thought. He truly believed that it was Grisha who was the evil one... Guess Levi owed him some sort of apology...

Levi would have to figure out who was the real person pulling the strings here...

Then a gag was placed in his mouth. Carla would get what she wanted, he would reluctantly go along with this... Even though he knew he was about to be in a world of pain. He was doing this for his freedom... Levi would fight- by being brave. Just being strong a little longer... He would be free and reunited with everyone, all of his friends and loved ones... And hopefully Eren.

But first he had to get through whatever this was. It would probably be some form or torture... And if it was, bring it one. Like Grisha said, he wasn't going to die... Not now. Levi wasn't ready to die anyway. There was so much he had yet to do- and three huge syringes struck fear in Levi like no other. The pit of his stomach twisted in such a way that Levi knew... Something bad was about to happen. Physically, Levi showed no signs of fear, mentally however, Levi was fearing for his life. Every time these stupid doctors injected him with huge syringes, nothing good ever happened. They were usually testing a new drug or cure for a disease or some mutated crap.

The moment Levi felt the first needle poke into his arm, he knew he wasn't to like the outcome. Not even a moment later the second needle was stabbed into his side. Oh, that one hurt like hell. It seemed like the doctor didn't care if he hit an organ, and Levi wouldn't be surprised if he did. The third needle Levi was ready for, and it went straight into his thigh. Only sounds of pained groans escaped Levi. He couldn't stop them if he tried. The gag made it very easy for pained sounds to escape him. It also made his mouth and jaw uncomfortable. Levi thought the scariest thing was not knowing that they had put into him... That, and the side effects...

Which by now, Levi felt kicking it. A sharp indignant noise escaped Levi as he suddenly felt like he was in a world of pain. Starting near his abdominal area where the second syringe had been injected- all of that felt like it was burning. A horrible pain shot through Levi and just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, his skin started to break out... At first it looked like some form of hives, but then Levi watched as it progressed into boils. These boils seemingly got bigger, redder- Just what they hell did they inject him with this time!? Then Levi could feel his body start to twitch and jerk every which way. His heart began to race- he could just barely hear it on the monitor.

Soon, sounds started becoming distorted. Levi started convulsing and choking as he eyes started to roll back. The pain seemed to be crawling its way up his body, up his chest, neck- the pain felt hot and stung like his skin was being peeled off. And just when it reached his face– right when Levi thought he was about to die –he passed out.

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