The Free Girl

By C_Cruz_A

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Bella has lived her whole life in NeverLand. But not once has she touched actual land. As daughter of Captain... More

Chapter 1: The Boy Who Could Fly
Chapter 2: Music To My Ears
Chapter 3: The Boy Behind the Demon
Chapter 4: For the Love of Her
Chapter 6: Darling
Chapter 7: What Hides in The Dark
Chapter 8: Freedom
Chapter 9: When The Free Became Trapped
Chapter 10: The Heart of the Lost Girl

Chapter 5: Dream Shade

560 21 0
By C_Cruz_A

As soon as Bella entered her tent excitement filled my whole body, and i fell backwards. Literally i began staring at the sky floating on my back. That's at least until i bumbed into Felix. I stood up as fast as i could, "Felix?"
"My Lord, are you okay?" he asked with a grim look on his face.
"Never been better," i answered.
"Pan its not my place to question your love affairs to the girl, but please remember your duties to the boys."
"Don't worry about it," i reassured as i walked away.
"One last thing my Lord," i turned to look at Felix, "It appears some of the boys have spotted the Jolly Rodger in the distance."
"Well than," i said looking towards the sea, "I have less time than i thought." I turned towards Felix, "I'm not sure when I'll be back, but take care of Bella until i return." He nodded.
I reached the Jolly Rodger about an hour later flying, i could see Hook at the helm.
"Didn't expect you to be back so soon." i said leaning against the side of the ship.
"Just another step closer to my daughter, which reminds me," he pulled out his sword quickly and stuck it near my throat, "How is. My. Daughter."
I pushed him off of me, "Relax shes fine, shes actually the reason i came to speak to you in person."
He studied me, "Your daughter believes i cant persuade you into letting us be together."
He chuckled, "You and my daughter? I wouldn't allow it alive nor dead."
"Ahhh, but what if i could give you what you wanted the most?"
He seemed interested as i continued, "A passage off this island."
He looked me in the eye now, " I will find away off of this island with or without your help. And when i do, Im taking my daughter with me."
Worry and Anger flooded me, "I cant let that happen."
My day started off alright, although oddly enough Pan disappeared and literally nobody wanted to tell me where he went. As his girl-, as his close friend shouldn't i deserve to know where he went? Felix wasn't helping everytime i asked him about Pan he said he was on a strict business trip, like that made sense. I rolled my eyes at the thought. I sat by myself now watching the guys sparr, Johnson was said to be one of the best sparrers here. He was also one of the biggest jerks.
"Hey Beautiful," speaking of the devil, Johnson came up behind me, "Hey... Johnson."
"Did you see me out there, I was pretty awesome," he babbled on for a while, until he finally noticed my uninterest in his hobbies, "So," he said sitting closer to me, " Hows about you and i ditch these losers and go somewhere, we can be alone." He was touching me arm now and i didn't like it, "Woah, Watch your hands and No thanks i don't waste time on idiots that are self- conceeded."
He stood up now, "But you'll waste it on Pan."
"You know nothing about my businesses with Pan, so shut boy." i was walking away when he tugged on my arm, "Don't touch me, you creep." I said backing away, releasing my arm from his grip.
"Is there a problem here?" Thankfully Felix showed up at the right time. Johnson studied Felix angrily, "No."
Felix gave him a threatening smile, then looked at me, "C'mon." he directed me back to my tent when Johnson pulled out a spear and attempted to quickly stab Felix, but i was quicker before he could hit Felix i pulled out my sword and defeneded Felix.
"Ooo the kitty knows how to scratch," Johnson said mocking me, "Oh i can do a lot more than that." i corrected. I spinned both my sword and his spear but used my knee to break the spear in half.
"C'mon pretty boy," i teased, "You dont want your first loss to be at the hands of a girl."
He was mad now, no not mad furious. He quickly jumped and grabbed another sword. He sliced my hand, and I returned the pain by slicing his cheek, our swords touched many times before i was able to get him on his knees and eventually the floor. There was a five second over lap where he turned and that's when i cut both of the back of his legs , putting him on his knees, and with one kick to his back he was on the floor all together. The rest of the lost boys clapped, and cheered, "Very well done," said Felix.
"Thanks," I replied. Than something unexpected happened. I heard the sound of a cross bow being shot, and it sent chills up my spine. Everyone fell silent. I turned around to see Pan holding an arrow with dream shade on it. The second most deadliest poison on the island, it killed a person slowly and painfully. The arrow was just inches away from my chest. Pan looked at me, "Are you okay?"
"Uhhh yeah i think so," i replied, Pan looked completely angered at Johnson for trying to kill me.
I grabbed Peter's hand and tugged at him, i couldn't get him to stop giving Johnson the evil eye, until i made him look into my eyes.
"Peter, look at me, look at me," i said turning his face towards me, "I'm fine, C'mon lets go." i pulled him away slowly, but before i could completely pull him away he grew a grip on my hand and turned towards Johnson, "Touch her one more time and i will slay you where you stand," he threatened. Only then did he back away taking me with him. I hadn't noticed he was holding the hand Johnson sliced and flinched after a while, "Ouch!"
Pan turned to me and as soon as he saw my hand he turned red with anger, "Did he do that to you?"
"Its nothing just a little scratch," i replied trying to sound as calm as possible.
He stopped to look at me for a moment, than took a deep breathe, "C'mon there's someone here to see you."
I followed Peter to a nearby tent he had set up in the woods.
He motioned me to go in, when i went in my heart skipped a couple beats, "Dad?" i said as i ran up to him to give him the worlds biggest hug.
"Oh my god where have you been?"
"Uhh Been around," he replied although he looked a bit uneasy.
"Dad are you okay?"
"Yeah i just have somethings i need to talk to you about."
"What is it?"
He hesitated a bit, "Do you love Pan?"
"Uhh Dad i have to be honest," i turned to look at the entrance to the tent, i could see Pan was listening in now, "I've been here for a long time now, and I've grown a lot more shockingly. You know i love you more than anything Pops, but ........... i also very much Love Pan," before i could continue Hook interrupted, "Pan offered me a deal," he continued, " If i let the both of you be together, than he would give me free passage to leave NeverLand, but i needed to know before any decision was made, Do you love him enough to stay here with him?" I wasn't quite sure what he was asking me, "Are you asking me to choose between you and Peter?"
"Im afraid so only-," he stepped closer to me so Pan wouldn't hear, and pulled out his hand. He had a bean in it, a magical bean, "This hear is a magic bean, it can take you from one world to another, if you do choose to stay, and things dont go well you can always find me."
I had no words, completely speechless, i nodded, "Thank you Dad."
"So im guessing your staying?"
I smiled, "Yeah." he hugged me and handed me the bean, "Take care, my dear child."
"Ill walk you to your ship." He put his arm around me and we began to head for his ship, i hated to say goodbye to him. Not knowing if i would or wouldn't see him ever again scared me.
When we finally got to his ship he gave me one last hug and just like that, the Jolly Rodger and he were gone. I looked down at the bean that was still in my hand, i would keep it just in case i ever did need it.
"Im sorry do you need some alone time?" I turned to see Peter standing behind me with a tiny smile on his face.
"I could use my boyfriend here at my side actually," I teased.
"So is that what i am now? Your boyfriend?" he said eyebrows raised.
"Well you did persuade my dad. All you have to do now is ask."
He took steps closer to me now, and grabbed my hands, "My lovely lost girl would you do me the honors of becoming mine so long as we both live?"
I laughed and i felt butterflies all over my stomach, i leaned in and just before our lips touched once agin i said, "Of course."

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