Undeniable Desires

By ScarlettDaniels

465K 9K 1.2K

"So, you've been on a date with each of us now." Declan said, taking a hold of Emmalee's hand and bringing it... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
I'm sorry.

Chapter Eleven

12.1K 220 21
By ScarlettDaniels

Author's Note: This chapter is hella porny. Read at your own risk.

Emmalee stared at Asher and Declan as the two glared at each other from across her tiny makeshift dining room table. What had started as a lovely breakfast quickly turned sour when the two couldn't agree whose turn it was to take Emmalee out that evening. A month ago, she would have become quickly flustered with just the thought of either of them becoming upset over something so silly as to whose turn it was. The idea that a single man let alone two would have been completely preposterous to her. A lot had changed in a month though, and after that morning, the trio had fallen pattern of sorts.

Most nights the boy's stayed over her house, sharing her bed, though nothing ever went any further than a heated make out session here and there between any of the three of them. Every Wednesday night she was treated with a night out with one of the two where she was always shown something knew or ate somewhere different. The more and more she spent time with them and got to know them both individually, the more she began to realize she actually liked them both for many different reasons. And that realization frightened her a bit.

A soft sigh passed her lips and she rolled her eyes. "You two are being ridiculous." She said at last, pushing up from her chair and pushing it back in. She wasn't sure if it was her words or movement that got the two to look up from each other. "I think you two need to go out. With each other." She said as she began collecting long forgotten dishes. "I need a break."

Two sets of eyes shot up at her before the words fully left her mouth; Asher gaping and Declan's brow twisted in silent question.

"What?" She asked, rolling her eyes as she headed to the kitchen to wash up.

"Tired of us already, love?"

The drawl of his British accent sent a shiver down her spine. It was something she thought she would never get used to.  Placing the dishes in the sink she turned, not at all surprised to see the two men leaning against the doorway.

"Of course not." She said with an exaggerated roll of her eyes.

A low growl seemed to have erupted from Asher's throat as he pushed himself from the door frame. "Roll your eyes again Emma and seen what happens." He bit out, his tone low.

Emma couldn't help the widening of her eyes, straightening a bit as she propped her hands on her hips on silent challenge as Declan snorted back a laugh.  "All I'm trying to say is, you two have spent so much time trying to woo me that you seem to have forgotten that you two are the ones actually in a relationship." She said, ignoring Asher's previous warning and rolling her eyes again.  "And it's making you grumpy!" She added with an accusing point of her finger at Asher.

She barely blinked  and before she knew it Asher had crossed the kitchen, pulling her roughly against his taller frame. His hands squeezed her ass causing her to gasp, arching up into him. "If you think—"

Emma didn't know what she was thinking. Hell, she didn't know what he was thinking, but the next thing she knew was on the tips of her toes, pressing her lips against his, effectively silencing him.  She heard Declan chuckle in the background and slowly backed down, pulling free from his grasp.  "See, grumpy." She smiled, turning quickly to start the dishes.

Shocked, Asher turned back to look at Dec who only laugh again, lifting his shoulders in a shrug. "I don't think she's wrong, love." He said from his spot, perched at the entryway. "Either way, I don't think it would hurt."

"Great." Emma said as she rinsed of a plate and put it in the strainer. "It's settled. Now get out."

It had been a month and she still hadn't found a job. If she were to be completely honest the two of them had completely manipulated all her time, pulling her into this whirlwind romance, that she has completely forgotten she had responsibilities to deal with. So when the first of the month came and she realized rent was due she had been overcome with guilt. A feeling that had only sunk deeper when she came to learn that Declan and Asher had taken it upon themselves to pay it once again. And keep her kitchen stocked with food. And the heating fixed in her apartment.

When she had brought it up to them, of course, it started a whole new argument.  Asher had claimed it was only right because they had been there just as often as herself and Declan finished it off with telling her point blank that she had better just get used to it because that was just something boyfriends did.  This time she knew it couldn't be about the prospect of having sex because there was none. Since that first night neither of the two had even attempted to make such a move, a thought that Emma tried not to dwell too long on.

After finishing up the dishes she dried her hands and turned, surprised to see the two of them still standing in the same exact spots. "What?"

Declan tsked, crossing the small space and pulling her to him. His face instantly went to the crook of her neck and he inhaled deeply. "Just going to throw us out like that, love?" He asked, pressing a soft kiss just be glow her ear causing her to shiver. Her face flushed a bit and she looked over Dec's shoulder to see Asher's goofy grin.

She quickly pressed a kiss to the side of his cheek. " I'll leave the door unlocked. I'm sure you two will find your way back at some point tonight." She smiled.


Declan knew it wasn't a date night that Asher was particularly needing. The man was sexual by nature and whereas Declan himself had no issues sustaining from sex it made Asher particularly moody and a quick wank in the shower here and there wasn't going to satisfy the beast inside.

It had been Asher's idea to put a temporary ban on sex after the night they had shared Emmalee's bed. They had discussed it on the way to a band meeting and decided it the next sexual encounter should be on Emma's terms, but their sweet girl never seemed to want to take things further than kissing. Which they wouldn't complain, the last thing they wanted was to make her feel uncomfortable or force her into something she wasn't ready for. Something Asher already felt guilty for.

Asher plastered his body against Declan's back, his face pressing against the crook of his neck as the taller man struggled with the key to unlock their apartment door. "You have about ten seconds to unlock the damn door Dec or I'm going to fuck you right here against it." He punctuated with a harsh roll of his hips.

"Eat my arse, Ash." Declan groaned, finally getting the key into the lock. "You horny fucking bastard."

Asher chuckled in his ear, reaching around the other man to push the door open. "Oh, baby, I plan on it." He said backing up enough to swat at Declan's rounded ass. "On the bed in position." He said, urging the other man forward.

Declan's lips curled into a small smirk as anticipation swirled in his stomach. "Shouldn't you take me out first? Wine and dine me?"

Asher gave him a pointed look, tongue running around his bottom lip as he smirked predatorily. "I'll be dining. You'll be whining." He teased, earning a low groan from Dec. Without another word, Declan turned on heel and headed towards their shared bedroom leaving a trail of clothes behind him.

There was nothing more that Declan loved than a riled up Asher. Well, maybe a riled up Asher that believes he is being disobedient because god the punishments were just so good. He left his boxers on, a wet spot seeping through the fabric where the head of his cock strained, and perched himself up against the headboard with his legs crossed at the ankle. Asher would come in in a few minutes expecting him naked and on all fours waiting for him, but Declan had already decided he wasn't going to make this easy on him.

Declan met Asher's gaze as he entered the room, the other man's face completely void of reaction other than a simple raise of a delicate brow. "I see," He said softly as he moved to stand at the foot of the bed. "Unfortunately, that was the wrong choice on your behalf. Would you like ten seconds to rectify the situation?"

Declan's only response was to raise a brow of his own and Asher forced himself to keep his expression neutral. After a few seconds a predatory smirk curled his lips and he motioned for Declan to meet him at the end of the bed. "Just remember, this choice was your own."

Dec snorted but crawled to the foot of the bed regardless, looking up at his lover expectantly. "Such ugly habits." Asher tsked, cupping Declan's chin in a single hand, forcing him to keep his gaze. "Undress me, promptly. No touching, not with your hands, mouth, or tongue. Just remove my clothing. Understood?"

Eyes now hooded, Declan nodded the best he could with Asher's grasp on his face.

"I asked you a question." Asher bit out. "And I expect an answer."

Declan bit back a moan, running his tongue over his bottom lip. "Yes, sir."


Releasing his hold on his chin, Asher quickly ran his fingers adoringly before taking a step back. He barely had to wait a second before Declan was off the bed and standing in front of him. His hands instinctively went the the loop of his belt. "Shirt first." He interrupted.

Declan's eye shot up to his, his fingers slipping under the hem of the fabric, slowly lifting it up. Asher assisted him a little as he got to his shoulders, but soon enough the fabric was hitting the floor. His fingers itched to trace the line of Asher's perfectly sculpted chest, but he knew if he stepped out of line now everything would stop. When it came to Asher, Declan learned quickly when and when not to press certain buttons. And since he wanted to cum, too, at some point, he knew better than to press his luck any more.

His hands went back to his belt, quickly unclasping it and pulling it from the loops. There was a soft clank when it hit the floor but he paid no mind to it, quickly working the button of his lover's jeans before forcing them down Asher's hips. A soft moan escaped him as Asher's cock immediately sprang free and he idly wondered when and where he had ditched the boxers he knew the other man had slept in the night before. "Ash," He murmured breathlessly, helping him get each of his feet free from the offending clothing.

Asher kicked his pants aside, looking down at Declan in question. "See something you want?" He asked, tone teasing. "There were things that I had wanted to but you chose to be defiant." He said point blank, earning a groan from the other man. "Get your boxers off and get on the bed. The way you should have been when I first entered the room."

Declan watched Asher turn to the dresser, opening the top drawer where they kept their lube and toys. When he heard the drawer pull open he jumped up, yanking his boxers down his hips and kicking them across the room before jumping eagerly to the bed.  He was on his hands and knees with his ass in the air well before the dresser drawer clicked shut.

Asher hummed his approval. "Now, that's my good boy." He murmured, a gentle hand caressing a single globe of his ass. "Unfortunately, I'm not sure your sudden change of heart has changed my mind on your punishment or not." He said coolly.

Declan craned his head to look at Asher over his shoulder, watching as he placed the bottle of lube and butt plug down on the bed within his sight. "For fuck's sake, Ash." He whined, knowing full well what the other man had in mind for him. "That's bloody well not fair and you know it."

Asher's hand whipped across Declan's ass with a loud smack, earning a loud groan from the other man. "You will not speak unless spoken to." He bit out, hand lightly rubbing at the pinkness forming on Declan's cheek. Declan growled lightly, glaring at his lover through thick lashes. "Watch your face." Asher added, placing a soft kiss on the dip of his lower back.

Declan dropped his head down again the mattress, biting his cheek. He wanted nothing more than to lash out, but he knew better. Knew Asher needed this. More importantly he knew Asher would take care of him.

Gentle hands separated his cheeks, a soft gasp passing his lips at the feel of warm breath being blown against his puckered hole causing anticipation to curl in the pit of his stomach as pre-cum pooled at the tip of his cock. He wanted to beg, press his ass up against Asher's face, anything to get the man to do something a little bit more. Just when he was about to chance it the flat of Asher's tongue brushed against him, leaving him breathless. The second brush of his of his tongue was firmer, prodding his hole teasingly, pulling a moan deep from his throat.

His head lifted back up at the sound of the cap of the lube bottle opening, chancing a glance back at Asher as he warmed a bit between his fingers. For the briefest moment their eyes met and Declan's heart clenched with what he deducted was adoration. The duo had been through a lot together, especially over the last few years, but each day that passed he couldn't help fall even more in love with the man and he knew Asher felt the same way. The words never having to be spoken out loud.

The first brush of Asher's finger instinctively had him pushing back, knowing full well the powers even just a single digit could weld. "Stay still." Asher spoke out, holding firmly on to his hip with a single hand. "Or I'll stop."

Declan groaned again, his body trembling slightly as he fought all his instincts to just push back, to take what he wanted from Asher and to force this slow as hell pace on already. Then his finger pushed passed the barrier of his tight muscle, twisting just the right way causing his body to tremble for a different reason. "So good." Asher murmured lightly, thrusting his finger in and out of Declan's greedy channel slowly. By the time he was three digits in knuckle deep both of them were trembling with need and sweating. Pulling his fingers free, Asher shifted on the bed and grabbed for the lube, pouring a generous amount into his hand before lathering up his erect cock before positioning himself behind Dec. "You don't cum until I say so. If I say so."

"Yes, sir." Declan all but whined, licking his bottom lip.

"Good boy." He said softly, aligning his dick up to Declan's awaiting hole, teasing it a bit with the head of his cock before thrusting in roughly.

Declan's breath caught in his throat, eyes rolling to the back of his head. "Oh, fuck." He muttered, fingers digging in to the fabric of the comforter beneath him. The pace Asher set was quick and relentless, pulling the filthiest moans from his lips. With this pace he wasn't sure he was going to be able to keep himself from coming, untouched at that, especially when it seemed his body decided to arch back into each one of Asher's brutal thrusts. "Asher," He moaned out his warning.

Asher's body draped over his back, forcing him to practically fall face first into the mattress. "Don't," He growled into his ears, rolling his hips harshly . Declan whimpered, biting his lower lip as he tried not to think about the pleasure that coursed through him with each of Asher's brutal thrusts assaulting his prostate causing his balls to tighten with each moment. The words please was on the tip of his tongue when Asher slammed into him one last time, a rough grunting passing his lips as he stilled, dick jerking as he came balls deep into his lover.

After the last wave of his orgasm passed, Asher pulled out quickly and grabbed the butt plug that still laid on the best beside them. Declan groaned as he felt the cool plastic push inside him, his body still trembling from Asher's assault. "This is a reminder of who you belong to." Asher said, still sounding breathless as he cupped his ass. "And you won't remove it until I say so." He added, smacking his ass for punctuation.

Declan groaned, cheeks flushed as he turned his head to look at his lover, watching a small smirk form on his lips. "And you also won't be coming tonight. Not unless Emmalee permits it."


*taps screen* Anyone still there? Yup, I know. I ain't shit. Better late than never though, right ? I do want to apologize to all of you that have been anxiously waiting years...Life got really complicated and I haven't really had the motivation, desire, or time to write. I was paying attention though. I got all your comments, DMs, wall posts, and votes.I also apologize for not getting back to any of you, but I got them and I could be more blessed than to have the support I do from all of you. Thank you for sticking around after all these years.

Here is the rundown.I'm back and I'm going to try and finally finish this baby off. My time is still very limited but I'm going to do my best to get at least one chapter out a month ( might be more depending on where my muse brings me). That at the very least is a promise. I'm also going to try and conduct some editing on this bad boy because good gravy it needs a lot of love. Re-reading through this to try and figure out where I was at and where I was going with it was kind of torture. Beta reader anyone? Ha!

With that said,I hope you enjoyed the porn--I mean chapter. Please leave your thoughts in the comments.

Thank you. <3


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