Hollywood's Princess [PUBLISH...

By yourstrulytrina

12.9M 324K 114K

"Every princess needs a prince charming." "Or a knight in shining armor." Sophia Heart Valentine makes all h... More

Hollywood's Princess
Chapter One: Pumpkin
Chapter Two: I Despise Him
Chapter Three: Roast Beef
Chapter Four: Affected
Chapter Five: Home
Chapter Six: Crazy Fans
Chapter Seven: Goodbye Temper
Chapter Eight: Half Truth
Chapter Nine: Maybe
Chapter Ten: Relax
Chapter Eleven: Different
Chapter Twelve: Crisps
Chapter Thirteen: Valentine Is Valentine
Chapter Fourteen: Brownies
Chapter Fifteen: Strawberry Ice Cream
Chapter Sixteen: Interview
Chapter Seventeen: I Wish
Chapter Eighteen: Lucky One
Chapter Nineteen: Daddy's Girl
Chapter Twenty: It's Me
Chapter Twenty-One: Give Up
Chapter Twenty-Two: Fast Lane
Chapter Twenty-Three: Wedding Dress
Chapter Twenty-Four: Family
Chapter Twenty-Five: Corny Summer Love Story
Chapter Twenty-Six: Tragic Fairytale
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Poetic Bullcrap
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Never Been Easy
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dented and Broken
Chapter Thirty: Treacherous Witch
Chapter Thirty-One: Shining, Shimmering, Splendid
Chapter Thirty-Two: Stutter McStutterson
Chapter Thirty-Three: Last Statement
Chapter Thirty-Four: Trap Card
Chapter Thirty-Five: Payback's A B*tch
Chapter Thirty-Six: Not Yet
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Red String
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Tea or Coffee
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Still Here
Chapter Forty: Rollercoaster Ride
Chapter Forty-One: Pumpkin Carriage
Epilogue: Shut Up and Kiss Me

Bonus Chapter: Welcome To Hollywood

84.8K 2.7K 319
By yourstrulytrina

Lugging my suitcase with me, I looked around the airport, marvelling at the spacious building that was packed with people going in and out of the different terminals.

"This is it, pumpkin," my dad grinned, swinging an arm around my shoulder, "One way stop to your new life."

I gulped nervously, gripping the papers I had in my hand as I stared in front of me, my knees shaking because of the anxiousness I was feeling, "I don't think I can do this."

Adjusting my glasses on the bridge of my nose, I reached up as I nervously fidgeted with the ends of my hair that were breaking free from the braid I placed it in. When that woman named Taylor contacted me, I never knew this will result in me flying to the United States.

It took a very long pep talk from both my dad and mum in order for me to actually agree with this. Just the thought of standing in front of other students during an assembly was enough to make me vomit, I'm just imagining what will happen to me if I actually push through with this.

"Your mother called and she said that she will be at the airport to fetch you," he assured, giving me a comforting side hug, "Call me when you arrive there."

"Daddy, I don't want to leave England," I protested, turning to him, "This is my home."

"And it will always will be," he smiled, leaning down to kiss my forehead, "We'll always stay in touch, and you'll be home for the holidays."

"I guess so..." I trailed off, looking back to the checkpoint where everybody has to go through that metal detector.

We shared one more hug, before I took a deep breath and turned to walk up to the long line of traveling people, hauling their luggage and groaning at how long the wait was, checking their watches every now and then.

But before I even got to take a step, somebody was yelling out my name, "Sophia!"

Recognizing that voice instantly, my whole body relaxed and as I glanced around the place for the source, so much relief entered my system when I saw Adam sprinting up towards me.

We said our goodbyes this morning, just before he had to go to school. Though from the looks of it, he escaped that place and was able to come here to see me off.

In the blink of an eye, he had his arms wrapped around my waist and he lifted me off of the ground, crushing the life out of me. But right now, I didn't care if I can barely breathe, I want to savour this moment, knowing it's going to be a long time before I see my best friend once again.

"Adam!" I squealed, locking arms around him, returning the gesture with equal enthusiasm. To think, I'm going to go through months without seeing him, it's going to be a torture for the both of us.

"Thought I won't see you off?" he chuckled, placing me back down on the ground, "Impossible."

"I'm so glad you're here," I sighed contentedly.

My father smiled from a distance, smiling amusedly at the scene in front of him. He knew about my crush with Adam, though he claims that it was easily read through my actions, but I thought about it otherwise.

He tucked a piece of hair to the back of my ear, "Promise we'll chat every day?"

"Every day," I promised, resting my head on his shoulder, "I'll miss you so much."

He planted a small kiss on the top of my head, making my heart race a thousand miles per second. Great, now I really don't want to leave.

We did this corny handshake we thought of back when we were children. As cheesy as it was, it kind of stuck to us. We shared one more hug, before I finally felt enough courage to continue.

I stepped away from both of them and they started to wave as I slowly walked. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes as I stood in line, watching them exit the building through the glass door.

Well then, goodbye England, I just hope Hollywood welcomes me with a warm embrace.

The flight wasn't too bad, except for the mild turbulence, I mostly slept through it. Taylor was kind enough to book me with a business class, as opposed to the economy flight – it gave a bit more space to breathe, and the person sat next to me was a kind woman who tried to comfort me when she saw how nervous I was.

"America is a great country," she reassured as she kept her eyes trained to the newspaper she was reading, "There's no need to be frightened."

She learned that was I coming to Hollywood because of the possibility that I might enter the entertainment career, and with a sincere wish of good luck as we landed, I felt my spirits being lifted up.

I had no doubt about this country, my mother had grown up here and even went to live here after my parents got divorced. She told me that she rented this decent apartment for the two of us to live in while I'm in my stay here.

After I got my luggage back, I stepped into the crowded waiting area where I saw my mother waving her hands to me, trying to get my attention.

She usually came for visits, and I was quite grateful, but it was never enough. Now, to think that we will be living again under the same roof, it was one of the few things that were preventing me to have an incredibly damper mood about this ordeal.

"Mum," I cried, running up to her, practically shoving away the people blocking my way, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," she laughed, hugging me. One thing I've noticed, there had been a lot of hugs lately, "So how was your flight?"

She took my suitcase from my hand and when we stepped outside, there was a car Taylor had sent to pick me up. When I said earlier that I hoped America will welcome me with a warm embrace, I got more than I was bargaining for. It was melting hot in here, to think that I have to endure this heat for a long time.

My mother told him the address to our new place and he drove there while he pointed out the gift basket my soon-to-be manager has prepared for me.

"Looks like you're going to be heavily pampered," my mother smiled as she eyed the present that was sent to me.

Instead of replying, I nodded to her statement as I tried to conjure up possibilities this might lead to. Tomorrow, I'll finally meet up with Taylor to discuss a demo track and a few minor acting roles that I might audition for.

We stopped in front of an apartment building – it wasn't too fancy, but not ratty. It fits perfectly with the average looking neighbourhood.

"I've got most of the furniture settled in," mum informed me, helping the driver unload my belongings.

We're not a particularly rich family, we were middle-class. My dad had a stable job, and so did my mum, but from what I heard, mum quit her job so she could be here with me. It made a pang of guilt arise into my chest, thinking of how much money she had to pull out just to afford this place, and to make it worse, I know she's already counting her savings.

"Here we are," mum announced, opening the door as the driver pulled in my stuff into the small apartment.

When I say small, I really meant small. Everything was squeezed into one small room, there was a kitchen on one side that doubles as the dining room and the living room is on the other. There were two doors side by side, one leading up to the bathroom and the other one into the bedroom, which was just as tiny. It was only big enough to accommodate one queen sized bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe.

"It isn't much," my mother frowned as she saw my reaction, "But we'll make it work."

I swear, when I get enough money, I'll buy a house big enough to house both my mum and I, or maybe something better, I'll buy my mum her own house.

But for now, it looks like we'll be sharing a closet and a bed. Most people start from the bottom, I just have to do a diligent work of climbing to the top.

We ate dinner and went straight to sleep. I was extremely tired from the flight, especially since it was mixed with a case of jetlag. I woke up at three in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I kicked off the sheets and got out of the room quietly to make sure my mum didn't wake up.

I whipped myself up with a good cup of tea and I headed to the television, giving myself a small pep talk inside my head.

First day of LA, here I come.

As soon as my mother got up, we dressed up for the day. Taylor invited us for a business brunch, discussing everything that we need to.

"There you are," she said as we entered the café. She stood up from her seat and shook hands with my mother before zoning her eyes on me. Scanning my looks from top to bottom, she paused a bit, before nodding, "We might need a bit of work, but you're already naturally gorgeous as it is."

I blushed at her compliment and she instructed us to take a seat, calling over a waiter so we could place our orders.

"Sophia Heart Valentine, am I correct?" she asked, taking out a folder. When I nodded, she grinned, already formulating a plan, "Might if I call you Heart Valentine instead?"

"Heart Valentine?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side, "What's wrong with Sophia."

"Nothing's wrong," she shrugged, sipping her hot coffee, "I just think it's catchier if you're named Heart Valentine for the public, it's a cute and punny screen name."


She hummed in confirmation, leaning more towards our direction, "So how is it?"

"I think it's alright..." I trailed off, still unsure.

"So it's settled," she clapped, "Welcome to Hollywood, Heart, we're going to make you a star."




My smile was obviously fake as I was shaking in fear while I stood at this red carpet, my eyes directed towards the dozens of flashing lights of the cameras.

I'm pretty sure that I was blind by now.

When I thought that it was alright for me to walk away, I slowly turned and tried to do so. With the heels I was instructed to wear and with the long gown I was wearing, you could only imagine what happened next.

I tripped on the hem of my dress, and I closed my eyes as I waited for the impact. Taylor is going to be furious if she finds out that what an amazing image I did for myself tonight.

The fall never came as a pair of arms caught me mid-fall. I slowly cracked my eyes and looked towards my saviour, ready to thank him.

This could be one of those stories where this small accident starts our affections for each other and we would slowly fall in love in front of the public eye.

You could tell I've been watching too may romantic movies.

"Next time, watch where you're going," he snorted, not-so-carefully straightening me up, "Hollywood is not a place for klutz like you."

I gaped at his retreating figure. Well, there goes the romance.

Nobody has riled me up in this little town before, but I saw red as the boy went on with his descent away from me.

Taylor told me to be careful with the arrogant celebrities that I might cross paths here, and I thought that if I encounter one, I'll wallow down in shyness, but with this guy, all I wanted was to stand up to him.

With a huff, I kept my chin up as I entered the hall where the awards show will happen, taking a seat where I was assigned to.

And you could only guess who was already at my left. If you think that it's that boy from earlier, then you're absolutely right.

"It's you," I glared, gritting my teeth rather ungracefully, "Finished insulting me yet?"

"Nope," he answered, shooting daggers with his eyes, "Finished being stupid yet?"

And that, my friends, was a start of a horrible night.

The ceremony started and all this time, I was doing my best to ignore the boy, looking at the other side, and preventing any contact.

The presenter strutted along the stage, her high heels barely causing a wobble as she stopped at the mic, waving the envelope she had. Oh I do envy that skill of keeping her balance.

"Here are the nominees for the Best Breakout Star," she grinned, a round of formal claps erupted from the audience as she said the first two names, the camera panning towards the celebrities that I didn't know of.

"Heart Valentine," she said my name, and people directed their attention to me as I heard the boy next to me snort, which made me give him a dirty look.

"And lastly, Axel Brooks," she announced, and the camera pointed towards the jerkass sitting next to me. Well, at least I know his name now.

Axel Brooks. It had this ring to it – easy to remember and quite unique.

"The winner is," she spoke as she opened the envelope, dramatic background music playing from the speakers, "Axel Brooks!"

People clapped and cheered as the person next to me smirked towards my direction. I scowled at this, sticking my foot out to trip him, but unlike me, he managed to walk straight and avoid the small hindrance I placed in front of him.

When he returned to his seat, and I was sure that the camera was no longer pointed towards us, everybody was still standing up. I turned towards him, his smirk still not fading, and if he thinks that I will be congratulating him, then he's darn wrong.

I lifted my leg and kneed him right into the groin. The people around us gaping at what I did, but it didn't drew much attention due to the performance happening onstage.

"How about you?" I questioned, sitting back down, referring to our argument earlier, "Finished being an arrogant idiot yet?"

That was the night that he swore me off. I have never seen so much hatred in one person, but that was when a long rivalry started.

I'll never admit this, but the thought that he might be better than me was my motivation to keep working harder.

Watch out Brooks, this Valentine is coming for you and she's prepared to put up a fight.


And that is a wrap people!

I would like to thank everyone who had ever read this story, may you have been there with me from the start or you just found about this today. I really appreciate you guys, and from a long time now, I wanted to write from a perspective of someone from Hollywood, and not have that person fall in love with the simpleton.

I may be known for writing cliche, but come on, even I have my limits.

And by the way, I'm so close to crying because we actually reached 10M reads on this story, oh my gosh. I have a screenshot of this thing when it only had 5K, and that's when I realized how amazing you guys are. 

Little ol' me could have never imagined 10M reads on this story!

Now to put this story up as 'Completed.' 

Thank you so much! I could make a very long speech, but I don't want you guys to get held up, so to end it all, I would like to say my utmost gratitude for reading Sophia's story, and we may have reached the end of the book, but her story still continues.

I love you guys, and for now, I shall say my goodbye.

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