Receiving Her (h.s. au)

由 curly_baby

270K 8.2K 723

Harry Styles is the football team's captain and best wide receiver. But will he be able to make the greatest... 更多



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由 curly_baby

I'm torn out of sleep when my phone blares through the room, my hand reaching to grab it. Harry's smiling face is displayed on the screen and I swipe my finger across the screen, answering.

"Hello," I say, my voice still carrying sleep.

"Hey, uh, Emma right?" I hear a man say, unfamiliar to me.

"Yeah," I say hesitantly, his lips releasing a sigh.

"Considering Harry is writhing in pain right now, he's only said call Emma since he twisted his ankle. Do you think you could get down here?" he asks, my head nodding.

"I'll be there," I say, suddenly very worried about Harry. I climb out of bed and put on my jacket and shoes, walking to the front door. Quickly, I make my way across the street to the stadium.

I walk in and try to find where I'm supposed to go, no one around. But I hear a painful yell, my heart dropping. My feet run back to where I heard it, the team standing there.

"Styles, we need you to get up slowly," his coach says, my body walking towards them.

"My ankle. I can't get up," he says, shaking his head. The football players all look at me as I maneuver through them, my body so small compared to them.

"Emma," Owen says, my arm taken in his hand. My feet move closer to Harry and he lies on the field, his shoe off and his mud-stained practice uniform on his body. He turns his head and pushes his arms to sit up, my hand taken in his.

"Take you pads off. If you're too hot, you'll go into shock," I say, my nursing classes coming into play. He nods and takes the pads off, his shirt beneath clinging to his muscles tightly.

"Just relax," I say, not wanting him to freak out that he broke his ankle. It could be a sprain.

I move to sit near his feet, the entire football team, the coaches, and Harry all watching me. Carefully, I lift his shin and set his foot in my lap, his sock still on. My fingers lightly move it off, mindful of the situation.

"Move your foot in a circle," I say, his eyes on me closely.

He nods and slowly moves his foot in a small circle, signaling it's not broken.

"I can't any further," he says, my fingers setting his foot back in my lap.

"It's not broken. Only a sprain," I tell him, his coach releasing a sigh.

"Thank God. My boy can't be injured. We have a big game next week," he says, my hand resting on Harry's shin.

"I suggest he rest it for a few days though. I'm sure the team will want him to be healthy," I say, coach nodding. I ask for medical tap and supplies, Harry continuing to watch me. The supplies are brought to me and I start to cut tape, forming it onto his ankle. The make-shift brace will have to do for now until I can find him a better one in my class.

Harry shifts due to pain and I apologize, his head only shaking. My fingers wrap the bandage around his foot and ankle, his eyes attentive to me. I can't figure out why; the job not very fascinating. Once I finish wrapping it, I look back up at Harry and he meets my gaze.

"I'll drive you home," I say, his lips curving. I stand up and move towards him, his body getting up yet keeping all pressure off his right foot. My hands grab his waist and his muscles are felt beneath my touch, his hands setting on my shoulders.

"Put weight on it just to see bear-ability," I say, his head nodding. His trust in me is so clear.

"Ah, fuck," he groans, setting his weight on his foot. My heart stops at his pain and I tell him to lift it up, his head nodding.

"You stay here. I'm going to get you crutches from the lab," I say, his eyes widening.

"Emma, I'm not letting you go in there," he says, clearly still hesitant.

"I'll be okay. Please," I whisper, his hands moving to my cheeks. I blush, knowing his team is watching.

"If you want to be better, I need to get you the crutches," I tell him, his lips releasing a sigh. He nods and I help him hop towards the bench, his hands grabbing my waist.

"Owen, go with her," he says, my admiration for his constant worry for my safety present as I look at him. I've never had this so I feel comfortable with it. It makes me know he cares for me.

"Sure, man," Owen says, his hand reaching out. I take it to maneuver through the team and let it go after, his body walking with me.

"How are you, Emma?" he asks, my eyes looking up at him.

"I'm okay," I say, his lips curving.

"I can tell you right now Harry is more than okay. Why aren't you?" he asks, my eyebrows frowning.

"I'm just nervous. In the building, I guess," I explain. "But I like Harry. A lot."

He chuckles. "I know, Emma. The two of you were in your own little world just now."

I can feel myself blush at his words, knowing Harry creates that own little world with me. Harry is unlike any boy I've ever met, and being with him distracts me from the world around me.

"You know, I never would have taken you to be the girl Harry finally got with," he says, my lips pursing and eyebrows furrowing in curiosity.

"I met you through Leah, and you are so quiet and focused on school. Harry's loud and such a partier, but you made him completely tame. I just don't get it; it's like you have him wrapped around your finger," he says, my mind spinning at the thought. I knew of Harry's partying past and I had seen him at a few Leah dragged me to, but Owen's right when he says how tame Harry seems now. In passing, I had seen him laughing loudly or having fun with his friends. Harry took me for a complete turn when he tried getting me, and now I'm crazy for him.

"We care about each other," is all I say, his smile brightening at my words.

We get to the nursing classroom and I walk in, taking a set of crutches out of the closet. I sign my name on the sheet and walk back to Harry with Owen.

"Wait," he says, grabbing my arm.

"Can I ask you something?" he asks, my head nodding.

"Does Leah...does she seem upset to you?" he asks, my mind recalling Leah the past few days.

"Not really. Sorry," I say, his hand letting go of my arm as he sighs.

"I think she's mad at me. I don't know why," he says, my shoulders shrugging.

"I'll talk to her," I tell him, his head nodding.

I get back to Harry and he looks up at me, my arms separating the crutches to make it easier for him. He stands up and moves onto the crutches, the muscles in his arms flexing. He is beautiful.

"I'm not really looking forward to this," he says, my eyes looking into his.

"I'll take care of you," I smile, his lips curving. I knew that would make him smile.

"That I look forward to," he grins, my head leaning up to kiss his cheek.

He crutches towards his truck while I carry his shoulder pads, his body stopping to unlock the truck. I take the keys from him and take the crutches as he climbs in carefully.

Once I get to the other side, Harry grabs my hands and helps me in. I sit and immediately widen my eyes, never driving a truck before. The seat is pushed all the way forward and I turn the key, shocked at how powerful this truck is. It's slightly intimidating.

I start to drive and get on the road, smiling at how smooth the truck drives. This is actually really nice.

"Do you know how hot it is seeing you drive my truck?" Harry suddenly says, my lips releasing a laugh. He laughs with me and I pull into his driveway, his body leaning towards me. He kisses my cheek and I smile, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me into his lap.

"Do I get my own personal nurse?" he smiles, making my cheek flush with heat. Harry has a tendency to do that to me.

"Yes," I grin, deciding to play with him. My arms wrap around his neck and he grins, my eyes closing as I brush my nose against his.

"I don't ever want to get better," he teases, pressing his lips to mine after. I lose all my thoughts after and we stay in his truck, kissing each other. His hands hold my waist and I keep him close to me, his curls felt between my fingers.

"Emma," he moans, my heart racing as he runs his fingers along my waist to my thighs. Our bodies are so close I can feel him, his football pants feeling different. I know he's aroused, and I want to help him.

"Harry," I whisper, his eyes looking at me as I pull away. "Let me help."

His eyes widen before he presses his lips to my cheek, his arms wrapped around me tightly. "I'm not going to force you," he reminds me, my head nodding. He reclines the seat back and I curl up to him, his fingers holding my waist as I move closer to him.

"You look scared," he tells me, my eyes flickering to meet his.

"I-I don't know how to do this," I admit, the only sexual experience I have was plain sex. I've never done anything but have sex once.

"Do you want to go inside? It might be easier?" he suggests, my heart racing. I only nod, not knowing what to say. I proposed to do this for him; I don't want to look stupid and take it back.

I shut the truck off and jump out of the truck, my hand holding Harry's to ensure he keeps his weight off his right foot.

Harry's eyes are on me the entire time we walk into the house and up to his room, my aid appreciated with a kiss to my cheek.

"They're all out," he says, answering me before I ask where his roommates are. He crutches into his room and I watch him closely, steadying him when he needs it.

He collapses onto his bed and I walk towards him, his hands reaching out to my waist. Harry pulls me onto him and I gasp at how fast he moved me, our foreheads touching. He lightly kisses my lower lip and smiles after, my eyes flickering to his lips.

"God, could you be any more beautiful?" he whispers, my heart pounding. His hands come to my face and he holds my cheeks, brushing his thumbs along my cheekbones.

"I woke you up, didn't I?" he asks, my head nodding.

"It's okay though," I smile, his head shaking. He rolls me over, laying me on my back.

"You get some sleep. I'm going to shower," he says, my eyes looking at him.

"Be careful. No more injuries," I say, his lips curving.

"No worries, baby. I'll be fine," he grins, kissing my cheek. "Now you sleep and I'll be back to hold you."

I lightly laugh and move my hands to his face, kissing him before he goes to the bathroom. My body moves beneath the covers and I close my eyes, trying to sleep but I want to wait for Harry. He emerges from the bathroom and his chest glimmers with water still, his long hair dripping onto it. He's flawless.

"You are very bad at hiding your stares, Rookie," he says, making me laugh. He looks at me and I grin, his smiling bright. After I slide over in bed, he gets in and wraps his arm around me.

"Do you want to go to classes tomorrow? School's open now," he says, my head shaking.

"Not yet," I say, his lips pressing to my forehead. My eyes look up at him and I press my fingers to his neck, his eyes closing.

"I-I didn' you," I say, his lips parting.

"You looked so worried. The shower was my only way to distract so we'd wait," he says, opening his eyes to meet mine. I feel bad I didn't help him.

"I thought you'd want that," I whisper, his arm moving tighter around me. I'm pulled flush against him and he moves to kiss me, the light touch making me comfortable.

"I would want that. Only if you're sure," he says, my heart pounding. I can't believe how he thinks; so considerate and making sure I'm okay.

"Plus, if you do something for me, it's common curtesy to reciprocate," he grins, my cheeks flushing. It's not so much I'm nervous to perform the act, it's him seeing all of me that makes me nervous. I'm extremely self-conscious and anything I wear shows that. My body is covered so my skin is barely shown.

"When you're better...maybe we can do something," I say, his body moving up. He looks down at me and I can see his mind processing my words. If we were to do anything, I don't want him to injure his ankle further. He needs to be okay.

"Define something, baby," he whispers, eyes attentive on me.

My fingers fiddle with his chain and he leans his head down, his hair falling down as well. My eyes look up at him, his lips puffy and pink.

"Y-You can see me. You know," I flush, not knowing how to say this. Harry doesn't seem to mind though, helping me through it.

"I won't let you if you don't sound sure," he tells me, my heart racing.

"I trust you. More than anyone, really," I say, his fingers brushing some of my hair back. But he moves lower to me, his lips pressing to my forehead.

"And I'm honored you trust me. But you are so important to me. Your innocence may have been stolen but you still hold onto it. I can't make a mess of it. You are worth more than you give yourself credit for," he tells me, my hands moving to brush his hair back.

"I want to hold back on that so you understand how important it is. Not only to you, but also to me. Because your first time sucked, it's going to be a hell of a lot of pressure to make the first time with me even better. But I wouldn't just have sex with you, Emma. I would make love to you," he tells me, emotion behind all of his words. My eyes widen at how firm he sounds on what he would do, his forehead setting on mine as I process the words.

"You have no idea what I'd do for you," he whispers, my hands grabbing his cheeks quickly. My head moves to kiss him, his lips on mine immediately deepening and strengthening the kiss.

His hands move across my back, holding me to him tightly. But he moves once down my bottom to my thigh, wrapping it around his back so I'm closer to him. I pull away reluctantly, his lips moving to kiss my neck lightly.

"You have no idea what kind of man you've made me," he whispers, bringing his head up so I can look into his eyes. The sincerity is strong and I find myself completely infatuated by Harry. I think I'm falling for him.


Hey Loves!


Much Love!! <3 xo


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