I Wear Boys Underwear

Par patriciaannzee

350K 6.8K 1.1K

Austin loves football, there really is no going around that fact. So when her Powder-puff team is disbanded d... Plus

I Wear Boys Underwear Synopsis and Warning
Chapter One: That is my Name
Chapter Two: Shut the Frap Up and Let Me the Frick Go
Chapter Three: How the Journey to the End of my Life Began
Chapter Four: Thanks for Nothing, Kiss My... Butt
Chapter Five: She's a Lady... Err, Dude
Chapter Six: Boys, Boys, and More Boys
Chapter Seven: Sugar We're Going Down and I am Taking You With Me
Chapter Eight: A Problematique Situation
Chapter Nine: I Don't Wanna Dance! I Don't Wanna Dance!
Chapter Eleven: Tonight, Tonight We're ALL Royally Screwed!
Chapter Twelve: I've Got the Gut's to Say Anything, But I Won't
Chapter Thirteen: Can't Turn Back Now, I'm Haunted
Chapter Fourteen: Yo' Mamma! HP Style
Chapter Fifteen: Let The Games Begin
Chapter Sixteen: Here I go again, Reacting Without a Plan
Chapter Seventeen: Weep Little Lion Man, Weep
Chapter Eighteen: You've Made a Fool of Everyone
Chapter Nineteen: I Just Want You to Know Who I am
Chapter Twenty: After All, You're My Wonderwall
Epilogue: With You Right Here, I'm A Rocketeer
I Wear Boys Underwear Deleted Scenes...

Chapter Ten: Me Vs. Everyone

12K 275 19
Par patriciaannzee

Chapter Ten: Me Vs. Everyone


“Whoa oh Whoa oh Whoa oh, 
Why do I put myself in these situations 
Whoa oh Whoa oh Whoa oh, 
I keep pushing myself even though 
I can't take it at all, whoa”

-Whoa Oh! (Me vs. Everyone) Forever the Sickest Kids

Arriving ‘fashionably late’ (Jared’s words not mine) I notice that the crowd at this party was huge. Like over 200 kids huge. How is this going unsupervised? Seriously there are so many kids running around and making obnoxious noises, how are the advisors not hearing any of this? We walked through the front of the mansion to go to the neon lit backyard were most of the parties attendants seemed to be. We walk around until Jared stops all of us.

“Dudes, hottie at twelve o’clock, I am so tapping that tonight.” Jared said as he made his way over to an overly busty blonde in a super mini it-looks-like-a-belt skirt. Eli followed behind hoping to score with the leggy brunette who seemed just as airheaded as the blonde next to her. And then there were two. Blaine and I just stood on the edge by the table of assorted appetizers and look! Beer! Of course there would be underage drinking at this party. Damn those teenagers.

“Do you see her?” Blaine asked nervously with his hands in his pockets. He was jittery and couldn’t seem to keep his hands still as he kept folding them in front of his muscled chest clad in a white v-neck covered in a black leather jacket and then back to the pockets of his semi-tight dark washed jeans. He looked extremely good and I couldn’t help but feel jealous. Why did Reagan get all these guys? I mean first it was my boyfriend, then Carter who was- dare I say it- attractive, and also the sex god Blaine. This chick needs to share these men it just isn’t fair.

“Not yet.” I said taking a sip of the punch I had poured myself. I winced and stuck out my tongue as something bitter ran past my throat; well I now know that the punch was most definitely spiked. Setting down the cup I noticed a head of curly blonde hair that immediately caught my eye. It was Drew. I took out my phone and text her:


Austin: Look to your left

I saw her take out her phone from her bra- I rolled my eyes- and turn her head to the right looking confused and lost. I smacked my forehead and sent her another text:


Austin: No, your other left, dumbo!

She looked back down at her phone that vibrated in her hand and finally met my gaze; I waved innocently at her as she made her way towards me. I held up my hand in a ‘one-moment’ sign signaling her to not come any closer. She nodded and pointed her thin finger to the grouping of trees outside the party limits. I heard a ping and looked at my phone.


Drew: Meet us in the woods when you are done, but hurry! Nik and I saw Spencer about a minute ago.

I nodded my head and replied with an ‘okay’.

Now it was time to put my plan into action. Okay, I didn’t actually have a plan, well I I guess I technically did have a plan but to be quite honest it wasn’t very good. I planned on finding Reagan and leaving Blaine with her to fend for himself pretty much. I know he ‘needed’ me, but I felt that if he saw that he could do it on his own then maybe he would stop talking to me about her. Seriously she was cool I guess, but she wasn’t that great. I quickly scanned the crowd for another blonde head so that I could get this night over with. Finally after a good two minutes and almost hauling Blaine towards random blonde girls I found Reagan. I grabbed Blaine’s hand and dragged him toward her; he protested the entire way. Once we made it to her little group I cleared my throat to make my presence noticed and Reagan looked at me with a gleam in her eyes. Please tell me she still doesn’t have a thing for me, because that would be so awkward.

I notice that in the group surrounding her was Carter who was shamelessly glaring at me and Blaine from her right side and Piper who was looking at me with lust in her eyes. Crap. Not another girl who had a crush on me. Seriously, I am not that great looking as a guy. To be quite honest I look like a girl! I am still surprised that guys haven’t asked about my sexuality.

“Hey Reagan, You remember Blaine right?” I motioned my hands toward Blaine, but of course he blushed, nodded a greeting then continued to look at his feet.

I mentally smacked my forehead as I looked at the pitiful image before me. You know I realized that these people are going to give me brain damage, I mean I have been smacking my forehead no stop since I got here.

“Hey guys, so what do you think about the party so far?” she asked both of us. I replied with an ‘it’s great’ and had to nudge Blaine in his side for him to reply with a simple and quiet ‘it’s okay’. I for the third time tonight mentally smacked my forehead.

“Cool. So Skye how are you liking what Mac has to offer you?” Piper purred to me.

I flinched back, “Umm…”

Reagan looked angry and smacked Pipers hand that was slowly inching up my not very muscular arm, “Piper that is so wrong.”

“And why is that?” she spat angrily.

“Skye just got out of relationship, that would be completely rude,” Reagan tried to explain. Wow, where were her morals when she decided to help Spencer cheat on me?

“Oh, you would know a lot about ruining relationships wouldn’t you? I heard that Spencer’s girlfriend found out about you and broke up with him,” Piper smirked.

“Wait, Spencer Reed?” Blaine asked Reagan.

She cringed and looked down ashamed, “Yeah, I don’t exactly know who he was dating, but he kept on telling me that he didn’t want her and he wanted me, but he would never break up with her. So, yeah,” Blaine looked over to me in concern as my hands balled up into fists. He knew that ‘my sister’-me- had dated Spencer and just recently broke up with him. He looked at me determinedly. I scrunched my eyebrows and then my eyes widened and I shook my head. I knew what he was planning on doing and I prayed that he wouldn’t tell Reagan that the girl was ‘my sister’. I know he had my back and all, but I want as upset about it as I was the first day. Okay, honestly I was still upset and Reagan wasn’t exactly in my good books at the moment, but we were here to set him up with Reagan, not broadcast this soap opera type drama.

But of course when Blaine had his mind set on something it was pretty useless to try and talk him out of it. “Reagan you do realize that, that girl was Skye’s sister.”

Her shameful eyes turned towards me in shock, her mouth open in an inaudible gasp. I glared at Blaine through slit eyes. I was about to say something until my eyes caught an all too familiar mop of black hair. I internally cringed and mumbled, “Crap…”

Of course Blaine heard me and asked with concern, “What’s wrong?”

I won’t lie I was starting to panic as I kept my eyes focused on the familiar hair that was moving about the room. If Spencer were to see me he would blow my secret no doubt. He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed and a complete jerk, but he can put all the pieces together if he tried hard enough.

Impulsively I made a mad dash toward the forest ignoring Blaine’s protests. Going through the crowd of drunken teenagers and having my butt squeezed by several people- which I ignored for now, but would soon find these hands and chop them off one by one-  I made my way into the outskirts of the party. I turned around to make sure no one was looking or following me only to get pulled behind a tree by an unknown force.

I quickly put my hands in front of my face and screamed, “Don’t kill me!”

The person who had pulled me started to laugh; I removed my hands from my face to see a hysterical Drew and Nikki clutching their stomachs as fits of laughter rolled out of their mouths.

I pouted and crossed my hands over my chest defiantly, “That was not cool guys!”

Drew ignored my state of anger and threw a pair of jean short shorts, a white tank top, and a see through off the shoulder white blouse. It was cute for any normal girl I guess, but still not really my style. As I looked disdainfully at the clothes they gave me she dropped a pair of brand new baby blue converse on the ground and suddenly the outfit didn’t seem so bad.

“AWWW! Guys, I love these!” I said as I picked up the new chucks, slipping off the old black Converse I was wearing and laced them on my feet.

“Yeah, I was about to get you the cutest pair of pink pumps, but Nik said that it probably wouldn’t be good if you were trying to run away from douchey McDooger,” Drew said with a hint of sadness. “No worries though I bought them for myself!”

I rolled my eyes as I started to pull off my orange t-shirt and loose fitting jeans in exchange for the clothes that the girls brought me. I pulled off my wig and handed all my stuff to Drew who was, as usually, carrying a tote bag the size of Texas. I tasseled my once short curls and posed for my girls.

“It’s like you never were a boy.” Drew said.

“I…wasn’t?” I meant it to sound like the most obvious thing but it came out more like a question.

Walking back to the party I was still on edge. I might not be dressed like Skye anymore, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t look slightly like him. On my way back to the neon lit backyard porch I lost Drew and bumped into something solid. I mumbled a silent, “Sorry.” And looked at the wall I had just bumped into. I looked up to be met with a familiar pair of blue eyes.

The world has got to be crappin’ me. God just loves to make me his pawn in a game of chess I will never win. And now my luck has brought me fact to face with douchey McDooger. Jeez this would happen to me, you know? The last person I wanted to see at the moment and yet here he was in my line of sight and in my way.

“Austin…” he sighed happily as he grabbed onto my forearms to balance the both of us.

“Oh shitake mushrooms…” I whispered while my eyes bulged out.

“Austin,” he said with a huge grin plastered on his face as he engulfed me into a hug. “I missed you baby, where have you been? We need to talk about this whole…”

“No,” I sternly interrupted him. “We have nothing to talk about because there is no longer a we. There is you and then there is me.”

“Babe, come on!” he said obviously frustrated with my stubbornness.

NO and stop calling me ‘babe’. I ain’t your babe anymore you lost that privilege when you cheated on me, now go find some other girl to lie to.” I said while pushing past him. Before I could put any distance between us he grabbed my wrist a little too roughly. He looked at me startled at the fact that I had known about him and Reagan, but the fact that he grabbed me- something I really disliked- didn’t settle to well with me. So while he was staring at me in shock, distracted, I swung my fist forward to have it collide with his face. 

“You and I are done talking and don’t you ever touch me again.” I spat at him while he lay on the floor clutching his now bloody nose. Yeah I punched him so hard he fell… man I am one BAMF! Although I will admit that I did feel a teensy bit bad, I honestly didn’t mean to punch him that hard. I just wanted him to leave me alone. But then again I guess he did deserve it, and I did feel better. See this is what men do to me, they make me violent.

Walking away from the scene I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out of my pocket and saw that I had a text from Nikki.


Nikki: GIRL! Saw what you did to Spence, IT WAS AWESOME!


I shook my head slightly laughing as I ran into another person. If it was him again I swear to everything worth swearing for I would castrate him. That was kind of harsh…maybe I will just break his nose again. Instead of being met with a hard body I felt a cool liquid soaking through my brand new shirt.

 “Dude!” I yelled while staring down at me now ruined shirt. Drew was going to throw a freaking hissy fit when she saw this.

“I am so sorry I really didn’t mean to!" his voice sounded awfully familiar. I kept my head down trying to get rid of the alcohol that was slowly staining my new shirt and shorts, but curiosity got the best of me. As I looked up I was met by two vaguely familiar brown eyes.

Then it hit me like a truck whose brakes were blown out.

I had run into Blaine. My life really couldn’t get any worse.

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