Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

1.7M 50.3K 46K

*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 19

27.1K 763 655
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Malarie's POV

Two days later

"I got it Jase, just carry the bags, I'm fine." I turn my head around, giving Jason a nice smile. "A-are you sure, because I c-can push you and carry your bags at the same time." He shuffles my many of hospital bags in his hands, attempting to push me in my wheel chair up our pathway to our front door.

"I am positive, babe. You have been such a great help to me lately, and I want to say thank you from the depths of my heart." I plainly tell him with nothing but honesty and love. "Alright then, well let's go on inside." I struggle to begin the rolling of my wheelchair, but I eventually get the hang of it.

Jason was so patient with me, and my slowness. Every time I stopped to take a mini break, he'd stop as well. I felt very bad, because I stopped more than ten times, yet he didn't say anything about it. He also never offered to help again, even if it looked like I needed his help. He simply respected that I wanted to do this on my own, and I appreciated that.

"Ooh, we finally reached the front door." I blow out a tired breath, firmly holding the wheels of my wheelchair. I wouldn't want to roll down the pathway of our house. "Yeah we did, and y-you did such an amazing job. I'm proud of you, Mal." Jason compliments, digging in his back pocket for his house keys.

"Thank you, babe." I pucker my lips, in an instant getting a shy chaste kiss from him. "Mmm yummy, somebody is wearing cherry Chapstick." I notice, going in for another one of his nice kisses.

"Malarie," He groans softly, blushing so very cutely. "I am a man, I'm not supposed to blush like a woman." He covers his face, attempting to get his reddened cheeks under control.

"You know Mr. Beautiful, that's quite a sexist thing to say. Men can blush- some blush more then women, even." I speak in fake annoyance, seeing him look at me between his spread fingers still placed on his face. "I guess you're right." He mumbles, being pulled down to me. Damn, I'm even shorter now.

"I know I'm right, now lay one on me." I close my eyes, waiting for his sweet kiss. "About six, right?" His voice grows a bit deeper and seductive filled.

"Yes, you and that number six." As soon as I say that, he laughs lightly, kissing me lovingly six times. "Now your lips taste like cherries." His lips brush against mine with his every word, before he pulls away to stare down at me in what seems like awe.

"I love you, so much." He says with zero falsity lacing his words. "I love you too, more than you'll ever know." The words tumble out of my mouth, no regret ever being thought about when I say them.

"I thought so." He cockily winks at me. "And we're back to your arrogance." I playfully roll my eyes, watching him chuckle to himself, along with unlocking the door.

He opens the door wide enough for me, giving me all the space I need to roll myself inside. I blow him a kiss, wheeling myself over the threshold being frightened to the maximum by loud yells and shouts.

"SURPRISE! WELCOME HOME MALARIE!" I scream out in high pitch, letting go of my wheels, just for me to roll backwards almost out the door. "Oh shit!" The guys yell out, coming to my rescue.

Although my knight and shining armor caught me before I rolled out the door. I pant, trying to catch my breath. I look up at Jason, who is trying to hold in his laughter. I couldn't help it myself, I bust out laughing, and so did everyone else. It is pretty funny, me almost rolling out of the door backwards.

"Damn, you're already trying to roll your ass out of here!" Za laughs, clutching his stomach. "Oh hush, you all just scared me, is all." I giggle, shaking my head.

"Jason you dumb ass, why would you stop to hug mom... but leave the door open?" Alex asks through his fit of laughter. "I-I don't know, I was happy to see my momm- my mom." He looks away, probably blushing or shying away. Aw.

"That's okay, he wanted to see his mom. Just like how I want to see mine." I smile up at my mom, waving to her. She immediately waved back, blowing me a kiss.

"Hi Mal Pal." Cal runs up to me, practically lifting me up out my chair to hug me. "Hi Cal Pal." I laugh, receving many of his kisses on my cheeks. My possesive boyfriend pulled him away, when they started getting too close to the side of my mouth.

"Jason, you're once crazy guy. Hey Mal, how's it going."Ryan hugs me, giving me a peck on my cheek. "Its going good, thank you." I give him a fist punch.

"Ah Shit, ah shit, look who's in the building." Za chants way too hype for his own good. "I'm in the building. But I nearly rolled out the building not too long ago." We laugh together, hugging nicely.

"What's up dork." Alex messes up my air, thumping my head twice. "Alex, stop." I whine. trying to push his hand away.

"Oh alright, you littke cry baby." He pretends to kiss my lips, making Jason growl loudly, though he places a peck on my forehead instead, laughing to himself. "That wasn't funny, bro, I thought I was going to have to kick your a-" Alex covers Jason's mouth, kissing him several times on his cheeks.

"Shut up, baby bro. I would never do that." Alex kisses Jason's cheeks again, just for him to be elbowed in his stomach by Jason. "And you call me weird." Jason grumbles, going over to hug his mom like a little boy.

I laugh at Jason and Pattie starting up a pleasant conversation while they hug each other. Aw cute, my babe is a mama's boy. I turn my attention back to my mom, watching her step closer and closer to me.

"Hi mommy." I whisper, seeing a tear roll down her face. "Hi sweet pea." She drops to her knees in front of my wheelchair, sniffling. "I missed you, I missed my strong girl." She looks at me through teary eyes, as I too begin to cry.

"I know you did, and I'm sorry I put your through something like this again." I inched towards her, but I remember I'm partially paralyzed from my waist down. "I'll come to you." She weakly smiles, sanding up to hug me with all her might.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry I always stress you out." I cling to her shirt, burying my head into her chest. "It's okay my sweetheart, it's okay." She rubs my back as we cry together.

I don't know how long we cried for, but when we pulled away to look around, no one was in sight. The doorway was completely vacant of anyone being around, and I was glad for that. I didn't want anyone to interfere with me and my mom's reunion.

"Look at us, all emotional." Mom sniffles, wiping the tears from my eyes. "I know, it's all your fault. I've picked up in your sensitive habits." We chuckle in union, sighing in content.

"You have lots of guest here to see you, I don't want to keep you too long from them." She speaks, looking at the doorway to the family room. "Yeah." I nod, looking down at my legs.

"Stop that," My mom lifts my head up from my stupid legs. "We're not going to be sad about your legs, because God will make a way out of no way." She speaks so sure of herself, and I can't defy her strong beliefs of God healing the weak.

"I believe you mom, because he woke me up when I had my head injury. Even if I don't remember a lot about it, he still did. Before we go inside were everyone is, can we just pray first. Please? You know, for a speedy recovery and all." I bite my bottom lip, hoping I don't sound too desperate. "You know what? That sounds like a wonderful idea." She grabs my hands, both of us closing our eyes, getting ready to pray.


"And Jacob threw the ball right at daddy's private parts mommy, isn't that funny." Natasha speaks with enthusiasm as we all chill in our backyard on the patio. "Oh yeah, that is very funny. Were you laughing at your father?" I question, pushing a piece of her escaped hair behind her ear.

This amazing party, slash get together for me is so awesome. All my family and friends are here. I'm surprised Jason didn't invite anymore people than what he already has. Even my brother Greg and his girlfriend and daughter showed up. That was a shocker for me. Shit, the other shocker was when him and Jason hugged each other. I was about to asked what they were doing, but they simply told me to be quiet, and love their moment.

What really made my emotions build all up, was seeing my beautiful four children. Don't get me wrong, seeing my friends and family was great, but those four precious faces were the icing on the very top of my favorite things to see today. Jason already knows he's on my mind twenty four seven, so he didn't feel any type of jealously- which he didn't have, when I couldn't stop talking about our children. My twins, my little babies are four months, four months now. I can't believe I missed them turning their month. Although it's better than seeing them eighteen or nineteen years old.

My Jasper is so damn fat, and Ariel Rose is so precious and sweet. My macho man Jacob, damn he's just like his father. He had a little attitude when I told him to come to me. So he didn't listen to my allying of him. Instead he ran away, and played with a little boy around his age. But once he saw me giving my big girl, Natasha kisses, he pushed her out the way to get his many of kisses placed upon his handsome face. Natasha. Wow, just wow, my baby os growing up so fast. She's so smart, so strong for a girl her age. I'm so happy we adopted her.

"Uh huh, he was really hurting right there." Her big green eyes sparkle in the sunlight as I smile at her roaring beauty. "You're so pretty, do you know that?" I kiss her head, then her nose, lightly giving her a mommy peck on her little lips.

"Yes, mama. You and daddy tell me all the time, and this boy named Justin in my class. "Hmm, who's this Justin boy?" I cock my head to the side, waiting for her answer.

"He's a nice boy, but mama his hair is like a mushroom." She widens her eyes in mock horror, as some of our women guest chuckle at her silliness. "Oh I'm sure his hair is fine, it's not like it's all over his eyes." I state, patting her back, only for her to nod her head frantically.

"You silly little girl." I chuckle, drinking some of my juice, as I eye Jason talking to his friends not too far away. "I'm not silly mama, his hair really does cover his eyes, and he always says 'shawty'." My mom and Pattie chuckle as I do the same while drinking my juice.

"So Mal, how long until you have to go to therapy?" My friend, Rebecca questions, holding Jasper in her hands. "My doctor said I could start going as early as tomorrow, but I made my first appointment next week. I just want to rest up and relax for a bit." Rebecca nods in understanding, shifting quite uncomfortably.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem- you seem not like you. Is it Wyatt again?" I murmur in a hushed voice, not wanting the other women to hear. "It's not Wyatt per say, it's more so me." The table of us women grows silent.

"Natasha, why don't you and Harmony go up to your room, and play with Barbie dolls for a bit, yeah?" I suggest, wanting to talk to my good friend. "Okay mama, come on Harmony." They walk inside the house, proceeding up the stairs to her room.

I look over to Jason holding Jacob in his protective arms, talking to his guy friends. We connect eyes, shyly smiling at one another. Biting his bottom lip, he holds his head down. He's so adorable and cute, ugh I love that man. Snapping out of Jason land, I turn my attention back to Rebecca and the other women. They're all the same women and men, who I've met before in the past.

"What's going on Becca, are you okay?" I place a hand on her knee, rubbing softly. "I-I don't know, I'm scared Malarie." She lets her tears fall, and I felt so useless for my legs not wing able to help me rand up and embrace her.

"Becca, I wish my non usable legs could stand up, so I can give you a big hug." I sadly tell her, having my mom and Pattie scold me for saying that. "Well it's true." I shrug, having my mom thump my leg. I laugh at her move.

"Why are you laughing, you crazy girl." Mom kissed Ariel's chubby hands, looking at me. "I'm laughing, because I couldn't even feel you thump my leg." I laugh through the pain, while every woman at the table give me sympathetic looks.

"Malarie come on, it's not funny at all. We all want you to get better real soon." Rebecca smiles weakly, giving me a warm hug. "I guess it's not really funny. Ugh, you all make me feel so bad. Even Jason hates when I joke around about my condition. It's not that I think it's funny. I just try to joke around about it to make myself feel somewhat better." I look at Becca, then to the women around the table.

"We can see where you're coming from, but calling yourself a crippled, or laughing at your paralyzation is not a thing to laugh about. We love you Malarie, so much." Pattie gets up from her chair by my mom, walking over to kiss my head. "And I love you all too. I won't talk about myself that way, seeing as no one like it." I state, earning several head nods and "mhm's".

"Now, spill the details." I turn to Becca, hearing her groan. "Uh huh, you tried to make me forget about your little ordeal. What's going on, friend?" I smack her leg lightly, having er place her hand on top of mine.

"M-Malarie," She looks at me with terrified watery eyes. "I'm here, you can tell me... and them." I point to myself, and the other women.

"Yes, I know that. It's just I'm so scared to tell anyone." She grasps my hands into hers, looking over to the men indulged in an overly loud conversation. "Come on, you can tell me- tell us. We don't judge, not even criminals." I smile at my double meaning of my sentence.

It's funny how I vowed myself not to fall in love with a "bad boy", but I did. A very, very, bad boy.

"Okay, I guess I can tell you." She takes a shakily sip of her pink lemonade. " Guys, I am eight weeks p-pregnant, and I am so scared because Wyatt said he didn't want anymore kids. But we clearly had sex without a condom, and now I'm scared he'll ask me to get an abortion. I can't do that- I won't do that." I stare at her sadly, running her hands affectionately.

"First off, congratulations on your pregnancy. Second of all, I'm sure he won't ask you to get an abortion. Maybe he'll be upset at first, but he'll learn to deal with it, just like when you got pregnant with Harmony, remember?" I smile assuringly, remembering our long conversation with each other when I had jut found out I was pregnant.

"I agree with Malarie, he'll get over it. Plus, he's a good daddy, I can tell by the way he looks at your daughter." My mom sounds so sure of herself, while Pattie agreed with her, as well as the other women.

"See? We all think everything will work out for you. Now let's stop mopping around being all sad and depressed, and let's talk about this new baby! In ready to be an auntie already." I clap my hands, while she shoots me a huge smile. "I literally love you, Malarie. I am so happy we met three years ago, an I know right. Like Jasper and Ariel need a buddy to play with." I nod, kissing Jasper on his head, who was now sleeping soundly in Becca's arms.

"I can't believe you're pregnant, Rebecca." A woman named Susie, screeches in excitement. "Me either." She screeches along with her, not to long after along us women are screeching in pure glee.

Which was a bad idea, because all of the men came running over to our table. Some men had knives ready to stab anyone who was here uninvited. Then their was that selective few with their fist ready to pick any and everyone. My little Jacob even ran over here with his hands ready to fight, right between his daddy, and uncle. Damn, he looks just like Jason and Alex. You can definitely tell they're related.

"What's going on? We'll get their asses for you." Alex pokes his eyes out like a crazy person, scoping out the patio. "Alex, put your eyes back in your sockets! We're fine, we were just laughing at something funny." Pattie shops him away, making all the men groan in annoyance.

"You know, when you women scream like that we men become paranoid." Jason blows out a relieved breath, running his hand through his hair. "Oh shut up, Jason." I woman named Sparkle rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Clarabelle, please tell your weird girlfriend to leave me alone, and stop mentally beating me up." He laughs, walking away from our table. "I got you Jason, I got you bro. Leave him alone, Spark." She kisses her girlfriend lovingly, making Jason fake gag from afar.

They're seriously so cute. They almost remind me of how Cal and Jacob used to be. I still can't believe it's been three years since Jacob was taken away from us. No one will ever be able to replace him. No matter how cute the boy is, Cal will always have a place in his heart just for his Jacob.


Jason's POV

"Can you feel me?" I rub lotion onto Malarie's feet. "Are you sure about that, because I'm literally tickling your feet here." I tickle her foot, waiting for her to giggle by me tickling her.

"Really, Jason." She mumbles sadly, she holds up Jasper high in the air, making cute baby noises to him. "Don't let it get to you, you'll get the feeling back in no time." I place a kiss on her thigh, crawling up on the bed to hold Ariel in my arms.

"They got big since you last seen them, huh?" I look t both of our younger children, then at her smiling face. "Heck yeah they did, I almost didn't recognize them." I watch her kiss all over Jasper's face.

"Here, you forgot your mini me number two." I raise Ariel's body up to Mal's lips. "I didn't forget about her, mama didn't forget about you. That's right, you are my mini me number two. Tasha is my mini me number one." She too, coo's and kisses all over Ariel's face.

When she finally pulls away, she grabs the remote control, flicking through our channels on our television. I frown, not liking that she didn't kiss my wanting lips. I clear my throat, yet she still focused her attention on the tv screen. I clear my throat again, finally getting her to turn to me.

"Is something wrong, babe." She faces me, beginning to pat Jasper Jason's back. "Uh yeah, you forgot about my kisses." I frown a tiny bit, not really liking her forgetting about me. "Oh babe, I didn't forget about you, I just can't reach you. If you come to me, maybe you'll see how much I like kissing you." She smirks, sending wink my way.

I quickly, yet carefully scoot more closer to her. Being extra aware of Ariel in my warm, protective daddy arms. My breathing lightly picks up, though not too much, just the usual whenever I'm close to Mal. She knows what she does to me, yet she acts completely oblivious by her total hold on me.

"You can reach me now, my Sexy Bunny Rabbit." I whisper, wanting to sound seductive. The way she widen her eyes, smiling widely told me I fulfilled my want. "I think I oddly like this nickname- I mean I love when you call me 'Baby Love', but I like 'Sexy Bunny Rabbit'." Those eyes of her's stare deeply into my soul with nothing love and passion.

Apart from her crazy personality, her eyes are what I fell for. And damn it, I fell very hard. Her eyes are like electric blue that burns like a sizzling fire. They're like unending crashing waves of the azure blue seas. Those eyes, those damn eyes are everything to me. Apart from her eye color, I see nothing but love as I stare into then, and I know every single time she tells me she loves me, she truly does mean it.

"Your lips sure do look inviting, homegirl." We share a laugh at my joking ways. "If they do, what's stopping you from touching them, right now?" She tugs on her bottom lip, switching her attention from my eyes to my lips.

"I think Ariel took the biggest shit of her life, and I don't want to kiss you when I'm smelling something that smells like manure." I make a distasteful face, for her to pull me down gently, connecting our lips in a kiss.

Shocked that she did that, I let a deep moan come from my mouth, which funnily echoed through her own. We kiss as if we haven't done it in what seems like forever. In reality it probably was a couple of minutes ago. It doesn't matter, we don't care, all we care about is our tongues igniting with one another. I can tell she would like to deepen our kiss, but unfortunately due to our twins taking the place in our arms, we're forced to stay at the steady pace we're going. I peck her lips once, twice, three times more, before I slowly pull away. Having our breaths almost millimeters from being erratic, however we get them under control.

"How inviting was that?" Mal pouts her lips while batting her long eyelashes, looking like an innocent little kitten. "You're not as innocent as you look." I chuckle, grasping her chin in my hands to kiss her plump lips, again.

"On the other hand, that kiss was extremely inviting. There not words that describe how much I enjoyed it, thank you, baby." I peck her lips once more, pulling away to hear her hum in satisfaction. "You're very welcome, see I ha to shut you up this time. Usually it's you shutting me up." She giggles with her eyes closed, with her head softly rest against the pillows on our bedding.

"Hm, that is actually true. I guess we're switching places or something. Anyway, let me change this stinky ass little girl." I point down to Ariel smiling a wide toothy grin. "Yeah, you better hurry, she's stinking up the whole room. It's usually her brother who craps I that huge." I look at Mal rubbing our boy's back a he sleeps.

"I know right." I shake my head in bewilderment, beginning to change Ariel Rose. "I love you Mal." I say plainly, opening up Ariel's messy diaper. "I love you too, Jason." She mumbles with her eyes shut closed.

My darling is back home, and I'm ready to help her get back on her feet. Literally, I'm ready to help her and her process of her learning to walk again. It's going to be tough, but I know we can get through it. We can get through anything, we have gotten through tough situations before, and I know we can do it now. Malarie, it's time to start walking again.


- Chapter 19 has now come to an end! I tried to make it a little funny and happy at the same time.

- Alexis -

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