Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

1.7M 50.3K 46K

*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 18

29.4K 771 661
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Jason's POV

"Mr. McCann, Mr. McCann can you hear me." A bright light flashes over my closed eyelids. Though I can see the brightness. "I said Mr. McCann, can you hear me?" A male voice rings into my ears, as I slowly peel my eyes open.

I have to blink a couple of times, to subside the blurriness of my vision. I lick my lips, looking up at several eyes staring down at me on the cold masonry flooring. Out of all the eyes I see staring down at me, I do not see two narrow blue eyes from... Malarie. My baby is so damn beautiful, I just love her so much. Ah, Malarie. Malarie? MALARIE! I shoot up my body rather quickly, searching around for her gorgeous face. Just for me to be held down by two strong nurses. Male nurses!

"Mr. McCann please calm down, you just fainted." Malarie's doctor, Doctor Barns says from behind the two men holding me down. "How am I suppose to calm down if I can't stop thinking about my fiancée?" I shout, still thrashing around in their tight holds on me.

"Mr. Mcca- I cut him off before he gets the rest of my name out of his mouth. "NO! I just want to see if my woman is okay. Please, I have to know." My voice goes from loudness to a whisper. Just for the two men nurses to let me go.

Not even knowing I was doing it, I begin to rock myself, along with talking to those three voices in my damn head. Shit, this whole time being by Malarie's side... they have came back to visit me. Although, I've been taking my medicine faithfully, ever since I got out of prison.

Jason, stay focus. Hey, listen up here.

Guess who's back. Tsk, tsk, tsk, still not taking our meds are we?

Damn, I was loving not being around. You annoy me.

"There's nothing like us." I mumble to myself, frightened by the voices inside of my still messed up head. "Mr. McCann?" Doctor Barns calls to me once more.

"There's n-nothing like you a-and me." I place my thumb in my mouth, curling up into fetus position, still rocking myself back and forth. "Mr. McCann, Jason McCann?" He continues to call my name. And so does A, B, and C.

Jason snap out of it. It's going to be okay, deep breathes.

Jason, stupid, little, hopeless Jason.

You suck, Jason. You suck dick!

"T-together through the storm." I whisper, letting thick tears stream down my face. "Jason." Then there was a voice that snapped me out of it all.

It's was her, it's the love of my life calling to me.

"Jason, baby turn around. Snap out out of that funk you're in." Her voice sounds out all hoarse, and pained. "It's not real, it's not real. I want Malarie, I need her in my arms again." I wail, my heart full of pain and hurt.

"Jason, baby I'm right here. It is real, it's me, it's me Malarie. But babe you have to get up to see me, I can't walk to you. I am real, it's me. Hear the sound of my voice talking to you." Her voice is nothing but calm, while mines is stressed and pussy filled. "O-okay." I murmur with my thumb still in my mouth.

I hesitantly take my thumb out my mouth, slowly making a move to get up from the ground. I am helped by the two male nurses who were holding me down a few minutes before. That's when I connect eyes with my baby love staring at me nervously, as nurses take her vitals. I go to run to her, though I'm pulled back roughly.

"What are you doing? L-let me go, t-that's my M-Malarie." I stutter, letting the tears fall out my eyes once more. Why are they keeping her from me? "Mr. McCann, I'm going to need you to calm down first. You're making your fiancée's blood pressure rise." Doctor Barns, attempts to sit me down. I refuse, pushing his hand away from.

"No, I haven't talked or seen her eyes in fifteen days! That's three hundred and sixty hours, one thousands, and four hundred and forty minutes, and a million and something seconds. So no, I will not calm down." I huff, running my hands through my tousled blonde hair.

"Wow." Doctor Barns blew out a breath, taking my seat he was offering me. "How did you even- and stay calm all while saying it all? Hell, let him see her." He rubbed his face, while everyone burst out in fits of laughter.

The two nurses let me go, giving me a clear okay to see my baby, my little Q-tip. I shyly walk over to her bed, seeing her look at me with a slightly widened mouth. I reach my hand out, closing her mouth for her. I went to remove my hand from her chin, but she grasps it in her own dainty pale hand, placing several small pecks against my rough one. Then again, my stupid waterworks came for a visit.

"Oh Jason, please don't cry. Please don't cry anymore." She speaks through her pained expression, pulling me closer to her. "I-I can't stop." I sniffle in the crook of her neck, feeling her rub my back soothingly.

"I-I missed you so much." I whisper, clinging onto her for dear life. "I missed you too." She mumbles in my neck as well, still caressing my back.

"I'm still caught up on your fiancé knowing how many hours, minutes, and seconds fifteen days were." Doctor Barns announces, making me and Mal chuckle. "I'm pretty good with numbers. Uh, figuring out stuff that involves numbers and equations is pretty easy to me." I speak shyly, blushing as Malarie stare at me in awe.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, I hide my face in the crook of her neck again. I hear several chuckles around me, only causing me to bury my face even deeper into her neck. If that's even possible.

"So you can tell who's in charge of all of our finances." Malarie speaks up, still with her hoarse filled voice. All while rubbing the nape of my neck. "Heck yeah I can see who takes care of them all." Doctor Barns sounds even more surprised.

"Wow, all I can say is wow. But anyway, let's check you out, shall we?" His voice now serious, as I hear his footsteps sound against the flooring. "Yes." She croaks, holding onto me tighter than ever.

Why does she sound like that? And why is she holding me so tightly?.


"So what y-you are telling me, is that she's paralyzed? Like she can't walk anymore." I shake my head not believing anything the Doctor had told me. "Jason-" He starts, but I hold up my hand, shaking my head.

"She can't walk, Doctor. We have kids to raise together, she has to walk down the aisle to me. I can't have her wheeling herself down the aisle." I speak my mind, hearing Mal and Doctor Barns both laughing at my seriousness. "This is so not funny, babe. You're paralyzed from the waist down." I pout, taking a seat on my chair, placing my head in my hands.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry." Malarie lightly giggles, rubbing my leg. "But it's a little funny how you're over exaggerating my condition. Jason, I'm not paralyzed- I mean I am, but it's only temporary. I'll get better, please don't stress yourself." She speaks calmly through her breathing mask, leaving all her giggles and laughs away for our serious moment.

"M-Mal, how can you be so calm and collect about all of this? I'm literally freaking out here. Doctor, did she get amnesia, too? I know she listens to that song a lot, so maybe she got it somehow." I look to Doctor Barns, seeing him hide a laugh, shaking his head.

"No, Mr. McCann, she doesn't have amnesia. For the song, maybe she just likes it. But back to her health, she just has temporal paralysis. Yes, she is still paralyzed from the waist down, but in a couple of weeks it should be gone. And if it isn't, we can give it another week or two." I place my head in my hands, still not convinced by all this new found information. "What if we wait for another week, a-and a another week after that, and she's still paralyzed, huh? What's going to happen then, Doctor Barns?" I sit my head up, letting a lone tear fall out my eye.

"Oh Jason, babe don't do that. I absolutely hate when you cry." Mal locks our fingers together, rubbing her thumb along the skin of my hand. "How am I supposed to not cry? You're freaking numb from your waist down, I'm scared for you." She open her mouth to say something, yet nothing comes out.

"I guess you're right," She whispers, looking down at her IV in her hand. "Um, I'm a bit tired, so I'm just going to go on to sleep." She looks to Doctor Barns, then to me.

"Okay Mrs. Malarie Dawson. Before you get some rest, do you have any pain or any concerns of your condition? You know you'll start your physical therapy, tomorrow, right?" He makes sure of her plans of moving her body. "Yes, my nurse Cat, had told me of your wanting me to go. And no, I'm not in any pain. Just that numbness feeling in my lower part of my body. But I do have a want, I would like for my oxygen to be lowered please. The air makes my nose bleed." She lifts up her breathing mask, flaring her nostrils.

"Yes of course, I'll just page for a nurse to turn it down for you. As for the numb, paralyzed feeling in your waist down, we'll work on that in therapy tomorrow." She nods slowly, pulling her blankets up to her chin. "Feel better Malarie, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. Same to you as well, Jason." He pats me on the back, before making his way out of Malarie's room door.

"Mala-" She sits up smiling lightly, stretching her hands out to me before I can get the rest of my sentence out. "Yes you can cuddle me." She answers my question as if she could read my mind.

Blushing like a small child, I slowly get up from my seat, kicking my shoes off my aching feet. Her hands make grabby hands to me, and I couldn't help but lay my body into them. Almost immediately, she brings me into a warm embrace, kissing all over my face. It's like she already knows that I'm in my soft quiet mode. I'm such a loser. She just got out a coma, and here she is holding me, when I'm suppose to be holding her.

"I love you, Jason. Just close your eyes, I'm okay. You need rest more than I do." The feeling of her fingers caressing my back neither puts me to sleep. "No, I have to take care of you. I s-should be holding y-you Mal." I stutter, sounding like a complete and utter softy.

"Just you being in my arms is enough for me. Now get some sleep, my handsome sleepyhead, you." A kiss is planted on my forehead, while I couldn't help my eyes closing into a peaceful sleep.


Malarie's POV

He so peaceful and non stressed out when he's sleeping. He's also less worried about me. I cannot describe how much I hate when he feels the need to worry to death about me. Literally, he worries to death about me, and I don't like it. I can tell he hasn't slept these past fifteen days I've been in my coma. I can tell by the darkened circles under his dull looking eyes. My baby, my poor baby's sparkling color has drained from his honey brown eyes. I just cannot wait to see life in them again, I can't stand them looking back at me with sadness filled within them.

His once heavy feeling body clings to me with everything he has in him, and right then and there I knew he hasn't eaten much, either. We are the same in that category, because I rarely eat when I'm stressed or going through some type of crisis. He feels so frail in my arms. That's not my babe, that's not him at all. His once defined muscles have slowly turned into nothing but skin and bones. I have to feed him, I have to fatten him back up. Not that he was fat before, I just have to put the meat back on his sexy bones. He'd probably blush if he heard me call him 'sexy', since he's shy Jason at the moment.

I truly love how he's healthy looking now. His weight compared to three years ago, is a drastic change. He looks so freaking good with the extra pounds on him, instead of looking like an unhealthy addict with bloodshot eyes, and the smell of drugs and alcoholic beverages on him.

"You're so beautiful to me. I just wanted to let you know, just in case you didn't." I whisper, staring down at his gorgeous looking face. "But babe, I'm going to have to feed you lots and lots of food, okay? I can tell you've been missing so many meals, and I'm sorry about that." I gently squeeze his small left bicep, then going on to run my hands through his hair. I take off my breathing mask, sitting it down on my lap. It's getting annoying.

"I'll be strong for you, because I know you'll stress if I show any sadness." I croak lowly, rocking his small frame in my arms as I cry silent tears. "I love you, and in sorry you were so worried about me. Please forgive me babe." I kiss his nose, his forehead, both of his chubby cheeks, leaving his lips for last.

I'll be strong for him, even though I'm truly saddened by the turn of events in my situation. I'll put on an act as if I'm okay with me being temporarily paralyzed, just so my baby boo won't worry his little head off. Even if I'm scared, sad, depressed, and hurt by it all. I'm okay... I'll be okay. I'll just smile, I'll smile as big as can be. But not too much, everyone knows a single smile holds many different emotions behind it.

"I'll be okay. We'll be okay." I kiss his pouty lips, ignoring the numb feeling in my legs. I can't even move my toes. "I'll smile big and brightly to you, just so I can see that twinkle in your eyes." I tell him, knowing he can't hear me through his sleeping form.


The next day

"I love you mommy." My two little sweet peas, Jacob and Natasha say together, as we talk over FaceTime. "I love you too, my sweet babies." My voice still croaky and dry as I respond to them both.

"When you come home, mama. I want you here, mama." Jacob speaks with chocolate all over his face, while he plays with his blocks in his and Natasha's playroom. "I know baby, mommy will be home in no time, okay?" I coo, smiling down at Jason in my arms, reading a book called Dumb Laws, for all countries and states around the world.

"Mommy, mommy, look at Ariel's eyes! They look like yours and Grandma Pattie's, and her head sits up now." Tasha turns the laptop towards her baby sister in Pattie's arms. "Oh wow, she does have our eyes, huh?" She nods, and so does Pattie.

"Yep, that's those good genes for you." Pattie chuckles, smiling widely at me through the screen of my phone. "Damn- dang, look at my nephew Jasper, though. He already has a little peach fuzz on his lip, that's those strong McCann genes." Alex adds, showing me my chubby son's face.

"Aww, they have gotten so big. I can't believe next month they'll be five months." I shake my head not believing it. "Believe it." Pattie chuckles, kissing all over Ariel's face.

"Yeah you better, Mal. You said you wanted to get married when they were five months. Your late self has nothing ready. It's about time to start preparing everything." Alex speaks kindly, though I can hear the urgency in his voice.

"I get what you're saying. But hmm, I don't know if your brother wants to marry a cripple." I chuckle, although no one else does. "Really Mal? That's not funny at all." Jason looks at me, closing his book.

"Um, er, we'll talk to you a little later Mal. Love you, bye." Alex quickly hangs up the FaceTime call, leaving me and Jason to stare back at one another. "Why would you say that? Of course I'll marry you, even if I have to marry you in a wheelchair. I don't like you calling yourself a crippled, it's not a nice thing to hear." He admits, leaning over to place his book on the stand on his side.

"But baby it's true, I can't feel my legs. Like I said before, I am a crippled, and we both know it." I try to to make him laugh, by saying 'crippled' in a deep voice. "And like I said before, no you're not." He say lightly, but I can hear the hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Oh fine, Mr. Serious." I peck his pouty lips twice, turning my attention to the television. "Yeah, very funny. The shy sarcasm in his voice makes me giggle.

"So... what dumb law did you read today?" I question, trying to move my toes like the doctor made me practice earlier today. They won't move. "Well, I'm on Norway portion of the book. That country is pretty cool if you ask me, I would like to visit there some day." He smiles cutely, fiddling with his knuckle hairs.

"Maybe we can visit there someday, you know, just the two of us." I give him a smile, receiving a slight twinkle in his eyes. "Yeah, that would be so awesome for the both of us. But anyway, the dumb or silly law to me that I read, was about how prostitution is illegal, but being a prostitute is not." He buys his bottom lip, shaking his head amused.

"Wow, that I pretty silly, huh?" He nods, still surprised like I am. "That is really crazy. So I'm guessing the prostitutes probably don't offer the consideration of having sexual services with people?" I ask unsure of what the real answer is.

"Yeah, that's actually right. You're a very smart woman, Mal." Jason laces our fingers together, kissing my palm. "It's weird, because selling sex is not a criminal offense there, in their eyes. I guess the Norwegian law doesn't like the word 'prostitution', because it sure does sound like the exact same as 'selling' sex." Jason grabs his book, Turing to the page to let me read more on the Norway law.

I smile the whole time he explains out the every word he read to me. I swear if he wasn't an ex-criminal, I would've thought he was a professional debater or something. He's so intelligent and proper, yet he didn't finish school. To be technical, he didn't even enter the ninth grade. That night his dad smacked me in my head, he couldn't go, all because he and his father, and brother had to fake their deaths. My poor baby couldn't even see what high school was all about. It's funny, because he's not an ignorant person. If anything he has lots of knowledge in that sext crazy head of his. He has the brains and the looks.

"Did you hear me?" I feel a tap in my nose, making me blush in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking. But please do repeat yourself." I squeeze our still laced finger tighter.

"I said, did you know it's illegal to show public display of affection on Sunday, in Canada. How funny is that, no one said anything when I was making out with you three years ago, there." He speaks softly, blushing almost instantly at me. "You have a point there, no one said anything about our hot kisses and you grabbing my behind oh so very sexily." I tease him, playfully running my fingers up his chest.

"Stop it, Malarie." He covers his face, shaking his head from side to side. "Oh alright, Jason Andrew McCann." He takes his face out of his hands, looking around nervously.

Don't worry baby, no one is here to take you from me. No one is going to hurt you, I'll die for you. That's how much I love you. I think all of this in my head, while I massage his chest so very gently. He calms his nerves, playing with a strand of my hair.


"Can you wash my hair again, please? I love how your fingers feel scratching my scalp." I ask hopeful as Jason sits behind me in the tub, rubbing his big hands along my fuzzy feeling legs. "Yeah, of course I can." He removes his hands from my thighs, squeezing some shampoo into his hands, soon enough layering my hair with the soapy beads of foam.

"This feels so good." I accidentally moan, quickly laughing awkwardly at my weirdness. "Mal, you're killing me here." He murmurs cutely, running his skilled fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." I hear him cutely scoff, only making me giggle. "The lies you tell me, how is that remotely fair to your husband to be? You said that twenty three times already." He speaks with a playful glint to his tone, rinsing all the soap out my hair.

It's funny how we bathed in the tub with lots of bubbles, but then when we were all done, Jason pulled the plug and let the water just run. He's horrible, no I'm kidding. But in certain parts of the world, many states and countries are in the drought. So for him to let the water run is kind of bad and sad. He says he just left it on for my sake, but I know it's probably for the both of us.

It's really cold when you don't have lots of water in the tub, but don't tell that to Jason. He will give you a long lecture about how gross and disgusting it is to take a bath, and just chill after you're done washing yourself. Basically you're just sitting in your own filth, evidently putting it back onto your body. This is why Jason loves shower instead of baths. Though, seeing my current situation, it was either a sponge bath, or a regular bath. I didn't want the sponge bath, only because I know Jason's not good at giving them. He'd wet my bed and blankets all up. To bypass that problem, I chose to be washed in the bathtub. I thought I was too heavy for him, yet he picked me up like nothing. He says he's not the only one who lost weight.

"Are you ready to get out?" He speaks from behind me, rubbing random shapes on my chubby post pregnancy stomach. "Yeah I am, let's go." I try to get up, yet I remember can't.

Pushing away my many of emotions, I turn my head around an plaster on a fake smile for my darling. I can't stand to see him cry anymore. He did too much of that last night, and it nearly felt impossible to get him to stop. By the way the whites in his eyes were glistening, I knew he was about to go at it again. He's so sensitive, and he can't help that. I'm actually honored to see his sensitive side, he usually keeps it padlocked up.

"Come on, get me out of here I'm cold." I playfully punch his arm, hoping he didn't hear the strain in my voice. "Okay, Malarie." He softly responds, sniffling loudly.

I was aware of a tear slipping out of his eye, as he got himself out the tub to wrap a towel around his waist. He quickly wrapped a towel around my head, and another around my body. He so very gently dried and moisturized my body with love and care. He web blow dried my hair for me, even though my hands are capable of doing it myself. After he was done with me, he laid me down in my bed, getting dressed in front of me. Showing me every part of his body. Yet, he didn't make any perverted comment about me looking at him, I guess he wasn't in the mood. He's in such a fragile state, and it's all my fault.

"Did you like dinner, I forgot to ask you in the bath?" I speak to him, trying to snap him out of looking in the distance. "Huh? Oh yeah, the tuna sandwich was good. H-how was yours?" He weakly smiles at me, biting his bottom lip.

"It was good, thank you. I'm happy you enjoyed yours too, even though you didn't eat all of it." I say matter-of-factly. "You didn't eat all yours either." He says back, getting on my bed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I nod, soon enough making a pouty face while looking at him. "What's wrong, does something hurt?" He questions nicely.

"No, I just don't want you to feel down about my situation. I am going to be alright." I tell him, not believing any word of it. "I do admit, I am a little sad about it." He turns the tv to a movie channel.

"Don't be, I'll be just fine." I pucker the air, making him giggle. "You are just too funny." He giggles once more, covering his reddened face.

"So I've heard." I grin, looking at the television screen. "Yeah." He whispers almost silently.

From the corner of my eye, I see him slowly lean into me. Not making any moves or words to him, I stay focus on the TV. I want him to kiss me so bad. And then I feel it, he chastely and shyly kisses my lips. I wanted to devour his though, I give him one single peck. I don't want to scare him. I look at him, and what do you know, he's blushing again.

He's so bipolar that I can't even come up with words right now. I give him a small smile, receiving another gentle kiss to my lips. He finally pulls away, interlocking our fingers together. It was a little awkward for a few minutes, but he sneezed and farted at the same time, making our silence filled aura stop. Only making us laugh like idiots, and then like that we were joking and playing around again. Just like our regular selves.

Legs, please get better so I can walk down aisle and marry the man I so deeply love.


- SURPRISE!!! Hi, hello, how are you!! I finally updated, and it's longer because I hate giving you all short chapters!

- Hmm, what is your favorite perfume or cologne? I like Can Can by Paris Hilton. And Reveal by Calvin Klein.

- Alexis -

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