The Adventure of A Curly Hair...

By Ohsnapitsemily

3.4K 139 15

If the Doctor showed up in your yard... would you take his hand? I do not own any of the characters belonging... More

The Order
A House Secret
Chapter Four: The Guardian
The Game
The Crimson Riddle
The Price of Freedom
Amor Omnia Vincit
Let Go
Author's Note


151 14 1
By Ohsnapitsemily

Chapter 10: Change

Familiar scents came to Emily's nose and she smiled sleepily as she sank her head deeper into her pillow. She opened her eyes, blinking to adjust to the sunlight coming through her window, and then stared at the purple color of her walls. She could not deny that she was happy to be in her bed under the warm embrace of her blankets. But that also meant that what she had experience had never been real.

It had only been a dream.

It felt so real.

The Doctor, the Order, and the bony grasp of the Lethifold...It was all too real to just be a dream.

She laughed at herself for being able to think up such a dream and she shoved her face back into her pillow, wanting to return to it. Her hand brushed over something cold under her blanket. She propped herself on one elbow and drew it out to inspect it.

There in her fingers was a thimble.

Emily's heart swelled with many emotions as she remembered her conversation with the Doctor.

It was real.

She could not doubt it now.

Although she was not able to say a thank you to the Doctor before he left, he was still able to give her a kiss goodbye.

Something she cherished forever.

Months Later

It was mid afternoon and Emily was outside practicing with the flute she had found propped up beside her bed months ago. It was warm out, and Emily wished to be back into the air-conditioned house, but her sister's room being so close to her own, caused her to practice outside on that very hot day.

She was playing Hedwig's theme, a dedication of sorts to the ones she met on her adventure.

Life had been very dull since that adventure. The only remotely exciting thing was that she was starting college in just two weeks. She was scared for the change, and knew it was another step to transitioning into adulthood.

She tried to shake her head of all these thoughts and closed her eyes, continuing on with her song that she knew by heart. When the last note filled the air she heard clapping behind her. She turned around, expecting to see someone form her family, but instead the Doctor was smiling at her, the Tardis standing where it once stood months ago.

"You came back!" She practically squealed as she ran up and gave him a great big hug.

His body shook with laughter as he hugged her back, "Of course! I just had some unfinished business."

Only then did she notice his rugged appearance, his clothes looked a bit shabby and a mixture of grime and blood covered his face. He reached into his pocket and threw her a small pentagon shaped box. She caught it easily and read what was printed on the box in gold letters.

Chocolate Frog.

"You went back." Shock was evident on her face.

"I made sure that everyone you told me about made it out alive." He was watching her, waiting for her reaction.

"I thought you said that it's best not to mess with fate."

"I think it's time we stop leaving our destiny in the hands of Lady Fate and take it for ourselves." He said.

Emily beamed up at him just immensely happy for what he had done, and also because he was back.

"So what bring you back here? It's much more boring here than in a world of wizards."

"That is true," He said furrowing his brow in mock thoughtfulness, "But I could not find the right companion there."

Emily's heart skipped a beat.

"Will you join me on another adventure Emily?"

"Will it be dangerous?"

"Oh, quite certainly."

"Can you promise me I will be back in two weeks?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I could, but it wouldn't be a true promise."

"Than what can you promise me?"

"You'll change."

He smiled brightly before walking back into the Tardis, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Emily only paused for a moment before grabbing her flute and the thimble beside it before following the Doctor.

He beamed at her when she came up beside him, watching him work the beautiful machine. "I found another dimensional tear!"

"Where does it lead to?" She asked, half laughing at his boyish excitement.

"A place that I think the natives call Middle Earth."

Emily let out a loud laugh before the Tardis began its travel. She held on this time and as she was jostled about, she came to realize that change, indeed, was good.

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