Was I Meant for This?

By Shelly14

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Stacy Thompson has just found out she is a witch and will be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiza... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Part 1)
Chapter 18 (Part 2)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Into Draco's Mind
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 13

4.1K 30 4
By Shelly14

“Draco have you finished it?” I asked walking around the cabinet.

He stared at it with worry, I came over and grabbed his face in my hands “You can do this Draco. I know you can.”

He smiled and brought his lips down to mine, my hands snaked around his neck while he pulled me closer to him. He licked my lips for entrance which I granted immediately, our tongues moved in sync and my hands found their way to his hair.

A moan escaped his lips and he pulled away from me “Come on. You need some rest after tonight.”

We walked back to the dungeons using every shortcut we knew to avoid Filch we got to the Slytherin common room and I shivered at the coldness.

“You get used to the cold once you stay here a night.” Draco placed his arms around me.

“Ahem.” we both turned around to see Pansy and another girl standing behind us.

“Professor Snape told us to show Thompson to her room.” the girl spoke up while Pansy stood there glaring.

I turned to Draco who was staring “Are you sure you want to go? I can let you stay in my room tonight.” Draco mumbled so only I could hear.

I touched his cheek “I’ll be fine Draco. Goodnight.”

I turned back and smiled before following Pansy and the girl upstairs. “So when did you become so close to Malfoy?” the girl asked breaking the awkward silence.

“Our families used to be close and met during the holidays.” I said continuing to stare at the ground.

We came to a room the same size as my old one but in Slytherin colors, I noticed my trunk near the bed next to the window and sat down.

Pansy walked into the bathroom when Milicent came near my bed, “Pansy will come around. Just give her some time, she is just still upset about when you punched her.”

I couldn’t help but laugh remembering how Pansy stayed away from me after that night.

“Thanks but I don’t think I need Pansy’s approval of me. Goodnight….”

She stuck out her hand out “Milicent, Milicent Bulstrode.”

I took her hand “Stacy, Stacy Rid- Thompson.” I sighed in relief that I didn’t let my identity slip. “Goodnight Stacy.” Milicent said after climbing in bed.

“Goodnight Milicent.” I yawned and let my eyes fall.

The next day while I was walking to Potions, I caught sight of Hermione but once she saw me she put her head down and continued walking. I sighed stared at the floor and continued to Potions class. Slughorn paired us up with the opposite gender and house, low and behold my partner turned out to be Harry.

He took a seat next to me “Now everyone work with your partner to make draught of peace on page 629 in your books.”

I stood up to get the ingredients when I felt a hand on my arm “I got them.” Harry said getting up.


I looked behind and saw Draco glaring at Harry and then he turned to me. “It’s ok. I’ll be fine.” I mouthed to him.

Harry came back and we worked on our potion in silence, we finished very early thanks to Harry’s book and just sat in our seats.

“Why Malfoy?” I turned towards Harry unsure if I heard him correctly.

“What?” I asked when he looked me in the eye “Out of every guy here why Malfoy? He is going to put you in danger.” Harry said.

I looked down and mumbled “I’m the danger.” but Harry didn’t hear me.

“How can you even stand to look at him let alone touch him?”

That’s it Harry may have been my friend but I am tired of being criticized because of Draco “Harry you have no right to say anything! You have no idea who I am or what I have to deal with but Draco does and he understands, but you never will.”

I grabbed my things and ran out of the classroom, I stood outside the classroom when I heard the door open “Harry leave me alone! We can’t be friends anymore!” I cried without turning around towards Harry.

“Stacy please tell me what is going on. I just don’t understand, one day you’re in Gryffindor the next you’re in Slytherin after break with Malfoy. Did his family force you to do this?” Harry said angrily.

I wiped my face and turned around to Harry “This is all my doing Harry. I choose to be with Draco not you Harry and we can’t be friends anymore.” I confidently said.

The bell rang and Draco walked out of class stopping near me “Maybe later on we can be friends again but not now. Goodbye Harry. Let’s go Draco.”

We walked away leaving Harry standing near Potions class. “What was that all about?” Draco asked curiously.

“Nothing, so how are we completing it? Time is almost up.” I whispered quietly to Draco.

He tried to look confident but I could tell he was worried “Don’t worry I have taken care of it.”

That evening I walked to Professor Snape’s office while Draco continued with the cabinet. I knocked on the door and faintly heard him say come in. I walked in and noticed he had the office set up for our lesson.

“Now Ms. Thompson are you ready?” I nodded and brought out my wand.

I did really well this time and was capable of controlling Snape’s mind and body.

“Now the thing we need to work on the most is going to be the hardest. DO you remember how you lost consciousness the night your parents died?”

I clenched my fist remembering that horrible night, “Yes but you knocked me out professor.” I said.

He smirked “I knocked you out after we brought you back to consciousness. If we had let you stay unconscious you would have awoken capable of killing us all.”

My eyes widened “How?” I asked barely audible.

“You have a very powerful type of wandless magic in your unconscious that only shows itself when you feel very threatened or someone close to you is threatened or hurt. That’s why it happened with your parents’ death.” he stated calmly.

“How do I control it?” he stepped towards me “Ms. Thompson you need to learn to control your emotions. If you can focus your anger on something specific you can control the power and release it all will. Now think about that night, but when you start to feel angry focus your mind on breaking this glass.”

I did as he said and felt the anger towards the murderers of my parents start to rise inside of me, the glass on the floor started to shake and crack but within seconds I lost control of my anger and blacked out.

I heard voices next to me “How could you do this to her? This is why I don’t want your help.” the voice sounded very familiar but far away.

“I’m sorry Draco but this was necessary. She is not harmed.” another voice spoke out but the first started to yell “Not harmed! She is not harmed but in the bloody hospital from a head injury! How is that not harmed!” the voices started to distance themselves as I drifted off again.

I woke in the hospital wing and looked around and found Draco asleep on the chair at my side. I brushed his head with my hand when he stirred and picked his head up quickly “Stacy you’re alright.”

I laughed and looked at Draco “Of course I’m alright Draco. How long have I been in here?”

Draco looked angry “Stacy I don’t think you should continue the lessons with Snape. It’s not safe for you.”

I sat up and grabbed his hand “Draco these lessons are very important for me. How long have I been in here?”

Draco sighed and let go of my hand “It’s only been overnight.”

Madame Pomfrey came over and handed me a cup “Drink this dear. It will help with the headache and you are free to go after.”

I grabbed the cup and drank what was inside, it tasted horribly bitter but I swallowed the drink. Madame Pomfrey walked away and I got out of the bed while Draco stood near the door. I walked over to him and he held his hand out to me, we walked to the common room and sat in front of the fire.

“Stacy are we doing the right thing? For some reason I feel as though none of this is right.”

I laid my head on Draco’s shoulder and stared at the flames “You feel that way because it’s not right Draco but neither of us have a choice. Your parents are in danger if you don’t accomplish this task and I have to get as close to him as possible to save everyone. Plus I won’t let you do this on your own even if it didn’t help me.” Draco kissed my head and leaned his on mine.

January and February passed quickly and March rolled around, but Draco and I still had not mended the cabinet completely to work fully and my lessons with Snape had become less dangerous so I was not being sent to the hospital wing anymore. There were sometimes when I would lose control of the power and injury myself but nothing too serious that Snape couldn’t heal in his office.

I was sitting in the great hall when I heard cheers from the Gryffindor table, I looked over and noticed that everyone was hugging Ron and handing him gifts I had completely forgot that Ron’s birthday was today. I ran back to my room and grabbed a piece of parchment writing a quick birthday note but not signing my name then I ran back to the owlery and sent it to Ron. Even though I may not be friends with them anymore I still cared about all three of them and it was for their safety why I did what I did. I went back to the great hall and sat at the Slytherin table watching Ron open my birthday note and look around wondering who sent it, I laughed to myself when Draco came in and sat next to me.

“How has your day been Draco?” I looked over towards him but he just stared down at his food.

“Draco is everything okay?” he picked up his head but still dared not to look at me, “I’m fine just tired from working on it.”

I put my hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek, “Don’t worry Draco I’ll help you tonight it won’t be a problem.”

After dinner we headed to the room of requirement, Draco placed an apple in the cabinet and muttered some words that I did not understand when he opened the cabinet the apple was gone.

“Draco you did it! You made it disappear and I’m sure you can bring it back from it being at Borgin and Burke’s.” I held his hand as we took a deep breath closed the cabinet and waited a couple seconds to open it again.

I opened the cabinet this time and found the apple in it, I went to grab it and examined it “Draco? The apple has a bite taken out of it. Is anyone supposed to be in the shop and opening the cabinet?” I asked him wondering if we got any closer to fixing the cabinet.

He just shook his head and slumped on a pile of random things “The Dark Lord will not be happy about this. You shouldn’t be here helping Stacy, I don’t want you to be blamed for it not working.”

I couldn’t help but giggle and he looked up with a confused and angered look “Why are you laughing? This isn’t funny Stacy do you know what he would do?”

I muffled my laugh and sat down beside Draco, “Why do you think he had me help you with the task?” he shook his head. “Draco he knew you would need help or else you would fail and I’m pretty sure he knows about the two of us. So if he made you fail he knows I would help Harry instead of him.”

Draco put his head in his hands and exhaled “I can’t believe I thought that I was chosen for this because I was important.”

I pulled Draco up from the pile “Let’s go I’m tired. And I want to sleep in your bed tonight.” he smiled at this and we walked out of the room of requirement making sure no one was around.

We got to the corridor leading down to the dungeons when we heard footsteps running towards us “Quick behind the suit of armor.” Draco hushed and pushed me behind the armor.

We peeked around the armor seeing Harry and Professor Slughorn running towards the hospital wing but they were carrying someone.

I gasped and came out from behind the armor “What are you doing? We will be in trouble if we get caught.” Draco had reached for my arm and stopped me.

I pulled my arm out of his grasp with a jerk “If it’s Hermione I want to make sure she is ok. I still care about them Draco, they were the first friends I ever had.” Draco nodded and walked with me to the hospital wing but we hid behind the door making sure no one could see us.

“Oh my what happened to him professor?” we heard Madame Pomfrey shout from the room. “He was poisoned, he drank some meade that was laced with poison but I gave him a bezoar. He is just unconscious can you help him Madame Pomfrey?” that voice was Harry’s and he was terrified.

I looked over to Draco who was filled with terror and disgust “Draco! You didn’t!” he walked away towards the dugeons leaving me standing behind the hospital door.

I looked back into the room making sure Ron was being taken care of and ran after Draco. Before I got to the portrait of the Slytherin common room I caught sight of Draco sitting between a gap in a wall.

“Draco why did you poison Ron’s drink?’ I asked afraid of the answer.

He looked up at me with tears in his eye “I didn’t mean to poison the weasel, the meade was meant to go to Dumbledore and poison him. I didn’t know Slughorn would use it before. I even used the imperious curse on him.” he cried.

I sat next to Draco and hugged him tightly “Draco it isn’t your fault Ron got poisoned, but he is going to be fine.”

Draco shook his head “I’m not worried about that. I ran out of ideas to complete the task. How am I going to kill him now?”

I kissed Draco passionately because I knew that what I was about to say would need a lot of convincing, we broke apart and I looked into his beautiful silver eyes that seemed to pierce me.

“Draco I want to be the one to do it. I’m going to finish the task, you just get the cabinet working.”


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Thanks for reading and plz comment and vote!

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