The Prince's Visions

By Havecouragebkind

167K 6.2K 1.8K

People say that death is not the end. For Evelyn, it's not. After battling cancer for almost four years, deat... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty one
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter forty three
Chapter Forty four
Chapter Forty five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty seven
Author's Note
Becoming Aredhel

Chapter thirty one

2.4K 100 22
By Havecouragebkind

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.. -Ephesians 5:15-16



I run my fingers down the skin of her arm, kissing her neck softly. We stand on the balcony that is attached to our room, overlooking Mirkwood forest as our people begin to awaken and start their day. The sun shines down upon us softly, and the brilliantly green leaves rustle in the wind from their places in the trees. The day is peaceful, serene, and I wish I could stay in this moment forever.

"I am tired," Eilonwy says quietly, leaning back into my embrace and closing her eyes.

I wrap my arms around her tightly as a soft breeze blows up to the balcony. "You stayed up too late last night. I told you to get some rest," I tell her with a fond smile as I remember her sitting at my desk, her eyes drooping tiredly as she attempted to write a letter to Arwen. I left to bring supper up to our room, and when I came back, she was asleep, slumped upon the wooden desk limply. After waking her up, she finally agreed that it was time for bed.

I bite back a laugh as I remember the ink from her letter smeared across her cheek.

"Hmm," she hums, "Hush, my husband."

I chuckle softly and kiss her shoulder, relishing in the feeling of holding her close. Her natural flowery scent calms me as I hold her close, and I kiss her shoulder once again, knowing that she loves it when I do so. I close my eyes, wondering when to tell Eilonwy the news. I have to leave for Rivendell in two days time, and I still have yet to tell her. Parting from her is always so difficult, but I know I must inform her eventually.

"Go back to bed, Eilonwy," I tell her sternly, taking her hand and turning her toward me, "You need rest."

She stares at me, her bleary eyes searching mine. Her lips are pulled down slightly, and my heart aches to see her smile. "I do not wish to," she whispers, "Elrohir told me that you are leaving for Rivendell with him in two days. I do not want to waste the little bit of time we have together."

Dread fills my heart as I look down into her sad eyes, and I pull her closer, kissing her lips softly. "I was meaning to tell you," I whisper when our lips part.

"I know," she states simply, "I understand why you were reluctant to tell me. I try not to make a big deal out of you leaving because I know it only hurts you, but it proves to be very hard to mask my disappointment."

I laugh slightly. "I am well aware that you attempt to hide your true feelings from me. You forget that I can read you like a book."

She looks down in embarrassment. "Well, now you must understand why I want to stay awake. I fear if I fall asleep my exhaustion will steal away my precious time with you," she says, her eyes meeting mine once again, "I value our time together more than anything in this world."

I brush my fingers across her jaw wondering how I will ever bring myself to leave her. Usually, she does not admit her feelings to me openly, but I can always sense her sadness and disappointment when I ready myself to leave. I can see it in her eyes. Hearing her actually say the words... well, it hurts worse.

"I will come back to you," I promise, "Always."

She smiles at me, and I study her closely. Her crimson hair falls in adorable tangles around her face and down her back. The rising sun casts its soft glow upon her, making it appear that she has a golden aura surrounding her. Her eyes are dark with sleep, a beautiful, earthy green that reminds me of walking through the damp forest after the sky has rained upon it. Her long lashes frame her eyes in a way that, when she blinks, I find utterly irresistible. I could stare at my wife, my princess, forever and never grow bored, for she is the most exquisite piece of artwork I have ever laid eyes upon. She is altogether lovely, the picture of grace and purity. I love her. I love her more than she will ever know.

She nods, a timid smile pulling at her pink lips. "I do not doubt it, not for one moment."

I take her hand, leading her back into our room. "Now, get some rest," I tell her, leaving no room for discussion, "Later on, when I return from my duties, we shall dine together."

She nods sleepily, turning from me and walking toward our bed. She lets her robe slip down her shoulders, falling from her body and pooling at her feet in a pile of silk. Her favorite nightgown adorns her body, and I turn my back to her knowing that if I stare for a moment longer, I will neglect my duties as prince for the day as I have done on countless occasions. My father would not be happy if I fail to show up yet another day. So, instead, I muster up my remaining willpower, and I walk to the door.

"Legolas," she calls to me as I place my hand on the doorknob, and I close my eyes and sigh quietly.

I turn to look at her, knowing exactly what she wants from her persuasive, irresistibly innocent tone of voice. She sits on the edge of the bed, staring at me with round eyes. "You are going to leave without kissing me goodbye?"

I clench my fists by my side, conflicted on whether to kiss her or not. "If I kiss you now, I fear I would not be able to leave you. I really must go. My father will be angry with me," I tell her halfheartedly, knowing that I will eventually comply to her wishes, sooner rather than later.

She looks down at her lap as she fiddles with the covers of our bed. "Oh," she says, her hair falling over her face like a curtain, "You are right. I do not wish for the king to be angry with you."

I hesitate for a moment before crossing the room with a quick stride. I sit down beside her on our warm, inviting bed, and I meet her shy gaze. She looks at me hesitantly, as she always does, and I smile. No matter how many nights we share together, she is always bashful, but I would not have her any other way. I lean in, kissing her perfect lips, and I sigh, thinking that kissing her is much, much better than taking on my responsibilities as prince. I feel her smile, and when she wraps her arms around my neck, I know I have met my doom, or rather, my paradise that will have consequences. I deepen the kiss and pull her closer happily.

My duties as prince can wait. I have duties as Eilonwy's husband that are much more important to me.

Father can just be angry.


"Ah, Legolas," Gandalf says without turning to see who is behind him, "How are you this morning?"

I smile, taking a seat beside him on the steps leading up to the castle. "I am well. How are you, my old friend?"

He glances at me, a twinkle in his eye. "I am well knowing that you are happy."

"And how do you know that I am happy?" I question him with a lifted brow.

"I may be old, Legolas Thranduilion, but blind I am not," he says with a faux stern expression, taking his pipe and gesturing toward the open air, "That girl has changed things, I can see it already. Not only has she changed you, but she has changed the others, too. It is a strange thing, love. It buries its way into people's hearts without them even realizing."

I look out at the waking city, and I smile to myself as a light breeze caresses my skin. Gandalf has always had a way of saying things just the right way that proves just how wise he is. I glance at him. "Well, speaking for myself, she has unquestionably changed me," I tell him, "But what I want to know is how you know all of this. Have you even spoken to Eilonwy?"

His gaze flits over to me, and he smiles amusedly as if I just told him a humorous joke. "You do not find out things about the soul by simply speaking to someone. All the best information you can gather on someone is found by observation. The tongue can speak however it wishes to, Legolas, but the eyes are what cannot hide a person's true intentions. Once you learn to see past what everyone else sees, then you will be able to truly know a person, and that is a rare gift, indeed."

I stare at him for a moment in thought before looking down, hiding from his all-knowing gaze. "I understand what you mean," I reply, "Eilonwy is so beautiful, but the thing that made me fall in love with her in my visions was her heart. In all of the glimpses I saw of our future together, she did nothing but bare her soul to me. And now, after meeting her, I see just how accurate my visions are. She is like an open book. Her emotions play openly in her eyes, and she shows her kindness through her actions."

Gandalf chuckles. "She is very odd," he says and grins at me merrily, "Odd people are the best kind."

I chuckle along with him thinking of her funny phrases and habits. "She is truly one of a kind," I answer him.

Gandalf takes a puff of his pipe. "Where is the girl, anyhow? I am surprised to see the two of you apart."

"She is with Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel. She went to them early this morning to request the start of her magic lessons. She was very upset when she hurt Estrith."

Gandalf nods. "A wise decision," he says and looks at me seriously, "Something dark is on the rise once again, and uncontrolled magic will only make the situation worse. Eilonwy has immense power inside of her, and if that power were to be unleashed without her being able to control it... well, I pray that will never happen."

"I worry for her, Gandalf," I admit, "She has only just arrived in Middle Earth, and everyone is throwing so many responsibilities and information on her shoulders."

"She is strong, as you already know. She knows deep in her heart that her parents truly loved her, and she knows that their pasts intertwine with our own pasts. Galadriel has shown her the Mirror, and the child has seen things that no one told her outright. She knows that Elladan loved her mother, she knows that Lord Elrond and Galadriel are the ones who sent her away to Earth, and she has even seen a glimpse of her future with you, Legolas."

I look at him in bewilderment. "She has seen such things? How do you know?"

Gandalf smiles at me kindly. "Oh, I have been friends with Galadriel for many, many years, and she tends to pass on information to my open ears."

I shake my head. "You are as bad as a gossiping old lady, do you know that? You, my father, Elrond; the whole lot of you!" I exclaim and begin to laugh.

The old wizard takes another puff of his pipe, trying to hide his smile, but he slowly begins to chuckle until he is laughing right along with me. "That may yet be true, young prince, but to what extent we are gossips, you do not fully know."

I roll my eyes slightly. "I do not want to know. My father and mother are bad enough."

"They love you," he replies simply, "They want what is best for you, and that involves a bit of investigating and a bit of gossip about the girl."

"The thing is, Eilonwy does not even seem to be bothered by it very much. When my family openly teases her, she just laughs and blushes. I wish I could do that, but it really irks me sometimes. I never really understood until now just how much I value privacy!"

Gandalf laughs at my exclamation, seeming to love watching me squirm just as much as the rest of them do. "Surely it is not so bad," the wizard says, "You should count your blessings that you found a girl who does not scare so easily. She endures the teasing because she sees just how much your family loves you. And, if I am not mistaken, she is beginning to understand that they love her, too."

I gaze out at the streets that are now buzzing with life, wondering how Eilonwy's lessons are going. "Yes, my family is very fond of her," I agree, "'Tis truly a blessing. Not many people gain favor with my father."

Gandalf nods in agreement. "He can be a sour sort of fellow at times, but Thranduil protects those he loves. That is a very noble trait," he says, "From what I have observed, I believe your father sees himself in Eilonwy. The both of them have seen and faced many horrors in life, yet Eilonwy has remained positive and cheerful. I think that is what draws your father to her. He, too, wants to be positive and cheerful despite life's hardships. That, and I believe that he cares for her simply because she has made you so happy. The happiness of his children is like great wealth in a father's eyes."

"I have never thought of it that way before," I say quietly.

Companionable silence falls down around us like a light mist of rain.

"Well," Gandalf says and stands slowly, leaning heavily on his staff, "I think I have given you enough to think on. I will see you tonight at the feast, Legolas, and Eilonwy as well."

I nod and give him a thankful smile, "Thank you, Gandalf," I tell him.

He smiles at me and nods before turning and walking back toward the castle, leaving me to sit and ponder the things he told me.


A/N: Sorry for the long wait and the short chapter, but I have had a lot of things going on and haven't been in the writing mood. Thank you to everyone who commented, and to all the new readers, Hello! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, and I will try to get the next one up soon. :) Please remember to leave a comment (remember the ground rules!), and I will see y'all next chapter!


Josie <3

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