Don't Get Too Close || NaruHi...

By pinkbuta

34.3K 1K 1.7K

"Don't get too close, it's dark inside, it's where my demons hide." Hinata is one of tho... More

Chapter One || I'm Insecure and I Care What People Think
Chapter Two || But I'm Quiet When You Make Me Fade
Chapter Three || It's Just a Little Crush, Not Like I Faint Every Time We Touch
Chapter Four || The Monsters in My Head Are Scared of Love
Chapter Five || You're Just My Type, Oh You Got a Pulse and You Are Breathing
Chapter Seven || Baby, You Gotta Let Go
Chapter Eight || Do You Think You're Better Off Alone?

Chapter Six || I Can't Let You Go, Can't Let You Go

3.1K 121 139
By pinkbuta

Listen to: Nightcore - Lies



That's what I thought of myself after seeing her leave out my front door.


She's ought to hate me now. I'm such a jerk. How could I kick her out like that?

No wonder everyone hates me.

I won't be surprised if she avoids me at school, just like everyone else except for my friends. Sure, they say I'm high up at the popular status, but that still doesn't mean everyone likes me. In fact, I am hated by most people. Most people.

That's the sad truth.

The sound of her small frustrated scream still lingered in my ears. Playing over and over again, like a broken record.

One that I wish I could stop.

But it won't stop.

It just keeps playing.

Over and over and over again.

Taking in a shaky breath, I walk glumly to my uneaten bowl of ramen that isn't as hot as it was before, and sat in my pillow.

I stared at the bowl nonstop for over a minute, an angered expression evident on my face. I was definitely angry.

But not at Hinata.

At myself.



The walk home wasn't pleasant at all.

I was frustrated, angry, and disappointed. My mind just kept running through thoughts. It never seemed to stop.

All I could think about is how Naruto could change in just a snap. His expression and emotions and personality, just like that. Different. He was happy and teasing one minute, and then mean and rude the next.


That, I didn't know. Was it just a male thing? Although, I knew that personality changes are actually quite common for females also, especially when it's their time of month, but why males though? Was there a reason for it?

I couldn't get it, no matter how much I tried. I was left dumbfounded as I kept my eyes on the ground, my legs doing the work for me as they took me to where they knew to go.

That was dumb.

I felt a hard impact hit me as I stumbled backwards, about to give the victim a glare until I uncovered who it was.

"Hinata! I didn't see you there."

"Ino!" I grinned, and she opened up her arms and I gladly went into them.

She wrapped her arms tightly around me, and I did just the same. That lasted for a moment before we both let go.

"I'm sorry about bumping into you, I wasn't looking." I sheepishly admitted while also apologizing.

She just smiled warmly at me. "That's okay Hinata. Although, if it was someone other than you, I would have yelled at them until they couldn't hear no more." She winked.

"Then I'm glad it was me."

We both laughed.

"So," Ino started, "what's got you so glum?"

My smile faded. "Oh... That..."

She narrowed her eyes. "Yes, that." After taking a pause, she said with concern, "I like seeing you smile. It really hurts when you're sad, Hinata. When you're sad, it's like the whole world is sad with you. You make everything happier."

Hearing that brought my lips to an almost-smile, but it went back to a frown. "It's Naruto-"

Her eyes widened and then her eyebrows furrowed and she was left pulling up invisible sleeves. Her hands clenched into fists.

"Do I need to beat him up? Cause I will if that's what you want!" She growled out.

I waved my hands dismissively. "N-no! No, that's okay! There's no need to do that!"

Her frown deepened. "What did he do that got you looking like a hound dog?"

A hound dog?

I almost giggled at her comparison.

"He... U-Uhm, he..." I stumbled on my words, trailing off.

How do I explain to her that I spent the night at his house, but by morning he kicked me out without making it sound bad?

"YOU- HE- WHAT?!" She shouted, her eyes widening by the minute.

Curse my thinking out loud.

"Don't think the wrong way, Ino-"

"I already had!"

"W-Wait! It's not what it sounds like!" I protest, waving my hands rapidly.

She stared at me. "Oh is it really?"

"It isn't!" Anger started to surge inside of me, bubbling up into flames.

Ino noticed this, and sheepishly smiled. "I-I didn't mean to get you m-mad H-Hinata."

Ino... Stuttering?

I never knew I could have such an affect on her.

My body seemed to calm down, as I let out a deep sigh. "Just let me explain." Ino nodded quickly. "So you know how I was talking about going to the movies with Naruto-kun and Sakura?" Ino answered with a quiet 'yes.' "Well, it was a set-up and I left before the movie started, and then I don't know what happened between Naruto-kun and Sakura, but I got cornered by a gang, and he found me and saved me. He took me to his house, and there I helped him with his back pain. When it got late, he fell asleep and I fell asleep on top of him."

"What happened after that? Why did he kick you out?" Ino urged me to continue, and I knew she was interested in what happened between us. Ino was the gossip type, after all.

"The next morning, he made ramen and got mad at something I said to him, and made me leave in a rude way. He made me take his bowl too..."

She stayed silent, observing my features and emotions.

After some time, and her still not speaking, I got restless and began to eat from the ramen in the bowl. It wasn't as warm as before, but I was way too hungry to oblige.

Ino then blinked, staring at me as I continued to slurp down the noodles. Once they were all gone, I tipped the bowl and began to drink the broth.

When done, I sighed at the loss feeling of hunger, then looked back at the girl before me as if nothing had just happened.

"Naruto is rubbing off on you." She said quietly, as if she was saying it to herself.

But I heard.

"I've only been hanging out with him for a few days now!" I exclaimed.

"He still can rub off on anyone after one day." She stated matter-of-factly.

I only pursed my lips together, my mind set on the mentioned blonde-headed boy. He doesn't know it yet, but he's a big impact in my life.

"Yeah." I finally said. "That is true."

Ino only smugly smirked. "Of course it's true! I'm always right, aren't I?"

Ignoring her, I stared down at the now empty bowl. It was Naruto's bowl alright. He seemed to really love the color orange, if even his bowls were orange. Unknowingly, that brought a smile to my face, and Ino just stared at me dumbly.

"Why are you staring at that bowl like it just complimented you?" She cocked an eyebrow upward.

I blinked, switching my gaze back onto her. "Huh? Oh. No reason." I smiled sheepishly, which only raised her suspicion even more.

"Okay..." Ino trailed off. "I suppose I'll see you Monday, then." She smiled a closed-eyed smile, only causing me to mimic her.

"Of course!" I beamed at the girl with a high ponytail, then left her as I made my way back to my house. Or, mansion.

That's what most people would say.

Our house was very big, actually–very, very big.

My father owned a business, which is where he gets all that money from to buy such a humongous house. He says that once he passes away, the title of the business will then be given to me.

That was kind of a big deal.

As I passed the gates, and found my way to the door, two guards gave me soft bows.

It's not like I'm a princess or anything.

Slipping the house key from my pocket with my free hand, I pushed the door with my side until I was fully emerged where a hall laid out, which many doors and doorways spread out into different rooms. I took the first left, and made it to the living room where my dad was, his eyes stuck to the television.

"Good...morning?...father," I greeted him hesitantly.

His eyes snapped to meet mine, and they didn't look happy at all.

"Where were you?" He demanded in an uneven tone.

I visibly gulped.


"You know to warn me about these things. What if I would have called the police and search rescue to find you?" His eyebrows furrowed and he didn't look as mad, but something else glinted in his eyes.

He was worried.

I had made my father worry.

"I-I am terribly sorry, father. I didn't mean to cause you any worry. Something happened and it caused me from coming home." I looked down, tightening my grip around the orange bowl.

He stared at me, his eyes searching me. "And what had caused you from coming home?" He asked.

"Well..." I paused, thinking of the right words that wouldn't trigger my father in any way. "Naruto-"

He cut me off immediately after hearing the blonde's name. "Naruto? Why would you make plans with such a person like him." It wasn't exactly a question, the way he said.

"Father, do you really know him?"

His eyebrows furrowed. "I'm sure I know more of him than you do."

"How so?" We were left with our gazes locked together, like in a battle of who could last the longest without blinking.

He sighed, lazily running a hand through his hair. "I know that he's dangerous. You should never be near a boy like him."

My eyes narrowed. "He is not dangerous."

"He is, dear. Very."

I didn't believe him.

"How can someone as cheerful as him be dangerous?" I retorted.

He only shook his head. "You really know nothing about him."

My mouth opened dramatically. "Yes I do!"

"Don't you think there's a reason everyone keeps their distance from him?"

Distance? What does he mean?

"What do you mean?"

"At school."

"But he's like the most popular guy in school." I was beyond confused.

He lowly chuckled, not a humorous one. "Oh, dear, that doesn't matter."

I continued, ignoring him. "Naruto and I made arrangements with Sakura to go to the movies last night, but I..." What was I supposed to say next? That part was when I make an excuse that my father had texted me to go home. But he had not texted me.

His eyes looked at me intently. "And?"

Opening my mouth, I then closed it just as quickly. Not knowing what to say.


"Ino called me for something urgent, so I made an excuse to leave. Sakura wanted to come, but I dismissed her offer. As I was walking to Ino's, a small gang cornered me-" I got cut off with the widening of his eyes.

"You did not try to contact me?"

I shook my head. "I couldn't, really."

He motioned for me to continue.

"Naruto eventually found me, and he fought the gang members off. He was wounded, so we went back to his apartment and I helped revive him." I pushed my lips into a thin line, deciding on skipping some parts he didn't need to know of. "It got late, so I stayed at his place. In the morning, he made breakfast. He kind of let me keep his bowl..." I gestured to the orange bowl in my hands.

His eyes moved to the bowl, and an odd smile seemed to twitch at the corners of his lips. I say odd, because it's not one of those genuine happy smiles.

He gestured for me to take a seat in the sofa across from him, so I did.

"I don't want you to see Naruto ever again." He said in a monotoned voice.

"W-W-What?! You can't be serious! After he saved me?!" My voice rose by the minute, and I was practically shouting.

He only nodded, pissing me off even further. "Yes."

"You don't make any sense."

"He is too dangerous."

"He saved me!" There was fury in my tone.

His eyes bared into mine, and I froze, then sank back into the cushions, a huff of air blowing through my lips. "You don't know what could happen to you if you get involved with him."

"What do you mean involved?"

He sighed, rubbing his temples. "Hinata, just listen to me."

"You can't do this to me father!"

His eyes bulged open, and that was when I knew he had had enough. His hand slammed onto the coffee table, which shook the decorative objects and his coffee mug, which little droplets flew a few inches from the surface, and landed in ant-sized puddles. "Enough!" He gritted his teeth.

I bit my lip to keep from letting out any sound. It would only show him that I am afraid of him.

"Do as I say, or I will have to move you to a whole other school! You hear me?" His eyes were glinted with fire.

I sucked in a breath of air. "O-Okay. I understand."

"Go to your room." He demanded, fixing his gaze onto his coffee mug and not on me.

I obliged, marching to my room just as Hanabi was walking down the stairs. Her eyes caught a look at my face, and I knew that she knew I wasn't in a good mood.

"Onee-san, are you alright?"

That was a stupid question, and by her expression after she had said it, she realized it too. I stopped in my tracks to look over my shoulder at my younger sister.


Her eyes softened. "I heard what happened." She murmured to me.

My eyes dropped to the floor.

"But I have an idea." She smiled with a hint of mischief evident in her voice.


Hanabi, what do you have planned?

I haven't updated in awhile. Oops.

Comment please! I love reading comments, it just makes my day.



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