Daughter of A Winchester (Sup...

By mochikeyds

80.3K 1.9K 128

Klyde used to have this normal life but when the angels and demons arrived, all things changed. Disclaimer: I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
❤❤Thank You❤❤

Chapter 30

703 15 0
By mochikeyds

As I looked at my daughter, I started to think about how she'd overcome those thing happened these past few months. Its been a difficult journey for all of us but still we're here, alive and kickin'. I sneak into her room to see if she's fine. I walk towards her and I can't help to smile as I see my girl. She grew up as a brave,good girl. I rubbed her cheeks, kissed the top of her head and held her right arm. No, this can't be-...she already had the mark, but how? I thought its already vanished. How come my daughter got it. They need to know about this thing. I should take this thing away from Klyde, I don't want her to be like me.

"It says here on the book that the first born sons were the not only the possible carrier of the mark but also the first born daughters, in general, the possible carriers were the first born children. Klyde is your oldest child since Emma just developed too fast."
Sam explained to us. " Is it connected with darkness?" We didn't realized that Klyde was listening to the whole conversation. "The darkness? You mean Amara?" Cass frantically asked. She paused for awhile and nod. "She's always dreaming about Amara." Claire added while she lend me the book where Klyde had written her researches. This is what I've been afraid of to happen since I found out that Klyde had the mark. "What does she told you?" I interrogated. I saw the fright within my daughter's face and I don't know how to ease it. "Sh-she told me that you tried to kill her and you failed. You need to pay for it and I will be the price. She wants me dad, she said I would be much better than you. She told me that I should go with her and we will conquer the world. I don't want to go with her but I'm afraid that if I won't, she'll hurt all of you. And I don't want that to happen." Klyde sobbed.

"Someone's here to help." Castiel popped out with Crowley and Rowena. "I want to have this revenge towards Amara! She fooled me! She needs to pay for it! I want her to die!" Crowley howled.

"I'll teach Klyde some spells to defeat her. I know this cannot completely kill her but it will help to make her weak." Rowena said while she opened a black book that contains her spells.

"Thanks for the help guys but maybe we should ask her first if she's ready to face the Darkness. Are you ready for this fight Klyde?" Sammy asked her. "As long as you're there, I'll fight." She smiled. It really proves that she's strong and brave enough for this and I'm glad we had this people that are willing to help us even we we're not related. It just shows that family don't end with blood.

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