Torn Hearts, Lost History

By Stat2112

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Parents trying to provide for their family sell their youngest daughter to a rich man from England with a lov... More

Chapter Two: The Reunion
Chapter Three: The Plan
Chapter Four: The Spark
Chapter Five: The Dress
Chapter Seven: The Unexpected Guest
Chapter Eight: The Morning
Chapter Nine: The Hunt
Chapter Ten: The Scar
Chapter Eleven: The Truth
Chapter Twelve: The Escape
Chapter Thirteen: The Proposal

Chapter One: The Conflict

31 2 0
By Stat2112

                      Cora stood to the side of the ball room watching in wonder as members of the British high class conversed around her. She was feeling out of place and very uncomfortable in her lavish silver gown. Never had Cora had the luxury of such nice clothes, yet luxury is not the way she viewed her new life.

Why should she see is any other way? After all she has only known her fiancé for two weeks. Cora didn't even get a say in. A man twice her age showed up to her modest farming town in the new country of Canada. Why; because he was in need of a bride and has always had a passion for the exotics. Cora was perfect. She was young, beautiful, and single. Being metis; she was exotic, while still being white enough to be his bride.

Local men never found Cora attractive. She was the youngest of four daughters. Her parents raised her as a son, try as they might, they could not produce a male to help on the farm. Cora's oldest sister Ambre was married with two sons. Ambre's family moved back in with Cora's parents to take over the family farm. This relieved Cora of many of her manly duties, but men still viewed her as not feminine enough.

When Sir Benjamin Sutton arrived in search of a bride, Cora's parents prettied her up as best they could and showcased her as the belle of the town. In Benjamin's eyes she was perfect. With her parents blessing, Benjamin left them some money and took their youngest daughter back to England. There she stood, in a ball room in England. Where in England she did not know, but she did know that she did not belong.

Lost in the entrapment of the riches around her, Cora did not notice a young man approach her. "Good morrow Ms. Cora," said a man with a smooth, calming voice that pulled her back to reality.

She turned her head and looked up and a tall, handsome, young man with long curly black hair and what looked to be an old suit yet clean and pressed, it seemed to fit him perfectly. "Hello sir, I don't believe we've met." Cora was still uncertain of the lady-like manner she was to talk to others in this strange country.

"No, I am afraid we have not yet had the pleasure. I work for your fiancé, my name is Thomas Olivier," he paused for a moment just staring at her face. "If I may be so bold miss, why stand all alone over here?"

Cora looked down shyly. "I do not wish to be a bother, this is my first social gathering and to be quite honest I don't know what else to do."

Thomas chuckled to her anxiety, "For a woman, the task is simple. Just stand by your suitor, he will do all the talking. Sir Benjamin does like to talk." They laughed together. "But if you really want to get more comfortable, why not introduce yourself to some of the ladies." He said looking towards the multiple small groups of women.

"Oh I am afraid, I do not know what I would say to them," she paused looking at the women so comfortable in their beautiful dresses. "Even if I did, they may get lost in my accent and not understand a word I say." The sadness in Cora's voice did not go unnoticed; it also caused her formality to fade. She quickly looked up at Thomas, "I am sorry sir, I did not mean to ruin this lovely conversation."

"Everyone gets home sick, it is not uncommon enough to ruin such a wonderful conversation," he said looking deep into her eyes. They stood there for a moment enjoying the feeling of their connection when it was interrupted by a man making an announcement while standing next to the small orchestra.

"If I may have your attention, it is now time for the King and Queen's Waltz. I ask that each man ask a woman he did not accompany to the ball onto the floor."

As men walked over to the area the women were talking, Thomas turned to Cora and bowed holding out his hand, "May I have the pleasure of this dance?" Cora could not say anything, but placed her hand in his. The warmth of his hand caused her to blush and he gently pulled her close to him. She looked up at his face and it was smiling down at her. "Don't worry, I will guide you." Thomas whispered and away to the dance floor they flew.

For a few brief moments Cora forgot where she was, she forgot about her engagement and how uncomfortable her dress was. As they danced, they gazed into each other's eyes. Words were not spoken for a while, but the feelings of relaxation, comfort and trust were mutually shared as they waltzed around and around.

As the song came to an end, Thomas walked Cora back over to the side. "I have to ask," he said. "Do you love Sir Benjamin? I do not mean to be rude, but it does seem a rather odd pair."

"If you must know, Thomas, I do not know how love feels," Cora said in a slightly coy manner. "Do you?"

Thomas looked at her for a moment, then said "I do not, but I think after tonight I might- "

"Cora my dear, you are a wonderful dancer!" Benjamin's bustling voice interrupted. "Oh I hope I am not interrupting you Thomas."

"No, not at all sir, I simply wanted to make your new bride feel welcome to England," Thomas said slightly choking on his words.

"Good lad, I always did like you," Benjamin said almost laughing. "I'm afraid, my love, you look awfully tired. It has been a long journey for you, hasn't it? I think it's best we get her home to rest, don't you?"

Though Cora wanted to hear what Thomas was about to say, she knew better than to ask at this time. "Thank is most kind of you sir," she said bowing her head slightly. "I will see you around Thomas."

"Have a good evening Thomas," Benjamin said as he put his hand on Cora's back to direct her towards the door.

Benjamin helped Cora into the carriage and they road back to his house. As they entered the house, Benjamin turned to Cora, "I understand this is not going to be easy for you, there is likely a culture shock." Cora looked up and didn't see the big, confident man she had always seen in her fiancé, but a tired and lonely man who only wanted to make her happy. "We will not announce a wedding day until you are ready, until then you may have your own room as well," he turned to call out for a maid. "Please show Lady Cora her bedroom and where she may find anyone if she should need it." Turning back to Cora, he took her hand and kissed it, "Have a good night."

Benjamin walked up the grand staircase facing the front doors they had just come in and turned to his left at the top. Cora was unable to say anything, but she watched him until he was out of sight. "Right this way miss," said the small, fragile voice of the maid. Cora followed still watching where her fiancé had disappeared down a hallway.

With the mix of emotions, fatigue and wonder Cora has no idea how she got to where she was, but in front of her stood the maid unlocking two large golden doors. "Right in here miss, these are to be your quarters until marriage permits otherwise."

"This," she paused staring at the large window behind a grand bed. "This is mine?" She finally said as she walked over to the dresser beside the window. She turned to inspect the gorgeous vanity that was over by another door. It was a smaller wooden door, but still beautiful.

"Yes ma'am, behind that door is your bathroom," the maid went on. "There is a toilet, bathtub and a sink. Should you need anything; the rope beside your bed will call upon one of the servants."

The maid was about to keep going, but Cora pushed open the bathroom door and ran inside. She stared at the toilet, "All of this is mine? I don't have to share?" She looked inside the toilet unsure of what to do. Turning back to the maid she asked, "How does this thing work?"

The maid tried not to giggle as she lifted the seat and pushed the lever on the side to show Cora how it worked. Cora stood amazed by the sights before her eyes. She tried to contain herself and sound like she belonged in such a pristine place. "I shall want a tour of the house tomorrow," she said bluntly. "But for now, I need some rest."

They walked back into the bedroom, Cora was full of adrenaline, but she was also excited to sleep in such a large comfortable bed and have it all to herself.

"Goodnight miss," the maid said as she left, closing the door behind her. Cora quickly have got dressed and jumped into her new bed. Despite her excitement, sleep came quickly that night and before she knew it, she was being awakened by the rising sun shining through her window.

Cora sat up in her bed and looked around, taking in the sights of her very own room in the light of day. Still star struck she didn't know what to think. It wasn't until she exited her room that she realized she had no idea where the dining room was.

She quickly decided there was no harm in exploring this house, if she was to live in it, she would need to know more about how to get around. She put on a robe and started down the hall on her right. All along the walls were large painting and portraits of what she assumed were family members. She couldn't help but wonder if she would have a portrait in the wall one day, but she couldn't help but feel she wouldn't look too happy in it.

No matter the excitement she felt about living in this house, she couldn't stop thinking about Thomas. Cora felt silly, she only just met Thomas the night before, how could a stranger take up so much time in her head? However, when she said goodbye to him, he didn't feel like a stranger. Through a slightly open door she spotted Benjamin eating breakfast, she decided to enter.

"Ahh, good morning Cora, I trust you had a good sleep?" Benjamin said as soon as he saw her come in.

"Yes, thank you. It was something quite like I'd never experienced before," she took a seat to the left of Benjamin and a maid brought her in a plate and uncovered the dishes on the table for her to choose what she wanted. She pointed and they placed the food on her plate. "Thank you."

"I would like for you to come with me to work tomorrow, I am only there for a short period of time. I want you to see what it is I do," Benjamin said to Cora. "After that we can go for a walk in the park and discuss the plans for our future." He paused. "I'm guessing, you'd like to spend today familiarizing yourself with the grounds."

Cora looked up from what seemed like the largest breakfast she'd ever seen, "I would like that very much, thank you."

There was an awkward silence as they both ate. Benjamin was the one to break it, "Did you enjoy last night?"

"Yes, it was very nice. Everyone looked so wonderful all dressed up," Cora told him.

"I saw that you were talking with Thomas," Benjamin's pitch lowered slightly.

"Yes, he said he works for you."

"Ha-ha, not exactly. I am a wealthy man, I invest in promising businesses," Benjamin explained. "Thomas is a physician, and the best one I've ever met. He is wise beyond his years. I invested in him to open a practise."

"So he owes you money?" Cora asked.

"Well, you know your stuff young lady. I guess Canadian education is not to be taken lightly," he chuckled again. Cora smiled at him.

He seemed so much happier today than he was the night before. She wanted to ask him about it, but she was too scared. They finished their breakfast and Benjamin left to get ready for work. Cora asked if one of the maids could run her a hot bath, she felt bad asking them to do things for her, but they always seemed so happy to help her.

Cora wondered up the main staircase where she had seen Benjamin leave the night before. She turned left and walked down the long, dark hallway. At the end was a large, wooden door. It had a large circular handle made of a material she hadn't seen or felt before. Feeling nervous, she opened the door slowly, hoping not to intrude on anyone.

What Cora saw on the other side was the last thing she had expected. There were two large glass doors leading out onto a balcony and from the top of them hung large red curtains; with golden trim and black characters. Straight ahead was a large fireplace, directly above it held a large, grey head. This head had a long tube for a nose, ears almost as big as the head and two curved and pointy bones on either side of the tube. She later would learn what she saw was an elephant head. In front of the fire place was a rug that looked to Cora like an orange and black cougar, it of course was a Siberian Tiger. Two oriental couches where on either side of the tiger and they were golden.

To the right, was a wall completely covered in books. Cora went over to inspect the books; the titles appeared to be different languages. Some were leather, some were new, and some were old and dusty. She assumed Benjamin collected them, but never read them.

"I love to travel," Benjamin said from the doorway.

Cora jumped and turned to look at him, she was ready to apologize for snooping and bag forgiveness, but there was no need. Benjamin seemed delighted that she was interested. He walked over beside her to look at the books as well.

"So many of these books I cannot read, they are not in English," he told her. "But on my travels I have heard stories, ancient tales passed on from parents to their children. Some children even wrote those tales down. These books are those tales; they are myths about how a culture or land was created. I would imagine your mother's family would have stories like that."

Cora was a Metis, her mother was an aboriginal, but her father was white. She nodded to show she understood was he was saying. "Can you read?" Asked Benjamin, Cora nodded. "Then feel free to read any of these books that you can."

Benjamin turned and left the room, leaving Cora with her heart pounding still searching for words. When the realization set in that she was not in trouble, she calmed down. This is when she started to figure out what may be going on in Benjamin's head.

Maybe he understood how she felt much more than she thought. She always felt left out and alone in her interests. Maybe no one ever took interest in the life of Sir Benjamin Sutton and now, a young girl who hadn't seen much of anything past the pastures in her parent's farm fields was so fascinated by him as a person that it caught his attention and felt admiration and desires to be with her.

Maybe he wasn't just a lonely old man who wanted a beautiful young woman to add excitement to his life. Maybe he just wanted someone to spend time with and make him feel special. Maybe that was the reason he was leaving the pace to her and not pushing her to become the wife her parents promised. The wife part didn't matter to him; it was the partner he wanted. His passion was in exploring; his desires were in his work in helping people. All he wanted was a person to pass the time with; someone who would be around to listen to his stories and take care of him.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a crack of thunder that made her jump as it echoed through down into the fireplace. Cora looked out the window to see the sky open up and rain poor down. She ran out to the main stair case to see Benjamin before he left for work.

Cora was used to her father going into the field in this whether and her mother complaining it was too dangerous. Of course, Benjamin would be inside all day; Cora's instinct overcame her common sense. She stood at the top of the stairs as a butler started to open the door for Benjamin who had just put his hat and coat on. "Stay safe!" Cora called out to Benjamin.

He paused, unsure of how to respond. When he turned to look at her worried face, he smiled. "Thank you," he said. "I will." Though her sentiment was strange, it warmed Benjamin's heart that she would care enough to say such a thing. She watched the front door as he left. Cora stood there until a maid informed her that her bath was ready.

Cora was excited to bathe in such a large beautiful tub. There were fancy smelling soaps along the edge and a dress lay out on her bed for her to wear. There was a hand written letter on it. The letter read; "I hope this dress will fit you, it was my sister's. –Benjamin"

When Cora finished bathing she put on the dress. It took her a couple tries to figure out how it went, but when she looked at herself in the mirror she could hardly believe her eyes. There looking back at her, was not the manly farm girl, but an elegant lady ready to start her own life. Her dress was a beautiful dark green. It had a high collar, long sleeves and it bunched at the back where there was a bow behind her waist. Above the bow were buttons, a maid came in just in time as she was admiring the dress to do up the buttons.

"Would you like me to do your hair ma'am?" asked the maid. The ball was the first time anyone had done Cora's hair before.

Excited she responded, "Yes please!"

She did a simply up-do for Cora, but Cora was amazed at anything that wasn't a braid. "Thank you very much!" Cora said as she got up and looked at the maid with a smile.

Cora returned to the room of exotics. After scaling the books she picked one that had the grey, tube nosed creature on the front. She took a seat by the glass doors and looked out into the rain as it poured over the gardens and roadways. For a land so very far away, it looked and felt so much like home.

She looked down at the book in her hands. She opened it and slid her fingers over the name of this strange creature while reading it out loud, "Elephants." She paused for a moment and looked up at the elephant on the wall. "Simply amazing," she said to herself.

Cora jumped in her seat and turned around at the sound of the thunder again, this time shaking the glass doors. She decided to find a different room that felt safer to read in. She went down the stairs and wondered around until she found a sitting area. It too had a glass door, but this one was small and facing into the gardens on ground level. There she sat, reading about these amazing creatures known as Elephants. She wondered who got the information for such a book and how they got it.

Cora had been reading so much she decided to give her eyes a rest, she got up from the couch she sat and walked over to a window looking out over the back yard. In the rain, that appeared to have slowed down, she thought she saw a figure, but thought maybe her eyes were playing tricks on her for not getting a break sooner. She moved to the door and peered out. There, she was sure, was someone in the yard.

Cora called for a maid to get her proper clothes to go for a walk, she said she needed some fresh air and did not wish to ruin her lovely new dress. The maid got a coat and umbrella for Cora as well as an old pair of shoes belonging to another maid. Cora did not leave the room and when the maid left to get the articles for Cora, the figure waved at her.

Cora hurried outside as soon as she was dressed and tried to walk slowly making it seem just a casual walk. As she walked down the path something pulled her aside. She almost let out a yell when she found herself face to face with a soaking wet Thomas.

"What are you doing here?" Cora exclaimed.

"I know it was silly of me, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I had to finish what I was telling you last night," Thomas shook his head embarrassed. "I don't know what love is, but I met someone I think might be able to show me." Neither Cora nor Thomas could think of words to continue. "I'm sorry, this is crazy," Thomas finally said.

"Yes, it is crazy," Cora told him. "But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just as crazy. I don't know you, but I feel like you know me better than anyone." There was a pause as they looked at each other; a small smile crept over both their faces.

"What are we doing?" Asked Thomas; starting to laugh.

"We're standing in the rain like fools," Said Cora, joining in on the laughter. Her laughter quickly faded as she thought about the past morning.

"What's wrong?" Thomas asked with enthusiasm. "Whatever it is Cora, I will make it better, I want to see you forever smiling."

Cora buried her face in the wet chest of Thomas's coat, "I can't," she said. "This isn't fair to Sir Benjamin." She looked up at Thomas. "But this is what I want."

"A young lady like you should not be married to a man of his life stage," Thomas said reassuringly. "You have so much potential; it shouldn't be locked away in that house. I like Benjamin, he is a good man, but even he must see how silly this all is."

"It's not like that," Cora explained. "He's not looking for romance or even love. He wants a partner, he wants someone that'll listen to his stories and genuinely be interested. What Benjamin needs is a true friend. He is old, this is true. The older he gets, the more his tales of his travels turns into the stories of the old man. Sir Benjamin needs to leave behind a legacy, not children."

Thomas looked down, he understood what Cora was saying and he knew she was right. Benjamin was his friend after all. But as much as he wanted what was best for his friend, he also wanted what he had never felt so strongly for before. Thomas did the only thing he saw he could, "Cora," he said to her. She looked up into his eyes, he pulled her closer and he kissed her. Cora dropped her umbrella and held onto Thomas. She didn't want to let go, she didn't want to go back, she wanted this to be her life forever. She didn't want to worry any-more. With Thomas she was never afraid, but she knew she had to go. 

When their lips finally parted no words were spoken, but they knew they were in agreement. Cora picked up her umbrella and  headed back to the house and Thomas headed back out to the city. She didn't know when she'd see him again, but she knew that this bizarre feeling was love and Benjamin would not know of Thomas's visit.  

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