The Great Pretender ↠ Loki X...

By HailTheFreakShow

127K 4.4K 3K

On what seemed like any other day, the most important relic throughout the entire Nine Realms gets trapped in... More

1. Excuse Me?
3. Trickster
4. Going Forth
5. Directions
6. Detour
7. Wrong Turn
8. Side Effect
9. Vanaheim
10. The Search
11. The Rude Awakening
12. Fruit-bearing
13. No Hope
14. The Mysterious Merchant
15. Escape
16. Loki's Secret
17. Geri's Fang
18. The Haunted Forest
19. The Edge of the Realm
20. Faith of the Void

2. A Lock of Knowledge

14.1K 543 458
By HailTheFreakShow


"Look, you squint, are you deaf? I said for you to come with me! Let's go!" Loki said in an annoyed manner as if he were more important than anyone else, looking up at you with his big cat eyes.

You just stood there in silence, trying to rethink everything that just happened. A man. A random man walks in. Says that I need to come with him. Then suddenly turns into a house pet and talks?! Wait, did he say his name was Loki? Isn't that Norse mythology? I don't know much about it...Does that mean the stranger is a god? And why is he a cat?  You thought.

Your teacher ran after you and now stood in the doorway, staring with her eyes widened. "Get back in here now! You don't just run off with strangers like that!" She screamed in anger as she grabbed and tugged on your left arm. "I will have to get the police here and find that man!" She yelled in fright and confusion, not making sense. Loki turned around, no longer facing you or the professor. He ran down the long corridor with his little black paws hitting the floor making a pitter-patter sound until he reached the end. He turned back around and sat as if he were waiting for you to tag along. You pulled your arm back out of her reach and dashed away from the instructor. She looked at you as if you had gone mad. You picked up your stuff and ran. You ran to Loki, your legs moving as fast as they could, for some reason, you felt as if you were supposed to leave with the cat. You didn't know why, but something deep down inside you said to just "run!" and so you did.

Once you reached the door where Loki waited patiently, you open it with force from the speed. He as well ran out and into the mist of rain. "This way, follow me!" He yelled. Once more you did as you were told and followed. Loki ran to a forest near the school. You chased after him. The rain began to fall harder and Loki began to run faster, to the point where you could no longer see him. You made it to the edge of the forest and laid your back against a tree, panting. You huffed, again and again, struggling to breathe from the long-distance travel.

"Oh, it wasn't that bad." Said a calm voice from what seemed to be farther deep inside the vegetation.

You let out a long sigh "Maybe for you..."

"Ehehe...Now let's get this over with."

"What over with?"

You looked down as a black boot stepped in front of you. You slowly look up to the point where you had to stare upward. You saw the man with the smooth, narrow, palish face, green eyes, (like the cat), and slicked-back black curled hair. Loki had changed back to his normal form. He appeared devilishly charming. A magnetizing charisma to his presence. You thought he looked breathtakingly handsome, finally having a second to study his characteristics. 

"You again! Were you the cat? Low-Keyy?" You decided to tease the raven-haired man.

"It's pronounced Loki! And yes I was. Anyway. I'm-...Oh never mind, here." Loki pulled out a piece of his hair. It was thin, black as night, with a huge curl at the end. "Put this on your tongue and swallow it," He demanded.

"... Are you kidding me!?"

Loki sighed "It's a strand of memory hair. It's magic. If you swallow it, you will understand more of the Norse. I can't tell you everything all at once at the moment."

"Norse? Like in the mythology?"

"Oh right, you mortals called it that in today's time..." Said Loki in a cocky manner.

"Wait, so you're a god?"

"Just eat the damn magic. I don't have all day." Loki said in a melodramatic way. 

" I go." You said as you build up your confidence and slowly put his hair up to your lips, and place it inside your mouth. The DNA follicle of Loki roughly attempted to slide down your throat. You eventually let out an expected loud dry-heaving cough. Loki stood there staring at you as if he were telling you to hurry up with his eyes. It was never actually swallowed, but sorta magically dissolved into the tongue much like a cough drop with no taste. The information melted and soaked into your bloodstream, giving you wisdom. It took a while for the details to kick into your system. As you waited to receive the knowledge, Loki noticed the cut on your hand.

"What happened there?" He asked in a sweeter tone.

"Oh...I cut my thumb several times today, but I'm fine."

Loki's pupils dilated as you said that. "I can fix it."

"Will you?"

Loki's eyes looked to his bottom left, staring at the ground as if he were thinking.

"Just keep it close to you, and stop being so clumsy, mortal!" Loki said in a deeper, more serious tone.

Why!? Why was he so nice a few minutes ago, and then mean the next? You thought.

In the distance, lighting hit the ground and thunder rolled. "Oh calm down, brother," Loki said in a low tone to himself.

Who is Loki's brother? There's no one here but us two. You thought.

You soon gasped as your head whipped backward. Eyes closing tightly "Thor!" You whispered with a splitting migraine forming.

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