Beautiful Disaster (Harry Sty...

By Priselac22

74.5K 521 90

Lacey's life is a disaster. Her dad is abusive, and her mom left when Lacey was two. Now, she is taking care... More

-Amazing Boyfriend, Harry Edward Styles; Chapter 1.
-"I Guess I Was Bewildered."; Chapter 2.
-"I'll Be By Your Side"; Chapter 3.
-"You're A Beautiful Disaster."; Chapter 4.
-This Is My New Beginning; Chapter 5.
-"I Think It's Adorable."; Chapter 6.
-I Wish I Could Stay Like This Forever; Chapter 7.
-"You Should Probably Get Used To It."; Chapter 8.
-"You're Still Mine."; Chapter 9.
-I Listened To His Slow Heart Beat; Chapter 10.
-"You Two Little Love Birds."; Chapter 11.
-Kiss Me; Chapter 12.
-Let Me Love You; Chapter 13.
-"He Really Loves You."; Chapter 14.
-"Hold Me?"; Chapter 15.
-The Sadness Of The World Never Touches Me.; Chapter 16.
-"Maybe Fairytales Do Come True."; Chapter 17.
-"You're Perfect To Me."; Chapter 18.
-It Killed Me Inside; Chapter 19.
-"My Shadow Days Are Over."; Chapter 20.
-"That's True Love."; Chapter 21.
*Authors Note* (NEW STORY)
-"Worst Mistake of His Life."; Chapter 22.
-"Whatever It Takes."; Chapter 23.
Authors Note
-"Do You Mean It?"; Chapter 24.
-Between The Raindrops; Chapter 25.
-"It Was Adorable."; Chapter 26.
-"I Will Never Get Used To You."; - Chapter 27.

Author's Note

563 21 8
By Priselac22

Hello everyone. Wow, it's been a while since I have updated, and I'm sorry about that.

I just wanted to drop by and say that I've made some changes in my life, for the better, and I've been really busy lately. So, I'm sorry I haven't been updating regularly.

I'm going to be in sports soon, I'm probably getting a job, and I spend a lot of time with my friends now, so I won't be able to update like I used to.

I'm sorry.

But I've decided that if the readers wanted me to, I could write an ending chapter for Beautiful Disaster; so I don't leave everyone hanging.

So vote/comment on this, and if I get enough people wanting to read the final chapter, then I'll add and extensive ending.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and sorry it took me so long to finally fill you guys in on what's happening lately.

Comment/vote on this Authors Note if you want an ending chapter to "Beautiful Disaster".

I love you guys and thanks for reading(:

-(This authors note is supposed to be before the 24th chapter. Chapter 24 is the last chapter.)-

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