From Demigod to Avenger (Perc...

By straightouttaarrows

187K 4.5K 1.6K


Intro and Background Info!
The Perfect Day
The Perfect Day - Part 2
The Perfect Day - 3
The Perfect Day-Part 4
Author's Note! NOT AN UPDATE
The Perfect Day - Part 5
The Decision - Part 6
The Decision - Part 7
Welcome to SHIELD - Part 8
Welcome to SHIELD - Part 9
Remind me never to "die" around you... - Part 10
Training - Part 11
Four Months Later - Part 12
Backflips and Breakups - Part 13
Moving Out and Moving On-Part 14
Nightmares and Ship Names? - Part 15
Just your regular visit from a goddess before a party - Part 16
Dancing, Tripping and "DJ"ing - Part 17
Compromised - Part 18
Hulkbait..... Part 19
Falling - Part 20
Germany, AC/DC and Multiple Instances of Jumping Out of Planes - Part 21
Arguing with the God of Mischief and Hanging with the Science Bros - Part 22
I hate it when they argue - Part 23
I take a very very very very very very long plunge - Part 24
Through his eyes - Part 25
Silver Arrow and Aegis; The Battle of Manhatten- Part 27
Sequel is out!

I'm not going anywhere - Part 26

2.8K 98 26
By straightouttaarrows

Connor POV

Someone wakes me up from my sleep with a rough shake. When I open my eyes I see Romanoff standing above me.

"Time to go Griffen." She says gently.

"Go where?" I ask, rubbing the sleep out of my one eye.

"New York." A voice from the bathroom answers. The door opens and reveals Agent Barton, who seems to be just as tired as me.

I gulp remembering the late time I walked around above the city since I had spent most of my time under it at the SHIELD base. I think it was on our date. Lexi and I had ate some pasta I had made in Central Park.

"Stop." I tell myself. If I keep thinking about her I'm just going to get worked up about it again. I take a deep breath and pick up my stuff. I grab my two standard issue Glocks and I slide my sword into its sheath on my belt. I debate picking up my bow and quiver. I'm not that good of a shot compared to Clint and Lexi but I'm not horrible either. I pick up two throwing knifes and slip those into their sheaths as well.

"Load up on cartridges." Romanoff advises. "You're going to need them." I nod and grab a stack.

We meet up with Captain Rogers and walk over to the quinjet carrier. Captain convinces the pilot of the closest jet to let us on and Barton slips into his seat. The door shuts and we take off to New York, following Stark in his iron suit.

I pull a photo out of my pocket and unfold it. The picture I found in my room when Lexi rightfully moved out to get away from me. I look at the two of us smiling, innocent about the mortal world, unknowing that one of us wouldn't make it past our teens, clueless that we wouldn't spend our lives at camp and that we wouldn't be together for very long. A tear slips down my face and I don't wipe it away.

A deepish voice snaps me out of my daze. "Were you the agent she spent all of her time looking for?"

I look up to see Cap looking down at me. I nod, looking back down at the floor.

"She was a nice lady. She would have been a good leader." He says, smiling at the thought.

"Yeah?" I ask, wondering what he meant by that.

"She yelled at the entire group of us. Even at Fury. Yet no one questioned her point. If we had listened to her sooner, we might not be in this situation. I'm sorry Connor." He says.

I smile. "It's not your fault Cap." I say remembering some of Lexi's last words to me. "It was Loki's."

He puts a hand on my shoulder. "She would be happy for you. More importantly she would want you to be happy."

"Thanks Cap. That actually makes me feel a whole lot better." I say, genuinely feeling a little lighter from guilt. "I was......." I say as I look out the window, trailing off when the skyline of New York comes into view as we fly closer and closer. Rogers turns around and his eyes widen at the sight. Explosions flare up around the tops of the buildings and their is a giant hole in the sky. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. I put in my comm to listen in on the conversation.

"Stark we're heading north east." Romanoff says.

"What did you do, stop for drive-thru?" Stark replies.

"Yeah what do you want the milkshake or chicken nuggets?" I ask. Romanoff turns around and shoots me a look.

"Ok that was too tempting I'm sorry." I say.

"No problem Connor. Good to hear you laughing. I'm going to swing up Park and lay them out for you guys." Stark responds.

Barton turns the jet sharply and flies down Park Avenue. I see a red and gold blur fly by with more grayish-blue blurs on the first blur's tail. (A/N: Lovely description there Connor, very detailed.....) Romanoff fires the gun and takes out some of the aliens on Stark's tail....along with part of the building behind it.

"Ok guys lets try not to level New York. The gods might get mad if we break the Empire State building. Just saying." I say, looking back at the wreckage of the building as we fly up to the top of Stark Towers.

"No promises." Barton says quietly. Romanoff and I snort, trying to hold in some laughter.

"People we need to stay focused." Steve says, the corners of his mouth threatening a smile.

"Cap, give the kid a break, he just lost his girlfriend." Barton says and my small smile instantly disappears. Romanoff hones in on Loki and fires the gun again as Thor fights him. She misses and Loki shoots a blast of light at one of the engines. Cap and I grab on to something as the jet shudders and plummets to the ground. Barton struggles at the controls and maneuvers us into a open clearing and lands it expertly.

Who am I kidding. The jet crashed into the ground, leaving a wake of rubble in our path.

I get up from my seat and open the jet door. The four of us run out of the jet and look up at the giant hole above the Stark tower.

"We need to get back up there." Romanoff says. We nod in agreement when a terrifying roar shakes the city. I look back up at the sky, my hand pulling out my sword and....a giant I don't even know glides out of it. The length of at least six blocks, this thing is like the nightmares that are so bad, you can't even think them up.

"Stark you seeing this?" Cap asks.

"Seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner, has he shown up yet?" Stark responds.

"Banner?" Cap questions.

"Just keep me posted." Stark says. "I'm gonna find a soft spot."

At that the four of us run and duck behind some flipped taxis as Loki and some aliens fly over the streets, blowing up every car in his path. And coming straight at us.

"Those people need assistance down there." Cap says, looking down at the civilians running away from Loki.

"We got this." Romanoff says. "Go."

"You sure you three can hold them off?" Cap asks, facing toward Hawkeye.

"Cap, it would be my genuine pleasure." He says and shoots an arrow at the incoming aliens. Cap sprints off down the street as I pull out my Glock and shoot some aliens down near his path. Natasha and Clint stop the incoming barrage coming from the other side of the street as I get some people out of a taxi that wouldn't open. I then take Clint's place and shoot at even more aliens as he pulls people out of a smoking bus behind us.

More and more aliens come. Clint trips one and jams an arrow in it. I left my guns with Natasha and swipe away at the Chitauri with my sword. For some reason they can be hurt by Celestial Bronze.

Works for me.

Clint ends up getting tackled by a Chitauri soldier so I yank it off of him and swipe its head clean off. Unforunately, unlike every other montser I have fought, this one doesn't dissapate into golden dust and some of its goop falls on my shoe.

"Ewwwww!" I say shaking my shoe and swinging at the nearest Chitauri. The three of us fight off a couple more Chitauri as they get closer and closer each time. I pick my gun back up and shoot at one of the streetlights, causing it to fall and take out a couple more Chitauri. As they close in on us, out of nowhere, lightning strikes them all down.

I look up expecting Zues but I see Thor landing down a couple yards from us. We walk over to him as Cap rejoins us after throwing his shield at a couple more Chitauri, finishing them off.

"What's the story up top?" Cap asks Thor.

"The powers surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor responds.

"Thor is right." Stark states. "We need to deal with these guys first."

"How do we do this?" Natasha asks.

"As a team." Cap.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor says.

"Yeah?" Clint asks. "Get in line, we all do."

"Save it." Cap says sharply. "Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. So we got Stark up top......" He says and trails of as the sound of a small motorbike fills the air. We turn around to see Dr. Banner.

"So this all seems horrible." He says.

"I've see worse." Natasha says, slightly stern and protected.

"Sorry," Banner replies.

"No, we could use a little worse." She smiles. Clint gives her a weird look.

"Stark we got him." Cap says into his comm.


"Yup, just like you said."

"Tell him to suit up, I'm bringing the party to him." Stark says, flying into view, the giant thing following him.

It gets closer and closer and Banner walks up to it, not even flinching.

"Dr. Banner," Cap says, "now might be a good time to get angry."

"That's my secret Cap," He states. "I'm always angry." And transforms into the Hulk, his skin turning green and muscles bulking up as he punches the thing's head hard, causing it to do a complete 360.

"Ooh," I wince, "That's what you call a monster headache."

Nat gives me another look as Stark shoots a missile into a hole in the thing's shell. Barton and I crouch under a taxi as bits and pieces of the thing fall around us, some still sizzling, others icing up.

I shrug off the thought and get into a circle with the rest of the team. Everyone gets ready for the next wave and I reload my guns, shove them back in my holders and pull my sword out of its sheath.

"Cap call it off." Stark says.

"Hey, you lot have room for one more? I didn't end up having any plans today." A heartbreakingly familiar voice laughs from our comms. All of us turn and look at each other, shocked. Steve's eyes go big and my mouth drops.

"Lexi?" Clint asks, smiling.

"In the flesh and heading right toward you from where that......giant space whale was." She responds. I look up and see her flying in on a dark brown pegasus. When she gets close to us, she slides off of her horse, tucks and rolls, sliding right next me. Everyone stares at her while I grab her pull her into a hug, my eyes wet with tears.

"I thought you were dead." I whisper.

"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." She whispers back, sliding her hands around me. I press my lips to hers and I can feel her smiling as she kisses back. We pull apart and everyone continues to stare at us.

"What? It's going to take more than a twenty-thousand foot fall to take me out." She laughs and grabs my hand, squeezing it tight looking me straight in the eyes. "And I'm not going anywhere." She turns away and looks at Cap. "So are you going to call it off or what Cap?"


(4 hours before)

Lexi POV:

I wake up to murmurs. They all seem faint but the sound echoes in my head in a way I know they shouldn't. I try to open my eyes, but they remain shut. Using whatever energy I have, I peal my eyes open to see a stone ceiling tainted a blue green color.

"Huh?" I ask, confused at where I am and what in the name of Hades just happened. Then I remember. The life is complicated.

"Sister?" I turn toward the voice, to see a happy looking Cyclops standing away from the bed.

"Tyson!" I say.

"Yay! Hi Sister!" He cheers. I laugh and try to walk over to Tyson and give him a hug. But my movements are sluggish like I'm trying to walk through water. Wait.....I look back at the bed I was on and the blanket of seaweed slowly floats away. The room is made of limestone bricks with shells imbedded in the walls.

"Tyson where are we?" I ask him taking in my surroundings hoping we aren't in the place I think we are in.

"Daddy's palace!" He cheers.

"Yay!" I say with fake enthusiasm, trying to be happy for Tyson. The last person I want to see right now is Poseidon, I made up my mind to try and forget my life and ties at Camp when I became a SHIELD agent. I didn't need my friends from Camp getting on SHIELD's radar.

"He wants to see you! He said to bring him right to you when you woke up!"

"Okay Big Ty, I'll go see him." I smile weakly. Tyson swims out of the room and I follow him looking out at the palace. Its huge, like a giant castle but underwater. It's everything I thought it would be and more. Out in one of the many courtyards, mermen fight and par at each other, training for battle. Dolphins swim here and there, chittering conversation with each other.

One even came up to me. "Daughter of the Sea God, an honor it is to finally meet you. I am Delphin."

I smile nod respectfully to Delphin and continue to follow Tyson into Poseidon's throne room. I see him on his throne looking the way he normally does when he meets in Olympus except in a casual t-shirt and jeans, his wife Amphitrite, stands dutifully at his side, dressed in full armor. Triton stands at the edge of the room, staring out the window, hand on his sword.

I walk...errr...swim up to my father and kneel before him.

"At last she comes to our humble home after all this time. How disgraceful of a child you are." Amphitrite says looking down on me.

"Nonsense my dear. She has had much work to do. Rise my child." Poseidon says. I stand up and up at him, aware that Triton has moved behind me.

"I heard you fall into the ocean. That was quite the drop Alexis." Poseidon comments.

"Indeed it was." I respond, anxious to get back to my team. "But I am wondering why you called me here. My team needs me, what is it that you need?"

"How dare you put those mortals before your father!" Amphitrite spits. "We are gods an they are lesser beings! We are above them! Do not talk to us like we are your own. Your team is weaker that us."

"With all due respect, you are right. You both might be above my team." I say. "But I'm not. I am just a person who fights for the same cause. I am equal to each member of my team. If I'm as dispensable as you say then so be it. But I will fight by their side until we all fall. We do what he have to together. Live together, die together. So to make sure they don't die before I can do something about it, what is it that needs to be talked about. Otherwise, I have a place to be."

"HOW DARE YOU-" Amphitrite yells.

"ENOUGH!" Poseidon says. "Amphitrite leave us."

"But Poseidon I-" She starts.

"Now." Amphitrite stalks..errr..swims out of the room the door slamming behind her. Triton and I share nervous looks.

"Triton, Tyson make sure she doesn't try to break in." Poseidon says.

"Yes father." He replies. Triton nods at me and then swims out of room, Tyson following him. The door gently shuts behind them. I look at Poseidon, expecting some sort of reprimand for talking back to his wife.

"Did you mean those things about your team Alexis? You make it sound like they depend on you." Poseidon questions, swimming to look out the window.

"Every word of it was true. But they don't depend on me, we depend on each other." I say.

"Very well. You have made me proud by standing up for yourself just then. The ocean can never be tamed. I am glad that you did not let anyone control you."

I look at my father shocked. "I thought you would be mad that I yelled at her?"

"She never takes it well when my demigod children come here. She was cold to Percy as well when he fell of the Princess Andromeda. Even when Percy made Typhon's prison blow, she guided the currents so he ended up on Ogygia."

"Wait so that's how Percy got there in the first place? She guided him when he landed in the water after he blew up Mount Saint Helens?" I ask, taking this new information in.

"I wish I could say no to that Alexis. But yes."

"Wow. That's interesting I guess." I say, confused at what to say. Then Connor flashes in my mind and I remember where I have to be. "Dad, I need to get to New York as soon as possible."

"To your Avenger friends I presume?" He says smiling.

"Yup." I say breaking into a little smirk.

"Well then you need a ride." He says and whistles. I hear a neigh and I look out to the window and see a gorgeous hippocampus.

"Rainbow?" I ask. The hippocampus nods his head in excitement and I laugh. "Thanks Dad."

"Anytime my Silver Arrow." He says.

"Your what?" I say, confused as usual.

"What you needed a codename didn't you?" Poseidon smirks.

"Silver Arrow," I test it out. "I like it. But what am I supposed to call Connor, Bronze?" I ask.

"You are probably the smartest child of mine. I'm sure you'll think of something." He replies, his eye twinkling mischievously. I give him a hug and climb out the window, onto Rainbow's back.

"Get me as close as you can to Manhattan Island," I instruct him, smirking. "We have a group of friends to scare."

The swim to Manhatten takes about an hour and I nearly end up falling asleep on the way. Rainbow finally pulls up the surface and I see the Manhatten skyline in the distance. Rainbow pulls up to a nearby pier and drops me off.

"Don't like the pollution do yah boy." I say stoking his head. In response Rainbow sneezes and dives back into the water.

Hey do you need a ride? A voice snorts. I look behind me and see a dark chestnut Pegasus land next to me.

"Ace?!" I say running to winged horse. "Look at you! You've grown since I last saw you."

Well there's this thing called aging. Don't know if you have heard of it. I stare at the horse offended. "You know what I don't need is your sass right now."

But what you do need a ride don't you.

"Touche." I say and climb on him. "Let's see how fast you can fly Ace."

Hey hey guys!!!! 3.6K reads!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!


So Lexi is now Sliver Arrow, I kinda thought of it on the fly and liked it......then there's Connor.....I'll figure out something for him XD.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this extra long chappie. (3262 words total. I think thats the longest one in here) Vote, comment and follow me if you did!

Until next time demigods!

Stay Nerdy,

Nerdy_Girl ;)

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