Remembering Smiles

By InYourPants

92.1K 1.2K 280

Layla felt like she almost had her life back. After her father left without warning, things were pretty hard... More

Remembering Smiles
Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 5 -
Chapter 6 -
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 -
Chapter 10 -
Chapter 11 -
Chapter 12 -
Chapter 13 -
Chapter 14 -
Chapter 15 -
Chapter 16 -
Chapter 17 -
Chapter 18 -
Chapter 19 -
Chapter 20 -
Chapter 21 -
Chapter 22 -
Chapter 23 -
Chapter 24 -
Chapter 25 -
Chapter 26 -
Chapter 27 -
Chapter 28 -
Chapter 29 -
Chapter 30 -

Chapter 4 -

3.2K 52 9
By InYourPants

***Allen's Point of View***

She still was lying on the cot. For three whole weeks.

God, please let her wake up. I knew Layla would be fighting in there, and I wanted it to stop. I wanted to hold her in my arms and stare into her precious green eyes and watch her sweet smile. I wanted to kiss her soft lips, and feel her heart racing.

I wanted Layla back.

I had just finished talking to the doctors and they said she should be waking up soon. So, I scooted my chair over by Layla's cot and held her hand. My touch caused chills to run up her arms, and I smiled.

"Layla?" i asked. "Wake up. Please. For Raina. For Triston. For your mom. For me?" I finished. I was hoping she could hear me, and the names of those she loved could make her push to wake up.

Then, just about two minutes later, her eyes opened, she stared at my eyes questioningly and then shut her eyes from the light. I ran over to the light switch and turned it off so Layla could adjust herself to the room.

Once again her eyes opened and the feeling of seeing passed her eyelids made my heart stop.

"Layla!" I boomed. She flinched back a little, and I realized I had just scared her. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I started, lowering my voice. I didn't want to scare her anymore then she was. "Your awake! You've been out for three weeks, did you know that?" I asked, only getting a confused look back.

Why wasn't she excited to see me? Was she upset I let her go?

"Well, I'm glad to see you're awake my Sleeping Beauty." I finished, hoping that my joke could make her smile. Anything. I just wanted to be reassured that she was okay.

"Am I Layla?" she asked, confusion written all over her face.

What was going on?

"You mean you don't remember?" I asked desperately.

I saw her concentrate on her thoughts, my heart racing, hoping that something clicked.

"Um...I don't think so..." she started, very unsure of what was going on.

Did she know who I was? I was anxious to know, but didn't want to overwhelm her.

"Am I Layla?" she repeated.

My world started falling apart. Layla, come back I wanted to cry.

"Ye- Yeah." I could barely make out any words. "Your Layla. Layla Hastings." My head pounded and my face went cold. I remember the doctor warning me. However, I was so sure Layla would be fine, I didn't worry about it or prepare my mind for this. Then I realized I was complaining out loud. I ran my hair that needed to be cut, and looked up at her eyes.

They looked loving, but unsure.

"Oh." was all she managed to choke out. I needed to get the doctor, so I told her I would be right back. As I got the doctor my head was spinning. The images of the crash flying through my mind.


I cringed out the memory of the sound. As the doctor came in he greeted Layla and then started to ask her questions about what she remembers. I started to get deep in thought when I heard a certain question.

"Do you remember any relatives or close friends?" The doctor asked.

I turned my head slightly to this question, noticing Layla shyly looking at me and then quietly say no, knowing I would be hurt.

"Do you remember absolutely anything?"

Come on Layla. A kiss. A touch. Our good times together. Anything. Just remember me, I hoped selfishly. She seemed to hesitate and then nodded.

"What is it?"

"My father, " she started. I snapped my head up. "I think he left....when I was young...I think." she confessed.

I gave her an honest look of pain. Really? She lost everything and the only memory she had left was of her douche bag father? The one that left her?

The doctor turned around and explained she would have to stay another night. He also explained that seeing family might help to make her comfortable, and gave a description of her condition. I nodded to all of it. Then I took another look at Layla who's face was whiter then ever.

What did she just realize?

What just happened?

Then I remembered the doctor mentioning the car accident, which probably scared the crap out of her sensitive mind. I decided to ignore it, and tell her about the crash when she has had a chance to accept whats going on....if that was possible.

I thanked the doctor and then got up to go closer to Layla.

"Can you tell me things?" she asked. Her eyes lit up, probably desperate for any information possible.

"Sure." I said, smiling half heartily. Then I explained her family and herself to her, and she nodded eating up all the information. I tried to leave out her father, since she remembered that part and I was afraid to make her hurt anymore.

"Who are you?" she asked. I blushed and lightly kicked the floor.

She didn't remember me, and just three weeks ago she said she loved me. It hurt, but I responded as calm as possible.

"Allen Smith, 17, your boyfriend." I explained.

She smiled, maybe happy with my relationship with her and it eased me for a little bit. Even if she didn't remember me, she still had feelings for me. Then, I remembered about her family. They must be waiting anxiously by the phone since I promised to call after speaking to the doctor.

They didn't even know she was awake yet, so I had to call quickly.

"I should call your family, their worried sick about you." I said, and left with the phone call. After two rings someone picked up, obviously they were waiting.

"Allen?" asked Raina, her voice worried.

"Yup. I have good news, Layla's awake." i announced, and I heard her scream to her brother as they both celebrated the news. They didn't know that she wouldn't remember them. "Wait, you guys." I said, cutting their celebration to a stop."She doesn't remember anything." I said, killing their happy mood.


"What do you mean? Like, nothing? Not even us?" Asked Raina, her voice weary.

"Yes, I'm sorry you guys. Maybe you'll feel better seeing her, I'll pick you up. The doctor said it could help." I said, trying to bring their moods up at least a little bit.

"Okay, thanks a lot Allen." said Raina as she hung up. I frowned from their reactions. Their family didn't deserve this.

I went back into Layla's room to announce I was leaving, and I saw her deep in thought as she nodded.

This was going to be tough.

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