Kathy With A K's Song

By lanasullivan_

1.3M 37.5K 14.9K

"Oh my darling, when you smile, it is like a song" - "Obviously," She started. There was a nervous shake in h... More

1 | Train Under Water
2 | Messenger Bird's Song
3 | Bad Blood
4 | Hungry For A Holiday
5 | Motion Sickness
6 | Entry Way Song
7 | Center of The World
8 | False Advertising
9 | Saturday As Usual
10 | A Scale, A Mirror And Those Indifferent Clocks
11 | A Perfect Sonnet
12 | Pull My Hair
13 | The Movement of a Hand
14 | June on the West Coast
15 | Ship in a Bottle
16 | Going for the Gold
17 | Bowl of Oranges
18 | Poison Oak
19 |Jetsabel Removes the Undesirables
20 | The Calendar Hung Itself...
21 | Padriac My Prince
22 | You Will. You? Will. You? Will. You? Will.
23 | Cleanse Song
24 | Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love and to Be Loved)
25 | No One Would Riot for Less
26 | Laura Laurent
27 | Supriya
28 | At The Bottom Of Everything
30 | Landlocked Blues
31 | Tourist Trap
32 | First Day of My Life

29 | Puella Quam Amo Est Pulchra

23.2K 802 93
By lanasullivan_

"...and in this dim light, you look so beautiful" - Puella Quam Amo Est Pulchra


   I turned the face to the mirror for the fifth time in the past two minutes, and Marisol's hands tightened where they were fastening the back of my dress.

"Avery Leon." She hummed in a warning. "If you look at that mirror one more time, I am going to break it.

I instantly paled and averted my eyes. My parents got me this mirror as a present during one of their travels years ago. It was a grand piece of work with a frame made of polished birchwood and accents of gold. I've always been quite fond of it, and Marisol knew that. But my insistent worrying must have gotten to be too much.

"I just want to make sure I look good." I sighed, my lips pulling into a pout. Marisol rolled her eyes and smoothed out the front of my dress.

"That's what I'm here for." She reassured me with a smirk and a departing pat on my shoulder before she walking towards my bed.

I gave her a glare after watching her plop down on my bed, but on the inside, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence.

It was actually Seth's idea for someone to be here, ensuring that I appropriately got ready for the date. I, of course, volunteered Sophia for the task, but he turned the idea down because apparently, we "can't see each other before the date, or else it will be bad luck".

Everyone tried to remind him that Sophia and I aren't getting married and that it's just a date, but he wasn't having it. Drake and Ethan both offered their services as well, but between both of their closets, they could open up a plaid flannel and graphic t-shirt museum. If either of them tried dressing me, I'd show up looking like a hipster lumberjack.

Marisol was the next option, and honestly the most reasonable one to begin with. Despite her personal affinity for the color black, Marisol quite the fashionista. When her eyes weren't shooting death glares at people, they were usually stuck somewhere between the latest issue of Vogue or a book about the history of fashion. She'd never admit to it, but I've known her long enough to know that it's what she's going to end up studying in college.

Assuming that she gets over her "learning allergy". Her words, not mine.

And hopefully, she does, because she was most definitely talented. She had found this red, knee-length dress with a sweetheart neckline buried somewhere deep in my closet. She passed up a million other dresses looking for this one, but none of them had enough sleeves to cover up the scars on my arms. Marisol knew that I'd never be able to have a good time tonight if I was worried about my scars the entire night, without me having to say a word.

And that's why we're friends.

Also because she's letting me ditch my crutches for the date. She said that she didn't have enough time to decorate it and it clashed with the outfit. All I heard during her rant though was that I was free from my metallic captors for the night.

"Did any of the boys ever get around to telling you where you and Sophia are going?" She asked, backing up to admire her work and I resisted the urge to glare.

"You already know the answer to that question," I stated simply, not wanting to get her any satisfaction, but she ended up laughing regardless.

Everyone, but I got to know where Sophia and I's date was being held. For all, I know this could be apart of an elaborate plan to get rid of me, and the real reason I wasn't bringing my crutches is so that I'd be off-balance.

"You'll be fine, don't worry. It'll be fun." Marisol reassured me when she had finally finished her fit of laughter.

I turned away from Marisol's gaze and shrugged while playing with the ends of my hair. "I'll be happy as long as she shows up."

Although I wasn't freaking out about it too much on the outside, I couldn't ignore the fact that I was an hour away from going on my first official date with the girl of my dreams. On top of the buzz, I've been feeling all week about not having to hide her anymore, I'm basically flying. I'm riding so high that I'm practically nauseous.

The only thing keeping me from flying into outer space was the nagging worry that Sophia could change her mind and leave me. Something will spook her, and she'll run back to Chris. I'd end up crashing, burning, and dying from the heartbreak of it all.

And of course actually dying, because Chris would waste no time sticking a knife in my throat if he got Sophia back.

Marisol let out an uncharacteristic squeal, and I turned around to see her smiling at her phone. "Well, you don't need to worry about anybody being absent because Seth just texted me they've picked up Sophia. That means we need to get going."

I turned to my mirror one to give myself one last look over. Marisol came up behind me and rested her chin on my shoulder with a wide smile.

"You look lovely tonight hermosa. Tonight will be perfect." Marisol promised me in a whisper.

We held hopeful gazes for a few moments before Marisol backed away, and headed out of my room.

And after a few solitary deep breaths, I followed.


We were in the middle of nowhere.

Marisol had been driving for at least an hour and all I've seen for the past twenty are trees, trees, and more trees. My earlier train of thought about this being a plot to kill me was starting to seem a lot less crazy. This was starting to look less like a date and more like a scene out of a horror movie.

"Marisol," I started slowly, watching her out of the corner of my eye and she hummed in acknowledgment. "Is there an ax in your trunk?"

Her face pulled in confusion for a few moments before realization dawned and she snorted.

"No Avery. Te Preocupas demasiado. Sus amigos sólo querían la cita para estar en el medio de la nada, por alguna razón." She explained nonchalantly.

I turned towards her with a wild look. "And you let them set the date up in the middle of nowhere?!" I exclaimed. "Marisol, my friends are crazy. You don't just do what they say because they don't even know what they're talking about!"

Marisol continued to look unbothered and just shrugged.

"Well, it's a little too late to turn back. We're more than halfway there." She reasoned and turned forward again to keep driving.

I sent a little glare her way, before sitting back in my seat with crossed arms. Now I'm going to die angry because somebody decided to listen to Seth without question.

Thirty minutes later, we were still in the middle of nowhere but I finally saw something other than a tree. Seth's car was parked on the side of a road next to a cleared pathway. He must've gotten here earlier to dig the graves. How sweet of him.

"Vamos Avery," Marisol called when she saw me still seated, before closing her car door shut.

I pouted for a few moments longer before finally caving and getting out of the car. Marisol was waiting for me on my side, and as soon as I closed my door, she grabbed my hand and started to drag me towards the path.

The sun had set long before, so I had no choice but to follow her seeing as I had no idea where I was or where I was going. Panic rose a little in my chest until we got far enough to where I could see a faint light coming from inside of the forest.

Eventually, Marisol stopped in her tracks and turn to me with a giddy smile.

"Look down." She suggests excitedly, and I rose an eyebrow at her.

"So you can hit me over the head with a brick? No thank you." I decline, putting a hand on my hip.

Marisol groaned and stomped her feet with impatience. "Avery, no one is trying to murder you. Just look down." She whined.

The only gave in because I had never heard Marisol make that noise before, and I was curious as to what could make her conjure it. Even though we had moved closer to whatever light source was hiding, it was still hard for me to see. But with enough squinting, I could make out these small white, almost circles on the ground.

"They're rose petals." Marisol clarified for me, and a small smile broke through my initial fear. "Follow them."

Marisol gave me an encouraging smirk, before backing away from me. I gave myself a few calming breathes, before beginning my trek through the thick of the trees.

I tried to keep my eyes focused on just the rose petals because if not I would've been spooked the whole way there. It was dead silent save for the sound of my feet crushing fallen leaves and the singing cicadas.

Eventually, I was close enough to where I didn't need to squint to see the petals, and soon they were staring me down. At that point, I knew I had to find the courage to lift my head because I knew I was nearing my destination.

Soon, I met a clearing hid in the middle of all the trees. I realized that the glow I had been following was made from lanterns that were hung from the branches of the inner circle of trees. And now that I was finally here, the lighting had changed the mood from terrifying to romantic.

Somewhere hidden, a speaker was lowly playing a violin recording, that soothed any leftover anxiety I had about tonight. In the middle of it was a small table, with a lace tablecloth, spread out and tableware on top.

"Avery?" A gentle voice I had no trouble recognizing called out, and I rose my head in the direction.

Sophia came into view from the brush, and my heart immediately began to palpitate.

Sophia definitely didn't need any help getting ready for tonight. She wore an off the shoulder, deep blue dress that hugged her in just the right places. Her hair was pinned to the side without the sleeve, so her curls splayed across her bare shoulder. At this moment, no one could convince me that I wasn't dating an actual Disney princess.

"Hi." I greeted lamely, with a small wave.

Sophia let out a short laugh from her side of the clearing and lifted her palm at me.

"Hey." She echoed breathlessly, her eyes doing the same dance that mines were doing moments before.

And then it grew silent again because all either of us could do was stare. All I wanted to do was take at the moment because I needed a second to process that this was indeed real. I'm standing across from the girl of my dreams, on a date with her because she wants to be with me. Sophia Helms wants to be with me; I don't have to imagine it anymore.

Eventually, I wanted to experience the moment and not just witness. So I took a step, and then Sophia took one. We took turns closing the space between us. It took us a while, years it felt like, but we finally made it to each other.

"You look beautiful," Sophia whispered when we met.

"So do you," I replied, my smile from ear to ear.

Even then though, we weren't close enough. It wasn't until her lips met mine that every weight was lifted from my body. I don't think I'd ever get used to wildfire Sophia's kisses started in my chest, but I was learning that I deserved them; I deserve to feel this warmth.

"Excuse me! This is supposed to be a date! Not a free excuse to make out all night!" An unfortunately recognizable voice yelled from somewhere behind us, dousing a bucket of water on my mood. If Seth Meyers was good at nothing else, he was good at ruining a mood.

Sophia began to giggle and rested her forehead on my shoulder. With Sophia's head out of the way, I could see Seth's devious smirk, and I couldn't help but glare at him.

I swear I am going to kill that boy. But not tonight. Tonight I will dine in the forest with my Cinderella. 

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