Jumbled Bits of Story Ideas

By ZodiacMage

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Okay everyone, I'v got some thing to say. 1: I love my Ideas so please don't go and steal them. And if you se... More

A Explanation For My Entire Book Thingy
What's Left of Us
Rise Of The Guardians

The City Under The Sea

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By ZodiacMage

This used to be one of my storys but it was to much of a hassel to keep writing so i'm going to post just what I have already written here for all of you to enjoy!

City Under The Sea: Prologue

It is the year 2135, 123 years after the outbreak. The Apocalypse did not come in fire, or ice, or disease. And it only came to some. It gave us two things, powers, and immortality. But it took from us our family's, our friends, and the surface world. They built a city under they sea to keep us from harming the people that were still normal. My name is Rhea Conner, I was 16 and the youngest to change when it came.

2013, 16th, July:  122 years ago

"Do it again,Rhea! Do it again!" Noah shouted excitedly

I sighed, "But Noah, it's Nora's turn now!" I sighed dramatically, before I go any further I should explain what my "talent" is. Basically it is a very specific type of psychic illusion. With enough information I can build a "reality" around a single person or multiple people. Noah, my brother, he liked being in Old New York with his heroes. However my little sister, Nora, absolutely loved being a princess. I guess because they were only 4 they loved getting away from the real world.

" But Rhea!"

" No buts, it's Nora's turn now! But you can play later, okay Noah?"

"ok Rhea..."

Man, I hated making those kids sad, but they needed to learn to take turns! I guess I really truly loved them.

As I moved towards the hallway to find Nora I heard some unfamiliar voices.

"ma'am is this the home of the Connors?" a man asked

"Of course it is sir, I'm Lauren Connors. What can I help you with?" my mother replied with an even tone, she doesn't like men in suits.

" ma'am we need to speak with, Ummm, Rhea Connors?"

"My daughter? Why?"

"It's about the gen.1 relocation project ma'm"

"Oh My Good Lord! Your taking her away aren't you?"

"ma'am it's for your safety. And I'm terribly sorry for your loss, but we have a plan fo....."

"A plan?!?! A Plan!?!? What sort of plan involves you taking away my daughter from me?!?!" my mother shouted nearly hysterical.

I knew I had to intervene now before my mother did something crazy. "Mum, calm down! why don't we go into the sitting room and have a nice civil conversation about this topic" I said as rationally as could.

"Yes, yes. that would be a good idea." my mother mumbled to her self, and began walking to the sitting room. I nodded my head at the gentle man at the door inviting him inside.

By the time we were all sitting down my mother had calmed down enough to talk to the man. "Ma'am my name is John Kirkbride, I am one of the men assigned to this are to keep an eye on the abnormal's, no offence miss" he started in a business like manner

"None taken." I replied, at least he was using the term applied by the government.

"Yes we know that your name was on the paper as one of the direct correspondents to talk to if we had any problems." my mother replied quizzically

"Then you also know that having the abnormal's living in regular environments was just a temporary measure?"

"Yes, does this mean that they've come up with a permanent solution?"

"Yes ma'am, it does," he paused to bring up his briefcase and set it on the table. He opened it and pulled out several diagrams of what appeared to be a rather large city, "This is the prototype of a city we are currently building on the floor of the Atlantic ocean. It will be large enough to house all currently known abnormal's and any possible future ones. We can guaranty that your daughter will be safe and that you can have regular correspondence with her if need be."

"I don't understand, why do you have do this?"

"Ma'am I don't know why but I know that its unlikely she will come to any harm." he paused like he was considering something, "ma'am there is one last thing you need to know. As you know there are abnormal's that have dubbed themselves 'heroes' or 'villains', now I don't want to alarm you but because of these circumstances the entire city with be on international television."

"I beg your pardon?"

"The entire city will be one giant T.V. show mum" I said

" Exactly, now I will need both of you to sign this form to say that you are okay with this."

My mother and I stared at that paper for what seemed like hours. In the end we signed it. One year later I was sitting with a bunch of other girls on a plane waiting for it to take us away from everything we had known. That was the last time I saw my family not on a computer screen.

May 7th  11:30

As I was sitting on the plane I could hear all the other girls and women talking about random things.

"Oh my gosh! Do you think there is going to be some hot guys there?" I heard one woman say, although she sounded like she was only 13.

"Well duh! Like 70% of all of the super powered people are guys! They can't all be ugly!" her friend replied. And they all burts into giggles.

Their endless banter about "hot guys", new clothes, make-up, and other girly things made me want to puke. It also made me glad I had the seats beside me to my self. As I watched the other people on the plane I noticed that there was a woman and two guards walking down the isle. The woman appeared to be talking to each of us in the isle and then moving on. She was also handing out sheets, I figured they were only surveys or registration forms. As the girls behind me finally shut-up I knew that she had finally gotten to them. I could hear them talking quietly I knew it would be a matter of seconds before she got to me.

"Hello how are, Oh!... Are you the only one in this row?" she asked clearly surprised.

"Yes, I don't deal well with new people or strangers." I replied nicely.

"Well you don't mind if I sit with you during the ride, do you?" she asked quite happly.

"Umm... sure, I don't mind..."

"Great! I'll see you when we take off" She said as she handed me the sheet and headed to the row in front of me.

Um... I had no clue what just happened, but I wasn't completely sure it was a bad thing. I did know that at the very least I could try and get some more information on what exactly what the city was. As the Capitan of the the plane came on to tell us the woman from earlier came back and sat beside me.

"Well isn't this nice! I haven't been able to have a semi-normal conversation since the out-break." she said very exasperated. "It's all science, and secrets. I suppose I just want to talk to some one"

"Well I'm happy to help with that." I smiled, this could be nice.

"Really? Thank you! I Really hate all the secrecy and crap that's been going on with the Omega Protect. Would you tell anyone if I told you?"

"No! Of course not! I wouldn't do that!"

"Great! I guess it all started when the first bad guys started to pop up with powers. It might of started small but it was slowly escalating. That's when they decided that we would need a safe place to house all the abnornal's. No offence, of course!"

"None taken"

"Good! They pulled in every expert they could find on everything even vaguely related to what was happening..."

We talked the entire plane ride to where ever the hell we were going. I learned that the city's name was Tarsus. Like Tartaurs from the Greek myths because all the energy was to come from geothermal vents that were coming up from great fissures in the ocean floor. This was all very exciting for me knowing more than I had known before.

"Well look at that!" Ella said as the plane came in for a landing. "We're already here! I simply love talking with people when I'm travailing. Seems to make the time go by so much quicker than usually! I have to go report in now! Good bye!"

"Bye! Maybe I'll see you again some day!" I asked.

"Maybe one day."

As we exited the building we we're greeted by a large group of people. Some of them were being lead to a separate ship with bars over everything like they were prisoners. It took me a matter of seconds to figure out who they were.

"Umm.. Excuse me.." A boy who looked no more than 18 years old asked. "do you know where the boat for the civilian second group is"

"No, sorry but maybe you could follow us I think we are an the same boat. By the way I'm Rhea" I said holding out my hand for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Nicolas Edwards. But you can call me Nick." He said shaking my hand

"Nice to meet you Nick!"

We continued to talk throughout the voyage to wherever we were headed.

The sight we were greeted with when we arrived was that of a giant light house.

"Wow, how big do you think the city is!" Nick asked

"Huge, judging by the size of our groups and the size of that light house. Pretty darn huge!" I replied in awe.

The speakers kept announcing to stay close to our groups. Since Nick and I had no group we elected to stay together rather than head off on our own. I was grateful for the company and I guess Nick was too.

"Hello, and where are your groups?" A lady asked us

"Umm... we never were assigned groups Ma'am."

"hmm... well I guess you two can stay together then. I'll just need to sign these forms then."

"More forms! The Horror! The Horror!" I shouted in mock horror makeing Nick erupt into a giggle fit. The Lady stared at funny until we were done and had signed the forms. Until we decided other wise we would be living in the same appartment as brother and sister.

I guess that was when I started thinking of him as my older brother and my best friend at the same time. I wondered if he felt the same way about me. In the end he did end up being the role of the protective older brother. Even when things came to the worst, he stayed be my side along with a couple other friends we had made.

 June 5th 2024

"Your going to get killed Nick!" I shouted at my friend/ adopted brother Nick.

"Don't say that Rhea. After all I'm only just in training, you know we don't have enough sponsors just from your art!" He argued back.

I sighed, "I know that, but i just don't like you putting yourself in danger for us."

"Rhea, just stop. You won't get me to change my mind, and you know its for the best." he said, giving me a hug.

"Gah, the horror of hugs." I said as I hugged him back, knowing full well that while standing in the corridors that all the cameras would be watching. Being on international T.V. was not as fun as it seemed, there were standing and sponsors. A combination of the two determined your living quality, but only if you are a citizen or "Hero". The "Villains" got nothing, but they had claimed a section or two of the city. The had even kept the cameras running in some areas. Apparently they like the spotlight too.

All the sudden we felt a rumble, quite similar to an earthquake, then a loud ringing sound filled our ears.

"Oh, crap! Another raid!" I shouted over the ringing

"Rhea, stay here! I have to call the others, and start Evac for the citizens!" Nick shouted back

"Nick!" he turned around " be careful." he nodded before disappearing in to the smoke.

I knew it wouldn't be long before either the raiders or the heroes got here, so i started packing up everything important into one of the safes we had be given. I packed in all my supplies and every picture I had brought with me from the surface. I could hear yelling and screaming from the hallway now, it wouldn't be long.

"Rhea! Rhea!" I could hear Nick shouting from the hallway.

"In here Nick!" I shouted back, not realizing my mistake until the door exploded inwards revealing a man that was defiantly not Nick.

"W-w-who the hell a-are you?" I stuttered out.

"Angel, at your service my dear girl." he said bowing "now we can do this the easy way where you walk out of here of your own free will, or we can do this the hard way where i have to carry your unconscious body out of here."

I knew this wasn't the time for a panic attack but i just couldn't seem to remember how my mouth worked.

"Excellent, the easy way them" he stated as he started to move forwards towards me.

"Now Angel, is that really such a good idea?" another voice popped out of nowhere.

"Damn it" Angel growled "I'll be back for you" he said to me before teleporting away.

"Rhea!" I heard the real Nick yelling "are you o.k.?" he asked

"Y-ya, just a little shaken that's all." I stammered " who's that?" I asked trying to get the question off of me.

"Rhea, this is Serenity. She's going to be my trainer." Nick explained

"Yes, but jugging by how well he handled those raiders it wont be long be for he has his hero name" Serenity said, agreeing with Nick

"But enough of that, we should get you to a healer Rhea. I don't want to take any chance's."

"ok, but I don't want to sleep at a hospital. I'm going to need my bed tonight"

Nick nodded at Serenity as we left.

"Rhea!" Serenity called out "did he say anything to you?"

"He told me i was going to have to come with him, Why?" I replied, very confused.

"No reason, continue." She said pleasantly.

As we walked to the portable medi bay, I couldn't figure out why she had asked that question. It would plague me for many years before someone finally answered the questions that popped into my head that day. Then realising what they meant I disappeared just like Nick had into the smoke that day.

Serenity p.o.v.

"No reason, continue" I said pleasant, watching them head towards the medi bay. As they disappeared around the corner I pull out my comm to call back to base. " This is Serenity to Delta, we had an incident."

"An incident? What sort? Did Kelpie break more stuff?" Delta asked intrigued

"Thankfully no, a civilian had an encounter with Angel."

"Oh crap, what happened?"

"From what I could gather, I think he was trying to kidnap her or something."

"Wow, is the civilian ok?"

"yes, she's fine. But I think we should keep more people in her residential area. I believe that she was only 16."

"16?!?! Are you kidding me?" I heard some liquid splattered on something.

"No, I am not Delta."

"Then she must be pretty powerful, no wonder they tried to get her."

"Yes, we must keep an eye on her from now on. Her name is Rhea Connors."

"Ok I'm on it. See you when you get back."

"See what you can find on her." I turned off my comm, I would have some work to do.

December 31st 2030 19:30 Rhea

"Rhea are you going to the new years party?" Conner asks me leaning on my shoulder.

"I dunno Conner, it seems dangerous. I mean the raids have gotten more and more frequent lately." I say not even looking up from my construct.

"Come on Rhea! The security is seriously going to be tripled, and I'm going to be there. What could go wrong?" He says plopping himself down beside me.

"That's what I am worried about!" I shout throwing a quick light construct at him and dashing behind the couch. "You can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man!" I shriek as he trys to get behind the couch.

"Well can't say I'm surprised to see Nick trying to wrestle Rhea out of under a couch, but, ok." A woman says from the doorway.

"Serenity! Save me!" I yell pushing myself away from Nick and slightly out from underneath the couch. The next things I hear sound like Nick shouting 'no fair' and Serenity telling him to deal with it. I pop myself out from underneath the couch, while Nick gives me the death glare while his feet are stuck to the floor with ice.

"Well you two are going to need to put this argument on hold from now," Serenity says looking at both of us "Rhiannon, are you coming to the party?" I hate when people use my full name.

"Yep, just let me get changed." I yell dashing to my room.

Where did I put my dress? I even bought a new one for tonight. Hm..... I turn around doing a quick scan of my room to see if I can remember where I left it.

I face palm myself. I hung it my closet. 

I open my closet and pull out the dark Forest green, with gold threading. I run my fingers over it. It is a knee-length with a waist just above my lower rib-cage, with gold flowers embroidered along the right side.

I quickly pull on the dress, grab my shoes, and race out of my room. "Ready!" I shout hopping into my shoes as I run.

Serenity sighs and turns to the two of us "Ok you two, remember this is a civilian party so you will call me Rachel. Got it?" she says heading for the door.

I nod my head and follow 'Rachel Evans' out of our apartment. "You coming Nick?" I ask him over my shoulder. I hear him grumble something before following us and shutting the door behind himself.

I look out the windows as we walk to Nysis Park. There's nothing like being so far under the ocean that you can't even see sunlight. I sigh and turn away, there's also nothing like being so deep under the ocean to make you miss your family. Nick places his hand on my shoulder, even if he didn't have telepathy he just knew when I was thinking of some things.

"Not now, Rhea. Think about cup-cakes, rainbows, and flowers. Girls like those things right?" He asks trying to look confused.

"You should try going to some acting lessons, Nick. you're not particularly good at it." I say smiling at him.

"There it is! The smile! I thought I was going to have to take you back home and that we were going to miss the party!" He says smiling back at me.

"Are you kidding, Nick! I wouldnt miss it for the world!" I say as we aproach the doors.

December 31st 2030 23:45 Nick

I sigh and slide down a bit in my seat. Man am I missing good alcohol... Or having genes that let me get drunk.

"What are you doing down there, Nick? Takeing a nap?" Rhea asks leaning over.

"Yes, Rhea." I replie sarcastically "I'm going to fall asleep before the new year"

Rhea rolls her eyes and turns away, watching the other civilians socializing.

I look around the room, stretching when three loud shots ring out. I effect is almost instantaneous. People shriek and scatter away from the door.

"NOBODY MOVE!!!" a voice shouts "Don't try and run and you won't get hurt." 

How can I hear his voice, we are sitting almost the furthest from the door? I ponder the question before realising, he can throw his voice.

"Now you just need to sit tight, and wait, you might get through this." The man states, the younger woman standing beside him whispers something in his ear. "And would the man sitting in the far right coroner from the door please come forwards?"

I jolt up in my seat and stare at the people in the door. Did they mean me?

"Yes, you." He says looking at me

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, this was probably going to take awhile. I walk up to roughly 20 feet away from where they are standing. I do a quick inventory of all of them. There is roughly 20 of them, but the 3 standing in the front appear to be in charge.

"Are you Nicolas Edwards, Civilian Ambasitor to the Council?" He asks studying me

"I am." I reply giving him no hints about my reactions.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, unfortunate that it had to be under such circumstances. I am Demetri, and my friends here are Shadow and Dark Fire." He glances around the room "Although if my sources are right, you already know that."

Sources? This was getting complex. "I do."

"Wonderful, wonderful. Then we can get right to the point." He says smiles and clasps his hands "I want information about the girl."

"The girl?"

Demetri sighs and looks around my shoulder at something. I turn around and see what he is looking at. Rhea. I turn back to him "Why her?"

"She is the youngest person to be blessed with a gift. I just want to know basics. Power, power level, abilities." He locks his eyes on mine "Then we will leave. I promise."

I tilt my head "How do I know I can trust you?" I ask

He smiles "You don't." He states simply

I sigh it was for the people "Light manipulation, or illusions, as they are more well known as. Higher level, one of the more powerful I'v ever met. You believe you can touch the constructs." I pause "Satisfied?"

He smiles "That will do for now." He turns and motions with his hand for his group to leave. They all turn and exit behind him.

I turn and slowly walk to the middle of the room. I look around the room at all the people with shocked looks on their faces. I sigh "I believe everyone should return home, and send a report in the morning. Thank you for coming, and I hope you all have a happy new year. Goodnight." I turn and walk back to our table.

Rhea looks at me "Nick are... are you ok?" She asks, trully concerned about me.

I look at her sadly "No Rhea, I don't think I'm ok at all." I sigh and turn to Serenity "This is only the start, isn't it?" I ask 

Serenity nods "This is never going to stop Nicolas, we need to hide her"

Rhea turns and looks back and forth between the two of us "What is it? What's wrong?" She asks panicked

I close my eyes, 'Everything changes now' I think to myself 'Everything'

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