Larry Stylinson Oneshots

By TheStolenHeart

15.7K 191 42

The titel says it all. Lots of Larry, lots of fluff, romance and cheesiness. Also: smut More

Two birds trapped in their cages
More than friendship (smut)
A day to remember
The Phonecall
I will always win (smut)
A new beginning
You're not what other people think of you (Marcel/Punk!Louis)
Lips and tongues (smut)
Nothing more than happiness
A Merry Larry Christmas
Think about it and come home
I'm your rope and you're my anchor
The way I know your body I don't really need much (part 1)
I only see me and you; That's why I'm all over you (part 2)

Just a normal night (smut)

1K 13 3
By TheStolenHeart

So I wrote a bit smut again :D I personally think it's a bit more smutty than the last ones, so don't read if you don't like that or if you're too young (I can't control that, but I feel better if I say it...weird)

So, yeah have fun with the new Oneshot! Oh yeah...Stripper!Louis is one of my favourite ones! Enjoy enjoy xx.


Just a normal night

It was the last day of College before spring break. So Harry and a few of his friends decided to celebrate this day. But honestly, they just wanted to find a proper excuse to get drunk and to find a good shag for the night, like they always do.

It was kind of funny how they could fool around at daytime, when everyone believed that they were good uni students, with an innocent smile and a gentleman like behavior. But deep down they were rebellious and not innocent at all. Getting drunk, sometimes getting high with some white pulver they got in a dark alleyway and going clubbing every weekend is normal for them. And they had always a different girl by their side when they got home. It was self-explaining that all these girls were like a toy for this one night and never heard from the boys again.

But were the boys sorry about that? Not really, they were too selfish to satisfy their sexual needs, too think about the girl’s feelings.

Harry who was openly bisexual, always had the most luck to get a girl or boy, it was because of his curls and his dimples. No one was able to resist when he used his charm just to get what he wanted. And he always got it, even the girls or boys who were well known for being a hard challenge weren’t confident enough to resist the sweet temptation. That was what a lot of people called him.

This night they decided to go to a club a bit outside of the town. It was not one of the typical clubs with dancing people, who were singing along to bad mainstream music. This one was hidden in the backyard of and old vacant company, which closed a long time ago. The club had two floors. On the first one was a huge bar in the middle of the room, bottles of every single alcohol trade of the world standing in one line on a long shelf. In a corner of the room was a small stair that guided upstairs to the DJ, who could overview the whole dance floor. Even if it was early in the night, there were many people and the friends changed some smirks when they saw someone they could gave their flirting skills a try.

It was abnormal for Harry that he didn’t see someone who would fit for him. While the other boys were on the hunt for some girls, he sat at the bar and drank one beer after another until the bartender told him, he should take a break if he didn’t want to be thrown out of the club. But the alcohol made Harry’s brain already a bit dizzy and he lost the last bit of decent he had. So he asked the bartender without any shame where he could find a girl or boy to have a good fuck.  The bartender looked at him with a surprised face.

“What? Never seen a person who has to satisfy his needs?” Harry asked a bit annoyed.

“Of course I have, mate. More than enough. That’s why the most people are coming to this club. Are you here for the first time?”

“Yeah, is that so obvious?”

“Well, if you ask me where you can find a good fuck than, yes. Look, have you seen this red curtain when you came in? Behind it is a corridor. Go this one along until you reach a winding stair. Go downstairs and you can expect something great.”

“And what is this great I can expect?” Harry asked curious.

“You’ll see, but let’s say it’s an enjoyable surprise.” The bartender said with a wink. “Oh but if you’re only interested in girls, then you should probably stay here, cause it’s more likely for the gays this evening.”

“Naah that doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman at the end we are all the same, right?”

“Oi boy, you know what? I like you! You should come more often to this beautiful place. Have fun downstairs! And if you come back later and you’re not pleased, I promise you, you’ll get some beer for free.”

“Sounds good. See ya later!” Harry took the last sip of his beer and stood up to find the way downstairs. He didn’t bother to tell his friends where he was going, they were to distract flirting or snogging with other girls. So he went straight out and found the corridor behind the curtain. At the winding stair he heard different music, a bit slower and he smelled the scent of smoke. He went downstairs and found himself in a dimmed room, with leather seats and small tables in front of a stage. Not many people were there, just a few older men who drank some whiskey and smoke on cigars.

He took a seat in the back of the room a bit angry at the bartender’s statement because the old men were not really an option to spend the night with.

Suddenly the lights on the stage were turned on and a few men, just closed in tight dirty worker’s pants, came out of the backstage area behind the stage. They started dancing with moving their hips in perfect synchronization and harmony and showing their muscles of their bare chests.

At first Harry felt a bit embarrassed to watch these men dancing in front of him. He has never been in a club like this before and it was all new for him, but after a while he started to enjoy this and he couldn’t feel sorry for the fact that he was turned on by the men on stage. When the song they were dancing to ended, they left the stage.

But the show wasn’t over yet. One single man, a bit smaller than the others, took a few steps to the middle of the stage and sat on a wooden chair, he had brought with him. He wore nothing but really tight black boxers with black suspenders and a black mask on his face. Just by the way the mask fits perfectly, just revealing some sharp cheekbones and some full lips, Harry could tell that the boy had a quite feminine face and he was desperate to see what the mask was hiding.

When a slow song echoed through the loudspeakers, the boy still sat on the chair but started moving his legs with spreading and crossing them in a very seductive and lascivious way. Then he leaned over the chair and stretched his legs that he almost laid over the chair. The whole time, the boy was dancing, Harry hold his breath and couldn’t look away. He had never seen someone dancing like this. It was like the dancer was completely lost in the music, moving his body, thrusting his hips to the beat and his trailing hands over his chest and thighs.

The song went over fluent into another faster song and the other men joined the lonely dancer on stage again. But Harry didn’t see them. His eyes were glued on the smaller boy who was dancing in the middle of the other dancers and Harry wanted nothing more than to stand up and rip the mask of the boy’s face.

Too soon, the song ended again and the show was over, leaving Harry with a boner in his skinny jeans. Harry mentally cursed the bartender, because he only wanted someone to fuck and now he was more desperate than ever before.

All of a sudden he felt a hand on his shoulder and someone sat next to him. He slowly came back to reality and looked to the person next to him, who had a cheeky grin on his face. He widened his eyes, these cheekbones and lips were the same like the one from the boy on stage and Harry started studying his other features. Sparkling blue eyes with some small laughing lines on their side, a small but perfect nose and a round chin covered with a small shape of stubbles. He was still in his outfit he wore on stage and Harry could see every single muscle under the boy’s skin.

“Like what you see?”  He asks with a melodic voice, giving Harry some goose bumps and he instantly knew, he could listen to this unique voice for his entire life. He blinked a few times and tried to concentrate on something different than the beautiful boy in front of him. “Sorry, I didn’t want to—“

“Want to what? Look like you want to eat me? Not just now, when I was on stage, too. Don’t think I didn’t see that” He said a bit sassy, but Harry could hear the amusement in his voice. “What’s your name boy?”

“Uhm I’m Harry. Harry Styles.”

“Harry Styles. We are a bit shy, aren’t we? What guided you in here? People like you stay usually upstairs.”

“Ok first of all I’m not shy and to be honest the people upstairs were not really my type and the bartender sent me downstairs” Harry answered in a husky voice, because his mouth felt still dry from the situation before.

The young boy scooted a bit closer until his bare arms brushing against Harry’s he leaned a bit closer to him and his hands went down under the table. Harry jumped up when he felt the hand on his hard bulge under his pants. “Well, I assume you found your type, here.” The boy whispered in a flirty voice in his ear and it was hard for Harry to control himself not to fuck him right here over the table. “Come with me. Oh and I’m Louis, by the way” he laughed and with that, he stood up and went away. He didn’t look back, because he knew that Harry wouldn’t hesitate for a second to follow him and when he heard footsteps behind him he couldn’t hold back a smile. Usually he didn’t take visitors of the club in his room. It was something the other dancers were known for, but Harry had something interesting he wanted to get to know. He reached a door and opened it, showing a big room with a leathery sofa, a small bar, where he could mix some drinks and a wardrobe for his show-clothes. He waited until Harry stepped into the room and closed the door behind him, watching the younger boy who inspected the room with curious eyes.

“Well Harry, do you want something to drink or do you want me to help you with your…problem.” He said and gave a short nod to Harry’s still obvious bulge.

Harry’s eyes shot up to the boy with a sudden lust in his eyes. “I prefer the help” He simply said. Louis didn’t waste another minute of talking and took Harry by his hand and guided him to the leathery sofa. ”Get your clothes off, lie down and don’t run away” He rushed back and took some items out of the wardrobe, like lube a condom and handcuffs.

When he turned around to go back to Harry, he almost fell over his own feet. He didn’t imagine that the younger boy would be so much sexier without any clothes on. His chest was covered with some tattoos and Louis could tell that they fit the boy perfectly and Louis thought that he won’t regret his decision to bring Harry in his room.

He went back to Harry and straddled his legs, then he took both of his hands and handcuffed him. Harry raised his eyebrows questioningly. “What are you doing'?”

“Just a bit teasing, no touching Harry, maybe if you’ve been a good boy and deserve it, then I’ll let you touch me.”

Harry let out a low groan. He loved it to be in control but when a person knew to do it right, he liked it to be manhandled. Louis sat back and trailed his eyes over the many tattoos of Harry’s, loving how the birds on his collarbones rise and fall with the heavy breathing Harry’s. He felt Harry’s crotch under him pulsating and he started moving his hips back and forth, earning a few moans of approval. He couldn’t help but Harry’s plump lips gave him the urge to kiss him. He leaned down and pressed his lips against Harry’s and it didn’t last long until it turned out in a heated snogging session. He trailed his tongue over Harry’s lips and used the chance to slip into his mouth when Harry let out another desperate moan. They discovered their mouth with their tongues, both fighting for dominance, but Louis won easily. He bent down to Harry’s neck and collar, when both needed some time to breathe. He started sucking and biting on the soft skin until he was satisfied with the marks he left for Harry to remember this night and that he would come back one day.

“Louis..uuugh..more…need more” Louis looked up to see the younger boy under him with closed eyes, scrambling and buckling his hips to feel more of his grinding against his crotch. But instead of giving him that what he needed, he stood up and Harry opened his eyes, slightly shocked when he was left alone on the sofa. Louis walked to a music-station in the corner of the room and started playing some music. He had seen the lust in Harry’s eyes when he was dancing on stage before, so he decided to give him another private show. He came back to Harry and straddled his lap again, grinding his crotch against Harry’s to the beat.

With his hands he trailed over Harry’s chest, feeling his rips and muscles at the same time. Just with the grinding and touching they both were so turned on, that Harry has to bite on his lips not to moan out loud and Louis’ crotch pressed hard against his tight boxers, that it started to hurt. He unclipped the suspenders and threw them away, then he moved his fingers slowly over his chest down to the waist of his boxers, looking Harry deeply in the eyes.  “Dammit Louis, stop that and fuck me already!” Harry almost screamed out loud and this eagerness was enough for Louis to finally pull his boxers off. Both boys were groaning out loud when they were grinding against each other fully naked, both enjoying the feeling.

Louis took some of the lube and covered his fingers with the slightly cold substance. With his other hand he managed to pull Harry’s legs over his shoulder so he could reach his entry. He circled one of his fingers around it, looking at Harry who has closed his eyes again and let out some steady moans. Without any warning he pushed one finger into his entry and started moving around, not asking for Harry’s permission, he soon pressed the second and third finger in, curled and twirled them around until he found the right nerves to earn a loud gasp and “fuck, Lou” from Harry.

Louis chuckled “Oh we come along with the nicknames? Well then I want to have one for you, too…Haz!” He gasped while brushing his fingers over his prostate to see Harry gasping and squirming under him.

“Beg Harry. You have to earn what you want. I want to hear you begging” Louis demanded, loving the way Harry laid under him sweating and squirming and he bet he could make him come just by fingering him a bit longer.

“Please, Louis…please…I need y-you” He whisper-moaned.

“What do you need? Be a good boy and tell me.”

Harry groaned by the way Louis was talking to him. “Need y-you to..uuggh…to fuck me. Need you inside of me.”

“Are you sure, Harry? Is that really what you want?” Louis said but it was hard for him to tease him much longer, because he didn’t want nothing more than push himself inside of Harry and fuck him until he can’t move anymore.

“God…yes…yes Louis, please…please”

Louis took his fingers out, getting a whine of disapproval from Harry. He grabbed a condom and ripped the plastic open with his teethes and pulled the condom over his hard cock. Then he stroke some lube over the condom and positioned himself at his entry. When Harry felt the tip of Louis’ cock at his hole, he moved himself against it. Too slow in Harry’s opinion, Louis pushed his cock in until he filled Harry up completely.

He never felt such a tightness around his cock and it was an overwhelming feeling. He started thrusting a slow rhythm but both boys were too desperate to feel more, that he quickened the thrusts in a short matter of time.

The only things that could be heard were the steady moans of the boys and a slapping sound of skin on skin. Both boys were sweating now and Louis moved his tongue over Harry’s bare chest to lick of the sweat.

“Louis…I’m close!” Harry suddenly moaned out and bucked his hips up, to feel more of Louis’ thrust, if that was even possible. But Louis pressed his hands on either side of his hips and pushed them down, to stay in control. He wanted to tease Harry a bit and wanted him to beg, but when he saw the squirming mess under him, with closed eyes, heavy breathing, the hands stuck in the handcuffs, which made Harry so desperate, because he couldn’t touch the perfect boy on top of him; Louis felt the upcoming heat inside of him. He knew that he couldn’t hold it much longer than Harry. After a few deep and fast thrusts he almost shouted “Come for me, Harry” and both boys came with loud screaming and swearing words at the same time. It almost hurt Louis when everything in Harry went tight, but he kept on the fast thrusts until he came down of his high.

After the breathing of the boys came steadier, Louis was about to pulled out of Harry, “no, don’t move. Stay like this.” Harry whispered huskily. And Louis didn’t complain, but he reached out his arms to take Harry’s cuffed hands and revealed them. He took Harry’s hand in his, leaned down and kissed the slight bruises the handcuffs left, while Harry was trying to get rid of them.

“Sorry, didn’t want to hurt you” he said with honest guilt.

“Nah, it’s ok.” And for the fact that they both were completely strangers, they stood in a comfortable silence for a while.

“Louis?” Louis looked up to Harry and rose questioning one eyebrow. “Let me touch you. I want to… no I need to feel your skin on my fingers. You were teasing me the whole time with these handcuffs, please let me touch you now.” Harry begged with such a desperate look on his face, that Louis couldn’t say no. He let go of Harry’s hands and laid down on Harry’s chest, so he could trail his soft fingertips over his shoulders, his muscular back and his round bum cheeks. Louis let out a hum of approval, because he didn’t feel such a sweetness and gentleness for a long time. For the most people he was a slut or whore, because that was what they compared him to his job, even if he – usually - didn’t have sex with the visitors of the club. But the people didn’t care and they all thought they could push him around like they wanted to. The way Harry acted with him now, was so different and he enjoyed everything he did right now. He didn’t wanted this moment to end, just feeling the steady moving of Harry’s fingers over his skin, that made him feel that he got some love he thought he could feel one day.

He felt Harry’s rough lips at his temple, lingering there for a few seconds to comfort him, like he could feel, that Louis was a bit emotional at the moment. He turned his head to give him a short peck on his lips. But it lasted longer he wanted to. It was soft, gentle and sweet, the total opposite of the kisses before. But this one was perfect for Louis. He pulled back and studied Harry’s expression which seemed pretty satisfied and pleased. He brushed one of Harry’s damp curls out of his forehead and gave him a comforting smile “Thank you, Harry”.

Harry frowned and burrowed his eyes in confusion. “For what?”

“For not turning into a total prick after this amazing sex”

“Uhm I usually am one of the biggest pricks, but I don’t know, it’s different this time. I am always the one who left the person I had sex with at the same evening, but right now, I could stay here forever. Maybe because I think I can’t really move the next days, but I like your company, too”

A cute blush appeared on Louis face, just because of the single compliment and he knew if he let Harry go now, he would probably fall into a deep hole of loneliness. “Harry? Do you want to come to my place?”

“I would love to, Louis” He answered without any hesitation.

They got up from the sofa with shaking knees but somehow they managed to put on their clothes without falling on the ground. When they were ready they went out of the room and upstairs where everyone was dancing wild and sweating. They went out of the club into the night and made their way to Louis’ place with holding hands.


Thank you so much again for reading!!! 

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