Skinny Love (Fred Weasley)

By PrincessMalf0y

265K 5.9K 1.1K

"She's like a sister." -- Fourth year of Hogwarts is going to be hectic to Alvina. Like all muggles, witches... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22

Chapter 19

6.7K 179 64
By PrincessMalf0y

I feel someone's arms around me tightly as I spitted out water from mouth as "Diggory" being chanted repeatedly. My coughing caught Cedric's attention, "You alright, Alvina? Can you swim?" I nodded, being overwhelmed from what's happening. Where's Harry, Ron, and Hermione? Cedric pulled me out of the lake and wrapped a towel around me, "Thanks" I muttered. "Where are the others?" I choked out the words and some water as well. "They'll be fine." Cedric assured me, "I saw Harry, he was first to find you guys." I looked up and meet Cedric's eyes and quickly look away; I can't face him without getting bothered by what happened on Christmas. I saw Fleur Delacour clutching her towel anxiously, her sister is nowhere in sight. Krum and Hermione burst out the water with ease as applause echoed the field. "Hermione!" I called. Hermione broke into a smile as she rushed towards me. "Alvina! Oh my merlin! Thank god you're fine. Where's Ron and Harry?" she asked. Just then, Harry appeared at the shore with Ron and surprisingly, Fleur's sister. "Harry! Ron!" Hermione and I ran over. I offered Ron a hand and pulled him out of the freezing water. "Why did you bring her? Hermione asked. "Fleur didn't show up, I couldn't just leave her there." "Gabrielle!" called Fleur and she shoved people out of her way and came to us, "Thank you, she wasn't your yet you chose to save her." Fleur said and kissed Harry on the cheek (which is now in the shade of tomato) "And you." She turned to Ron, "You 'elped, too" She kissed him on the cheek as he stuttered, "Yeah...a bit" Hermione coughed awkwardly, "Did it take you a long time to find us, Harry?" she asked. "No...I found you guys-" he couldn't finish as Madam Pomfrey dragged him to the corner to check him. "Doesn't matter, Hermione. He found a way!" I said happily. "Ladies and Gentlemen," announced Dumbledore, "The chief of merpeople told us what happened at the bottom of the lake and we decided our points to the champions out of fifty." Everyone fell in silence, listening carefully, "Fleur Delacour demonstrated an excellent bubble head charm, however, she was attacked by the grindylows, resulted her not bringing her treasure back. We award her twenty five points." I clapped along with everyone. "Cedric Diggory," I tensed up as I heard his name, "also used the bubble head charm and came back first with his treasure, though he was one minute late; we award him forty seven points." Cheers and applauses took over; I politely clap for him, at the end of the day, he did save me. "Victor Krum used an incomplete form of Transfiguration but was surely effective. He returned second, so we award him forty points." Kakaroff clapped particular loud, looking prideful. "Harry Potter used Gillyweed for great effect." Said Dumbledore, "He returned last, and well outside the time limit of an hour. However, the Merchieftainess informs us that Mr. Potter was first to reach the hostages, and that the delay in his return was due to his determination to return all hostages to safety, not merely his own" We both give Harry a half infuriated and half commiserating look. "Most of the judges," continued Dumbledore, "feel that this shows moral fiber and deserves full marks...However, his scored forty five points!" I starred at Harry and laughed, "You thought the song was real?" "Hey, he was demonstrating moral fiber, not stupidity!" Ron said, biting his inner mouth to prevent laughing. Harry flushed. "The third and last task will occurred at dusk on June twenty fourth" announced Bagman, "The champion will be notified of what is coming precisely beforehand. Continue support your champion and school!"

"Alvina!" I sighed, knowing who's coming and reluctantly turn around. "Can we talk, please?" Cedric pleaded, his eyes full of melancholy. "I'll catch up to you guys later." I told Hermione, Harry and Ron. Hermione dragged Ron away before he can protest. "You have a minute." I said shortly to Cedric. He took a deep breath, "Look, that night...Cho kissed me first, I...just blanked out..." I looked at my feet, not wanting to make any eye contact with him, "I know you hate me now, but do we still have a chance? I really like you..." Cedric asked hopefully. I slowly looked up, his eyes burn into mine, "You don't get it, do you?" I laughed dryly, "You really like me, bloody hell I fucking loved you! You were my first love, first kiss..." Hot tears rolled down my cheek uncontrollably. "What you did wrecks my heart...You're just way out of my league...I think we should stay friends." Cedric looked at me with a mix of emotion spread across his handsome face: disbelief, disappointment, and misery. Mostly disbelief, I won't blame him, I just told him I loved him. "Bye Cedric." I said, not looking back.

I made sure all the tear strains were gone for good before I walked into the common room to search for Fred. I walked up the boys' dorm and knocked on his room. Fred opened the door, "Alv?" "Hey" I smiled. "Come in." He stepped out of the door way. I've never been into Fred and George's dorm room before and it is just how I imagined; objects scattered across the floor with some explosion marks printed on the wall. "Er- do you want to change into something dry?" said Fred, gesturing my wet clothes and towel. I nodded, he walked across the room and pull out a red sweater with the letter F on. "Here, it's clean...I think." I chuckled, "Thanks." He smiled rather awkwardly. He turned around to let me change into his warm sweater; I inhale the fresh scent of his cologne. The atmosphere of the room is quite stiff. "Is there something you wanna tell me?" I asked, starring deep into his chocolate brown eyes. Knowing Fred so long, I can definitely sense something was wrong. "Spill." I ushered him. "Aren't you supposed to be with Diggory?" he suddenly snapped. My mouth dropped open, "What?" Fred clenched his teeth, "Aren't you supposed be with Diggory now? Since you're something he would "sorely miss" if you're gone." "You think I actually have a choice in this?" I asked, shaking with anger. He glared at me, "Yea. You guys look great together by the way. Why don't you go find Ceddy now?" "Did you even hear yourself?" I yelled as he looked away, completely avoiding any eye contact like I'm a disease. "So you're telling me the kiss meant nothing?" I asked, a tight knot forming in my stomach. Fred huffed, "I'm just your rebound for Diggory, am I?" he said coldly. It feels like an invisible force had hit me in the head and everything became dizzy and unreal. Who is this person standing in front of me? This isn't the usual kind, funny, and caring Fred. I stomped out of his room, too angry to say anything else.

Hogsmeade trip is one of my favorite things in the entire world because it only meant one thing: bountiful of sweets from Honeydukes. However, the fight I had with Fred few days ago seems flip the entire situation upside down. "Alvina! Are you listening?" asked Harry as he waved his hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention. "What?" I asked, getting pulled out of my thoughts. "We're seeing Sirius in our next Hogsmeade trip." Harry stated quietly. "Yea and we're bringing lots of food for him." Ron added. I nodded, thoughts drifting back to the fight between me and Fred again. How can he think I'm that desperate? He's most definitely not my rebound for Cedric. Seeing him treating me this way is like a slap in the face, I feel like a fool for kissing him that night...the feeling was obviously not mutual.

"Anyone fancy a butterbeer?" Hermione asked, shivering from the coldness. The chilly wind pierced through my coat harshly, making my teeth chatter as I hugged myself tighter. We all nodded and walked into Three broomsticks. "Four butterbeer please." Hermione ordered. "Oh no..." Harry muttered, lowering his head. "What?" Ron asked, totally clueless. I looked around and saw the one and only, Rita Skeeter. I quickly look away before she looks at my direction. Too late. "Harry!" She beamed and walked towards us, those wicked eyes glow behind her pointy glasses. "So nice to see you!" She exclaimed. "Why would you write such cruel things about Hagrid!" Harry snapped. "Our readers deserve to know the truth." She faked a smile. "But he's not a monster!" Harry raised his voice as Hermione shot him a warning look. "How about give me an interview, Harry. About the man behind those muscles? Reasons why you're friends with him? Would you consider him a father substitute?" Rita said as she took out her pen and parchment. Anger I had built up for this woman since the beginning of the school years seems to exploded all at once. "You vicious old bat. You don't care, do you? All you want is a good story...why don't I tell you a good story." I pulled out my wand. "Alvina! No!" Hermione shrieked. Ron pulled me back, "Let me go, Ronald Weasley. I need to teach this nosey bitch a lesson!" I yelled, struggling to get out of Ron's grip. "You don't want to mess with me, little girl." Rita said dangerously, "I'm capable of making your life a misery." She smirked and turned to Harry, "So good to see you, Harry." Then she left the inn. "She's going to ruin your life, Alv!" Ron said worriedly. I snorted, "I would like to see her try."

The next day, just like Ron predicted, an article about me came out, written by the devil herself, Rita Skeeter.

Harry Potter's Secret Heartache

Like any other teenage boy, Harry Potter goes through ups and downs in a relationship. The daily prophet exclusively discovered that Potter's steady relationship with Alvina Castillo, a flirtatious witch, is no longer going on. Alvina Castillo, a plain but ambitious girl, seem to develop an insatiable taste for excellent Quidditch players. It was reported that Castillo has been toying Potter's and Diggory, another Hogwarts champion and a superb school Quidditch player's feelings ever since the beginning of the year. Instead being a loyal girlfriend and go to the Yule Ball (a traditional event of the Triwizard Tournament) with Potter; Castillo poured salt on Potter's wound by going with Diggory. Mr. Diggory seemed to be smitten by Miss Castillo's devious beauty, and even rescued her in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament! However, it might not be Miss. Castillo's averaged look that lured the boys. "She's really ugly." Said Pansy Parkinson, a pretty and avid fourth year student, "she probably used Love Potion, something like that. She's top in the potion class." Love Potion, of course, are banned from Hogwarts; Albus Dumbledore should waste no time and investigate about this case. In the meantime, we sincerely hope Potter will bestow his heart to someone worthier next time.

"I told you!" Ron said, "Look what happened when you annoyed Skeeter." Hermione starred at me with her mouth wide opened, "Well? Say something, Alvina." I raised my eyebrows as I chewed on my bagel. "Saying something, you're scarring me." She pleaded as I broke my blank stares on her. I swallowed, "This bagel is good." "That's not the point!" Hermione said impatiently, "The Skeeter woman literally discredit your reputation!" I shrugged, "I honestly don't care anymore. This thing is plain bullshit. Plus, I have something more important to worry about." I reached for another bagel and spread cream cheese on it. "I didn't expect you to handle it this well..." Hermione mumbled. Trust me, I didn't expect it as well.  

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