leather journal / h.s

由 cigarettestyles

96.4K 3.9K 528

she stole his journal, and he stole her heart. guess they're both thiefs, then. lowercase intended. 更多

leather journal


1K 53 16
由 cigarettestyles


the car ride was a trip.

"so...." harry droned, tired eyes on the road. he used his forefingers to wipe the corners of his mouth, before swiping them on his black jeans. "do you really think i have a small booty?" he giggled and louis snickered.

my cheeks felt hot all of a sudden. "i never said that you did..." i grinned awkwardly. "louis made that up to embarrass me. and it worked."

louis was in the passenger's side, which he probably decided to do only to mess with harry. "she said it was big." he smirked back at me, making me pout angrily. "i have receipts."

that made harry smile, so i guess i was fine with it.

"oh, mary!" louis said like he had just remembered something. i was scared to know what it was, knowing the kind of person louis was.

i rubbed my eyes lazily. "yeah?" i asked, a small yawn escaping my lips. "what now?"

louis ignored my sarcastic remark and glared over at harry like he had something on him. he fidgeted in his seat as he drove. "remember that one time i told you that harry had wanked to the thought of you in your own home?"

i felt uncomfortable right away. leave it to louis to bring this kind of thing up.  "yeah." i answered shortly, swallowing hard. "i do. and i don't need to hear it again."

harrys hands were gripping the steering wheel hard.

"well, i just want you to know that harry does it on the daily now. it's annoying as fuck but kind of hot."

"okay, louis i--"

he threw his hands up, almost hitting harry in the process. "one time i walked in on him touching himself and i swear my panties flew across the house." he laughed. "harry has the hottest moans."

harry grunted in anger, his sudden rage making the car jerk into the other lane. he didn't even insist on switching back. "louis, i swear to god."

i was the awkward one in the middle. "really, im flattered." i said softly even though i wasn't sure exactly how i felt about that at all. "harry can do whatever he pleases. but i don't want to hear about it any more or you might as well drive me home."

louis was quiet for a second, making harry smile from ear to ear. the car turned onto a familiar street which i remembered to be about a minute's drive from the house.

"okay, fine." louis sulked. "only because this is going to be a really fun 6am party!"

"it's technically morning." harry grumbled. the car started to move slower as harry whipped out his phone. i watched with interest as his long digits tapped the screen quickly. "and i swear to goodness, lou," he mumbled with his eyes still on the screen. "if you say one thing to piss me or mary off you're leaving. you can go to liam's."

"fuck, no!" louis exclaimed, slapping his thighs. the loud sound was all that could be heard in the car. "lima is so annoying. all he does is rant about how people think he's gay."

harry rolled his eyes and i could tell that his thumb had hit "send". he was texting someone. but who?

we pulled into the driveway and came to a full stop, where i realized that my data had been turned off and my wifi was on instead. i turned my data back on and right away, got a text message notification from harry.

harry: i do not wank thinking about you every day.

i smiled to myself. he was so cute that it hurt me physically sometimes.

me: okay. :)
harry: ok not every day anyway

i laughed as he helped me out of the car, playfully wiggling his eyebrows as our hands touched. a surge of electricity flowed within me, missing the feeling of harrys hand in mine for quite some time now.

"what do you want to eat?" louis asked. it was starting to get light outside but i could still see where his phone screen was illuminating the space around him. "it has to be somewhere that delivers."

i looked at harry and it was like we came to a mutual agreement without even saying a word. "pizza." we both said at the same time. "cheese pizza."

"alright." louis smiled, the skin around his eyes crinkling like folded clothes. i didn't think an evil short person like him would be able to have so much fond in him.

we all walked inside after harry carefully turned the key in the doorknob, and i was greeted by the same nice smell again; like lavender and clean linen. the same "C" shaped couch was in the middle of the living room, the small seat that we had sung karaoke on at the party was still there. everything was like i had first seen it.

"first times a charm." louis winked at harry, making him nudge louis in the shoulder. he grunted in pain. "maybe this time you'll get lucky."

"that's it." harry said with gritted teeth. "go to your room and order our pizza."

louis scoffed and put his hands on his hips like a toddler would. come to think of it, louis was one of the most childish men i had ever met. "do you look like my dad?"

"just go!" harry boomed, which actually had managed to scare me in the process as well as louis. he whimpered before grabbing his phone and sprinting down the hallway, and at the end i assumed was a staircase.

i smiled at him. finally, some alone time. "hey." i mumbled like we had just seen each other for the first time all day.

"hey." harry whispered, his voice even lower as he walked over and fit his mouth to mine. the kiss only lasted a second, but i was grateful for the contact nonetheless. "how've you been this week?"

i sighed, raking my hand through my hair. "ive been worried about senior year." i admitted. picking colleges and all this and that is not going to be fun. and the classes? i just need more credits."

harry shrugged, but i could see the sympathy laced in his features. "i went to school in england, all this credits stuff and senior year is oddly confusing. it's strange."

i found his empathy for me and confusion so cute. it was a bit too much for me to handle. "it'll be fine."

harry pretended to have a grumpy look on his face, like he was mad at the schooling system. i sure was. "you better be." he smirked before pressing his lips to mine for the second time in a span of five minutes, but this time it was all out. our tongues danced with each other, this being the first time that i actually put some force into the kiss as well. it was unusual but pleasant. what surprised me even more was when harrys hands drifted down my back and gave my behind a squeeze. i moaned into his mouth, making him kiss me harder.

"gross." louis' voice made me pull away with a startled jump, embarrassed by what he had just seen. "if you're going to grab someone's ass, grab mine. at least i have a decently large one."

"hey!" i laughed, but harrys cheeks were rosy red with shock. it was funny even though i felt like blushing myself.

he walked over to the island in the kitchen and pulled the lid off of something that was sitting in the middle. it was a plate of cupcakes. "i don't know about you all," he said, his eyes drifting between us two but lingering on me for seconds longer, "but im ready to start this party before it gets light outside!"

dork, i wanted to say to him.

but there was one thing i wanted to say more.

my dork.


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