The Man in the Wilderness

Door shepherd4583

134K 4.4K 202

Have you ever had that moment, when you thought life was normal? You and your family were happy but in the ne... Meer

Abandon Ship!
Creatures in the Night
The Truth
Clara V.S. Poachers & A Crocodile
At Death's Door
Run Away Love
Finding Him
Losing Him Again
Everything Was A Dream
The Battle Begins
The End
My Happy Ending

Emotions Running Wild

6.4K 190 5
Door shepherd4583

I woke to the sound of barking and someone yelling my name. I slowly looked around and realized I was inside bushes, up against a tree. Groaning as I sat up. Touching the bump on my head and it was huge. My vision was blurry and I tried to focus on one thing. My body, on the other hand, felt like I had got caught in a wave and it wouldn't let me go to the surface. "Clara!!" I heard my name again.

I crawled out the bushes, doing an army crawl. "Over... here!" I tried to yell. I laid on my back, staring up into the branches of trees. That's when something black came in my vision. Licking my face and knowing it was Ren. "Hey, boy! Go get Adam!" I said.

He just sat down and leaned his head back. Howling up to the sky. "Ren! What are you doing?" That's when I looked over to see Adam come into the little clearing.

"Clara!" He yelled.

Running over to Ren and I, kneeling down to me. "Hey, I think this place hates me." I laughed out but stopping as it hurt.

Adam laughed a little. "Oh, don't think like that, Clara. Here let me help you." He said.

Putting his arms underneath my legs and back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his shoulder. While Ren walked alongside us. Making our way back to the tree house. Soon, we arrived at the tree house. Adam carried me up to his room. Laying me down on the bed and I relaxed against the pillows. "I'll be right back."

I nodded and I watched him leave. I patted the bed, letting Ren know he could jump up here and he did jump up here, going behind me and laying down. I slowly began pet Ren and stare into his beautiful blue eyes. Ren lifted his head, hearing Adam come back up. But it wasn't Adam, it was the poacher. "Hello, my dear." He said, with an evil grin.

Ren stood up, growling with his ears back. I leaned up on my arm, trying not to hurt myself anymore. "Why are you here?" I asked, trying not to show fear in me.

"Oh, I'm here for my brother, not you." He laughed, "But I think you are now going to be my bait." He said, strutting over to me. Ren leaps on top of him and biting his shoulder, scratching him.

That's when I heard someone running up the stairs. "Clara!" Adam screamed when he saw and then that's when his brother pushed Ren off of him.

"James..." Adam said, stopping in his path.

"Hello, brother. I found your little lover, but I wasn't looking for her. Because I need you instead." That's when James attacks Adam, but Adam dodges James. They begin to fight and I stand up with the help of Ren. Trying to escape outside before I get in the middle of it. I finally climbed on top of Ren and he skipped down the stairs with me on his back.

"Ren, go to the cave." I whispered to him in his ear.

As soon as we got there, I fell off of him. Landing on my side and breathing in from the pain. "Now, go back and help Adam," I said.

But Ren just stood his ground beside me, looking over at me. I glared at him. "Fine, if he dies it's your fault," I said, not noticing as a tear ran down my cheek. I curled up into a ball in the back of the cave. That's when I heard Ren whine and I see him dragging something toward me. Seeing a backpack come from behind a pile of rocks.

"He knew something like this was going to happen..." I whispered out.

That's when I leaned up against the wall and tried to stand up. Breathing heavy, I wobbled over to the entrance. That's when I saw him and was limping over to us. Seeing him fall to the ground, "Adam!" I screamed.

Running to him and touching his face. "Adam, where does it hurt?" That's when his hand grabbed mine, moving it down to his stomach. Seeing a huge gash run across it. A tear slipped down my cheek and he wiped it away.

I looked into his blue eyes, "Adam..." I said.

"I'll be fine." He stuttered out, blood dripping down the side of his mouth. I quickly wiped it away with the corner of my shirt. Suddenly, Ren came over. Nudging me on the shoulder, making me look at him. "What is it, boy?" I asked.

He whined, pawing at the ground. "You want me to follow you?" I asked out loud.

That's when he barked, "Okay, but you're helping me with Adam." I said, lifting Adam up so he could use Ren as support as we walked. I then had Ren lead us to where ever he was wanting us to go. That's when I realized he was going into the cave when suddenly stopped at the very back. Adam mumbled something, so I leaned in closer.

"What did you say?" I said.

"Key..." That's when he passed out and I caught him before he could fall to the hard ground. I saw his hand was grabbing for something around his neck and noticed that he was wearing a necklace. Was this the key? I gently pulled the necklace out from underneath his shirt. Seeing that in fact, it was key. I untied it from around his neck. The key was small and made out of the same stone of the cave. I walked up to the wall, feeling around for the lock. Searching for a couple minutes until I found it hidden behind some fallen rocks. I placed the key in the lock and I turned it gently. A rumbling came from the wall in front us, it began to move up to the top. Looking I saw another hidden home. I gasped and saw it also had a creek flowing through it. Wondering why Adam just didn't live here instead. I then helped Ren walk with Adam into the cave. That's when I heard Adam mumbled something and pointed a finger toward the pools of water.

I lifted an eyebrow and led Ren over to one of the pools. Suddenly, Adam shifted his weight falling into the pool of water. I gasped and about to dive in when I heard a voice in my head. "Don't... he is safe..."

Standing there watching as Adam's body began to glow from the pool's blue light source. Ren laid down, staring into the pool. I sat down beside it and watched over Adam as he healed from the pool's water. Leaning against Ren and I soon fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of splashing and someone whispering to me. "Clara..."

Feeling myself being lifted up into strong arms. I moaned, "Adam." I felt his lips carcass my forehead.

"It's me... Go back to sleep." I heard him whispered. Hearing those words, I cuddled closer to his chest. Falling asleep.


I woke up to the sound of heavy breathing and snoring. Looking around and seeing that Ren was laying down my left and Adam on the right. I smiled and sat up realizing that we were laying on the floor up of top of thousand of warm blankets and pillows. Stretching and yawning. Somehow the sun was shining in the cave and that's when I noticed holes from the ceiling were giving off lights from above land. Slowly getting up and I decided to have a look around the house. Finding that it was in much better care than the tree house was. I find the kitchen and see that it was also fully stocked of food. My stomach growled telling me to eat. I decide to prepare some cold cut sandwiches with some soup.

As I am making I heard the sound of feet coming across the house. Turning and see Ren slowly walking over to me and he lays down at my feet as I make our lunch. I laugh and continue what I'm doing. Finishing up, I set the table. I was just about to go get Adam when he walked in. His brown hair was messy and his blue eyes halfway open. I smiled at him, "Here is lunch." I said. Adam slowly sat down and began to eat. I sat down beside him and ate my lunch. Suddenly, Adam grabbed my hand and began to hold it. I squeezed his hand gently, telling him I was here for him. "Clara... I'm sorry about my brother earlier. I never..." I stopped him.

"You're fine..." I quickly said.

"It's not fine. He wants you and... I just don't want anything to happen to you... Clara... Ever since I met you changed me, as soon as I laid eyes on you. I changed, I realized that I've been stuck on this island for a couple years. And I lost my human side... I was turning into an animal like my brother... I can't become him..." Adam said, staring into his blue eyes. They showed so much sadness.

I placed my hand on his cheek. "I am also glad I got to meet you too, Adam. I would be dead by now if it wasn't for you..." I said as a tear slipped down my face.

This time Adam placed his hands on my cheeks. He leaned down, staring at my lips. "Clara..." He whispered. His lips almost touching mine. That's when I grabbed his shirt pulling him down. His lips smashing against mine, locking into a passionate kiss. Adam lifted me up so I was straddling him as he sat in the chair. Never I have I experienced this type of emotion. Was it love? I thought... But I was pulled away from my thoughts when his lips began to kiss down my neck. Suddenly, I moaned as he hit a sensitive spot on my neck. I felt his lips curl up into a smile.

I pushed against his shoulder to get up and calm down for a moment. But Adam growled tightening his grip on my waist. Hitting the spot on my neck, he made me moan again. "Adam..." I finally whispered. Adam stopped and stared at me with a smile. "Clara..." I shivered as he said my name.

"What are we doing?" I finally asked.

Adam looked at me confused. "Falling in love..." He whispered.

Pecking me on the lips really quick. I just laughed at him, standing up and taking the plates back into the kitchen. Adam followed and helped me clean. Every once in awhile he would kiss me on the neck, distracting me. Making me almost drop the plates and silverware.

Finally, I asked the question that was on my mind. "What are we going to do with your brother?" I asked.

Turning around and looking him in the eyes. He took a step back, "I don't know." I finished with the dishes.

"What happened between you too? After, Ren got me out of there." I asked.

Adam sighed, "We fought. I ran as soon as he was distracted. Then he said he would come for me... Because he still thinks I killed our parents." Adam explained to me.

I looked at him confused. "I thought you said that your parents left you both here. And your brother and you were being chased by the group of poachers."

He looked at me. "That was part of it after he joined the poacher's group. Now, he is the leader of the poachers. I found my parents, they were coming to get us back. When the poachers found us and they killed our parents. But the poachers didn't want to get in trouble with their leader. They put the blame on me, outside the tree house. And James will never forgive me... And so he is out to kill me and the person I love." Adam said. Walking away from me.

I looked at him. He loves me... I began to follow when pain shoots through me. Falling to the ground in pain and that's when I saw my side bleeding. I gasp, I pulled myself back up and walked over to the pools. Cupping some water in my hands and pouring over it on my sides. Laying down on the cold ground. Ren came over, laying down beside me. I sat up, slowly taking deep breathes. With the help of Ren I stood up and he helped me go outside. Feeling the breeze of the forest around, while the bugs flew around. Not seeing Adam, and so I began to go for a walk. With Ren walking alongside me. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a gunshot nearby. I quickly fall to the ground, army crawling into some bushes. Ren was right beside me. Crawling along by my side. I gasped when I saw the poachers setting up camp.

They had cages full of innocent animals, they were cooking a pig over a bonfire. James was cooking the pig, turning it over. James was sitting along with his fellow poachers. Cleaning their guns, and knives. "So, James I heard that you saw that bastard of a brother earlier. Did you kill him?" I heard one them ask him.

"No, he got away. And I lost his tracks. But that bitch of his will come out of hiding and relieve his hideout again." James answered with a grin.

My blood boiled and I was about to whip a can of beat his ass. When one of the captured panthers began to go crazy. James tore off a piece of the pig, throwing it to one of the panthers. James then let the panther out, and his came up to him purring against him. I gasped, and covered my mouth. The panther heard me and began to prowl around. Sniffing, and he was slowly reaching the bush I was in. I began to crawl backwards, when suddenly the panther pounced. I screamed thrashing around. That's when Ren attacked the panther, pushing it off me. When hands came around me, "Oh, we were just talking about you." James said.

Tying my hands behind my back. Seeing Ren be pinned down. Growling at the panther, and the panther growling right back. "Let me go, and so help me." That's when James grabbed my chin.

"What? You'll hurt me. I don't you're in position to talk about hurting me." James said.

He shoved me, and I fell to my side. Gasping from the pain, "Hey, boys! We have a lady in the camp so don't treat her with respect. And she will be our bait for my brother!" He yelled. As the poachers cheered at his words.

It's been a day since I was captured by James and I was stuck inside one their building. They set up a major base near the ocean, and they had six main tents where the kept storage items, and of course their weapons. I was set up in James's tent, because he said he wanted to keep eyes on me. I was currently tied up to a metal post in the center of the tent. Hand cuffed, and Ren was stuck in a cage beside me. I hung my head from exhaustion of trying to escape. That's when James came in the tent. "Oh, I see that you are very tired and hungry. Would you like some food?" He threw spoiled food over at me. I just stared at the spoiled food, and I looked away from James.

"I guess you're the quiet type. I don't see what Adam liked of you. You're just some worthless bitch to him. Haven't you noticed it's been a day and still haven't rescued you yet. He doesn't care about you... You were just a pawn being played in his eyes. He is a killer, a liar... I don't see how you like a creature, a bastard like him." He said, slapping me a couple of times.

Hanging my head in pain, feeling the stinging. "He will come for me... Because he will save me from you... You are the killer, the liar and the bastard not him..." I said, blood boiling. "And he will kill you..." James laughed at my words.

"Not before I kill him, because if you want to live with that wolf of your's. You better do what I tell you..." I looked over at Ren, his blue eyes shown with sadness.

"No, I won't..." I whispered.

"I know you will, because you have no choose too. You are going to be my bait...

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