What Makes You Beautiful (A N...

By hardcorewriter02

4.7K 201 885

I am rating this story PG13 due to language and just a little bit of sexual activity (kissing/making out)... More

Tara James
Josie Hughes
Chapter 1: Welcome Back!
Chapter 2: Happy Birthday Josie!
Chapter 3: The Concert
Chapter 4: One Thing
Chapter 5: What Happened?
Chapter 6: Make Yourself At Home
Chapter 7: Morning, Love
Chapter 8: Talking to Niall
Chapter 9: Dublin, Ireland
Chapter 10: Dinner
Chapter 11: Truth or Dare
Chapter 12: Fuming
Chapter 13: Nando's and the Man
Chapter 14: Let's Talk Sense
Chapter 15: Dinner With Hunter
Chapter 16: Niall's Unexpected Visit
Chapter 17: What the Hell!
Chapter 18: Happy Two Months!
Chapter 19: Memory Loss
Chapter 20: Amnesia, Dog Piles, and Letters
Chapter 21: I Wanted Coffee, I Get Niall Horan
Chapter 22: Crappy Crap
Chapter 23: The Job Offer
Chapter 24: Hunter
Chapter 25: Moving Day
Chapter 26: Breathtaking
Chapter 27: Meet the New Girl
Chapter 28: 2 AM Shower
Chapter 29: The Almost Kiss
Chapter 30: Thinking It Over
Chapter 31: Scissor War
Chapter 32: Tara Has a Boyfriend?
Chapter 33: What Are You Doing To Me?
Chapter 34: I Have To
Chapter 35: My Girlfriend
Chapter 36: Chasing Tara
Chapter 37: Chatting With the Stars
Chapter 38: Cat Fight
Chapter 39: Moments
Chapter 40: Doing It
Chapter 41: Stunninly Evil
Chapter 42: Wanna Meet Up?
Chapter 43: Don't Go
Chapter 44: My Red Headed Girl
Chapter 45: Liv Could Be the One
Chapter 46: Dreaming of You
Chapter 47: Fireproof
Chapter 48: Blueberries For My Blueberry
Chapter 49: Jack and Kelly
Chapter 50: Love Sick Roller Coaster
Chapter 51: The Girl In the Mirror
Chapter 52: I Should've Stayed
Chapter 53: Stealing Tara
Chapter 54: Talking To My Friends
Chapter 55: Changing Plans
Chapter 56: So What?
Chapter 57: Late Night Snacks
Chapter 58: Five In the Morning
Chapter 59: Sneaky Me, Wimpy Me
Chapter 60: Please Come Back
Chapter 61: I'm the Tofu
Chapter 62: 30 Years Or 2 Months?
Chapter 63: Pulling a Tara
Chapter 64: Mum Needs Me
Chapter 66: Home Is Where the Heart Is
Chapter 67: Reminiscing
Chapter 68: Secret Emotions
Chapter 69: The Two Sides of Life
Chapter 70: Collision
Chapter 71: This Isn't Easy
Chapter 72: Illusions Bring Hope
Chapter 73: No Escape
Chapter 74: Gone
Chapter 75: Determination
Chapter 76: My Blonde Haired Boy
Chapter 77: I'll Miss You

Chapter 65: Mr. Blondie, Pigtails, and Little Red

38 3 11
By hardcorewriter02

Please read the A/N! Thanks you! Love ya!

Tara's POV

I walk out the doors, the cool air hitting my bare arms instantly. I find my car and unlock it. The birds around me are silent and the wind is still. It's like the whole world can tell that something is wrong. I sigh and get in and start the car.

"Everything is going to be okay. Everything will be okay," I mutter under my breath. I turn on the radio to distract my brain from going insane. The radio does nothing but bore me. It's all talk shows discussing things that aren't even really important. Like, who cares if Kanye West is going to run for American presidency? Who cares that Taylor Swift is now holding Instagram Queen because she has more followers than Kim Kardashian? WHO CARES THAT ONE DIRECTION PAUSED THEIR CALIFORNIA PERFORMANCES TO GO HOME?

"Wait!" I scream as I slam my brakes at a stop sign. "I care!"

I turn the radio up right as the DJ starts going into detail about One Direction's sudden break.

"I'm sorry for all of you in California who bought tickets to see the British/Irish boy band One Direction, but the rumors are true. Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson have confirmed that the boys are taking a slight break to go home and reconnect with an old friend. Harry Styles says, ''We've been avoiding the conversation, but now, I believe, is the right time to come clean and talk things out. We just want what's best for all of us.'' But, hey! don't worry. One Direction has promised to return and put on an even better performance! Niall Horan spoke with us via phone call and said, ''I'm hoping that the people who bought the California concert tickets aren't too mad. I hope they understand that some things can't wait. Especially when it comes to friends or family.'' Awe! Isn't he such a sweetheart? Anyway, tell us what you think about the boys' sudden interruption? Call in right now," the DJ says. People call in and give their opinions, but I tune them out. My brain is working overtime.




I am brought back to reality and see three cars pass me by. I give them apologetic smiles and waves but they frown and give me the finger as they drive by. Following the people who honked at me, I pull my car forward and drive behind them. I can't believe they're actually coming after me. I mean, I know Niall had texted me saying they were coming, but I didn't really think much of it. Wow. They actually stopped their concerts and interviews just so they could come make sure I'm okay. Wow, I think. I absentmindedly drive down the road.

When I finally pull into the complex parking lot, I sit in my car longer than I should have. Thinking this much makes my head hurt. I turn my neck because it starts getting a knot. I spot a tall blonde boy talking on his phone with his back to me. I smile as I watch him for a moment before I decide to get out and surprise him.

I quietly open my door and creep up behind him. Seeing his crazy blonde hair and interesting clothing style, I stifle a laugh and stand up on my toes in preparation to pounce. I take in a deep breath and am about to jump when he starts talking into his phone.

"Yeah, I'd love to, babe!" he says. I freeze where I am. This isn't Niall! I stumble backwards and try to get away as fast as I can, but I trip over my own feet and land on my bottom. The man I thought was my best friend Niall turns around and stares down at me. I try to form words but nothing comes out. We both stare at each other until I feel my face grow hotter and hotter. The man walks closer to me and bends down. I inch back and when he sees that I don't want his help, he stays in his spot and eyes me curiously. I carefully get, him following my lead, and we both wait for the other to make the next move. I open my mouth again and lift my hand to wave, but my feet have other ideas. I spin around as fast as I can and run. I run and run and run.


I finally slow down and look behind me. The man didn't follow me — thankfully. I don't know what I wouldv'e done if he did follow me. I really think I'd run to the woods and stay there until dark.

I let out a sigh of relief and look around. I'm in a neighborhood with a few kids running around. I smile as I reminisce my childhood. I had so many good memories of playing outside and making trouble. I see a girl with long red hair about ten years old making googly eyes at a boy that's about fifteen years old across the street. I tilt my head as I try to understand why she'd want to date someone who is, like, five years older than her. But then I see the boy she's staring at. He's gorgeous! And that's coming from a college student! The boy has perfect brown hair and long legs. He has big, strong arms and a serious expression. He's what every girl wants to date. Appearance wise, that is.

As I stare at the girl gawking at the boy across the street juggling a soccer ball, another boy and girl come up to the red headed girl. The boy looks about ten or eleven and the girl looks like she might a bit younger than the other two. The younger girl has blonde hair in pigtails, and the boy has dirty blonde hair. Pigtails grabs Mr. Blondie's hand and sits down. She scoots so close to her "boyfriend" that she's practically on top of him!

I lean against a tree nearby as I observe this little scene. Little Red looks over at Mr. Blondie with sadness in her eyes. Something about the way she looked at the blonde boy seems more...real and true than when she was looking at the older one across the street. The whole sight feels familiar but I can't quite put my finger on why...

As I look at the girl with red hair turn her attention back to her hunky neighbor, I see that behind her wistful eyes she is trying hard to keep something down. Mr. Blondie looks over at Pigtails and smiles; but it's a sad smile. Filled with almost regret. Pigtails turns up to him and smiles with bright white teeth. She stares at his eyes with want and hunger. How can kids this young be in such an adult like situation? How are they not going insane? I think.

Pigtails and Mr. Blondie get up and walk away. Little Red watches them slowly get smaller and smaller. Not long after they leave does she get up and wipe her tear stained face with the back of her hand. She stands there before deciding to go inside. But right before she goes through her door, she turns around and sends a sad and lonely smile to me. I smile back, mine filled with just as much emotion as hers.


Heylo! I really like this chapter, but I'm not too sure if it's written well or not. It's good but is it good enough? Does it get my point across? Did you catch the fact that the three kids are Tara, Niall, and Liv? Or was that unclear and I'm just a horrible writer? If you don't mind, please answer the questions above. I really want to know!

Made In the A.M. comes out in five days! I'm so excited! And I LOVE the song History! It's so sad that it's about their break. I mean, the lyrics practically scream, "This will express every feeling you fans have about our hiatus!" I still love it nonetheless, though.

Anyway, if you like my story, please comment, vote, and/or follow me. Love ya!

P.S. Have you ever liked someone you couldn't have? Have you ever forced yourself to like someone just so then you'd "forget" the person you actually liked? If you're brave enough, comment your story! I'll try to read them and maybe respond. I don't know. I don't even know if anyone will do this. But, there's a first time for everything, right? Anyway, I'll post my experience in a comment on this chapter to give you a little confidence boost. Thanks for reading. Love ya!

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