My Bad Boy Protector ✔

By Zanzan112

4.2M 136K 53.5K

"He looked at me as if I was the only star in the dark night sky. And kissed me as if I was the air that fill... More

My Bad Boy Protector
Chapter 1 : First Day Back
Chapter 2 : Why You Gotta Be So Rude?
Chapter 3 : Deliciously Entertaining Dinner
Chapter 4 : Snapping Out and Breaking In
Chapter 5 : Eventful Day
Chapter 6 : Crazy Thoughts Lead To Crazier Actions
Chapter 7 : A Cry For Help
Chapter 8 : Apology Accepted
Chapter 9 : The Meganerd and Megajerk
Chapter 10 : Teach You How To Fight Back
Chapter 11 : Self Oath
Chapter 12 : Preparing For The Return of Medusa (Part 1)
Chapter 13 : Preparing For The Return Of Medusa (Part 2)
Chapter 14 : She's Not Exactly A Witch She's Just A Terrible Bitch
Chapter 15 : Drunk Alex Is Definitely My Favorite Alex
Chapter 16 : The Cute New Guy
Chapter 17 : That Smile Was As Fake As Kim K's Ass
Chapter 18 : Goosebumps Are Forming
Chapter 19 : He Made Me Soup
Chapter 20 : Cruelty At Its Finest
Chapter 21 : And The Lessons Begin
Chapter 22 : Warnings
Chapter 23 : Guess Whose Tutor Am I?
Chapter 25 : Secrets Revealed
Chapter 26 : Anonymous Notes, Bonfires and Surprises
Author's Note (important)
Chapter 27 : Sleepovers
Chapter 28 : Confessions Of A Bad Boy
Chapter 29 : That WTF Moment
Chapter 30 : A Trip To Remember
Chapter 31 : Reminiscent Tears
Chapter 32 : Like Beyoncé At The Grammy's
Chapter 33 : Oh Hell Nah
Chapter 34 : I Kissed A Girl & I Didn't Like It
Chapter 35 : That's My Boyfriend
Chapter 36 : Hurt
Chapter 37 : A Party? Not My Cup Of Tea
Chapter 38 : Shocking Appearances (Part 1)
Chapter 39 : Shocking Appearances (Part 2)
Chapter 40 : Drama Like No Other
Chapter 41 : Kidnapped
Chapter 42 : My Name Is...
Chapter 43 : Smashing Attempt
Chapter 44 : News
Chapter 45 : The End
Epilogue : Our Happily Ever After

Chapter 24 : The Unexpected

61.7K 2.5K 839
By Zanzan112

Aha! Yes, I'm here once again. A round of applause please for this double update. I deserve a cookie, hehe. Enjoy this, you guys deserve it. Comment your thoughts because you will have something to comment on trust me.

Chapter 24 : The Unexpected

"Carrie dear can you come here for a second?" Miss Cooke, my Biology teacher, yelled over the dispersing class.

I took a hold of my stationery and bag walking up to her desk. I watched with curiosity as she fixed her glasses that fell on her nose bridge.

She held out a sheet of paper in front of her. "Can you manage to deliver this to that boy Alex Parker? He's absent today and as you know the assignment's due tomorrow and he needs to get it done since it's worth so much of his final grade."

I looked down at the paper in her hands and my own extended out to take it slowly and with uncertainty.

"Wonderful!" She clapped enthusiastically, her pearly teeth shining brightly.

She was such a happy person.

"I owe you one my dear." Being on of my favorite teachers I smiled at her attempting to display that it was no feat for me, even though it was.

I walk away my head swarming with different thoughts.

Why does it seem every time I try to avoid him something always forces me to see him one way or another?

It was as if nothing ever worked in my favor when it came to him.

I was getting really exasperated by this.


"Can you drive me somewhere please?" I interrupted Sirina who was painting her toes meticulously.

She froze with the polish's brush in between her fingers.

She shifted bending to close the small bottle beside her on the night table. She bended gazing up at me but did the act of blowing on her toes. "Where-" *blow* "to?" She asked, her blue eyes now glowing with anticipation.

"Do you know where Alex Parker lives?" At my question she snapped her head up, her blowing came to an instant stop.

She tilted her head looking intrigued. "The one and only right? Justin's friend?" I nodded.

"Why would you want to go to his house?"

I sighed. "I have a piece of homework the Bio teacher told me to give him. It's due tomorrow so..." I trailed off.

She nodded slowly taking in everything I said. "Okay just give me a few minutes to let this dry and then we can drive over to Mr. Bad Boy's residence." She beamed.

I didn't return the same feeling though. The thought made me queasy for some strange reason.

This was such a bad idea.


"I'll circle back around in the next ten minutes to get you okay?" Sirina said as she sat in the driver's seat of her car.

I stepped out and nodded. "Thanks again for doing this."

She shook her head, "It's no problem Carr, I'd do anything I can to help you." She whispered.

I just nod once again.

Her engine revved to life and off she went in a span of a few seconds.

I turned and analyzed the Olympus that stood tall and rigid in front my eyes.

The hous-mansion seemed much more spectacular in the daylight.

I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs to the front door. Pressing the button on it I waited for someone to get the door.

My brows knitted in confusion when no one came.

I pressed it once again.

The door was flung open and it revealed Mrs. Parker.

Marie held a solemn look onto her face and she did something I knew all to well to do, force a smile.

"Hello Carrie! What has brought you here today?" She chirped and I shifted.

"Oh. I came to give your son this assignment he's supposed to turn in tomorrow. Is he here?"

She chewed on the side of her mouth at my question and a nervous expression overtook her face. She seemed to realize what she was doing and stopped.

"Yes, I'll give it to him for you." She outstretched her hands to take the paper I held in my mind.

I gave her and decided there was no other reason to be here so I gave her a small smile and turned to leave which she returned before slamming the door shut behind her.

What was that about?

I shook my head and continued stepping down the stairs but froze as I heard my name being shouted.

"Carrie!" I swirled around to see Marie standing there breathing heavily.


"I think it would be better for you to give him it yourself." She cut me off. I was puzzled.

"Why would-"

"I'm awfully busy and I have somewhere to be in about five minutes, can you give him it and keep an eye on him?" She said casually but there was something behind it.

I chuckled fakely. "Me? Babysit Alex?"

She scowled playfully, well, at least tried to. "Don't think of it as babysitting, just please keep an eye on him. You know how Alex can be." She waved.

I thought she'd continue but she just stood there awaiting my answer. I sighed internally.

"I'd be happy to babysit Alex Mrs. Parker." She smiled broadly walking past me after giving me a side hug which happened so quickly that I hardly reacted.

"And it's not babysitting dear! I won't be long!" She shouted behind her as she got into a red car which I guessed was hers.

I entered the mansion and sucked in a sharp breath.

It was more elegant and wealthy looking as the sun shone in on everything my eyes ran over. The place looked well polished and exceptionally immaculate.

I tried not to be distracted as I made my way up the flight of familiar stairs. My shoes made a sound as they hit the marble tile.

I made my way to Alex's bedroom but slowed down as I heard the faint sound of keys being pressed onto. Before I acknowledged my actions I was already walking in the direction of it.

My hand went out and pushed the broad doors that I found around the winding corner away from Alex's room.

No sound was made as the doors opened. I peaked inside and there I saw him.

Alex sat behind the grand piano his hands moving. He was dressed in full black and yet he still managed to resemble an angel.

I shuffled closer.

His fingers flowed swiftly across the ivory, and the room was filled with a composition so complex and luxuriant. My ears thought it nearly impossible for only a pair of hands to create this magically melancholy music. I felt my chin drop a bit, my mouth opening in astonishment.

Where did he get such unspoken talent from?

My feet advanced onward and it was clear that he had no knowledge of my presence as he continued playing the piano.

I felt a frown create on my face as I realized how the piece sounded. Only one word came to mind to use to describe the notes: sad.

I gasped softly when I he looked up at me and I stood frozen like a deer in headlights.

His movements stopped.

"Hey," I breathed airly.

"Hi." It was a simple word. Used daily and in different contexts, but how he said it made me frown.

I walked up to him. "I have-"

"What're you doing here?" He asked inexpressibly.

My frowned deepened.

"I have your homework," I stated. "You play?" I said more than asked.

His eyes watched my every movement and I tried not to seem as intimated as I was.

I took a seat next to him and I heard him intake a sharp breath as our shoulders brushed.

My fingers ran across the keys. I welcomed the sounds they made.

I removed my hands. "What piece were you playing a moment ago?" I asked turning to look into his deep blue eyes that were already gazing at me with an unknown emotion.

"You wouldn't know it." He said and I quirked an eyebrow at this.

"Wanna bet?"

"I didn't mean it like that. I mean, you wouldn't know it because I wrote it myself." He corrected himself and I looked at the boy in awe.

"You're telling me you made that yourself?" I sputtered in surprise.

"Yeah," He shrugged as if it was nothing but it wasn't.

What I heard a moment ago was something out of this world. It was bittersweet for my ears and every single note went straight to my heart.

"It was beautiful Alex." I said.

He smiled at me. My heart squeezed because it was so harsh.

"It's tainted." He whispered.

My breathing slowed as I stared into the depth of his blue eyes.

Different sensations were assaulting me. Butterflies began to flutter around in my stomach, my skin started to burn. I felt something unrecognizable and it wasn't particularly bad. Anticipation, that was the feeling.

We both leaned forward and his eyes flickered down to my lips then back to my eyes.

I heard him mutter something along the lines of, "You're not flinching." but I ignored it as a weird sensation overwhelmed me.

Centimeters apart, my eyes fluttered close and reopened as I felt a pair of softness on my lips suddenly.

I froze. Alex's lips were on mine.

He began kissing me slowly and unsurely. The tenderness that his soft lips delivered had me swallowing a lump of unknown emotion and without acknowledgment my own began moving against his.

Our lips moved in sync as he stroked my cheek gently with his thumb. I made a sound I didn't know I was capable of and I felt his lips turn upwards for a short while then he began kissing me more fiercely afterwards.

Standing up, not unlatching our mouths, he swiftly gripped me by the waist setting me up firmly on the cold surface of the piano.

Standing between my open legs he didn't stop. He pulled away and I gasped for air but that didn't last for long as he attached our lips once again.

What is going on?

Am I really kissing Alex right now?

All thoughts flew through the window as he grunted as I pulled on the soft hair at the nape of his neck. The sound ignited something within me. I oddly felt proud that I was the one responsible for it escaping his mouth. Not even my inexperience could hold me back.

His entire hand cradles my face now and I let myself melt under his impeccable touch.

He pulled away finally, his forehead resting against mine and we were both panting hard showing one of the many effects the kiss had on us.

I was shocked to say the least when I looked up into his eyes and they were filled with undeniable tears as they gazed into my surprised green ones.

What the-

"Did I really do it Carrie?" He croaked and the tears threatened to spill out of his soft eyes. I had never seen him in such a vulnerable state. He was seconds away from crying for god sakes.

Somehow, my heart felt like as if it was breaking at the sight.

"Do what?" I whispered, refraining myself from just wrapping my arms around his shaking figure.

What has got him in such a state? It most definitely wasn't the kiss.

It felt like my heart completely shattered though instead of just breaking at his response.

"Kill her."

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