My Bad Boy Protector ✔

Par Zanzan112

4.2M 136K 53.5K

"He looked at me as if I was the only star in the dark night sky. And kissed me as if I was the air that fill... Plus

My Bad Boy Protector
Chapter 1 : First Day Back
Chapter 2 : Why You Gotta Be So Rude?
Chapter 3 : Deliciously Entertaining Dinner
Chapter 4 : Snapping Out and Breaking In
Chapter 5 : Eventful Day
Chapter 6 : Crazy Thoughts Lead To Crazier Actions
Chapter 7 : A Cry For Help
Chapter 8 : Apology Accepted
Chapter 9 : The Meganerd and Megajerk
Chapter 10 : Teach You How To Fight Back
Chapter 11 : Self Oath
Chapter 12 : Preparing For The Return of Medusa (Part 1)
Chapter 13 : Preparing For The Return Of Medusa (Part 2)
Chapter 14 : She's Not Exactly A Witch She's Just A Terrible Bitch
Chapter 15 : Drunk Alex Is Definitely My Favorite Alex
Chapter 16 : The Cute New Guy
Chapter 17 : That Smile Was As Fake As Kim K's Ass
Chapter 18 : Goosebumps Are Forming
Chapter 19 : He Made Me Soup
Chapter 20 : Cruelty At Its Finest
Chapter 21 : And The Lessons Begin
Chapter 22 : Warnings
Chapter 24 : The Unexpected
Chapter 25 : Secrets Revealed
Chapter 26 : Anonymous Notes, Bonfires and Surprises
Author's Note (important)
Chapter 27 : Sleepovers
Chapter 28 : Confessions Of A Bad Boy
Chapter 29 : That WTF Moment
Chapter 30 : A Trip To Remember
Chapter 31 : Reminiscent Tears
Chapter 32 : Like Beyoncé At The Grammy's
Chapter 33 : Oh Hell Nah
Chapter 34 : I Kissed A Girl & I Didn't Like It
Chapter 35 : That's My Boyfriend
Chapter 36 : Hurt
Chapter 37 : A Party? Not My Cup Of Tea
Chapter 38 : Shocking Appearances (Part 1)
Chapter 39 : Shocking Appearances (Part 2)
Chapter 40 : Drama Like No Other
Chapter 41 : Kidnapped
Chapter 42 : My Name Is...
Chapter 43 : Smashing Attempt
Chapter 44 : News
Chapter 45 : The End
Epilogue : Our Happily Ever After

Chapter 23 : Guess Whose Tutor Am I?

70.2K 2.8K 993
Par Zanzan112

Confession: I check wattpad literally every fifteen minutes or so to see if anyone has voted or commented and when I see a notification that tells me so I smile so hard that my cheeks hurt.

Chapter 23 : Guess Whose Tutor Am I?

"Carrie you know Mr. Hemmings right? He will be your student for the next three weeks. Luke meet your tutor Carrie." Mr. Jonas said between me and a guy I could not not know.

Luke Hemmings. He was the Mr. Popular at the school. He was everything boys envied on a low key and girls loved. He was funny, good looking, charming and smart; the total package. He was like the guy who had attempted to fill the gap Alex had made when he disappeared I heard but he couldn't really. The only problem with Luke was he was too noticeable of these characteristics about himself so he was narcissistic when it came to them. Truthfully, his ego was probably the size of Jupiter.

Luke smirked as he looked me up and down when Mr. Jonas excused himself.

"A pleasure to meet you Carrie." He said, eyes narrowing onto my face. He held out his hand for me to take and I eyed it warily. Eventually though I took it into mine and shook it. I jerked my hand away when I felt his thumb rub over the base of my hand.

I took a step back suddenly feeling closterphobic for some reason.

"Uh-h yeah." I mumbled.

He shook his head shaking his head as he glanced at everywhere but at me mumbling something softly but I caught it. "Wow,"

"'Wow'? Wow what?" I asked in confusion.

"I just-" He stopped abruptly then sighed. "You look even better up close. You're always so far away or your head is directed to the ground, all I'm saying is you should look up more often. It's a really good thing to do...especially with a pretty face like yours."

I could feel my face heating up.

No one has called me pretty in a long time.

Especially not a boy like Luke Hemmings. I didn't know what to say.

He waved about the empty classroom we had for ourselves thanks to Mr. Jonas. No extra classes were keptaround these parts of the school so we had the place to ourselves definitely when school dismissed.

I nodded. Sitting down in a desk beside him I tense when he took a seat next to me, our arms brushing.

I recovered quickly trying to not make anything out of it.

I dropped my backpack on the floor next to my leg. His gaze shifted to me as I began skipping through the pages of the big textbook we have would be working out of.

I cleared my throat feeling a few degrees hotter as his wife eyes never move away from me.

I looked up at him suddenly making him look away. I frowned.

"Let's start with page 54, Chapter 4." He leaned back in his chair leisurely skipping to the page then looked back up at me awaiting my next words.


"Why are you tutoring?" He cut me off taking me by surprise.

"E-Excuse me?" I sputtered. Why would he ask this?

"Why are you tutoring? I thought you feared socializing or something, why would you do something that requires it?" He propped his elbows on the desk leaning forward and I couldn't help but do the opposite. He quirked an eyebrow at this.

"I...I didn't want to let sir down." I answered finally trying to tear my gaze away from those odd colored blue eyes of his.

"That's just it?" I nodded, biting on my lip and looking away from him onto the textbook.

He didn't say anything else afterwards and I was relieved because of this.

The session went on fairly well. Luke didn't try asking me any other personal questions only tried his best to answer my questions related to the work at hand.


Journal Entry #77: August 27th, 2015.

What is more deadly?

A gun or a thought?

Most people thinking logically would go for the gun right?

It's a lethal weapon that is the cause of countless deaths across the globe each day. It may be this but it is without a doubt less harmful than a thought in my perspective.

Shocking I know right?

Why do I say this?

A gun puts forth an opportunity. Whether to pull the trigger aimed at your temple or to chicken out and put it down.

A thought pulls the trigger before you can do anything about it. You have no chance to react because it will already be too late.

I sometimes wish-

"Carrie I need to ask you something!" A voice that recognized as Sirina's cut through my thoughts and made my hand holding the pen pause and stop writing.

I close my journal quickly then threw it into my small drawer beside me, closing it shut.

As soon as I did this Sirina's figure entered my room.

"A few of us are heading out. You know the ice cream shop on fifth Avenue? Yeah that one and I was wondering if you'd like to come?" She asked giddily.

She seemed as if she was in a better mood than a few days ago. I knew she was only a little depressed because Natasha was still not speaking to her but now she looked okay and the thought made me relieved in a way.

I thought over her words then shook my head no. "Sirina you of all people know that I can't go, your mom will kill me if I do." She shook her head.

"No she won't," I looked at her as if she had lost her mind. "Really, I told her you and I were going out so you won't be home." My lips parted.

" did not,"I gasped in disbelief finally rising off my bed standing in front of her grinning face.

She nodded enthusiastically, the smile not leaving her lips. "Yeah, I kinda did."

I didn't know how to react to this news? Should I be happy...or the opposite? One thing for sure I knew I was and that was confused.

"Aw, c'mon you shouldn't be looking like that! I did you a favor. Now go ahead, show me those teeth."

"That sounds weird," I commented making a flat expression overtake her face.

"Okay, okay!" I tried to smile but I came out all wobbly and weird.

"I think I've seen enough." She deadpanned and I couldn't refrain from chuckling.

She smiled now. "See, now that's the way to go!"

"We have to meet them in twenty, so get dressed." Sirina said slipping out my room before anything could escape my mouth.

I sighed staring at the floor.


The ride to the ice cream shop was amusing. Sirina sang all the way to it and I couldn't deny how much of an entertainment that was. Especially when a random guy told her to and I quote, "shut the hell up" and her response was flipping him the bird.

As we got out the parked car Sirina startled me a bit when she slung her arm around my shoulders, a cheeky grin on her face.

"I promise you'll enjoy this. Plus the ice cream here is out of this world!"

I bit my lip gazing down at the floor in uncertainty. I guess she realized my mood when she nudged me sending an encouraging smile my way. "Off this goes,"

I squealed out loud when she flicked the hood of hoodie off and I tried to grab it but it was already off.

I pulled it back on quickly, shooting her a look of disapproval.

"What?" She shrugged feigning innocence.

"Not cool." I said shaking my head. She just laughed.

"It was worth a shot."

We enter the shop and my eyes immediately began to take in my surrounding.

The sugary sweet aroma that came with the place had me sighing and relaxing unknowingly. It came with an odd feeling of comfort and made me think of somewhere like a home. An actual heartwarming home. One that as you enter the first thing you do is let out a huge puff of air and kiss the familiar floors.

"Sirina!" A random girl shouted out running over to us.

Sirina's face lit up at the girl who I didn't know presence. "Mandy hey! How long have you guys been here?"

The girl, Mandy, smiled broadly. "Not too long. Don't worry, you didn't make us wait."

Sirina gestured between us. "Mandy this is Carrie my stepsister. Carrie meet Mandy a friend of mine."

Mandy gave me a smile but I could point out the hints of insincerity in it. "Hey."

"Hello." Was all I returned.

Sirina cleared her throat.

"Okay then, let's go sit." She said and skipped over to a table with others.

"Hey guys!" I heard her greet as she slid inside, taking a seat amongst them.

They returned her greeting with more enthusiasm and it seemed as if they enjoyed having her present now.

"Guys meet Sirina's stepsister. You know her, Carrie right?" She announced over the noisy teenagers quieting them down, gazing at me with fake innocence as she fluttered her long lashes.

I dug my nails into my hands as everyone's eyes went onto me.

"Who the fuck is she?" Someone growled out of the crowd and I felt my stomach drop.

" nice. She's family." Sirina said and made space for me to sit as the others continued staring at me in repulsion and disbelief.

They didn't want me here. It was so clear.

I gripped the sleeves of my hoodie and sat down nibbling on my lower lip. Soon enough they continued their conversations and this made me let out a sigh of relief.

"Since you guys ordered already I'm going to go and order Carrie's and I some ice cream. Flavor Carrie?" Sirina announced through the rapid talking.

"Vanilla please." I said.

"One vanilla coming right up!" She exclaimed jogging off to the counters where she began talking to a chubby lady behind a desk.

"You don't belong here." A voice hissed and I turned my head to the blonde that had a scowl on her face.

I looked down at the table and away from everyone's eyes.

"So why don't you get your filthy ass-"

"Carrie what are doing here?" I looked up to see Zoey, Leo, Jonah, Rosalie, Avril, Sean and Justin standing above us.

Justin had his hands folded across his chest awaiting my answer. "Your sister." I said nodding over to where Sirina was still ordering. He looked over there and nodded.

He looked at Sirina's friends then back to me. "Why don't you come and join us?"

I tilted my head feeling confused. "But I came here with Sirina."

He shrugged. "So? She won't complain. C'mon." He nudged his head over to the corner of the room as they all walked away.

I didn't think twice about getting up wanting to get as far away from Sirina's crew filled with judgemental jocks and cheerleaders.

I sat down beside Rosalie and she smiled brightly at me. "Hey."

"Hello Rosalie." I greeted feeling more at ease around them than the prior group.

They began chatting away about the activities done by each and I was intrigued by their individual lives.

"I finally got my car fixed." Jonah said and Zoey laughed.

"Dude, you've been saying that you would fix that car since months ago." She said and Jonah scowled.

"Well, at least now Avril can stop asking me to give her a ride to the mall." Rosalie commented propping her chin on her hands.

"On second thought I think something's wrong with the engine. Babe you know that odd sound that-ow!" Jonah stopped mid sentence as Avril punched him in the arm and we all laughed in amusement.

"What the hell was that for?!" He asked. She smirked at him.

"For indirectly saying that you don't want to take me shopping."

He still wore a pained look. "When did that come out of my mouth?" He snapped.

"We're not stupid Jonah." Jonah glared at he but you could see it had nothing behind it.

"Here you go Carrie." Sirina's voice had me snapping my head up and there she outstretched a cone of plain ice cream towards me.

I nervously took it. "Uh, thanks."

"You're welcome! Oh, hey Justin." She waved at him making him look up from Zoey's shoulder.

"Hi Siri, you don't mind us stealing Carrie away from you do you?"

If anything her smile got broader. "Knock yourself out." She left with one more smile.

I turned to everyone. "Should I be offended?"

They all burst out laughing at my question.

I began licking my delicious dessert frowning.

I didn't know why they were amused when it was a serious question.


"Aren't you gonna eat that babe?" Justin asked looking at his girlfriend as he finished up his mixed cone of cream with chocolate and vanilla.

Zoey shook her head.

"No, I'm full actually."

Justin'd movements slowed down at her words. "But you literally only ate two spoon out the bowl." His eyes were hard and I was surprised at how quickly they changed from being so soft.

"I know." She agreed tiredly.

"Please don't tell me-"

"I'm gonna use the restroom, be right back." She stood up instantly and gave us bo chance to react.

We finally did witb silence that overcame us.

"This is what happens when you eat too much chocolate." Leo said trying to lighten the tense mood and Rosalie let out an uneasy chuckle.


"I have to go too." I announced really needing to go. I got up and went into the bathroom after Zoey.

I made my way through the double doors of the girls' restaurant and searched for an empty cubicle. I pushed the doors of them but they told me they were locked by not budging one bit.

I gasped at the sight in front of me and staggered backwards trying to make a quick escape but it was too late when I opened the door of the last cubicle.

The girl's figure that I knew all too well twisted and she turned around, lifting her head from out the toilet bowl. Seeing my frozen self she froze herself. Tears were brimming soft brown her eyes that appeared so broken at the moment and I felt my stomach churn.

"Please...don't tell Justin." Zoey croaked out.

"What's going on Zoey? Are you sick?" I asked walking up to her and she held a hand up signaling for me to stop.

"Don't," She gasped. "Don't come any closer."

I frowned in confusion.

"Get me my phone." She ordered pointing to the gray knapsack where I stood on the floor.

I rummaged through it and found her IPhone handing it to her.

She used the back of her hands to wipe the corners of her mouth shifting to sit up but not leaving the floor.

Her fingers tapped away and then she sighed as she looked up at me. Nervous. That could be used to describe how she looked.

"I'm not sick," She answered my earlier question.

My brows knitted together in confusion. If she's not sick then what was wrong with her

"And if you're thinking I'm pregnant, I'm not either." She rushed and I blushed even though the thought never came to mind.

"I wasn't-"

"I got your text and I came as soon as possible." A voice interrupted me.

I looked around to see Rosalie standing a few feet behind me with a remorseful expression onto her face.

"Oh Zoey," She sighed sounding sad for some reason I had no clue.

Zoey stood up wobbly but did nonetheless. "I don't need your pity, you of all people know this." She snapped and Rosalie nodded in what I thought was understanding.

"I knew coming to an ice cream shop was a bad idea. I just knew." She whispered helping Zoey to walk to one of the sinks.

I stood there feeling left out. Heck, I was.

Zoey leaned over and began rinsing out her mouth and when she finished Rosalie handed her gum which she took with a grateful smile.

Turning to me I saw her visibly cringe under my curious gaze.

"What just happened?" The words flew out my mouth without a second thought and I felt bad for asking them when she closed her eyes taking a deep breath.

"Carrie," Rosalie began softly and my attention shifted to her. "It's none of your business honestly." She finished and I was a bit surprised by her words.

This was a side of her that was knew to me. It wasn't harsh but it was without a doubt defensive.


"You don't have to say anything to her Zoey." She cut off Zoey and I frowned feeling offended.

"No, I know that." Zoey said and she ran a hand through her brown hair and walked up to me.

"I'll give you an explanation when I'm ready okay?" And with a sincere glance she walked out of the bathroom leaving me and Rosalie in it alone.

Rosalie turned to me with a tired expression. "Don't push her." Her tone was warning and she followed behind Zoey slamming the door behind her.

I slumped against the sink.

What was Zoey Adams hiding?


Oh snap.


The drama is escalating and the secrets are bound to be revealed soon, stick around. :D

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