The Over Possessive Billionai...

Galing kay jhinelle6

1.6M 42.5K 1.8K

"You can't kiss me out here." "Who says?" He lift me up and spin me around and I giggle. Some guy walk out of... Higit pa

The Over Possessive Billionaire
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Title Change
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Her Cherry Lips
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
The Spy and the Billionaire

Chapter 38

17.6K 472 15
Galing kay jhinelle6

Alison's POV

I wake up and look at the time. It 12:30am. I sigh. I feel so thirsty. I look at Stephon and he was still fast asleep. He start to pat beside him, feeling if I was there. I quickly lay back down, just so that he wouldn't wake up. He wrap his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I roll my eyes. I try to struggle out of his grip but it didn't work. His grip loosen and I break free.

"Ally?" I heard him say. I look at him and he was still asleep. I put on some clothes and walk to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I turn around and saw Stephon. He's only in a pyjama bottom.

"Go back to bed. I just came here to get some water and I feel hungry."

"Your not pregnant?" His face lit up.

"No. I'm not pregnant. I'm thirsty and I just want something to eat. That's all."

"Are you sure?"

"Can you just go back to bed? How did you even wake up?"

"I noticed that you weren't beside me."


"My arms weren't wrapped around anyone."

"Just go back to bed, I'll just drink something and eat a biscuit."

"Let me." He pure some water in a blue plastic cup. I drink the water and then he use his thumb to trace my bottom lip. He takes the cup from me and put it in the sink."Do you want me to order something for you?"

"No. Why would I want you to order something for me?"

"Because your hungry."

"I just want a biscuit, that's all."

"So you craving for a biscuit." Is he thinking that I'm craving because I'm pregnant? I'm not even craving.

"No. It's just that I don't want to look after anything."

"I will."

"No thanks."

"But why?"

"It's late okay. That's all."

"Do you want a peanut butter sandwich?" I nod. I take up a plate, two slices of bread, the peanut butter and the knife. "Ally?"

"Hmm." He takes the knife from me.

"I don't want you to use knifes."

"It's dull."

"Don't care." I roll my eyes. "I'll do it."

I fold my arms, knowing that he doesn't know what to do. He look at the bread blankly, trying to figure out what to do.

"Want some help?"

"No. I know what to do."

"50 bucks say you don't." I joked.

"Okay. I don't know what to do. I'll get the 500 bucks."

"First of all, I said 50 bucks and second, I was just joking."

"50 bucks says you weren't."

"I was."

"Hundred bucks that is. You'll see it on your pay cheque." Shit. I walked right into that trap.

"No. And I'm so serious."

"Okay fine."

"I don't have to threaten you."

"Nope." That's weird. That's the first. "Anyways how do I do this?"

I had to teach him how to make a peanut sandwich, then both of us eat it and then we went back to sleep.

"Sleeping beauty.....  Kitty.... baby....sweetheart." I heard Stephon call me.

"What? I'm sleeping."

"I made you breakfast."

"I'll eat it later."

"You have to eat it now."


"It's after 12. We went to our bed early. Why are you so tired?" He didn't say and thing for a while, then he said, "your pregnant. I knew." I roll my eyes. I sit up and look at him. He's in a gray sweat pants  and his face has a big smile on it.

"I'm not pregnant."

"Of course you are. That's why your so tired."

"I'm not pregnant. Why do you keep saying that?"

"Baby your tired. It's okay. I understand. Just eat this then get plenty of sleep."

"I'm going back to bed now."

"What about the food I made?" I sigh. "I'll feed you. Don't want you pulling a muscle. I'm going to take good care of you and our little angel."

"I'm not pregnant. Where's my pills buy the way?"

"I was going to throw them away."

"What? Why?"

"I don't want you to take those pills, I don't want it to kill my baby."

"I'm not pregnant."

"Then explain the waking up at night so late and why are you so tired?"

"The waking up part is natural. Ask anyone. And I'm tired because I was up all night watch Strange Love."

"No you weren't. I would have known."

"You were sound asleep, the TV wasn't loud and I was still in your arms."

"Oh." He sigh. He look so depress. He must feel like a fool right now. I kiss him several times until I saw a smile on his face.

"That's my Stephon. Why do you want me to be pregnant?" He take up the pill of the bedside table. I take it and then put it back.

"I don't want to lose you. If we have a child together, then I know if you want to leave, you couldn't, for our baby's sake." His face was sad again. I kiss him again.

"I'm not leaving you. I love you."

"What if you change your mind?"

"I won't change my mind."

"I can't live without you Ally."

"Neither can I. I mean. Who else will make me breakfast? Who will take the knife from me? Who will sleep on my pillow right beside me? Who will protect me from the world?" He smile.

"Other man will do that."

"Really? No man will stop me from cooking or learn to make my eggs."

"Eat sweetheart. Eat and then you can go back to bed." He feed me the eggs. It taste.... good and exactly how I like it. "How was it?"

"The egg was perfect."

"Do you want me to cook another one?"

"No. I'm okay. I just want to sleep."

"Or you can take a bath with me then sleep. I just went for a jog."

"Okay. I'll take a bathe then sleep."

"Great." He takes off my clothes right on the spot and bring me the bathroom.

"Where are we going Stephon?"

"Just put on some clothes."

"What about Amy? We can't just leave her here just like that."

"Amy has a date." He wrap his arms around my waist and his left hand travel down to my sex. He insert 2 fingers inside of me.

"Ahhh." I moan. He starts to move his finger fast which made me moan louder. I hold his arm, trying to get him to eject his fingers out of me, but it didn't work.

"Come for me baby. Come all over my hand." Ewww. I continue moaning.

"Ahh.... shit... stop." He stop moving his fingers.

"Are you okay?" I nod. "Then why did you tell me to stop?"

"I don't know." He ejects his fingers out of me.

"Did I hurt you?" I shake my head.

"Just... continue."

"Ally, if I'm hurting you.... tell me. Don't be afraid to tell me okay princess." I nod. I lay on the bed and he came over me. "Do you want me to continue or stop?"

"Continue." He inserts his two longest fingers inside of me. I moan softly. He move down to my sex and watch what he was doing. His fingers move a lot more faster, making me jump. He had to hold me down just so that I didn't jump out of the bed. I moan loudly. He kiss me on my sex.

"Do you want to taste yourself princess? You taste mighty fine." I shake me head. He ejects his finger again and taste it. That's so ewww. "Good girl. Came for me."

"I just had a shower and I feel like I want to shower again."

"I'll just wash you off. Do you feel sore?"

"Not really... kinda. Don't worry. I'm fine." He lift me up. I can feel his erection on my butt. "I need to be alone in the bathroom for a while."


"I just need to."



"Then what?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not? I'm your boyfriend. You can tell me anything."

"I'm going to-"

"Touch your self. You can do that in front of me."

"No. Not that."

"Then what?"

"Shave." I whisper.

"Really Ally. That's what you couldn't tell me."

"Yes." I flush. I feel so embarrassed. "Just give me 5 minutes."

He shake his head. "Your not touching that razor. I don't want you to cut yourself."

"Your not doing it."

"Yes I am."

"No your not."

"Am I wasting my time arguing with you?"

"Yea because at the end I'll get what I want. It's either you stay like this or I shave you."

"Okay fine." This is going to feel so embarrassing.

"See that wasn't so bad." It was. It actually was. I feel so exposed and shy. I hurry to put on my panty and bra. "Still feeling embarrassed baby?" I nod. "Anyways. Get ready."

"Where are we going?"


"Out where?"

"You'll know when we get there."

"What should I wear?"

"Anything. Preferably a dress."

"Why dress?"

"I like seeing you in them. Nothing fancy."

I take out a white dress with a lot of coloured hearts. I put it on. It,  the locket necklace, a red slippers and some red lip stick.

"I almost forgot how beautiful you look with the locket around your neck." I blush. "Bring a swimsuit."
My heart start to beat fast.


"We're going to swim."

"Not me. You."

"I'll help you get out of this phase."


"Don't worry my baby. Don't worry." He hug me. "When you get back, you won't be afraid anymore."

"I really don't think you can-"

He cut me off. "I will. Just don't be afraid. I'll be right next to you."

"What if something pull me under?"

"Your worried about that? Do you think me Stephon Vancouver, would let that happened? No one is not going to pull you under. Well at least not when I'm around. And you know I won't leave you. Not one bit." He smile. "Are you hungry?"


"Are you sure your not pregnant?"

"I haven't eat anything in the last 3 hours. I'm not pregnant, I'm just hungry. Stop asking me if I'm pregnant. If I'm pregnant your the first person to know okay?"

"Okay. Make sure." I smile. "What do you want to eat?"

"Anything. But I can wait until we reach were ever we're going."

"Are you sure? It's a hour drive. Do you want a snack? I know how much you love Doritos."

"You remember?"

"I never forgot." We walk to the kitchen and he gives me the big bag of Doritos and a Fanta Soda. I open the Dorito bag and start to eat some. "Hey. I'm hungry too." I give him the Dorito bag. He pulls me close to him and then slam his lip on mine, stealing all the food right out of my mouth.

"I was eating that."

"No. You were just chewing it for me. Thank you." I roll my eyes. "Anyways let's go."

Stephon POV

"Ally.... baby wake up. We're here princess." There wasn't any answer. "Ally." I shake her until she wake up.

"Yes... what?" She lay back down and went back to sleep. I lift her up and place her on my lap. "Stop." She rest her head on my shoulder.


"No. I'm cold." I take up my spear shirt and put it on her. "I'm still cold." I turn down the AC and gather her into my arms. "Better." She continue to sleep.

"Baby. You have to wake up." There's a knock on the window. I look outside and saw Jaden. I signal him to sit in the passenger seat and he did what I said closing the door behind. "Hey."

"Hi. Why is she sleeping?"

"You try and wake her up. She must be tired. She wake up late in the night to watch Strange Love, when I tell her to get some rest she's watch the same show. It's going to be so hard to wake her up, and I can't bring her into the night cold."

"I'll wake her." He try to tickle her but she push away his hand. I laugh. "Alison. Wake up."

"No Stephon. Leave me alone." She continue to sleep.

"I give up."

"I'll be there soon. Is the girls and the boys there."

"Not Nick and Luke. There... busy."


"I was just joking. They didn't show up so I assume there busy."

"Okay. How's the pool? I had I installed when I was at my mother's place."

"I don't see why there's a waterfall and then you build a pool."

"I don't want Ally swimming in that. There's rocks in it and I don't-"

He cut me off. "Yea you're right. I definitely don't want Riley in the waterfall. So did you buy the land?"

"Yea. Ally liked it so I bought it."

"You'll do anything for her huh?" I look at her and smile.

"You have no idea." I tighten my grip around her.

"Anyways, my baby must be look for me." I nod and he left. I kiss Ally on her lips and she kiss me back. I pull off and her eyes were slowly opening.

"Wake up sleeping beauty."

She open her eyes and stare at me. "Where are we?"

"The place where I brought you on your birthday."

"What's the special occasion?"

"I bought the land and built a pool." She shift uncomfortably. "Don't worry."

"I can't go in the pool."


"I don't want to. I'm scared."

"I'll be right beside you. But first we eat, sit for about 15 minutes and then go into the pool."

"Then let's go."

"Not so fast princess. You have to cool off. And don't roll your eyes." She wrap
my arms around her. "Cold."
She nod.

I look at Ally who was sitting on the edge of the pool. "Ally?"

"No. I'm scared."

"I'll be right beside you."

"No." She shed a tear. "I can't."

"Yes you can."

"What if something drag me under?"

"You'll be in my arms. Besides, this part is shallow."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes baby." I help her into the pool. She wrap her arm around my neck and her feet around my waist so that she wouldn't fall.

"Don't let me go."

"Ally you need to stand on you too feet."

"No Stephon. Bring me back." I look at her and she's crying. I kiss away her tears away.

"I won't let anything happen to you. Just trust me." She nod and stand on her two feet. "See that wasn't too bad. I'll teach you how to float on the water." I set her in a floating position. "Just sing your favorite song or think about something you love."

"Don't let me go."

"I won't. Ally the water is your friend. Close your eyes and relax." She close her eyes and sing her favorite song, love me like you do. I let her go and she float on the water.

"Well done. I never though that you could have gotten her in the water." Riley said.

"Stephon?" I heard Ally said. She stand upright. "You told me you wouldn't let me go."

"It was just for a while and you actually floated."

"I did?" She smile and then hug me. "Thank you."

"That was nothing sweetheart. How about both of us go in the deep part?"

"No." She wrap her legs around my waist. "No. Please no."


"Stephon....  baby steps. Your lucky enough to see me in the pool."

"Okay. Some other day, deal."


"Ally remember-" she kiss me.

"I remember." I smile.

"I want you to come again baby."

"Come here."

"Yea." I slip my hand in her shorts and panty and insert two fingers inside of her. She moan softly. "Shhhh." She place her lips on my neck and I move my fingers a bit faster. She moan against my neck. "Are you okay Ally?" She nod. I feel her come all over my hand. "You came already?" I eject my finger out of her. She breath against my neck.

"I thought I just saw Bryan." My eyes widen.

"Baby you just came for me. Seeing Bryan is not a good sign. It's telling me that you still love him."

"I don't love Bryan. I didn't in the first place. I use to tell him that I love him to make him feel that I do. I only love you. Maybe I'm just remembering what happened the last time I saw him." I shed some tears, remembering the last time I saw him. When he hit my Ally with that leather belt. She cup my face and kiss away my tears.

"I'm okay."

"No your not. Just stop crying when you remember what happened."

"I remember everyday. When I bathe you, I still see the marks."

"I told you not to bathe with me because of that."

"I rather die a thousand dead." She laugh and I smile. "Can we just get out of the pool? I'm getting cold."

"Anything for you sweetheart. Anything." I walk out of the pool with here in my arms.

"Who are you? Get off the land somebody bought it..... Maya." I heard Tyler said. I turn around and saw Bryan, Maya and Andrew. Oh no.

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