By My 2iide (Erisol)

By erisolshipper

34.2K 2.1K 3.2K

Sequel to Plea2e Don't Leavve Act 2 After Sollux wakes from his coma, he tries to get his life back to norm... More

1: Memories To Recover
2: Worst Nightmare
3: Conversations
4: Kanaya Knows Best
6: Mistaken Quadrant
7: No Home
8: Goodbye
9: Without Him
10: Gold Awakening
11: Purple Awakening
12: Performance
13: Welcome Back
14: Mending Bonds
15: Save The Last Dance
16: Hungover
17: Confrontation
18: Kanaya's Phone Call
19: Music Was The Answer
20: Epilog

5: <>

2.1K 109 450
By erisolshipper

Eridans POV:

"Soooooooooooool!" I groaned.

"What ED?" He looked up from his laptop. He had begun coding in late June.

It was November now, and the human tradition called Thanksgiving was tomorrow.

I laid on the couch beside him, resting my head in the palm of my hands, with my elbows on the couch.
"I'm bored."

"You're alway2 bored. Read a Harry Potter book or 2omethiing.."

"Ivve read each one like.. Ten times already."

"You're complaiiniing liike a wriiggler.." He chuckled, giving me a small glance.

"Wwhale you ARE wwatchin' ovver me wwhile Cro's out.. So it makes perfect sense for me to complain. GIVVE ME ATTENTIONNNNNN!"

"II don't get why II have two wwatch you- waiit.. Nevermiind.." He looked down at his keyboard.

I sighed and sat up. I poked his cheek.
"Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sollllllllllllllllll!"

"OH MY GOG WHAT?!" He looked at me, getting annoyed.
I smirked and closed his laptop.

He stared with wide eyes.
"You... A22HOLE!"
"Attentionnnnnnn!" I rolled onto the floor.

"Go to the corner!" He pointed.

"You can't tell me wwhat to do!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

He set the laptop to the side, pulling me up from the floor.
Being just friends wasn't so bad.. In fact, it's been great.. I don't know.. But I'm seeing a little pale here between us..


"No problem, 2o you want attentiion beecau2e you're bored?"


"Well maybe you can 2tart makiing a dii2h for Thank2giiviing tomorrow at Kanaya'2 hou2e."

"Right- Hey, havvent you noticed that wwhenevver we celebrate somethin' wwe alwways go to Kans?"

". . . Oh my god, you're riight."
We both laughed.

"Wwanna help me make somethin?"

"2ure, but II'm not good wiith bakiing or cookiing or whatever the fuck." He looked down to the side, shifting his weight onto one foot.

"It's alright, I'll teach you!" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen. "Okay, so wwhat should wwe make for tomorroww?"

"Hmmm.. Maybe.. A type of desert?"

"II thiink John & Jane got that covered. And II know for a fact Dave ii2 briingiing Apple Ciider."

"Okay.. Howw about- Oh wwait! I remember Kan gavve me a list of things they don't havve! Be right back!" I ran to my room, looking around for a small paper. I found it under my pillow.

I ran back into the kitchen.
"I got it!" I said, but tripped. I fell forward and landed into Sollux's arms instead of the floor.

"Jeez, don't run dude. IIt2 not 2afe."

"R-Right. Sorry.." I quickly stood straight, messing with my rings a little.
"Uh.. All that's on the list is: Mashed Pot.. Pot.. Pateightooos? Pootootos? P- Fuck wwhat the hell is this? And browwnies."

"Okay, first of all.. That's a human dii2h called MA2HED POTATOE2. IIt2 that creamy whiite 2tuff we pour brown 2tuff over."

"Oh that!"

"IIm kiinda down for browniie2. Be2iide2, we miight fuck up the MP'2 probably.."

"True.. Alright, let's get started.." I looked around the kith me for different utensils and bowls to use.
I grabbed them all and set them on the counter.

Sollux grabbed all the ingredients from the cabinets and refrigerator.

"We 2houls wa2h our hand2, huh?"
He looked over at me, as I grabbed two aprons.

"Yeah, that'd be best.. Here, I wwas savvin this for.. A certain time.. But I guess it's okay to givve it to you noww." I held out a yellow apron to him.

He turned it over to examine the front side, seeing little bees on it.
I saw the smile appear on his face .
"Thii2 ii2 cute. Thank you 2o much." He hugged me and put it on.

We cleaned up and started.
"I'll start mixing the dry ingredients and get the tray ready so nothing sticks. You start mixin' the eggs, milk and butter." I pointed.

After a minute, I walked over and poured in the dry ingredients.
"Keep mixing wwhile I get the tray ready."

I looked at him and sighed.

He was stirring with a god damn fork.

I laughed and walked over to him, grabbing the extra whisk.
"WWith this, silly."

He flushed yelloww. "Oh.. II didn't 2ee that there.." He laughed embarrassingly.

I placed it in his hand, but held onto his hand. I mixed with him.
"Like this. And wwe keep stirrin' until there are no more clumps."

"Oh.." He smiled.

My chin rest on his shoulder as I stirred with him. It felt nice to be close like this.
Not in a sexual way or anything..
It just felt nice..

"I-II thiink the clump2 are all gone.." He said quietly, looking at me.

"Hmm? O-Oh right.." I let go and stepped back. I brought over the tray.
"Wwanna pour it in?"

Sollux grinned, pouring the brownie mixture into the silver tray.
I placed it into the oven, setting a timer.

We cleaned up as we waited for the brownies to bake.
I cleaned the countertops when I heard, "Hey ED!"

"Yeah So-" I was met with a blow of flour onto my face.

Sollux burst out laughing as I tried to spit out whatever had gotten in my mouth.

"You lil-" I grinned and took the bag of flour from him, grabbing some and throwing it onto his face.

He laughed as we fought over the bag, spreading flour all over the place. I slipped like the klutz I am, pulling Sollux down to the floor with me.
We landed beside each other, laughing like the idiots we are.

"Haha, great. Noww wwe havve MORE to clean up!"

"Hehe. IIt wa2 ju2t two temptiing!"


A few hours later we ended up watching one of my brothers movies after we finished baking.
My head rested on Solluxs shoulder, his arm wrapped around me.

"Uh.. ED?"

"Hm?" I looked up at him.

"Um.. IIt2.. IIt2 weiird.. Beefore II hated you for even talkiing two me, but now II really liike you. You're liike my be2t friiend, other than KK. II wa2 ju2t wonderiing.. Um.. W-Well uh.." He held out his hand, but extended two
Making half of a diamond...

Solluxs POV:

I was one of the first to arrive at Kanaya's the next day.

As usual, Rose was in her bedroom.

"How ii2 2he? Any better?"

Kanaya sadly shook her head.
"I Just Don't Understand What Is Wrong With Her.. She's In Serious Pain Like A Human Period Gone Wrong.. She Seems To Be Getting Pale More And More Every Day. Her Head Always Hurts But Only In Two Parts.
She Also Said It Feels Like Her Insides Are Shredding.. The Hospital Won't Do Anything At All Because They Can't Figure Out What Is Wrong Either. We've Gone So Many Damn Times.." She say on the couch, covering her face with her hands. I sat beside her and patted her back.

"IItll bee okay.. Ju2t gotta thiink on the briight 2iide.."

"Ha.." She smiled sadly. "Bright.. Rose Is My Light.. She's The Only Bright Side I Look To.."

At the word light, I suddenly saw Rose in Orange Pajamas. A trident suddenly stabbed her.

I heard a snapping sound next to my ear, seeing Kanaya staring at me.

"You Saw Something, Didn't You? What Did You See?" She questioned.

"IIt.. IIt wa2 Ro2e.. II wa2nt there.. But II know iit happened.. 2he got 2tabbed by-"

"A Trident.." She finished off my sentence. She sighed.
"We'll Discuss Later. We Shouldn't Be Talking About These Things Today.." She stood up.
"Would You Help Me Set Up The Rest? Everyone Should Be Arriving Soon.."

I stood and helped.
I was wearing a black sweater Kanaya had made for my wriigliing day. It had a bee in the middle.
My sleeve lifted up a little, showing a yellow and violet bracelet that I had made with Eridan the day before.

It was simple; Violet and yellow beads with a diamond charm.

Kanaya saw and grabbed my wrist.
"What's This?"

"Uh.. ED made iit wiith me ye2terday.." I flushed lightly.

She smiles. "You Two Seem To Be Spending A Lot Of Time Together Recently.. Any Particular Reason To Why?"

"Uh.. Well.. We're kiinda uh. Moiiraiil2 now.." I looked down at my bracelet, playing with it to avoid her stare.

"Oh- Wait, Moirails? You And Eridan??? Oh My Goodness, That's Adorable!" I looked up and saw her grinning. "Who Asked Who?!"

"Doe2 iit matter?"

"In Your Case. Yes."

"II a2ked hiim.. He 2aiid ye2 and we watched moviie2 whiile makiing bracelet2 the re2t of the day."

"I Must Tell Nepeta. She Has To Add You Two As 'Pale' Up To Her Wall If She Hasn't Already."

I laughed nervously.
How would everyone react? And KK? How would he react??
Has Eridan already told everyone yet?

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of the doorbell.
"II got iit!" I ran to the door, letting in all of our friends.

Everyone was surprised when they found out about the moirailegence.
Nepeta was both happy yet disappointed?

Karkat came up to me after we all ate.

I nodded. "He'2 2urpii2iingky not that annoyiing.. He'2 pretty cool."

"I am the judge of cool." Dave walked up to us. "Who is being judged?"


Daves smile faded. "Uh.." He rubbed the back of his neck, "He hasn't exactly been talking to me.. We're having some problems.."

"What???!?!!!!??" Nepeta ran up to us, "No no no no no no no no no!!!! You guys are my OTP! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?" She screamed.

"WHOA, NEPETA CALM DOWN.." Karkat patted the top of her head.

"Uh.. I said something when we were in an argument.. And he won't talk to me now.. But I didn't mean it!"

"Doe2 thii2 'thiing' u2ually come up? II remember earliier iin the year you bought hiim flower2 to apologiize for 2omethiing II thiink you 2aiid.."

Dave nodded and glanced over at John, who was talking with Jade and Eridan.
"I think he's going to break up with me soon.. It's just a matter of time befo-"

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Nepeta started to cry.

"JEGUS.." Karkat sighed and hugged her, giving her paps.

"Ah jeez, I'm sorry Nepeta." Dave sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Fuck, everything's going to shit for me.."

"Don't worry Dave." I patted his back. "IIm 2ure everythiing wiill bee better 2oon.."

"Pft.. Hopefully.. Anyways, heard you and Ampora got that pale shit goin on. Speaking of Ampora, there he is."

I turned around to be met by a hug.
I smiled and hugged Eridan back, "Hey."

"Hi." He smiled and nuzzled into me, "Oh Davve, John said he wwanted to talk to you."

"Fuck, I'll be right back." He ran off to John.

"What2 wrong wiith John? Diid he tell you what happened?"

"Eh, not reely.. He didn't wwant to talk about it much wwith us.. I hope thin's wwork out for them though."

"Yeah, me two." I yawned.


"Yup. That wa2 a damn lot of food we all ate."

Eridan laughed, "Wwanna come ovver and fall asleep to one of Kar's romcoms? He let me borroww some."

"Eh, 2ure. A2 long a2 II get 2ome cuddle2."

"Of course, wwe can nevver forget cuddles." He grinned, his fins fluttering a bit. That was actually really really cute.

I grabbed his hand and led him out of the house without anyone noticing.
We walked for a while together, but I suddenly had another flashback.

It was windy..
I was holding Eridans scarf in my hand, crying- no.. Sobbing.
I suddenly fell-

"Sol!" Eridan screamed at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What??" I looked around, confused. I saw that we were in front of the door to Eridans house.

"You'vve been standing there for a wwhile."

"I-II wa2?? Well 2hiit.."

"Wwhats wwrong?" He tilted his head, frowning a bit.

I looked away, fumbling with the sleeve of my sweater. "Nothiing.."

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