Telling Lies & College Guys (...

By bear8tea

226K 8.9K 4.8K

I had the guy of my dreams. He's as close to perfect as a person to get. Everything he did made my heart skip... More

Telling Lies & College Guys (BoyxBoy)
Boys Boys Boys
Creamy White Stuff
Sleeping With Strangers
Two Heads Are Better Than One
Hi My Name is Zach and I'm a Sex Addict
Adventure Time
The Big Bad Wolf
Best Friends Forever
Still into You
Getting Wet
The 'L' Word
Aiden And Miles' chapter
Dirty Deeds
Zach and Wes' chapter
This Chapter Is So Cheesy
Movie Night

Cuming Out of the Closet

9.4K 401 206
By bear8tea

The next chapter will be Aiden and Miles' date!! 




Chapter Thirteen: Cuming Out of the Closet

It's been two weeks since Caleb and I have gotten back together. I've been begging him to go on a date with me but each time he says he's too busy and goes on with his life. It's like we aren't even together again. We've hung out maybe three times in the two weeks, and only for a few minutes. I'm not sure what is going on with Caleb but whatever it is I'm scared.

What if he was only saying he loved to get me back for hurting him? Caleb wouldn't do something like that, right?

I hope not...

"Aiden and my date is tonight."  Miles smiles at himself in the mirror. "You think this is good enough to wear?"

I quickly scan my eyes over him. He's wearing new, dark jeans, a nice fitting, white tee shirt with a red jacket over it. To top it all off- or should I say to 'bottom' it all off, he's got his favorite pair of navy sneakers on.

"You look perfect," I smirk. "Aiden will like the shirt." From what I've noticed Aiden likes tight fitting things. Hell, he'd probably be fine if Miles showed up naked.

"You think he'll like the chocolate?" Miles points to the super-sized chocolate bar.

"Oh yeah," I chuckle.

"Good," Miles nervously check himself over. He's like a girl getting ready for prom. "You think I should change my pants? They're a little loose."

"You look fine." I reassure him.

"Are you sure? Am I too casual?"

"Miles calm yourself! You're just going to the movies!"

"And dinner!" He groans and goes to the dresser. "I'm changing."

"Miles...." I roll my eyes. "No matter what you wear Aiden is just going to picture what's under it."

He freezes. "You think so?"

"Yeah, it's Aiden."

"What if he expects sex after the date?! I'm not ready for that! I want our first time to special!"

"I thought you were waiting for marriage." I raise an eyebrow.

"No, just until I meet the right one."

"And you think Aiden is the right one?" I can't help but to feel a smile form on my lips. 

"Maybe..." Miles' cheeks turn a soft pink color.

"Aww, you are so cute." I slap him playfully on the back. "Now go get your man. Tonight is going to be the best night of your life."

"Thanks Reed," he shakes out his clothes. "I'll see you later!"

"Have fun, but not too much," I wink as he runs out the door.

Now what to do?

I walk to my bed and fall down on it. I curl up into a ball and stare at the tv. Just as the show switches to a commercial break I get a call. Not caring who it is, I pick it up and answer.


"Reed, honey."

I pull the phone back and look at the name. Shocked I bring it back to my ear. "Mom?"

"Hello sweetheart!"

"Uh, hey." Wow, I can't believe she's actually calling me. This is weird.

"How's college?" She asks, for once sounding like an actual mom.

"It's good. How are you and dad?"

"We're just fine! How's my baby getting along?"

Okay she's either drunk or on something...

"I'm doing fine. I actually found out Caleb goes here-"

"Oh! The Porter's son!"

Caleb's last name is Porter? Is it weird that I never asked him?

Caleb Porter.

Caleb Something Porter.

Reed Porter.

Reed Benjamin Porter.

Caleb Crawford.

If we ever get married Caleb is so being the one to change his last name.

"Yeah, he's here."

"Oh that's just lovely. I've always liked that boy." I can hear the smile on her lips. Well I guess she approves. "Are you two friends?"

"Actually we're dating. I think." I never really asked him out...

"And you didn't think to call and tell me?!"

Ha, like she would have answered.

"I'm sorry mom."

"It's fine Reed. I guess I should get to the point. Your father's side is handing a reunion and you'll just so happen to be on fall break," she actually paid attention to which day I got out?


"I want you to come! It's a week and it's going to be so much fun for you all!"

"Wait, you're not going?" Of course she isn't.

"Oh no, I can't. I have some work to catch up on. I don't want your father going alone though!"

Great, I don't get a say in this do I?

"You can bring Caleb along."

"Okay!" I answer almost instantly. A whole week with Caleb, yes please.

"Great! Your father will be so excited!"

I don't give a shit about dad, I'm only going to be with Caleb- that is if he wants to come. He better.

"You want me to go to your family reunion?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah! It's my dad's side. They're cool!" It's my mom's side that's too proper and stuck up.

"Why do you want me to go?"

So we can have hot sex in the hotel room.

"So you can meet my family and get to know them!"

Caleb tucks his top sheet into the bottom of his bed and looks back at me. "Why do I need to meet your family?"

"Because," I feel a soft blush on my cheeks. "I love you and I plan on being with you for as long a I can."

Caleb smiles up at me, he's gotten a little taller since we last dated, but he's still slightly shorter than me. "I'll come."

"Really?! You will!"

He nods and goes to brush the hair out of his eyes, only I beat him to it. He leans in closer and wraps both arms around my neck. "On one condition."

"What's that?" I smirk, running my hand up his chest.

"We get back early to celebrate my mom's birthday."

Well as long as I get to spend time with Caleb....

"Alright!" I smile and lean in for a kiss. Caleb's lips meet mine halfway and we share a few soft kisses, that is until Caleb decides to pull me closer. Things start getting quite a bit hotter, and much less innocent.

"Shit I missed you," I moan as I push him softly onto the bed (luckily he has bottom bunk).

"I missed you too." He smirks as I climb onto of him. His eyes beg for me to touch him.

"How badly?"  I whisper huskily, barely brushing my lips against his ear.

Caleb lets out a groan of frustration. "Bad! Just, do something already!"

I chuckle and kiss his cheek sloppily before collapsing on top of him. "I'm talking you on a date first."

"But I don't want a date, I want rough sex."

Well shit....

Why do I have to go and be a good person?

"Sorry princess but I'm talking this slow. I'm not messing it up this time." I roll off of him and onto my side. "This time I'm treating you right."


"No butts! Rules are rules! We're going on at least one date before doing dirty things!" I smile proudly at being able to resist the sexy Caleb. I should get a sticker or something.

"Fine." Caleb grumbles and he begins to try and push me off. "Go! Get out!"

"Why?" I laugh, holding on. Caleb has gotten pretty strong.


"Because why?"

"Because you gave me a boner and you're not going to fix it so you can get-"

"The hell?"

We both freeze at the new voice.

Caleb sits up quickly and looks over at the door. Standing there is none other than Rick. That bastard is Caleb's roommate?

"I was uh," Caleb looks really upset.

There's no way I'm letting him stay here. Not with the biggest homophobe on campus. Hell no. Caleb can stay with me.

"You're a fag?! It all makes sense now! Oh you better believe your life is going to be hell from here on out. I'm going to make sure of it." Rick looks over at me. "I already have something planned for you."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I hiss, standing up to go and face the asshole who believes I’ll let him lay a finger on me or my Caleb.

"Oh nothing. Just a little something I have planned." He winks.

That's it.

I roughly push Rick. Of course he's much thicker than I, am so it doesn't affect him like it would someone smaller. "You don't touch us." I growl.

He pushes back with more force. I stumble backwards and struggle to regain my balance.

"Reed, just stop. Let’s just go." Caleb mumbles to me. He's standing now. A bag is in his hands. I guess he already had a bag packed if something bad were to happen. Caleb is always prepared.

"Yeah, go on you little fags." Rick mocks us as we walk away. If it wasn't for Caleb holding my hand I would have beaten the shit to a pulp right then.

"Ignore him," Caleb mumbles softly to me as we safely get into my dorm. "We're better than him. There's no reason to stoop to his level."

Caleb's words calm me a bit; however I still feel all the hatred for Rick built up inside of me. He's such an asshole, dick head, bitch. I hate him so much.

"You're going to stay with me alright?"

Caleb looks up at me. "You think that's a good idea?"

I nod. "Well yeah."

Caleb nervously bites his lip. "I think it'd be better if I stay with Zach. He doesn't have a roommate. And Zach's room isn't right across from Rick's."

Why doesn't Caleb want to stay with me? Is being around me so bad? Or does he have a thing for Zach. God I need to stop over thinking all of this. Caleb and I shared a room once before and that turned out horribly. Maybe sharing a room is a bad thing.

"Alright well, as long as he doesn't try anything with y-"

"He doesn't like me like that. He likes someone else." Caleb says softly, trying to straighten out his wrinkled shirt.

"Who does he like?" This could be interesting.

"Zach likes Wes. It took me a while to figure it out but I started watching him and it's pretty obvious."

"Wes and Zach. Well they seem like they'd be a very....silent couple." The two hardly talk! How on earth are they supposed to have a relationship?!

"Oh Zach isn't that quiet." Caleb's cheeks heat up. "He's a pervert. That's the problem."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Zach is basically a sex addict and Wes seems like the most innocent guy I've ever met." Caleb sighs. "I don't like Wes too much but I feel like Zach would try to get Wes to sleep with him. I'd be so pissed."

I pat Caleb's shoulder, "I'll talk to Aiden about it, okay?" He nods and comes in for a hug. "Who knows maybe Wes is a big pervert underneath all that innocent....."

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