A Kinda Happy Love Story

By alliero

8.6K 222 21

(Sons of Anarchy Fanfiction.) Tony Jackson needs a change of scenery. He takes his daughter, moves to Charmin... More

Chapter 1: Back Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Note #1
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note #2

Chapter 8

872 30 4
By alliero

Authors Note:

Hey everybody. It's almost midnight. This has not been completely edited yet but I just finished and I wanted to put it up! Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading!


A week passed by and everything calmed down with the guys. Clay had talked to Twitch and made him apologize to Happy so that their wouldn't be tension with the club. Happy had promised him a round in the ring once he healed up so that they couldn't have a fair fight.

Happy came back home after two days in the hospital and I'd tried my best to avoid him around the clubhouse. We'd run into each other his first day back and it was awkward as fuck. I could literally see my dad's handprint on his neck. Luckily he couldn't work yet so I didn't have to see him in the garage, I just had to avoid him in the clubhouse.

The garage had been pretty slow all day so Clay sent me home early. I decided to hang out with Nadia and Josiah for awhile. When I pulled into the driveway Nadia squealed as she opened the door to her house.

"Biffy, I haven't seen you in like forever! She wrapped her arms around me tightly. I laughed at her excitement and hugged her back before hugging Josey.

We went in the house and got comfortable and I filled them in on everything that had happened since my birthday. Josey didn't ask a lot of questions, he just wanted to know I was okay about it all. Nadia was a completely different story.

"So he kissed you? Did you feel the package? Is his dick big?!" Josiah groaned at the line of questioning.

"Ladies, I love you both dearly, but as a man there are just certain things I could live without knowing. I'll catch you guys later." He got up and walked out the door.

"So spill bitch, I want all the tea on Mr.Happy Lowman!" Nadia's eyes filled with excitement as she waited to hear more.

"Okay look, he's s great kisser," I started as I touched the fading hickey he had left on my neck. "As for his size, I don't know. I was too busy focusing on his tongue in my mouth and we didn't really get that far before the shit went down."

"Okay, so when are you going to see him next so you can find out?"

I shrugged, "Never I guess. He told the guys he didn't want me. I'm not worth the trouble I guess. And since my dad choked him out I don't even know what I would say." Nadia thought about this before speaking again.

"Well I mean he did say he likes you Alexis. If Happy opened up his mouth and said all that shit he definitely meant it."

"Yeah true. But you know, it's just if he's too big of a pussy to explain himself to the guys I don't know if we should be talking." I sighed and ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

On one hand I agreed with Nadia. I knew how intimidating the guys could be, especially when it came to me. Romance and talking feelings didn't really seem like Hap's strong areas. But on the other hand I agreed with the guys when they said Happy was a grown ass man who could speak for himself. He wasn't scared of anything else. Why did explaining that he came for the club and I just happened to be an added perk seem to be so hard for him? Nadia could see the frustration on my face. I was biting my lip like I always did when I was in deep thought.

"Alright girl, you know what? We're going out tonight." She got up and pulled me off the couch and drug me down to her bedroom.

"What? Why? I don't wanna go anywhere." I pouted when she help up a hand to stop me from going any further.

"You need a night out away from all the Son's. We're gonna go to a club, let somebody buy us drinks, and have fun. You're gonna forget about all your troubles with Happy before the night is over.

I just chuckled and nodded my hand as Nadia picked out an outfit for me. There was no point in arguing with her when she was determined to do something and I figured a night of drinking couldn't be too bad. Hopefully she was right and I would forget about happy before the night ended.


We walked into the crowded bar in Lodi. According to Nadia it was where all the kids from our school hung out on the weekend. Drinks were cheap and they didn't ID. It smelled like cigarettes and pussy. Luckily I was used to the smell from spending so much time in the clubhouse.

I headed straight to the bar and ordered 3 shots of Hennessy. I gulped down the liquor and took a seat as I waited for it to hit me. It wasn't long before I felt my insides beginning to get warm and tingly.

I got up and headed to the dance floor. I started swaying my hips to the rhythm of the music. I felt myself beginning to really relax for the first time since my birthday.

I felt arms wrap around my waist but my liquor had made me unusually bold. Instead of getting the guy off me, I grounded my ass into his crotch and smirked when I felt his erection begin to grow against my ass.

He ran his hands further up my body and groped my breasts. He suddenly started being way too rough and I struggled to push his hands away. He grabbed my arms tightly and spun me around.

"Let me go asshole," I growled out through clenched teeth. He had a strong grip on my arms and it was beginning to hurt.

"Come on babe. I know you fucking want it." He shifted one of my arms so that he had both my wrists in one of his hands. He took his free hand and started reaching towards my crotch. I jerked myself back and knees him in the ribs. He grimaced in pain but still didn't let go.

"Fucking bitch," I heard him growl out as he raised his hand to slap me.

I couldn't get my hand free to block his hand so I closed my eyes and tensed as I waited for the blow to come. Instead of hitting me I felt him let go of my arm. I opened my eyes and looked to see what had made him change his mind.

There was another man holding his arm. He was a tall black man, probably about 6'4". He had chocolate brown skin and light brown eyes. He had a nice haircut and looked like he worked out on a regular basis.

"You gonna put your hands on a lady asshole? Try fighting me instead you little bitch." He pulled back and punched the guy in the face. I cringed as I heard the bones in his nose crack and watched him fall to the floor.

My mystery rescuer gently grabbed me by the hand and pulled me over to a booth in the corner. He looked over me and made sure I was okay before he spoke.

"I'd like to apologize on behalf of the male species. Some guys are shitheads." He held out a hand and I reached out to shake it.

"I'm Mason Taylor," he said with a grin on his face. "I think I've seen you around Charming High School before right?"

I looked him up and down. I didn't remember seeing this fine ass chocolate man around school before but I didn't really pay attention to the people there anyway so I brushed it off.

"I'm Alexis Jackson," I said as I grinned back at him. "What year did you graduate?"

"Class of 2014," he said as he finally let my hand go.
I hadn't even noticed that was still holding it. I blushed at the realization and cursed my liquor for making me so readable.

If he was class of 2014 it meant he had graduated a year before I did. It made sense that I didn't remember seeing him around. I'd had a hard enough time remembering the names of the kids in my own classes. I just nodded and continued smiling at him.

"We'll Miss Jackson, would you do me the honor of letting me buy you a drink?"

I just nodded and followed him back towards the bar. He bought me a drink and we began talking. He seemed to be a pretty cool guy. He told me about how he was starting classes at Oakland Community College in the fall and then he planned on transferring to a university after two years.

I told him about how I was a mechanic but I was also very business savvy and wanted to own a chain of auto repair shops one day. I don't know why I was opening up to this stranger. Maybe it was all the alcohol I had consumed during the course of our conversation, but for some reason I felt like I could trust him.

I looked down at my watch and cursed under my breath. It was 2:35 AM and I had to be at work at 9.

"What's wrong, Alexis?" Mason's eyebrow furrowed as he tried to figure out why I was cursing.

"I've gotta go. Gotta be at the shop at 9 tomorrow." I got up and began to gather my belongings.

"Wait, Alexis." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Give me your number."

I nodded and grabbed the phone from him. I quickly typed in my number and saved it before handing it back to him. I smiled and waved one last time before starting to walk away.

"Wait, one more thing." He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. He wrapped one arm around my waist to keep me from going anywhere. He used his other hand to tilt my head up so that I was looking him in the eyes. His lips covered mine as he kissed me softly. I melted into his body as he ran his fingers through my hair. After awhile he pulled away and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Goodnight beautiful," he mumbled into my hair. He finally let me go and winked at me as I walked away. As I searched around for Nadia I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I finally found her and we left. I was still feelings great about the kiss me and Mason had.

"I'm not gonna ask about it because I'm drunk right now and I probably won't remember what you said. But I can tell you had a good ass night and I expect details tomorrow."

I laughed as we buckled our seat belts and she turned the car on. We sat in comfortable silence the rest of the way home. We pulled up to Gemma's house and I could finally feel the weight of all the alcohol in my system as I carefully climbed out of the car.

"Catch you later," I said as I closed the car door and began walking towards the front door. I took out my key and unlocked the door. I thought everyone would be asleep by now but Clay and Jax were still up when I walked in.

"Hey baby girl," Clay called from the kitchen. I stumbled over to him and tripped and fell into his arms. He laughed and shook his head as he caught me.

"Looks like somebody had a good night," Jax said walking into the kitchen. I regained my balance and went to sit at the table.

"Damn Skippy, I enjoyed the fuck out of myself tonight."

Jax chuckled and grabbed a Coke out of the fridge before walking back to his room. I felt my phone vibrate and I reached in my pocket to see why. There was an unread iMessage from and unknown number.

Just making sure you got home okay. Gotta check on pretty ladies like you. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen. Have a goodnight sweetheart. - Mason.

There was a huge grin on my face as I texted him back to let him know I was all good. Clay set a plate of food down in front of me and sat down across from me with one of his own. My stomach growled as I took in the wonderful scent of the breakfast food. Clay and I had a weird tradition of having breakfast late at night whenever one of us came home late.

"So who's the boy?" I choked on a bite of pancake, it always surprised me that he could read me so well.

"How did you know I met a boy?" I narrowed my eyes at my god father. I wondered if he had one of the prospects following me and Nadia.

"You just told me dummy," he said with a sly grin. "And I saw you smiling all goofy at your phone. You don't get that excited over a text from one of us."

I laughed and decided it would be easier to just tell him instead of trying to hide it. I was drunk and I knew I'd let it slip in a few minutes anyway. I decided to leave out the part about the asshole who felt me up and caused Mason to speak to me in the first place.

"His name is Mason. I met him at this spot all the kids from Charming High hang out at. He's 19 years old, he's black, and he's really smart and funny. He was a gentleman the entire night, and he is sexy as fuck."

"That's my girl. It's a family trait. We always get finest person in the room. Doesn't matter if you're into dick or pussy," he said with a grin. "You get laid?"

I chuckled. I think it would always surprise me how okay my parents were with my sex life.

"Nah, I just kissed him Pops. It was a pretty good one though." I smiled as I thought back to the kiss.

"Ah, okay. So are you gonna see him again sweetheart?"

"I honestly don't know yet Pops. I hope so," I admitted.

He nodded, "Alright, baby girl. We'll if you decide to start making him a regular thing make sure you bring him around the guys so we can scope him out before things get too serious."

I nodded in agreement and yawned. I looked at the time on my phone, it was 3:27 AM. I finished my food and Clay walked over and gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

"Go ahead and take your drunk ass to bed kid. I'll clean this stuff up. And don't worry about being at the shop at 9. Just get some sleep and be there by 1. I'm gonna load the dishwasher then go gloat to your mom about finding out boy news before she did."

I laughed and stood to give him a hug. I walked to my room and changed clothes before laying down. I grabbed my phone and made sure I set my alarm for the next day. I didn't want to oversleep and seem like I was taking advantage of my god father's kindness. Even though I knew he wouldn't say anything about it, I didn't want to take advantage of him out of respect. At work I just wanted to be treated like one of the guys.

I smiled to myself as I thought about me and Mason's kiss again. I liked the feel of his lips on mines. I hoped I'd get the chance to kiss him again and possibly do some other things to his sexy chocolate body. I opened up my messages and read over his text again.

"He really thinks I'm beautiful," I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep. I was content thinking about Mason Taylor and hoping he would call or text me the next day. Happy Lowman was no longer on my mind.

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