Chapter 7

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I was dreaming about racing Vin Diesel in my new car when things started to feel foggy. I could feel everything getting hot and I was getting irritated. I hated being hot when I slept. I woke myself up so that I could fix the problem and go back to sleep. I realized o didn't feel my normal soft pillow under my head, instead it was something more firm. Something warm. I tried to move and something was holding me down. I opened my eyes and cringed at the bright sun light flooding the room. I blinked a few times and lifted my head to look around. I was laying on Jackson, no wonder why I was so warm. Dude was like a personal space heater.

I carefully extracted myself from his arms and went to the bathroom to relieve myself. As I flushed the toilet and washed my hands and pieces of memories of the previous night invaded my mind. We had thrown me one hell of a birthday party. I remembered taking shots and getting my new car. I remembered beating Juice's ass in the ring. I remembered Happy kissing me in my dorm. So how did I end up sleeping with Jax?

Then it hit me, Happy's rejection. Coming back to my dorm and crying. Jax hearing me and coming to make me feel better. We'd fallen asleep after talking for a long time. Of course Jax would stay and sleep with me to make sure I was okay. He hated when I was upset.

I walked back out into my bedroom and looked at the sleeping figure on my bed. I picked up a pillow from my chair and tossed it at him. I chuckled as he started to groan and opened his eyes.

"What was that for, butt head?" he said yawning.

"Time to get your ass up and out of my bed buddy," I replied with a laugh.

"Hmph, so that's the thanks I get for skipping out on pussy and coming to rescue my little sister?"

I walked towards him as he got out of my bed and wrapped my arms around his waist holding on tightly.
He returned the love by putting his arms around me too.

"Thanks for making me feel better, Jax," I said quietly. "Please don't kill Hap. It's just cause I was drunk, or I wouldn't have cared."

"No problem, darling. I'll always be here. And I guess I'll let him live. But only cause you asked nicely," he joked.

I laughed and removed myself from his embrace.

"Okay, Donald, now get out and go see if Ma made breakfast."

He chuckled and nodded his head as he grabbed his shoes from the side of the bed.

"Love you sis," he called out as he walked through the door.

"Love you too bro," I replied.

I went and laid down on my bed. I wasn't ready to go out and face all the Sons yet. Most of SAMCRO had been sitting at the table yesterday when Hap rejected me. They'd all seen the hurt look on my face when he walked away. I knew they'd be asking tons of questions this morning. Or even worse, I thought, I could run into Happy himself. How awkward would that be? I mean I know I'll probably have to see him at some point eventually. But I couldn't deal with seeing him this morning.

I decided to take a shower so I could give myself time to mentally prepare for the hell that was sure to break loose this morning. I got out and dried off and threw on some joggers and a SAMCRO t-shirt and pulled my hair up in a ponytail. I put on my Nike tennis shoes and brushed my teeth and then it was finally time to face the music. I grabbed my phone and keys and started to walk out towards the main room.

I was about halfway down the hall when I heard a bunch of commotion coming from the main room. It sounded like a fight, a bunch of the guys were yelling. I heard a few old ladies shrieking in terror. I hurried up and ran down the hallway to see what was going on.

A Kinda Happy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now