Chapter 4

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July 12th, 2015

"CAUSE GIRL YA PERFECT. YOU'RE ALWAYS WORTH IT. AND YOU DESERVE IT. THE WAY YA WORK IT. CAUSE GIRL YA EAAAAARRRRNNNED IT, GIRL YA EARNNNNED IT. YEAH!" Josiah, Nadia, and I were in the car screaming at the top of our lungs. It probably sounded like someone was drowning a bunch of cats but Earned It was our favorite song so we had to sing it at least once every time we were in the car.

"Biffyyyy, you're finally 18. You can come to the strip club with me and Josey now," Nadia said as she shimmied her body suggestively.

"Yeah, you can even get up on the pole and give me a little show," Josey added as he glanced over at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shut up idiots," I tossed back at them, "I see more than enough skinny ass shaking for the guys everyday, I have no desire to go down to the strip club," we all laughed.

"I'm so ready for this party man, it's going to be so epic," I squealed enthusiastically, "I wonder what they got me for my birthdayyyyyyy." Josiah glanced at Nadia in the rearview mirror. In the split second that their eyes connected I could tell they knew what my gift was.

"TELL ME WHAT IT FUCKING IS," I screamed at them.

"Woah, woah. Simmer down kid," Josiah replied.

"Dude, tell me right now or I'll cut your balls off," I threatened. Josiah could never keep a secret from me, so I was just waiting for him to crack.

"Look Lexi, I know I usually can't keep a secret from you but his time is different. Jax made me swear not to tell and Twitch said he'd shoot me in the ear if I did. So while I really do believe you will not hesitate cut my balls off, I'm a little more scared of what Jax and Twitch will do to me if I tell you. I'd rather be alive with no balls than dead with a hole in my skull." Josiah knew I couldn't argue with that point. If Jax and my dad made him promise not to tell it was probably best I let him keep it a secret. Plus, I knew Josiah was thinking about prospecting and I didn't want to do anything to mess up his chances with the club, especially something this small

"Yeah, whatever," I said back. I was still gonna give him shit about it. I proceeded to fold my arms across my chest and poke my lip out like a two year old.

"Oh cheer up, Lex," Nadia called out from the back seat, "I can tell you that the present is something you're going to love!"

"Ohhh greeeaat, thaanks. Now I'm even more upset that I don't know what it is because I'm gonna like it," my voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"No need to be a dick. Your family's full of crazy people. We don't wanna come up missing because of your birthday present," Nadia joked.

"Yeah, yeah. I know," I replied as we turned into the parking lot of Teller Morrow Automotive.

Josiah found a parking space and we all got out of the car. We started to unload the trunk and take the party supplies into the clubhouse. We had just came from the mall where we got plates, cups, food, and pop. We also had went to Forever 22 and found me a smoking hot new outfit for the night. I got an adorable burgundy crop top and a pair of black leather leggings that made my legs and butt looking absolutely amazing, then we went and grabbed some accessories. The party was supposed to start in an hour and Josey and Nadia were tasked with helping set up.

"I'm gonna go hop in the shower and get dressed," I told them as I walked back toward my dorm.

I unlocked the door to my room and dropped my bags of new clothes on the floor. I plopped down on my bed and laid back before taking a deep breath. I was so happy to finally be 18. Even though my parents never really treated me like a kid, it was still awesome to finally be a legal adult. I had reached a big milestone, and now the world would acknowledge that I was an adult. And I'd made it to 18 with no kids and no felonies, which was saying a lot coming from this family. I smiled, proud of myself, as I began straightening up my room a bit just in case I found a guy to bring back later. When everything was in it's place I finally jumped in the shower.

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