Von SaskiaSnow

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The lone survivor of a terrible tragedy, sixteen-year-old Ashling Shields is living like she's already dead... Mehr

Message for new readers
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Endings and Beginnings
Author's Note & Sequel
Character Bios
The Fable Quiz

Chapter Forty Seven

15.1K 879 101
Von SaskiaSnow

By the time we wrap up and leave the recording studio, I'm feeling on top of the world.

Elliot was totally right. As soon as we started jamming, everything just fell into place.

The boys had already written most of the music and lyrics for the new album. They'd been practicing the songs for weeks, and the only thing missing was the acoustic guitar.

At first they just played through what they had, and I slipped in, adding the sound of my guitar to the music they'd already created.

It was clear to see why Felix was so determined to include acoustic guitar on the new album. Without it, the songs had the same old familiar indie rock sound of their previous singles. But with the addition of the extra sound, everything seemed to take on a mystical, romantic, almost eerie quality.

After hours of revisions and experimentation, we have the first song ready to record.

Now, as we sit around the kitchen counter discussing the plan for the next few days, my mind wanders to my own, real band. The one I'm actually a member of.

Alix and Micah, Wild Blue Yonder - the band I've neglected.

I feel almost guilty about how easily and effortlessly I slipped into Fable's songs. It's almost like cheating.

For the past year, every weekend meant at least one band practice in Zee and Alix's garage. We'd planned to start practicing several times a week over the summer break, and Micah was going to try organise some gigs.

This was meant to be the summer we'd start playing in front of people.

I haven't spoken to Alix since I cancelled our practice last weekend, and he hasn't tried to contact me.

He must still be pissed.

Of course, he doesn't know what's going on with me and Fable, unless Zee told him, which I doubt she would.

If I can just hold out a bit longer, and Alix doesn't lose his head and kick me out of the band, it'll be so worth their while.

Getting credited on the new Fable album isn't a big deal for me. What I really care about is the chance to have the boys pass some Wild Blue Yonder demo tracks directly on to their manager.

Getting signed with BYG Records is like winning the lottery. Once you're in with them, you're on the road to stardom.

My dream of being a professional singer, sharing my music and my voice with the world, is closer than ever. And I'm going to take Alix and Micah along for the ride.

I hear someone say my name and something about singing, but I'm too lost in thought to answer.

"Earth to Cupcake, do you read me?" Alastaire says, waving his hand in front of my face.

"She's totally zoned out," Ben says.

"Sorry," I say, feeling my cheeks turning red, realising that all of the boys are looking at me with expressions ranging from worry to puzzlement.

"Don't be," Alastaire says. "We were just wondering if you'd be happy to grace us with your singing tomorrow. Lyall reckons we should try the chorus of Hallowed with some female backing vocals."

"Yeah, come ter think of it, Felix is de only one who's heard yer singin'," Lyall says. "How about yer give us a demo?"

"Right now?" I say.

There's silence as everyone stares at me, waiting.

"Yeah, we're keen to see what all the fuss is about," says Ben. 'Felix said that- OUCH!"

He stops talking and shrieks as Felix punches him hard in the arm, his expression spelling murder.

"Ahem, we've heard that you have a great voice," Alastaire says, shooting Felix a look that says I dare you. "And keep in mind, that feedback comes from someone who has Zara Quinn, the harlot starlet herself, serenading him in just about every one of her hit singles. As much as I detest the girl, even I have to admit she has a great set of pipes. It's quite the compliment."

"Thanks," I say to Felix, but he's avoiding eye contact, looking at Alastaire like he wants to kill him. "I don't mind singing tomorrow, I guess. If it's just back-up."

I've never been shy of singing in front of other people before. It's probably the only thing that I don't ever feel shy about. So why does the thought of doing it in front of them make me feel like I'm about to have a heart attack?

"Anyway, enough music talk," Ben says, going over to the fridge and swinging it open loudly. "Who wants guacamole and nachos? Speak up now."

"You just ate a whole tub of ice cream," Elliot says.

"Yeah, well, smashing those drums takes it out of me," he says.

"Are you staying for dinner Ash?" Elliot asks.

With a start I realise that I haven't checked the time in hours. I fish my phone out of my hoodie pocket. 4.05pm. Dammit.

"I need to get going," I say. "My parents are going to freak out if I'm not back by sundown."

"Ah, that's your cue Lyall," Alastaire says, rising from his seat. "We'll give you two a minute."

All the other boys, even Felix, follow his lead and follow him out the door. All except Lyall, who is left sitting down on the opposite side of the kitchen counter from me, fidgeting nervously with a straw.

Am I imagining it, or is his face... turning red? Does this have something to do with the stuff I overheard on the porch earlier? OMG.

After a few moments of silence, broken only by the snickering and sniggering I can hear coming from outside the room, he speaks.

"Ash, this is really dense, but I have ter ask," he says. "I said they should just ask yer themselves, or whatever, but I lost this stupid bet with them an' I guess... it's real stupid an' all. It doesn't mean anythin', I'm just askin' if yer want ter start sleepin' over in de spare room overnight, so as yer don't have ter lug all yer things through de forest every day. No funny stuff of course. But de lads made it a big deal an 'all an'... an'...

His last few words are so high pitched and jumbled that in combination with the thick Irish accent, it's totally impossible to hear what he's saying.

Howling laughter rings out from the entrance hall, and Alastaire falls into the room, clutching the doorway as he doubles over in fits of hilarity.

"That was so worth it," he says, wiping tears away from his eyes. "Just as marvellously awkward and entertaining as I expected it to be. Lyall, you can stop."

"You lost a bet?" I ask Lyall. What the hell is going on?

He nods his head, and Alastaire smirks as Ben and Elliot walk back into the room and join us.

Felix is nowhere to be seen.

"Yer such an unbelievably immature git, Al," Lyall says.

"I can't disagree," Alastaire says. "Anyhow, Lyall's pathetic fumbling and bumbling aside, what do you say, Cupcake? It must take you a long time going back and forth between the burbs and the woods every day. Why not just stay the night with us sometimes? We'd love to have you."

"That's enough Alastaire, she gets it," Elliot says. "Anyway, there's a spare room. It would make a lot of sense for you to use it, rather than heading back home every day. Would your parents be cool with it?"

My parents. Damn. I have to ask the guys about the dinner. Well, no time like the present.

So I tell the guys about this morning's conversation and the ultimatum my parents gave me. They meet all the boys over a home-cooked meal and an embarrassing evening of board games, or I can't continue helping with the album - and definitely can't commit to any sleepovers.

I expect the boys to think it's lame, but to my surprise they're all totally up for it.

"Your parents are chefs, right?" Ben says. "Trust me, by Thursday we'll be dying to eat something other than microwave meals and Kitty's home cooking."

"And it's actually a good idea, I get why your parents want to check us out, make sure we're ok," says Elliot.

"Yeah, we can show them we're decent upstandin' lads," Lyall adds, before narrowing his eyes at Alastaire. "Well, most of us anyways."

Unperturbed, Alastaire reaches out and takes my hand across the kitchen counter. "Don't worry, Ashling my angel," he says. "I will personally take your parents aside to assure them that we are nothing if not trustworthy young gentlemen with pure and noble intentions, who would never endanger a young woman's innocence."

Ben lazily karate chops Alastaire's hand, forcing him to let go of mine. "Yeah, you're the only one of us they need to be worried about."

"That settles it then," Elliot says. "Dinner at seven on Thursday, your place."

"How are we gonna get there without gettin' recognized?" Lyall asks eagerly. "D'ya reckon we'll need disguises?"

"We'll figure that out later," Alastaire says. "Our first challenge is to convince Lord Grumps and his control freak sister."

"Easy as pie," Ben says.

Later, as I'm walking home through the woods (alone, despite Alastaire's protests), I go through all the things that could possibly go wrong. Worst case scenario, my parents say something stupid and embarrass me. Or they take out the photo albums or something like that.

That's not so bad. On a scale of one to ten, getting embarrassed by one's parents in front of your favourite band really isn't all that high. It's like a two, at most a three. A ten would be the accident. A ten is when people die. There's no reason for me to be worrying about one stupid evening so much.



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COMPLETE NOVEL! **Thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to leave any comments or criticism...