Merlin: The Land of Albion

By MysteryOfWordsDK

42.7K 2K 412

'This is a sequel to my other story, "Merlin: The Secret"' you might want to read that first so you won't get... More

Wine Spots
Fine or... Not Fine?
Long Live The King, Long Live The Queen
When the Time is Right
Bravery in Pain
Said It All
What Never to be Forgotten
The Eyes of Geldrion
Truth Will Out
From Ashes To Dust
A Game of Destiny
The Druid Sister
The Quality of a True Friend
Strength and magic
Destiny Foretold

The One

1.6K 100 19
By MysteryOfWordsDK

Alys, her daughters and the other villagers stared at the strangers, for a moment fearing what they might do. But Merlin made sure to keep eye contact with Alys, speaking to her using only the mind.

We wish you no harm. My name is Merlin, but perhaps you know me better as Emrys. These men are my friends. We only want to help.

Alys stared at him, not uttering any kind of answer. Instead, she held her daughters tight, trying to help them cope. Morna was completely devastated, as the tears ran down her cheeks. Her sister clutched her stomach as if she couldn't breathe. She felt like the air had been knocked out of her. Alys tightened her grip on them.

"Help us, then," she said, finally letting go of the breath she'd been holding until then. She gestured to Cedric and the other village men as if to tell them it was all right. The knights helped the men of the village to carry their dead leader inside the eating house where he was put on a table that was remade into a form of bed for the body to lie on.

All the while Merlin had been standing in front of Arthur, facing the confused king. Nothing was said to begin with, only looks were exchanged.

"I didn't think I was going to see you again," Arthur then said to his friend.

Merlin frowned slightly with a tiny smile in the corner of his mouth.

Arthur sighed. "Why are you here, Merlin?"

"Because," the warlock answered. "You are our friend, Arthur, and it was never our intention to leave you here for good. It was important you had a chance to heal without having to watch out for Morgana at the same time. Alys is a very gifted witch who knows much more about healing than I ever will. Geldrion is a quiet place where we thought Morgana would never find you here."

Arthur's expression hardened a bit. "But she did find me as you probably figure out from that idiot over there. I was hoping neither of you would." Arthur gestured to the still frozen man.

Merlin frowned. "Why?"

"Merlin," Arthur said, neither mad nor angry. "I am tired - tired of all the problems that we're constantly involved in, tired of having to fight all the time, but most of all I'm tired of how you handle things. I know your secret, I've seen what you can do, so why do you still keep things from me? Why is it that I can't know what's going on? Besides... if we ever went back to Camelot she would still be too strong. We can never hope to beat her when she has all those sorcerers on her side, remember? It would be slaughter to send any man or knight into such unjust battle. I must remain where I am most useful; away from Camelot and out of sight."

Merlin looked down. "You underestimate our chances," he said quietly. "Remember what I told you of her doom."

Arthur nearly scoffed. "Doom? I'm not sure if I believe in destiny the way you do, Merlin, it also said that Gwen would one day be Queen of Albion. You told me that on our weeding day..." Arthur's voice was getting strained. "... but she's not here anymore. Why would destiny allow that to happen?" 

"Arthur," Merlin said, feeling the heartbreak that was showing in Arthur's eyes. "But all is not lost, I promise you, not yet. We can defeat her."

But Arthur shook his head. "I wish I could believe that," he said and walked away. He knew Merlin's eyes would follow him to where he was headed - he just didn't care. All Arthur needed was to breathe for a second so he could think clearly again. All this talk of these old memories had definitely affected him. Arthur sat outside for a long time, watching as his old friends, warming themselves by a small fireplace. They were talking quietly, probably tired from their journey here. But just now Arthur discovered that a certain warlock was missing... He turned right to see Allena and Elias standing there, looking unsure of what to say.

After the sun had gone and taken the day with it, Merlin went out on his errand. He ran into the forest, shouting words in a foreign language as he ran past trees and bushes until he reached a clearing, big enough for a small army to stand in. Here, he waited for only half a minute or so before the whooshing sound of huge wings got nearer and nearer. The great dragon Kilgarrah was still a magnificent creature despite his old age. He landed before the young warlock, expectantly waiting for his reason to call.

"It is good to see you," Merlin said in greeting. "I need your help. Albion's destiny may rely upon it."

Kilgarrah raised his eyes eyebrows. "Then speak your mind, young warlock," he said.

"Arthur has lost all faith in himself," Merlin began. "After the kingdom was taken he has convinced himself that everything is already lost. I spent the whole day trying to make him see that we can still win this battle. But he rejects it all."

Kilgarrah took a moment to think. His deep breathing only made it clear that he was indeed an impressive creature. "I see your distress over this matter," he said. "But I'm afraid I cannot give you much help. You must restore the young king's faith in himself and in Camelot if Albion is to succeed. Only a friend would know what could make the king believe again. Remember, young warlock, the witch does not outnumber you anymore, you stand equal if you remember your destiny, Emrys. "

Merlin nodded and was about to leave when Kilgarrah spoke again.

"Only one of them can live in this world, Merlin. They have such different beliefs. Morgana's heart is nothing but darkness. Arthur's heart is pure." Those were the words he left Merlin to ponder over before he spread out his enormous wings and flew away.

On his way back to the village, Merlin thought about the great dragon's words. Surely there had to be put an end to Morgana's terror reign - and this time for good. It had been a long time since Merlin had considered her a friend, but the memories of better times appeared in his mind, as if seeing the beginning just before the end. The good in Morgana was forced out and replaced by such deep hatred and cruelness. It was like a part of her was dead, like a part of Camelot was too. Merlin never wanted Arthur to become like her, so evil and consumed by revenge. The king's belief in Camelot, and most importantly in himself, had to be restored, even if Gwen couldn't be there to stand by his side. She was a part of the Camelot that had been lost. Those who escaped when Morgana took the throne had all mourned the loss of Queen Guinevere. Gaius had been the one to hold a small speech while in the corners people shared opinions of the possible whereabouts of the missing king. He had to be out there somewhere, preparing for battle. No one even considered that the king might be deceased as well. Arthur was such a vital part of Camelot, he was absolutely indispensable to the kingdom. So how could he recover that trust and belief he used to possess? Merlin spent the whole evening, trying to work out what to do. It was only when the others were already asleep he finally stopped staring into the flames of the dying fire, smiling to himself. He had a plan. It had to work, not only for Arthur, but for Camelot too. It had to be the one.

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