Piercing the Blackened Rose

By Envyxthexplague

1.8K 88 24


Piercing the Blackened Rose
Maybe a cure?
Shadow Fall University of The Gifted
Crush Under Way
Hope... maybe
Someone actually cares

Chapter 2

177 14 7
By Envyxthexplague

I slowly tossed and turned as an alarm clock was going off making me grumble out, it was to soon to be going off. Finally, It soon went off as I thought to myself, five more minutes wouldn't be bad, I mean this was the first time in years that I got great sleep like this. I had no reacquiring nightmares that I usually have. I cuddled into my pillow more as the warmth made me smile, it was perfect till I felt my pillow move. My eyes flew open as  I flung up and I looked down to see Cassius rubbing his face groggily as he softly says

"Are you okay, Massacre?"

My eyes traveled down from his face in curiosity  as I became speechless as my face grew hot. My eyes were now wide as I stared at his naked chest, oh my Jesus was it amazing, it could easily top the Holy grail fifty times in a row. His chest and stomach was well chiseled, a deep six pack even that hot v muscle. I could feel myself drooling over him now, was I really sleeping on that and I had no idea? Cassius finally looks at me with a confused expression, starting to say

"Massacre are you..."

Cassius starts to laugh lightly as he let his head drop to his pillow making me shake my head to snap out of my day dream as I look away from Cassius with a blush on my face. I couldn't help myself I felt as if it was calling my name. I got closer to Cassius very carefully as I looked at him as he smiled at me with something that I haven't seen before, well I never seen it directed towards me in my life. I smiled softly as I looked at his abs again as my hand reached out to touch him but I thought better of it and pulled my hand back into my lap as I look away ashamed, what was I thinking Cassius would never let me touch him. Cassius frowned at me while grabbing my hand making me head snap up to look at what he was doing. Cassius then placed my hand on his chest as my heart picked up quickly. I felt my cheeks flush as my hand started to outline his abs, his skin was so soft and I could feel myself becoming addicted to it, it. I hesitantly got closer as I placed my other hand on his chest as well, Cassius closed his eyes which I was hoping because he was kind of enjoying this. I just couldn't get enough of him, he was becoming my new found drug. I bit my lip as I ran a finger starting at the top of one side of the v and ran my finger to the edge of Cassius's pajama pants. A small groan escaped Cassius's lips making me bite my lip and smile to myself, it made me excited to get an reaction like that come from Cassius's mouth. I did the same on the other side earning the same sound as Cassius raised his hips a little. I  giggled to myself as Cassius's eyes open up as he growls out

 "Do not start what you can not finish Massacre."

I bit my lip pulling my hands back into my lap a bit ashamed, I was getting to caught up into it, I didnt want to do those things yet... Corpse scarred me a bit, as I stared at Cassius. Cassius sat up as he pulled me into his lap making me straddle his hips making me excited and nervous at the same time, was he angry with me? Cassius noticed the nervousness and just held me close to him in a loving and comforting way, Cassius then says in my ear

"Do not fear me Massacre, I will not do anything you do not want to do."

I smiled at Cassius as I gently kiss him making me shiver with delight, it was absolute bliss. All of a sudden the door slams open as I jumped a bit making Cassius grunt and closed his eyes. I looked at the door to find my father standing there with a not so happy look but I could tell he was pushing anger down. My father then says in the calmest manner but you can hear the strain in his voice

"Well I am glad I came at this moment, you two will be late for school if you do not hurry."

My eyes widen in fear as I had forgotten about school... I was absolutely terrified of going there in fear of Corpse. He was the only one I feared. I felt Cassius's hands on my hips as he sets me on the bed and he got up while saying

"Thank you Dark I had almost forgotten by this temptress here."

My eyes widen as I looked at Cassius, did he really call me a temptress? Dark chuckles as he says

"Just like her mother, Come, come Massacre, Kandii has been looking for you all morning."

I nodded my head and got up to leave, but before I got to the door Cassius stopped me and kissed my forehead as he says

"I'll meet you at the front door hun, okay?"

I smiled as I hid my face so he couldn't see the massive blush on my face, I walked out and into my room and got some normal covering clothes on and let myself go natural for once. I started walking to the staircase to meet up with Cassius when all of a sudden I felt a body jump on my back making me scream out in surprise. I tumbled forward as I heard a squeal on my back, which took me by surprise. I landed on my back as I saw the shocked Kandii on top of me. Kandii's eyes were huge like saucers as she stared down at me, then I realized that she was straddling my hips making my eyes widen more then hers. I saw two figures coming our way from opposite ends as Kandii and I started to crack up at the awkward moment. Kandii then says in an amused tone

"Dang Massacre, I didn't know you would react this dramatically for me to jump on your back!"

I rolled my eyes at her as I then say

 "I'm sorry that you caught me off guard... so we all good honey?"

Kandii grins down at me as she says

"Yes we are all good but if you do that again i'm going to kick your ass."

 I rolled my eyes as we got up as I saw Cassius looking at us weird as well as a Collyn in the back ground. Cassius then says

"Jeez give me a heart attack will you!"

I softly smile at Cassius as he soon smiled back with lust and passion as he then says

"Well are you ready to go hun?"

I smiled and nodded my head as I walked away from a confused looking Kandii. I heard Collyn tell her he would explain in the car, so I was guessing my father had told him what was going on between Cassius and I. I wondered if my father told Collyn what Corpse had done to me? Cassius wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him making a blush spread across my cheeks as he says

"In two days a full moon will be out and... well that is when I can change you into what I am.... I mean if you want to."

I smiled at Cassius as I softly say

"Can...Can I tell you my answer that day? I'm just scared Cassius."

Cassius smiles as he helps my into his truck as he says in a sweet caring voice

"Of course, my Massacre."

I smiled at him as he quickly got into the car and drove to school. My body was shaking as we got to school, I was so utterly terrified to see him. Cassius helped me out  once I was securely on the ground Cassius handed me a blood ball as I looked up at him as he gave me that 'I know what your feeling' look. Cassius linked his arm around my waist making me blush even more as I popped the blood ball into my mouth calming down a bit as I tasted the metallic salty taste, I had grown to enjoy the taste and no I couldn't get enough of it. As we were walking towards the office I looked up at Cassius and  frowned at him, Why the hell were we going to the office, as if on cue, like he  was reading my mind,

"Dark has requested both of our classes to be switched so we would not have a class with him as well as you will be in all of my classes, so I can keep an eye on you to protect you."

I felt better with my new classes now as Cassius was telling me small stories about people here at the school, I guess he used to be everyone's favorite person till he started to date Elizabeth. I was getting nervous as we got further into the school, I was looking around keeping a watch till her horrid voice shrieked loudly making me flinch and cower a bit


My body tensed up quickly as I looked at the floor ashamed, I heard a growl come from Cassius making me look up at him. Cassius was in front of me now as he was in a protective stance as he growled out lowly

"I am not your man Elizabeth. I told you a couple nights ago that you are not my eternal love nor will you ever be!"

Elizabeth hisses as I see that a lot of people were becoming to stop and look and they started to surround us in curiosity. I placed my hand on Cassius's back trying to calm myself, I was shaking terribly meaning I was almost over edge. The blood ball was not holding me back down in my right senses. I then heard Elizabeth hiss out

"She is Corpse's girlfriend, meaning shes a cheater, and a slut! Look at her Cassius she can't handle any kind of drama or she will start shaking like a pathetic weakling that she is!"

A low unearthly growl escaped my lips as I hissed out lowly in hatred

"Those are pretty big word coming out of those deceiving lips of yours, do not forget to inform people here that you were cheating on Cassius all this time with Corpse. Also I'm pretty sure that Corpse and I are not dating."

Elizabeth narrows her eyes as she glared at me very harshly but I was pissed beyond belief, my body was still shaking terribly. All I could see was red, as I stood up straight, finding my courage and walked in front of Cassius. My blood lust was clouding my judgement and fear, Cassius grabs my arm as a warning growl escaped my lips, I was fed up with this chick! Cassius then says

"Please Massacre, do not fight her."

"Yeah Massacre, listen to my sloppy seconds. He knows you will lose compared to me!"

My eyes widen in so much anger as I shook Cassius's grip in a second and was about to attack her when Collyn jumps in front of me grabbing my shoulders holding me back as I tried to push him out of my way I was beyond livid! I felt arms around my waist as I screamed out in pure anger

"Mark my words Elizabeth I will fucking kill you, I will rip you into shreds and bath myself in your fucking blood!!!"

Cassius then growls lowly in my ear letting me know I was going overboard

"Massacre calm down now! Your father would not like to hear about you fighting."

I started to calm down a bit as Cassius kissed the hollow of my neck making my eyes pop open as my body went limp as if he hit a switch. My breath became uneven as Collyn was searching through his backpack. Elizabeth was watching me closely as well as everyone else. Collyn growls lowly as he looked at Cassius and I a bit panicked as he says

"Cassius I don't have any blood bags left... not even a blood ball."

My body began to shake again gradually getting worse by the minute. Cassius cursed lowly as he held his wrist out as Collyn looks at him crazy. Cassius then almost yells out

"Damn it Collyn hurry before I can't hold back Massacre!"

People were still staring as this seemed to irritate me more making a lowly growl escape my lips. I then smelt it, the strong smell of flowing blood hit my nose making me look down and see a cut on Cassius's arm making my eyes narrow in anger as they slowly move to look at Collyn in that creep way. Collyn gulps lowly as he formed a small blood ball out of Cassius's blood, shaping it into its delicious hard candy. Cassius licked his arm as his wound healed quickly, Collyn hands Cassius the blood ball as Cassius whispers in my ear

"Eat it... now."

I slowly took it from Cassius but kept my eyes on Collyn, I don't care if Cassius gave him permission to do so, he was my eternal love! I started to calm down as my blood was so exotic, it was absolutely yummy! I took a deep breath as Collyn sighs loudly as if he was holding it. Cassius started to let go as I then felt the air around me get colder.... he was here. I looked at Cassius scared as he knew what I was worried about and we quickly left. School after that was uneventful except for all the rumors about me started to spread all over school. I sighed to myself as Cassius rubbed my back as we walked to the truck. I was so thankful that I didn't have to come face to face with Corpse. Cassius opened the door to the truck as he kissed my forehead making me smile and blush. Cassius started to laugh at me making me look away but when I did that my eyes locked onto those cold hateful eyes. My body tensed up in fear as I saw the two of them, there was something going on, not that they both hated me but as if they were trying to plan something that didnt work out. Cassius growls getting in front of me as I noticed that Corpse was really banged up, was that from Cassius? Corpse narrowed his eyes at Cassius as he looked at me with more hatred as he snarled to himself. What were those two planning that I happened to get in the way of? Elizabeth glared at me as she walked to Corpses car as he soon followed her but not without giving me that warning stare as if telling me he was coming for me. Cassius gets into the truck after helping me in as I say

"Cassius... has it hit you that those two might be after something... maybe something of my fathers or I don't know but it's just odd to see them being together."

"You might be right hun... they were a couple before Elizabeth and I hooked up."

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