Outsiders and Percabeth

By gracexadeee

1M 15.4K 14.3K

Mortals, gods and demigods alike meet the famous duo, 'percabeth' and their reactions. This book is completed! More

Charlotte Ryans
Charlie Ordon
Don Walker
Calypso- HC
Melanie Stryder- Part 1
Melanie Stryder- Part 2
Percabeth- HC
Frederick Chase- Part Two
Poseidon and Athena HC
Kiera Hollow
Merry Christmas
Percabeth- HC
Thank You?!?!!?
Ryan Roberts
Ryan Roberts- Part Two
Frederick Chase- Part Three
Annabeth HC
Jace Williams
Sophie Workworth
John Lenny
Grace Manning
Percabeth Baby Names
John Strife
Lacey Williams
Mr. Mclean
Naomi Watts
Kiara White
Erika Jane Davis
Christine Daaé
Kiara White: Part Two
Percabeth HC
Damon Richards
Tayla Brown
Sofia Delgada
Harry Potter
Annabeth- HC
Lucy Edikos
Mai Winchest
Cameron Black
Poseidon- HC
Charlize Cameron
Memorial- HC
President Trump
Fallon Fallon
Andria Blake
Kendall Vukona
Tyson and Ella HC
Harry Potter- Part 2
Harry Wilson
Don Walker- Part 2
Phoebe Spirit
Dream Cast
Michaela Tassell
Dream Cast Continued
Elizabeth Castellan
Bethanne Madeline
Solangelo- HC
Tallen Stronghold
Kenneth Greyson
Not an Update

Candace Wallace

28.7K 360 914
By gracexadeee

Candace Wallace above

So apparently, demigods can't have phones or computers because they send out microwaves that attract monsters. I don't get it but I had my iPhone taken off me and destroyed by a blonde right in front of me. Then as I was about to attack her face for killing my only connection to the sane world, she stared right at me and said-

"Don't think about it newbie."

Ugh, what a biatch. I mean, her eyes were *shudder* terrifying and her hair, *retches* obviously fake. Anyway, as I was shoved into a cabin with a caduceus or whatever overhanging the door. A cute boy with an sharp nose and a mischievous smile. 

"Hello, welcome to Cabin Eleven. You sleep over there and watch your pockets," he said. His dark hair fell loose in front of his eyes. "I'm Blu Mathews, your cabin counsellor for either now while you're undetermined or forever if you're a Hermes kid." 

I just nod and say, "whatever," and dump my stuff on the worn bed. It seemed it had been slept in many times before. Ew.

Soon, however a bell rang and everyone in the cabin began to stir. Blu stands up from his bunk and claps his hands with excitment, "all right eleven! After dinner we are going to be playing capture the flag-" Cheers around the cabin sounds and Blu grins like he knows something we don't. "And, we are in a team with Poseidon!" The cheering turns into into claps, then the claps into stamps. I cross my legs in confusion.

"I thought there was only one camper in that cabin? What's so good about her anyway?"

"Him, actually," Blu corrects and made his way to the door, "oh and Candace? Watch out for the Ares cabin. They tend to have a few traditions when it comes to new campers."

One of the other Hermes kids chuckles and as he heads out the door he says, "watch out for Clarrise, you're dead meat."

****** ********     ****** ******     ******* ******** *     ******* *******

"Alright campers!" the creature yells, everyone responds with yelling and stamping of spears. It is half man and half horse and is wearing an orange top that reads CHB with a leaf ring around it. I shiver in disgust, greek is so gross.

*********** **********     ********** **********        ********* ********* ********         

I scream and duck as a spear sails over my head. A camper with a blue plume in her helmet runs past me and whacks me in my stomach with the flat of her blade. I fall onto the dirt and moan.

Not my new clothes.

Slowly I sit up and take a look at my surroundings. I'm in a neat clearing where high up in a tree, so far up I only saw it because it was in my fave shade of blue. I dusted off my skinny jeans and started walking towards it. I knew that if I got the flag on my first day, every boy in camp would want to date me! As I get closer, it becomes eerily quiet and I pause. It was a good thing to because an arrow falls from the sky and lands right where I was going to stand. Yellow, putrid smoke comes out of it and the stench- oh the horrible smell! 

"Fart arrow!" I hear someone yell but my eyes are trained on someone else. A boy, about the age of eighteen walks towards me, his sword swings in his hand. His helmet has fallen off somewhere in the forest because it isn't on his head! His hair is the colour of dark coal and looks as if he has never pulled a comb through it in his life. He is tall, much taller than me and his muscles flex when he draws his sword up. 

"Hi there," I purr, "if you let me get the flag, then I'll let you date me," I say sweetly, knowing fully well no boy has ever resisted my charm before. But to my dismay, the boy looks disgusted and caps his sword? It shrinks into a pen and he moves his arm out in front of his body. Thinking he wants to hold me, I sashay towards him but before I could take a hold of his hand, a body of water slams into me, pushing me into the shrubs. He must be the Poseidon camper! 

"Get out of the way!" He yells and blocks a girl wearing a red-plumed helmet. They clash blades and for a while it looked like the girl was going to win. Then, after she became distracted for a split second, he disarms her and the mystery girl's dagger falls out of her hand. Someone crashes through the forage- it's Blu and he has the red team's flag! Everyone screams in either defeat or happiness but I look back to the cute boy and the girl who seem to be talking. Huh, must be friends, I thought and stood up to go take the boys hand and kiss him in congratulations. 

Before I could grab his hand and pull him towards me, the boy pulls the helmet off the girl and her blonde locks come tumbling down. Then, he wraps an arm around her waist and draws her in for a kiss. 

Ugh! I stamp my foot in frustration. No, no, no! 

I spin on my heel and march back towards the Hermes cabin, unaware of the glowing, pink dove above my head. 

Not sure of Aphrodites way of claiming someone, if you know, please tell me!

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