A Little Bit Of Sweet & Sour...

By Amerika161

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75 8 3
By Amerika161

-2 Weeks Later-

I haven't talked to Ethan since I the day I threw paint at him. We didn't even physically fight at each other. Which that's not normally because we have been doing it since the day we met. Barker called us in to see if we were getting along in art class. Ethan just glared and called me a "lunatic". I tried talking to Tyler why he was acting like this but he told me to ask Ethan myself. I even tried to get Chelsea and Hunter to finish out but Ethan would refuse to say. Then end of last week, I found out Ethan started dating Lexi Barker. Which I really don't care but it is really annoying. He did start teasing me more soon as he started dating Lexi. I hate when Ethan is mad he will just ignore the problem and act like nothing happened.

It was math class and of course I sit by Lexi so I am sure she will talk about him all of class. When class started Lexi didn't say a word to me. About 15 minutes later, I blurt out:

"Why are you even dating Ethan?"

The classroom was dead silent as I said that out loud.

"What?" Lexi frowned at me.

"I-i said your dating Ethan, right?" I lied as I fake chuckled. The classroom was still silent. I see Ethan staring at me like how stupid I was for saying that.

"Tiffany, you did not say that," Lexi mumbled. I felt like crying. I just seriously embarrassed myself. I walked up to my teacher and asked to be excused. I grabbed my backpack and I ran out of the classroom crying. I ran to the theater where there was an acting class happening. I was still crying as I was watching the acting out "Romo & Juliet". This would have to be the most annoying play that people have put on as a show. I felt the presence of someone come sit by me but I didn't look up to see who it was. Then it came to the part before Romo & Juliet died.

"You know why I like this part of the play?" A familiar voice spoke up who was sitting by me. "Because I like how they just die for their love for each other."

"What are you doing here, Ethan?" I continued to cry softly.

"Now if they didn't die, I think they could of ran away."

"Ethan!?" I gritted my teeth angrily. "Why are you here?" I continue not to look at him as a few tears were rolling down my cheek.

"Look, normally I don't do this, but it's going be alright, Peterson." He whispered in my ear.

"How do you know? I embarrassed myself in front of the class and I probably even embarrassed you, " I whispered softly as I finally looked at him.

"Everyone embrass themselves, even I have. I remember back in the sixth grade, you put glue on my chair and my jeans tore when I got up and people saw my Barney boxers," He chuckled.

"But I embarrassed you," I said half smiling.

"Yes, but technically, I embarrassed myself because no one knew it was you that put the glue on my chair and I was wearing the Barney boxers." I laughed lightly as I wiped my tears away.

"You know how to make a girl laugh."

"I know," He smiled. We stared at each other. My heart was pounding fast. Why though? We got closer and closer until we heard a voice interrupted us.

"Excuse me?! Are you suppose to be here!?"

"Crap. Ms. Franklin sees us. Let's get out of here!" Ethan exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and we ran out to the hallway. I start to laugh really hard.

"What is so funny, Peterson? Come on, let's go back to class."

"Did you see Ms. Franklin's face? It was so serious and her reaction," I laughed harder. He smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Now come on, let's go before we get caught." Too late. Soon as we turned around we got caught by Principal Barker.

"Crap," I mumbled under my breath.

"Miss. Peterson, Mr. Fisher, " He said in a serious tone.

"Hey, Barker, " Ethan mumbled.

"So, may I ask why you two are in the hallway during class time?"

"Um.." Ethan interrupted me.

"Me and Peterson were going to pick up for our teacher."

"Oh?" Barker raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah! We were just on our way to go get it," I perked up.

"So where is your classroom?"

"That-" Ethan slapped my hand.

"That way," He pointed behind us, "Behind us."

"Alright, well get hurry back to class."

"Yes, sir," Ethan faked smiled and we walked away slowly.

"Ethan! You totally lied!" I whispered loudly.

"See that is the point because he will think we are getting along and he would take us out of the stupid art class," He smiled.

"Wait, so you don't want to get out of that art class?"

"I don't know, to be honest it has been fun in there....without you speaking to me for two weeks," He smirked.

"Whatever, Fisher. You refused to talk to me, that's why I didn't talk to you. "

"Your so dumb, Peterson." He starts walking away to class without me.

"I hate you!" I yelled down the hallway.

"Yeah, yeah," His voice echos down the hallway. I walked back in the classroom to where everyone was staring at me. I quitely sit down back down in my seat. I look over at Lexi as she was quietly working on her math homework. The bell rang and I got up from my seat. I walked over Lexi as she was putting her stuff in her bag.


"Stay away from me, alright?!" She growls at me. "Your just a jealous snob."

"Lexi! You have known me since grade school and you should know by now that me and Fisher hate each other."

"If you hate him so much and he hates you so much, how come he ran after you?" Dang, that was a good question. I still didn't know why he did that."That is what I thought."

She walks off and I roll my eyes. Lexi is a good person. It is just that she can take things why too far like a drama queen.

I walk out of the classroom and headed straight for my locker, where Chelsea was standing next to it.

"Hey, Tiff," She smiled at me as I huffed and opened up my locker. "What's wrong with you?"

"Lexi," I mumbled.

"What about Lexi?"

"Well, she hates me now."


"Because.." I pulled her away from Lexi, who was like ten feet away from us. "Because I.....embarrassedmyselfinfrontoftheclassbyme saying 'why are you even dating, Ethan?' theniaskedtobeexcused and then that is when he ran after me."

"So, your saying that Lexi is mad at
you for Ethan running after you?"

"Pretty much."

-After School-

Vice Principal Barker wanted me and Ethan to come into his office. He didn't even give us a reason why to come in. I walked into Barker's office to see Ethan slouching back in his chair while Lexi was holding on to his arm. She gave me a dirty look.

"Lexi, he came after me!"

"Whatever," She rolled her eyes as Barker walked in.

"Lexi, I need to talk to Miss. Peterson and Mr. Fisher for a moment, please." She kisses Ethan on the cheek and walks out as Barker closed the door. He sits down as he fixes his fancy red tie and clears his throat.

"Hurry up, Barker, I need to get home," Ethan mumbled.

"More like making out with my daughter, " Barker raised his eyebrows at him.

"Ha! He told you off," I laughed as he started to get angry.

"Alright, Peterson, that's-" Barker interrupted him.

"Silence! Now, one question: are you guys getting along and enjoying art?"

"Barker, we barely talk to each other and it's super boring in there," I answered him.

"Okay well, the leadership class gave me a list of partner activities that need people for those activities," Barker explained.

"And could list some those activities?" Ethan asked.

"Well, let's see, prom committee, basketball team mangers, and so on. I will let you two go through the list and you guys pick out the one you both like." I look at the clock and I realized I had to go study with Hunter for our history test tomorrow.

"Mr. Barker, I have a study thing to go to. I will just let Ethan pick out an activity for us."

"Alright, I will call you in tomorrow during lunch on what he picked."

"Better pick a good one, Fisher, " I yelled as I ran out of the office.

"Whatever, Peterson!" I heard him yell. I ran out and I saw Tyler.

"Hey, Ty, tell mom I will be late for dinner! Bye!"

"Uh, bye?" He said in a confused voice. I hopped on my bike and pedaled as fast as I could to the cafe. When I arrived, I ran in the cafe to see Hunter read a text book.

"I am so sorry that I am late," I huffed as I sat down and opened up my backpack to get my notes out.

"You're going have to explain," He joked. "Were you doing that dumb art class again after school today?"

"Surprisingly, no," I sighed, "Barker wanted me and Ethan in his office and-"

"Ooohhh, two little birds got in trouble, " Hunter smirked.

"Shut up, Hunter," I smacked him on the arm, "anyway, Barker told us since we don't communicate much in art, he would let us pick a activity to do together with communication. And that is when I had to leave to come here to study, so I am letting him pick it."

"Wait, your letting him pick? How can you trust him on that?" He laughed.

"Crap. What have I done?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Ha. I guess you will find out tomorrow."

-The Next Day During Lunch-

"What!? We are now doing what!?"

"A broadcast show for the daily announcements during lunch," Ethan smiled.

"You're telling me that you picked us to sit in front of a camera announcing the daily announcements during lunch everyday?" I gritted my teeth angrily.

"Uh, yeah. Reason why I picked it because I get to sit in front of a camera and everyone is looking at us on the TVs around the school, " He smirked and winked at the camera. Barker told me to meet Ethan in the leadership room to find out what we are doing instead of art and this is what we are doing!?

"You seriously thought this was the best choice out of all the ones listed?"

"How many times do I have to tell you yes?" He rolled his eyes, "Okay, so we are starting tomorrow and our schedule changed to Leadership, second period. "

"That was my acting class!" I yelled angrily.

"Oops, I guess you don't have that class anymore, " He chuckled.

There are reasons why I hate hin so much.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update!

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