You Chose The Wrong Person To...

By tifagene

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Rain Knightly is an orphan vampire. She lives by herself, "apparently" looked after by her aunt who hates her... More

You Chose The Wrong Person To Kidnap
Uncertain Chills

Old Enemies

343 13 10
By tifagene

Song of the part? Flash back by Calvin Harris

The title of the song has something to do with the story, and I really like it :)

Chapter Three

Somehow, I ended up in a jail. It wasn’t my fault that the... Oh wait, I probably was now that I think about it. I sighed and stared at the ceiling which was a creamy white colour and had little water marks in the corners. This was going to be a long night. Unless, I could bail myself out, there was no way I could get out without doing more illegal things.

Just as I was about to finish counting how many marks there were on the wall, someone called out my name and startled me. I guess I had grown accustomed to the silence. Outside my cell, there was a police officer waiting for me looking bored as hell. I could hear footsteps following behind. I honestly couldn’t guess anyone who would come for me, or even know that I was here.

To my surprise, Todd was the person, looking as up tight as ever. I almost thought that he was going to burst out laughing when he saw me, lying down on the bed with my messed up hair and grimy skin and clothes. But instead, he just briefly glanced at me and nodded towards the officer. Quickly, he turned the key in the lock and allowed me to get out of the room. This was odd. Why would Todd even come to get me, and more importantly, know that I was even in jail?!

“What? No thank you?” Todd asked while we were walking down the halls of the jail. “I did drive all the way out here, just for you, and then bail you out.”

“Fine, thank you. But why did you even come? And how did you know I was in jail? You’re not some stalker are you?” I joked although it seemed a likely answer.

He took a long sideways glance at me, and sighed deeply. “I have connections and when I heard that you were in jail, I thought that you might want out. But actually, the biggest question is why you even got in jail,” he answered stiffly.

Now he was part of the mafia?  Your response was a bit vague buddy, I thought to myself. What was his problem? One moment, he was being nice or at least civil and just walking in silence, and then he’s not telling me anything and being a complete Meany and wanting answers.

“Pfft, connections,” I mumbled to myself.

Todd had seemed to have heard and gave me a sly glimpse. Ahead of us, the officer was motioning for us to go quicker. I could finally get out of the foul smelling jail. As soon as I was out, I decided to take a gigantic breath, and smell some fresh air. It was refreshing as ever. The ride home was long and boring. I kept on getting fidgety as this wasn’t my car, and Todd was a “responsible” driver and kept under the road limits all the time. How old was he?

“Stop tapping you foot!” He finally snapped. “I can just drop you back there you know.”

“Uh-huh. But don’t you want to know how I got in there anyway? It’s kind of a funny story and you look like as bored as a cow without grass,” I laughed.

He just rolled his eyes but I took this as a yes and began telling my adventurous story.

*Flash Back*

I drove like a mad man, and I guessed I was and probably seemed like on too as I was breaking all the speed limits. I watched as the scenery passed by. I always loved it when that happened. It was funny trying to guess what I was passing because everything I saw was just a blur.

The next time I decided to actually take in my bearings, I realised that I had been driving for five hours. As I was turning a corner, I saw a school and headed straight towards it. I knew that the place was going to be deserted, as school was finished, but it seemed like a good place to be at.

Unfortunately, there was litter spread all around the ground and no one to pick it up. I should have been given a Good Samaritan award. Doing community service for a community that I didn’t even know one person in. Just as I was about finished, I heard laughter coming from the school’s entrance.

At first, I thought that it was just the wind, but it gradually got closer so I went over to investigate. As I got closer, the more familiar one of the voices sounded. Just before I got around the corner, which led to where they were, a beer bottle rolled out in front of me.

Since I was so intrigued at the bottle, it gave the people time to knock into me. It was unexpected and made me stagger backwards. When I had finally regained my posture, I noticed that there were four teenage boys. The most astonishing thing about them was that I had seen all of their faces before. They were all part of a family that had a going on feud, between each other, for, not that long. But when we lived next to them, it was torture for the other neighbours. The whole town had known about the grudge and most sided with the Quent family, being locals. Somehow, I had driven straight into one of my old residencies.

Immediately, they recognised me and started taunting me. Apparently, new had spread to them that my parents were dead and their mocks were like, “Where’s your Mommy and Daddy?” “Not here to save you now?”

So unoriginal. They may as well have been from a very cliché book or movie.

My laughed, “Didn’t you hear? I killed them myself. Now are you going to be babies and stand there taunting me, or fight like a man?”

Simultaneously, they turned their heads towards each other and lunged towards me. Quickly, jumped out of the way, causing some of them to knock heads. I wasn’t in the mood for any fighting so decided to play a little game of cat and mouse.

“Catch me if you can!” I screamed, needing to catch their drunken attention.

Their footsteps were very far away, so I slowed down and made some sounds to let them catch up and led them to where I was. Suddenly, their steps stopped and I immediately stopped as well, to look around. This had to be some trick. They wouldn’t stop, mid chase, it wasn’t their style. I waited for three minutes until my patience was finished and I stormed off towards my car, fuming.

Just as I was about to get in my car, figures jumped, from behind me, and I heard guns being loaded. “Oh no,” I thought to myself. “This is going to be one hell of a mouse chase. And more importantly, where the hell did they get guns and when did it turn out to be such a big deal?!”

I hastily opened my door to find refuge as it was bullet proof. You could never be too careful, especially from creepers like the Quent family. I could hear the bullets trying to penetrate the car, but failing, but also, scratching it! They were going to pay!

I reversed out of the car park, not caring whether I killed them or not, and headed straight towards the Quent residence. Out of nowhere, car appeared beside me, and I saw faces peering out of them. If they planned on scaring me to death with their kids faces squished on the window, then it was working. What where they even thinking, bringing children?

When I turned onto our street, the first house I saw was my old one. It was still being kept in immaculate condition, probably with an old lady living there. Hopefully, she wasn’t going to have a heart attack from the fright that I was going to give her

Then I saw the Quent house. It was gigantic, as it had to be home to ten people. Fortunately, I saw reason, only for a second. Honestly, I didn’t quite want to go to jail for purposely wrecking their home so I took a detour while letting them catch up for a moment.

Just on cue, they tried to ram into my car so I swerved...into their house. Opps. Mean while, many of the neighbours had come out of their house to see what all the noise was about, including the old lady, living in my old house, who had seen the whole thing. She would be able to vouch for me. I mean, it wasn’t intentional; I just didn’t want a scratch on my car. Instead, I wanted a dent in their house.

I ended up in their living room, surrounded by their, oh so homey decorations. I got out of my car, just as bits of the house fell around me. I walked out of the house, with a very convincing, astonished face. Everyone else’s was as well. I turned around to look at the damage that I had caused. Apparently, their builders weren’t very good as there were parts of the roof, on the ground, and the second and third floor had walls threatening to crumble with cracks going all the way through it.

I rushed over towards the family and said, “OH MY GOD! I AM SO SORRY! I just didn’t know what to do when you swerved into me!”

They seemed to be too worried about their house to speak to me. Eventually, the police arrived, and they took me and the Quent’s away.

*End of flashback*

“That’s quite a story you got there,” Todd commented.

Of course I didn’t say the parts about how I had the whole thing planned, but still nodded in agreement.

I thought that Todd was just taking in all of the news that I had brought him, so I remained quite the whole time home, still high on adrenalin. I had been in many of these situations before, as my family had made quite a few enemies, but never had I been careless enough to drive straight into their territory.

This was just the distraction that I needed to get my mind off the situation with Todd and his oddly familiar Dad, but my mind raced straight back to it as soon as he asked me where I lived.

I wasn’t thinking clearly and said my address straight away. If only I could undo that, but I was going for an adrenalin crash.

I only faintly heard Todd call out, “Cya later!” as I ran sloppily into my house and flopped onto my couch in exhaustion.

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