Finding My Soulmate

By 1DaddictedXOX

138K 5.1K 660

"For some people, "the point of no return" begins at the very moment their souls become aware of each others'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 35

2.3K 98 22
By 1DaddictedXOX


I showered real quick and dried off. After putting on some lotion I applied some light make up and not being able to decide what to do with my hair I just blowed dried it and left it wavy for now.  I was debating on whether or not to wear the outfit I had chosen. I don't want to look to dressed up if we are doing some casual but then I don't want to look to dressed down either. Man, I never use to worry about stuff like this.  Then again I was never seen with a huge celebrity either. 

I go out and see what Harry is wearing and I will decide after that.  When I leave the bedroom Harry is sitting on the edge of the bed flipping through the channels on TV. He was wearing his black skinny jeans with a light blue button down shirt that, of course,  was half buttoned, exposing almost his whole chest.  He even had on a ridiculous fedora, which he somehow pulls off. He was dressed pretty casually so I figured I didn't really need to dress up super nice. 

"Are you wearing that when we go out?" I ask, double checking. I tired not to sound like I was judging him for his choice of attire.

"Do I look bad? I can change." He glances down at what he's wear and looks back up at me.

"Oh no, you look great. You always look great. I didn't mean for it to sound like that, I just wanted to know so I could decide what I was going to wear," I quickly spit out, walking over to my bag to find different clothes.

"Oh, okay. Anything casual is fine," he says,  going back to flipping through the channels. 

"Will you please tell me what we are doing?"

"Nope," he says, popping the P at the end.

"Ugh, fine. I'm just gonna change and do something with my hair and I will be done."

"You should leave your hair the way it is, it looks nice," he says, smiling at me from where he sat on the bed.

"Thank you," I walk over to him and place a quick kiss to his lips.  I go to walk to the bathroom and I'm stopped by his hand on my wrist.

"You know, coming out here in just a towel is making it very hard for me to keep my hands to myself.  I suppose it's a good thing your on your period," he smirked at me as he let go of my wrist.  His words were such a turn on and I could already feel the ache between my legs.

"I guess it is," I give him a small smile and quickly make it to the bathroom.  I shut the door and lean up against it, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart. I've been done my period for a day now and for some strange reason I loved to see Harry squirm with anticipation.  I mean I didn't let him go almost a week without anything, there's plenty we can still do, but knowing he wanted me in the most intimate way and was getting antsy because he couldn't have it, was entertaining and almost a turn on.

I pulled on my black skinny jeans and my plain grey t-shirt. I put on a thick braided necklace and matching bracelet along with my watch to make the outfit not so plain.  I slipped on my shiny flats and checked myself over in the mirror and called it good.

I walked out into the kitchen when I noticed Harry wasn't in the bedroom anymore.  He was sitting at the kitchen counter talking to someone that sound like Liam. 

"Yeah, I think a break will be good. I'm glad you brought it up. I would have if you hadn't," Liam says as I walk around the corner into the kitchen.  He looks over as I walk in, "hey Hazel, you look lovely."

"Hi Liam, thank you," I walk over to Harry and step into his arms that he had held out for me. I poke the rim of his hat making it told back a little. 

"Liam is right, you look lovely," he kissed my cheek before fixing his hat and looking back over at Liam. "I almost didn't bring up the whole break thing, I was a little nervous on how you guys would react.  I didn't want you to hate me." His arm tightened around my waist, bringing me closer to his side.

"You've known us for five years mate, no need to be nervous. We could never hate you. Sometimes you have to look out for yourself first," Liam said, leaning up against the small counter.  "What are you two up to tonight, looks like you are going somewhere?"

"Harry actually won't tell me what we are doing," I pout cause both boys to chuckle.

"It's a surprise. You will love it, don't worry," Harry laughed beside me. 

"Well I'll let you two get going.  Hope you enjoy your night," Liam smiled at us and waved before heading out the door. 

"You ready?" Harry asked, placing a small kiss at the tip of my nose.

"Ready," I smile at him as he takes my hand and we leave.


Paul was humming some random tune from the drivers seat as Harry and I sat in the back of the SUV.  Harry said it was better that Paul take us to wherever we were going and I just went along with it.  We have been driving for about twenty minutes so far and I kept seeing signs for The Mann Center for the Performing Arts at Fairmount Park. Then I saw a billboard with a giant picture of Ed Sheeran on it, advertising a show at Fairmount Park. Then we took the exit towards Fairmount Park and I pieced it all together.

"No way!!" I shouted, jumping Paul, "we are going to see Ed Sheeran aren't we?" I looked over at Harry who was having trouble hiding the smirk on his face.

"Maybe. Unless you don't want to?" He was full on smirking now, knowing full well I'd never say no to an Ed Sheeran concert. 

"Are you kidding me? Of course I want to!" I couldn't contain my excitement, i threw my arms, as best as I could since I was buckled in the car, around Harry's neck and kissed him hard on his lips. I felt the vibrations of his laugh against my lips and I pull back and smile at him.  He looks amused at my reaction, maybe he didn't realize I was going to go all fan girl on him. I did pretty well when I first met One Direction, inside I was screaming but on the outside I was calm, or trying to look calm. I didn't want to freak them out, especially since I liked Harry. Now though, I couldn't help myself. 

"Great. So this was a good surprise then?"

"A great surprise! Thank you," I kiss him gently as the car came to a stop and I looked out the window and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "where are we?" We weren't at Fairmount Park, or we may have been I couldn't tell, I saw bright lights up in the distance but we were to far away to be able to tell. 

"We are at a secret spot at the park.  Those lights over there are The Mann Center. I figured we would eat first before heading to the show," Harry bites his lip like he was unsure. This was perfect.

"Sounds great!" I lean over and kiss him again. He was so romantic and I loved it. It was something I wasn't used to.

"Great, did you want to set up the blanket and I'll grab the basket of food?" He asked and I nodded before getting out of the SUV.

I spread out the blanket and then helped Harry take out some small lanterns so be could see.  Paul was going to park further away from us so we could have our privacy, which was nice. Harry set out the food and it all looks delicious.  There was some sandwiches, grapes, cheese and crackers and wine.  It reminded me of our first date, just with less food.

"I'm glad to see you didn't bring the whole kitchen this time," I joked, grabbing a grape and popping it my mouth.

"Hey, I didn't know what you liked and wanted to make sure I was prepared," he laughed, sitting down next to me and grabbing the wine. He poured some into a plastic cup and handed it to me, "easier clean up." He smiled, pouring himself some. 

"This is perfect Harry, thank you," I kiss him, his lips tasting like wine.

"You're very welcome. I wanted tonight to be special, we haven't been able to really go out and do anything as a couple for awhile." We both dig in on the food since Paul was going to be back in a half an hour to bring us to the show. 

"Yeah, but that's ok. You are super busy. Plus, I'm here with you while you are on tour so at least we are together," I tell him, hoping he doesn't feel bad about not going out all the time.  I almost prefer to just stay in and binge on Nerflix and cuddle on the couch.

"That is true," he smiled at me. We finished eating and we started packing up everything. 

Paul showed up and after loading everything back in the SUV we made our way to the venue. The vehicle pulled around behind the stage and I looked at Harry questioningly.

"It's easier getting in back here. That way we don't risk the chance of being noticed while standing in line," he tells me, frowning.  Of course, I'm such an idiot, I should have realized. Sometimes I forget that I'm dating some world famous celebrity.

"Duh, silly me. I knew that.  Are we watching the show from the sidelines so we don't get spotted out in the crowd?"

"No, we have seats towards the front. Once the show starts and everyone is focused at who is up on stage, we will head to our seats. Shouldn't be to bad. I hope." He widened his eyes before chuckling. I laugh with him, hoping he's right.

We walk through the back entrance and we make our way down a small hallway before coming to a door that read Ed Sheeran. Pretty sure my mouth dropped open when Harry knocked. Granted I met Ed at the release party for Drag Me Down but this was totally different. Or so I told myself that. 

The door opened revealing the red haired boy. Harry and him shook hands and did that man hug where you reach one arm around and pat each other on the back.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Ed says, stepping aside to let us in before closing the door. 

"Going great. How have you been?" Harry says, taking my hand, obviously noticing how nervous and excited I was.  "You remember Hazel?"

"I've been good. And of course I remember Hazel, hard to forget someone as beautiful as you," he held out his hand to me and I reached out and slipped my hand into his and he brought it up to his mouth and he kissed the back of my hand. I blushed at his words.

"Thank you," I mumble  pulling my hand back.

"Hey now, don't be hitting on my girl," Harry joked, squeezing my hand.

Ed laughed, "wouldn't dream of it." He looked over at me and winked, "if he gets to be to much, let me know and I'll come rescue you." I laugh and Harry just shakes his head, smiling.

"I'll keep that in mind," I tell him, causing him to laugh.

Someone peaks their head in through  the door and yells something.  They had some headset on so it must be someone running the show.

"Well, that's my cue to start getting ready. Hope you guys enjoy Foy Vance, he's amazing!" Ed tells us.

"Yeah I heard he was great. We will see you after the show," Harry tells him, giving him a small wave before turning towards the door. After the show? This couldn't be more awesome.

We step out into the busy hall and find Paul leaning up against the wall, talking with someone who also had a headset of and a clipboard in her hands. He looks over at us and waves for us to follow him and the girl he was talking to. We follow them down another small hallway and as we walk I can hear the music and it gets louder and louder as we continue to walk.  We come to a metal door and the woman looks over at us to see if we are ready, Harry nods at her and she opens the door, letting us through. We wait for her to close the door and lead us towards our seats. As we are walking I take in everything. 

We were outside, sort of.  The stage was massive, and there was this overhead cover that extended out over half of the audience. The place was packed! Every seat was taken under the cover, the balcony, terrace and the great lawn was packed with people. The ones in the great lawn were all just standing wherever they could find room, there didn't seem to be seats way back there for them. The lights from the stage helped light the way to our seats, which were right in the center, right behind the pit.  It was amazing, we could see the stage perfectly. 

A couple people glanced at us real quick, but I think it was do dark for them to realize it was Harry Styles.  Harry said thank you to the lady before she turned to leave. 

"This is so awesome," I stand on my toes so I could talk in his ear so he could hear me over the music and noise of the crowd. Foy Vance was really good, I don't know why I haven't heard him before. I didn't even realize he wrote the song Let it Rain that I loved from Sons of Anarchy. Kicking myself for that one. 

After Foy Vance finished there was a short break before Ed came on.  They kept the lights dim but bright enough for people to see if they wanted to move around or go get drinks. They had music playing to keep everyone entertained while we waited, right now they were playing Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon. I was sort of dancing to the music as Harry pulled me close to his side and kissed my temple. 

"Are you having a good time?" His warm breath tickled my ear.

"I'm having a great time," I say, loud enough so he could hear me. 

"Good, so am I. Did you want anything to drink?"

"Umm...maybe some water?"

Harry nods, "I will go grab a couple of bottles for us. Will you be alright right here for a few minutes?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I smile at him. He leans down and kisses me before turning around and heading towards the door we came from.  I watched as he turned and gave a small wave to a few people who had called his name.  Guess there's no going the whole night with out someone begging for his attention. I saw him walk up to Paul, who was standing next to the door and talk with him.  Paul disappeared through the door while Harry waited.

I looked around at everyone and I noticed a lot of couples here and groups of girls. All the girls were on their phones and talking while the couples stole kisses and held on to each other.  It was quite sweet.  There was a group of about five girls next to me, all looking to be around twenty.  Some were on their phones while the others laughed at something they were talking about, I wasn't really positive, I wasn't paying attention. 

I did start paying attention when I heard Harry's name though.  I looked over at them and then back to the front so they didn't know I was listening, but I was so spying on them.

"No, I swear, I heard he was here. There's even a picture on tumblr already. Look." One girl said. I cringed, man these fans were quick at posting things. It never ceases to amaze me. 

"No way! That's so cool! I wonder where he's sitting," another girl says, getting all excited.  I kept myself from laughing. If they only knew.   I'm surprised they didn't, they were literally like two seats from him. 

"Wait, isn't that his girlfriend? What's her name? Hazel?" I hear the first girl ask and out of habit when I hear my name, I look over at them.  I saw one girl, who had long brown hair and way to much makeup on for her pale skin, looking at me and her eyes widening. I smile and wave.

Please don't talk to me. Please don't walk to me. 

"You're Hazel right ? Harry Styles girlfriend?" The one with brown hair asked me, leaning over the blond that sat beside her and right next to me. 

"I am," I smile, hoping my short answer will keep them from bugging me. 

"I knew it! That must mean Harry is sitting right next to us! This night couldn't get any better!" She squealed, jumping up and down. I groan, wishing the lights were dimmer so they couldn't see me. 

"Can I have a picture with you? I promise not to bug you guys after, I know you guys must hate that." She asked, and I was shocked. I figured she would want a picture of Harry when he got back. She will probably just secretly snap a picture of him. 

"Um sure,  I guess," I tell her. She hands her phone to her friend and she comes to stand next to me. I stand there awkwardly as she leans in so her face is right next to mine. I smile when her friend says to and it was over in a second.  Not so bad. Now, hopefully she will keep her promise of not bothering us.  She thanked me and went back to her seat.  I suppose that isn't so bad, a quick photo here and there but being bombarded all the time and unable to really go out and do anything would be to much.

I heard a lot of whispers around me, mostly from the girls beside me, who where most likely watching for Harry. By the whispers I assume Harry is back. I'm proven right when I feel an arm snake around my waist.

"Someone's popular," he whispers in my ear.

"Please, I'm popular by association. These people wouldn't know who i am if I wasn't dating you," I scoff, taking the bottle of water he handed to me. 

"Still though  it was nice of you to take a picture with them. I know how much it bothers you, all that attention."

I take a sip of water before answering, "all the attention is fine. A quick thing like this or a quick photo here and there is fine, it's when I see you getting mobbed that bothers me. It keeps us from having any sort of normalcy." I say, regretting it the second the words leave my mouth.

He frowns, "I'm sorry. I'll understand if it's to much for you. It's to much for me sometimes." He sounded sad and it made me feel even worse. I didn't mean for it to sound like I regret being with him. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I dont regret being with you Harry. I knew what I was taking on we started dating, and yes all the backlash and constantly being stopped can be a bit much but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  I love you Harry and I'll deal with whatever is thrown my way as long as I'm with you," I tell him, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him close to me.  I think I hear some awes coming from beside us but I ignore them.

"I love you too. It makes me feel good knowing you feel that way, I was worried it was all going to be to much for you," he kisses my forehead.

" I'm tougher than I look," I joke. Just then the lights go out and screams erupt from all around is.  I see flashes going off as the screen behind the stage lights up with the cover to Ed Sheerans X album. I think one of those flashes was directed at Harry and I and I tell myself that I wasn't going to worry about it.  I had to get use to it and learn to ignore it.  Otherwise I'd go insane.

Harry turned me so my back was pressed to his front and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, crossing his arms across my chest and holding me close to him.  I reach up and hold on to his arms and smile.  I could stay like this forever. Harry rests his head on mine and we both look ahead to the stage as we hear a guitar strum.

Ed walks out and everyone goes nuts. It was almost as loud as the One Direction concerts.  Almost. 

I loved how Ed would start by doing a cover of a different song and making it play into the start of his song.  He was extremely talented and I was just in awe at how great of a performer he was. He sounded great live. Harry and I swayed back and forth together, his arms still wrapped around me. 

"So, for this song, I want all of you to grab your significant other or the person next to you, whichever, and dance along," Eds voice rang out and I watch as everyone moved. I saw couples holding each other and start dancing as the music to Thinking Out Loud started. 

Harry turned me around and brought my arms up to his neck. He held on to my waist as his head rested against mine, placing his mouth right next to my ear. We started swaying back and forth to the music, blocking everyone out around us.  This was my all time favorite some by Ed and it was made even more great when Harry started singing it to me. 

"When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well, me - I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am

So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are

When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades
And the crowds don't remember my name
When my hands don't play the strings the same way (mmm...)
I know you will still love me the same

'Cause honey your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen
And, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory
I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all part of a plan
Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand

That, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
Thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are (oh ohh)

La la la la la la la la lo-ud

So, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh, darling, place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
But maybe we found love right where we are
Oh, baby, we found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are"

Harry singing this song to me made tonight even more perfect. Being close to him and hearing his wonderful voice sing to me such a romantic song made me fall even more in love with him.  I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now. I'm on cloud nine, it feels like I'm floating, looking down on a great love story. 

We stayed holding on to each other, even after the song needed, and continued to dance throughout Photographs. We didn't pay any attention to the crowd around us, it was just us and the music. We were in our own little world.  I loved it.  I didn't want tonight to end. 

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